The #Starfield gameplay loop (
from to on 05 Sep 2023 12:20

šŸ˜± I hope itā€™s not like thatā€¦


threaded - newest on 05 Sep 2023 12:39 next collapse

But you donā€™t have to do most of those things? You can go straight from standing on a planet to standing in a city you have already visited by just selecting the location from the map and choosing travel. It will load once and you are there. Going from ship to surface has no loading screen.

In the same thread he says that fast travel ruins his emersion? But having to get in his pilot chair and see his ship do the grav jump is too much?

[deleted] on 05 Sep 2023 14:24 next collapse

. on 05 Sep 2023 14:24 next collapse

Lot of criticism for this game is people playing for an hour and ranting. Same people are spawning in exploring one singular system, and going "shits empty, it's boring".

Not saying there isn't valid criticisms to be made, but I think much of the sentiment online is bad because others are sucked in. I was a day late, got it Friday, and I'm at almost 30 hours now. I'm really into this game. on 05 Sep 2023 16:48 collapse

If youā€™re looking for something to complain about, youā€™re gonna find it. on 05 Sep 2023 13:12 next collapse

I mean, if weā€™re reductive enough one could say the same about Fallout New Vegas, Skyrim, Fallout 3, Morrowind, Oblivion on 05 Sep 2023 13:47 next collapse

Depends on wether or not youā€™re willing to trek halfway across the land to your destination on 05 Sep 2023 14:14 next collapse

Yeah and those are all old at this point. on 05 Sep 2023 14:53 next collapse

If youā€™re reductive enough, sure. Anything ever is like that. However, how much are you really reducing to say this when compared to those games? Iā€™d bet the list is much, much longer. And those games came out over a decade ago, by the same studio no less, so these problems shouldnā€™t just be accepted quirks as they seem to be internally. on 05 Sep 2023 20:42 collapse

yeah just think of how many loading screens it takes to talk to benny in fallout new vegas. 1 to get into freeside, 1 to get through the weird bus doors thing, 1 to get through the strip gate. 1 to get through another gate in the strip. and 1 to get into the tops. and possibly another 1 or 2 loading screens before you can kill him if you choose not to on the tops floor

thats 5-7 loading screens just to get to 1 character on 05 Sep 2023 13:23 next collapse

Wait until this guys find out that there is a loading screen IRL that takes 8 hours to get throughā€¦ PER DAY on 05 Sep 2023 16:40 next collapse

Thatā€™s not loading, thatā€™s a rest mechanic to remove fatigue. on 06 Sep 2023 21:29 collapse

you can skip it for some time with coffee and other substances :) on 05 Sep 2023 13:50 next collapse

I do sort of wish it was more like spaceflight in Elite Dangerous. on 05 Sep 2023 14:21 next collapse

I put 22 hours in over the weekend and the travel is the least satisfying. Much of what is described can be mitigated a bit by walking back to your ship and so on.

I am able to fly away from a location every time but sometimes my ship doesnā€™t ā€œlandā€ I just load in front of a door and Iā€™m not sure why yet.

That said in the first ~10 hours the gameplay loop wasnā€™t my jam and I wasnā€™t sure if Iā€™d even like the game. The last 12 hours have been fantastic and Iā€™m hooked!

I have modded the game a bit though. Here is what Iā€™ve modded.

There is a green tint I removed

I darkened the gamma as the darks were not very dark and the whole game was too bright

I modded damage from all weapons to be increased, people and ships were too spongy for the guns to feel real. And I die a lot more now which is fun!

The UI runs at 30fps no matter what so I modded it to run at variable to match my current FPS

I added in DLSS for a bit more performance (about 10fps it seems)

I also gave vendors unlimited money because Iā€™m a dirty cheater and I was literally piling up crap on the floor of my ship because I didnā€™t have enough room and I didnā€™t want to just leave it on the planet on 05 Sep 2023 16:35 next collapse

What are your specs? I'm interested in trying the DLSS mod but I have a notebook 2080 so not sure how much that will help. on 05 Sep 2023 17:04 collapse

A little different, Iā€™m running a 10700k with a 4090. All desktop versions.

Iā€™m going to install it on my laptop which is a Ryzen something with a 3060. I hope to get it to 60fps at 1080p but Iā€™m not sure I can get there. My desktop gets to 90fps at 4k. on 05 Sep 2023 17:26 next collapse

was literally piling up crap on the floor of my ship because I didnā€™t have enough room and I didnā€™t want to just leave it on the planet

How did I not think of this!! Iā€™m also horrible at hoarding every shiny thing I see, this is going to be so clutch. on 05 Sep 2023 17:30 next collapse

Lol! With object permanence (or whatever itā€™s called) everything was right where I left it. But the AI people as they boarded my ship would kick shit all over the place. It was getting intense. on 05 Sep 2023 22:10 collapse

What happens to all the stuff when you make edits to your ship and the cargo hold is full? on 05 Sep 2023 22:24 collapse

It still goes to the cargo hold. You wonā€™t lose anything. You just end up with a cargo showing 700/400 or similar. on 06 Sep 2023 07:03 collapse

The first thing I did once I found that my ship was the primary storage container they give you was expand my shipā€™s cargo to like 2000 by adding 4 of the biggest cargo holds available. Iā€™m close to needing more. on 05 Sep 2023 18:53 collapse

I am able to fly away from a location every time but sometimes my ship doesnā€™t ā€œlandā€ I just load in front of a door and Iā€™m not sure why yet.

As far as I can tell this depends on which marker you select to land at on a planet. For instance New Atlantis has a ton of markers, such as The Lodge, if you choose that, it will load you in at the door, but if you choose New Atlantis, that should land you at the spaceport. on 05 Sep 2023 19:24 collapse

Thatā€™s the location Iā€™m struggling with, Iā€™ll look for it next time but I swear I donā€™t see spaceport. Iā€™m not the brightest rock though. on 06 Sep 2023 02:16 collapse

Well the location for New Atlantis is not called Spaceport, itā€™s just called New Atlantis. When it expands, for me, itā€™s near the middle of the lists of POIs that are stacked at that location, whereas The Lodge is at the top and is easy to just click by default.

Edit: Oh yeah, and it seems like the landing cinematic stops playing at some point, I wish it didnā€™t, Iā€™d prefer to land and still be in my ship before exiting. But now, even when I select the spaceport location, I end up there, but out of my ship. It sucks when Iā€™m not wearing my suit and helmet, because you immediately start taking damage when that happens (on other worlds like Mars). And thatā€™s just dumb. on 06 Sep 2023 06:57 next collapse

Theres an option to hide helmets and suits when in a non dangerous atmosphere in the inventory somewhere. I comes up at the bottom when you select the suit slot I think. Easy to miss on 06 Sep 2023 07:26 collapse

I donā€™t really like this option, I started out using it, but people treat you as though you are wearing it, and it leaves it on when you are on your ship. Like I was walking around in Cydonia, and I looked like I wasnā€™t wearing my suit, but a passerby told me I didnā€™t have to wear a helmet in hereā€¦ So yeah, not ideal, Iā€™d love a way to quick swap, or at least for NPCs to treat you as though you arenā€™t wearing your suit, and while youā€™re at it, I shouldnā€™t have to wear my suit on my ship either. IMO.

So for now, I remove it when I donā€™t need it. I just have to be more careful about how I travel. Iā€™d really prefer if the cinematic skipping was optional though. I want to land on a planet at a settlement then have to stand up. Ideally, it would be an option so that others that would prefer to just spawn outside their ship can choose that. on 07 Sep 2023 12:50 collapse

Oh yeah, and it seems like the landing cinematic stops playing at some point, I wish it didnā€™t, Iā€™d prefer to land and still be in my ship before exiting.

If you select the planet from your ship while in orbit and land from that menu, it plays the landing animation and you start off in your ship. If you use the map in the pause menu to do it, it will place you outside your ship, even if itā€™s the landing zone. on 07 Sep 2023 21:08 collapse

That unfortunately, doesnā€™t appear to be true. My landing cinematics are a thing of the past no mater how I get to the landing option. Perhaps itā€™s a bug and not everyoneā€™s experience. on 05 Sep 2023 15:19 next collapse

Honestly, the more I hear about this game the more I want to just go play no man's sky. I had predicted that this game will make it sound like Daggerfall in space but end up like Fallout 4 in space. on 05 Sep 2023 20:57 next collapse

Gotta wait a while for the real honest reviews by people who actually played it for a significant amount of time. The people enjoying it are still playing it and canā€™t be bothered to post at the moment.

Everything thatā€™s out now in the review space is a knee-jerk reaction to the hype train. on 06 Sep 2023 07:25 next collapse

I meanā€¦ itā€™s a Bethesda game with all the little finicky Bethesda things like long load screens and quick travel (unless over encumbered) with load screens. Buggy lag and characters that donā€™t fully load, or speech that doesnā€™t match the mouth movements until the second or third line of speaking. Also a fair amount of fetch quests, and lots of decisions to make about how you want to play the game.

Iā€™m having a blast, but I donā€™t get bored by game exploration. I feel like the random characters you can talk to and the setting make it very immersive. The voice actors are great even for rando characters that you come across. Itā€™s honestly super fun. I want to play it more during the work week, but I donā€™t think Iā€™ll have much time again until the weekend because it really sucks me in, and I want to give it more than 30 minutes at a time. on 06 Sep 2023 13:17 collapse

Thatā€™s my issue to, not enough time. While Iā€™m at work Iā€™m thinking of things to search about the game but then I try and control myself so I donā€™t spoil it on 06 Sep 2023 22:29 collapse

Iā€™ve got about 40 hours playing it so far. Really taking my time with side content. My biggest gripe is more with some of the skills you need to spend skill points on, some of them feel super mandatory and many of them are boring % increases. Also i wish there was more stuff to do in space. Lastly, surveying the last few things on a planet that ive missed has been very frustrating on a few occasions. havenā€™t had an issue with running out of patience with loading screens really. on 11 Sep 2023 16:17 collapse

Also some of them are completely useless and there is no way to respec your skills at all. on 05 Sep 2023 21:57 next collapse

It's more like:
Press M & grav jump to location, loading screen
Land (more like look for whatever landing spot you want to go for), loading screen
Press X to get out of the ship immediately, loading screen

This isn't a game where you can skip the fast travel anyway, so why even bother pretending to do so? on 11 Sep 2023 00:54 collapse

I just wish that when I set a course for a specific spot on a planet in a different star system, that I didnā€™t have to go back into the menu to select it again and land.

Just land me on the spot I specifically set a course for so that I can skip a loading screen. on 05 Sep 2023 22:31 collapse

Within the first hour, I was bemoaning the lack of a toolset currently so I could go in an move/add fast travel markers for places to limit load screens, as I have with pretty much every one of their games. Going to the Constellation Lodge, for example, puts you just outside the door, forcing you to load twice.