Bethesda's Starfield is a disgrace to game development and a slap in the face to gamers (
from to on 12 Sep 2023 21:04


threaded - newest on 12 Sep 2023 21:12 next collapse

These starfield clickbait articles bashing the game are streets behind.

The game is good fun and works for most people. That’s all the matters to the general population. on 12 Sep 2023 22:01 next collapse

You are streets ahead! But seriously, too much click bait on the subject. on 12 Sep 2023 22:01 collapse

Now there’s a man who knows how to internet comment! on 12 Sep 2023 21:13 next collapse

How so sound like the biggest Karen of all time: say that something is a slap in the face. Bonus points if it’s video game related in any way. on 12 Sep 2023 21:20 next collapse

Ah yes, no opinion is more nuanced than that of a random internet blogger.

Reading that, you’d think Starfield stole $100 out of their wallet and then shot their dog. on 12 Sep 2023 21:29 next collapse

“cirkus”? “Bertheda’s”?

Well, my time of taking you seriously is certainly coming to a middle. on 12 Sep 2023 22:51 next collapse

That's some incoherent rambling if I ever saw one. on 13 Sep 2023 22:32 collapse

This article is a slap in the face.