from to on 30 Oct 2023 15:14

what is the best all round ship to buy? large crew, shields, fire power, cargo etc


threaded - newest on 30 Oct 2023 15:27 next collapse

That depends on what class you’re able to drive. The ship you get from the Mantis Quest is a great class A starter ship. Since I’m Class C capable now I’m piloting the Kepler R. on 30 Oct 2023 16:08 next collapse

… you can build exactly what you need on 30 Oct 2023 21:11 next collapse

Can’t believe you’re being downvoted for telling the truth! EVERY ship you can buy from an in-game vendor is pure trash compared to what you can build for yourself. At the very least, you’re going to need to upgrade most of the core parts. on 31 Oct 2023 00:35 collapse

I was able to steal a ship from some colonists that randomly landed near me and they had a lot of good parts that I couldn’t buy yet but I was able to change the habs to better ones like to workbenches. I think getting lucky like that and editing it a bit is the cheapest way to go on 07 Nov 2023 13:02 collapse

I do find one thing important: mass manufactured ships are for common people.

You of course have more stringent requirements, such as smuggling, 1v5 combat, perfect 30LY jump, manning full crew, or something similar. Those showroom stuff won’t cut it. on 30 Oct 2023 16:40 next collapse

Narwhal from Taiyo in Neon. Costs over 400k but best reactor and overall great stats. I’d only swap out the engines for C class ones. on 30 Oct 2023 22:34 collapse

I’m after a Voyager 3 but can only buy Voyager 2 until I am higher level.