Sunrise At The Pup
from to on 28 Sep 2023 08:27

The sun came up as I was pondering the horizon and wondering what to do next. The day must be really short. I vanished into a structure to clear it of spacers, and when I came out it was the middle of the night again. I wasn’t in there that long!


threaded - newest on 28 Sep 2023 08:46 next collapse

Does Starfield tell you how big the objects you’re on are? I.e. does it display the planet’s radius somewhere? on 28 Sep 2023 09:09 collapse

I think so. I know I can get the actual day length if I try and sleep or wait. I’m not at my games machine right now, but I might check when I get home. on 28 Sep 2023 12:21 next collapse

I think I read that planets/moons in Starfield move at 20x speed. If you see one in the sky you can stand a few minutes and see it move. on 28 Sep 2023 12:48 collapse

Sounds like the usual Bethesda 20:1 timescale. All the same, I couldn’t have been inside for more than 10 minutes. That’d be around three hours game time. So sill a very short day, on 28 Sep 2023 12:43 next collapse

This makes me really want to try this game. Believe it or not I already bought it, but I have no time/motivation to actually play. on 28 Sep 2023 16:57 collapse

In the Expanse books, there’s a planet called Auberon that has an 8 hour rotation, so 4 hours of light and 4 hours of dark. They decided that “1 day” would be light-dark-light and “1 night” is dark-light-dark. It’s really interesting how they describe the way society adapts to the cycle of having a midnight sun and both a midmorning and evening sunset. on 30 Sep 2023 13:21 collapse

I really must read those books some day