Notes from a new starship thief
from to on 15 Sep 2023 14:50

So I stole 2 ships yesterday and find it to be lots of fun.

I learned some important things and thought I’d share.


threaded - newest on 15 Sep 2023 14:56 next collapse

I was severely disappointed that selling ships is so bad money wise, but I guess it makes sense as it would be pretty unbalanced. on 15 Sep 2023 15:08 collapse

It gets much better when the ship you're jacking is higher level and worth more to begin with, but by then credits likely aren't an issue anymore. on 15 Sep 2023 15:05 next collapse

I was getting confused by your description of the mechanics until I realized you're talking about stealing ships that are landed on planets compared to hijacking in space. I haven't done this yet, where did you do this?

Also, registering a ship must be done before you can sell it and registering can be done from the ship menu, there is no way to sell a stolen ship without first making it your home ship and registering. Any cargo transferred from your old home ship into the new one will put the inventory overweight if there isn't enough cargo space, but you won't lose any items and upon sale the items will return to your original home ship.

The cost to register is always a percentage of the ship's value, but always slightly less than the sell value, so you'll always make a profit, but it won't be very much compared to the ship's total value. You can sell ships at ship service technicians by asking them to see their ships for sale, then swapping from buy to sell, you can't do it from the "view or modify my ships" option. on 15 Sep 2023 17:38 next collapse

When you land on a planets or moons surface, listen for another ship to land or checktthe map markers on your scanner for ship landing site. Usually it's ecliptic or spacers, and you just clear them out and fly the ship off planet. on 18 Sep 2023 03:18 collapse

I went through a spate of it being a UC ship that landed for like 5-6 times in a row. It was really frustrating to walk so far out of my way only to have to leave the ship alone. Got a nice Ecliptic ship today though. on 18 Sep 2023 13:08 collapse

Most of the ships I find are inaccessible. The couple I have been able to board have been peaceful, and I didn’t have the heart to start a fight with them.

About the only valid target I got was one time a ship landed really close by. A solitary spacer got out and I thought “Game on!”. I dropped the spacer with a headshot, and then of course the ship raised the bay ramp and took off again. Bastards. on 18 Sep 2023 14:14 collapse

Ugh, yeah, that happened to me the other day too. Spacer ship landed like 70m away while I was up on a high vantage point. I dropped all 4 spacers right in their bay, then jumped down to claim the ship, only to have it take off with the bodies still inside. I didn’t get the ship or the loot! on 18 Sep 2023 14:42 collapse

Yeah, apparently that’s a thing: if you kill all the ground crew, the ship rabbits.

Next time I’m going to ignore the last spacer and sprint for the bay, see if I can do a Todd and have it lift off as I kill the last one on the ground :) on 20 Sep 2023 18:10 collapse

I took out an entire ground team of ecliptic and was still able to board, kill the rest onboard and take the ship, I was guessing that it was because they came over to where I was and engaged me first and/or they were far enough away from the ship that the onboard crew didn’t immediately rabbit. …I mean it’s Bethesda…could have been a glitch ;) on 16 Sep 2023 05:21 collapse

Great info, thanks! on 15 Sep 2023 15:27 next collapse

Stealing ships is pretty pointless, which is a bummer because it’s good fun. on 16 Sep 2023 05:19 collapse

Yes, I’m not sure why but right now it’s really fun. It’s there a limit to your total number of ships? on 18 Sep 2023 18:05 collapse

You can have 10 ships max on 18 Sep 2023 22:39 collapse

Thanks! on 15 Sep 2023 15:29 next collapse

I don’t know if it was a bug or not, but I accidentally stole some miners ship before. Broke in, noone aboard so I sat in the seat to examine it. It was made for cargo, nothing special so I got up and just left it. When I left I noticed some miners walking from it, thinking well now I’m really glad I didn’t steal that. Went back to my ship and the next time I went to view and modify my ships, it was there…I didn’t set it to my home ship or register it, but somehow it’s mine now. And some poor miners are wondering why their ship evaporated. on 15 Sep 2023 16:33 next collapse

Registering scales with the value of the ship so it never actually becomes lucrative but fuck those explorers I’m taking it anyway on 16 Sep 2023 01:50 next collapse

My tips:

-Unlock targeting to be able to target engines. Once you take down the engines you can board once you get close enough.

-Use an EM weapon to easily take out engines without risking destroying the ship.

-Register the ship in your Tab/menu screen because it’s much cheaper than at spaceports. Sit in the chair, go to the menu, click the ship in the lower left, there will be an option to register there. You might have to sit as your home ship first, I forget. on 18 Sep 2023 19:18 collapse

Do you need to take out all the weapons too for the prompt to show up? on 19 Sep 2023 04:04 collapse

No only the engines. Then you have to get within 500 meters I believe. on 19 Sep 2023 12:29 collapse

Thanks! I managed to board a few last night on 19 Sep 2023 13:51 collapse

I’m addicted to capturing ships. Too bad there is a 10 ship limit. There should be a mod to increase that but to add maintenance costs to each ship in your fleet.

ETA: There is a mod, basically a console command, that increases the ship limit. But the game seems likely to badly break when you do that so I’ll wait a while. on 19 Sep 2023 14:38 next collapse

I just started playing with the ship builder last night, super cool. This game is definitely living up to my expectations so far on 20 Sep 2023 18:04 collapse

That would be rad. Maybe be able to set NPCs to ships as pilots and start a passive income, shipping company. on 20 Sep 2023 18:06 collapse

Yeah you can hire NPC pilots and crew in X4 Foundations, you can even ride along on the shipping/mining routes. It’s a complicated game but I’d love to see some of the mechanics in a game like Starfield or Elite Dangerous. on 16 Sep 2023 08:21 next collapse

It is possible to board a ship, steal all the loot from the captain's vault, then exit, blow up the ship, and salvage the scrap for more loot. You can get double credits this way, though not as much as the net from registering/selling. It's a little faster, though. on 17 Sep 2023 01:22 collapse

Haha, bonus points for creativity on 17 Sep 2023 11:06 collapse

but most likely you’ll piss off your companion if you just “take care” of them.

This seems to cause a bug at the later stages of Sam’s quest


You need to take a slate from a smuggling ship, but if you kill the (hostile) captain Sam hates it and you get a 15K UC bounty. You can destroy the ship and take the slate from rhe wreckage but then everybody hates you. Unfortunately you can’t do the mission alone, since Sam needs to be with you. Beth at its best 😂