StarUI, a must-have mod to replace the bad inventory UI (
from to on 10 Sep 2023 12:08

For anyone who hasn’t yet checked out the Nexus since the game’s release, an inventory UI replacement mod has already been out for some days. It gives you a way more compact and useful inventory interface with clickable columns that you can sort by, and most importantly the value per mass column. The most important item stat in Bethesda games.

Another thing you can do is add temporary columns of many different stats to compare your items. It also shows that quantity of an item you already have while shoping. And probably other things.


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[deleted] on 10 Sep 2023 12:32 next collapse


[deleted] on 10 Sep 2023 12:37 next collapse

. on 10 Sep 2023 12:39 next collapse

This mod made a significant difference in how much I enjoy the game. I spend far less time in menus thinking what to drop or keep when I’m encumbered. on 10 Sep 2023 14:43 collapse

Being able to sort by columns. Being able to see the value of something based on its weight.

Being able to quickly scan for food, meds, xp boosts.

Being able to see how much weight in each category.

This mod is easily a required install. on 10 Sep 2023 13:18 next collapse

Pretty sad that they worked on this game for years, and a core part of the game was fixed in days. on 10 Sep 2023 13:21 next collapse

Standard Bethesda

Design the whole game so that it’s equally bad on all platforms then rely on modders to make it functional on PC on 10 Sep 2023 13:50 next collapse

I really wish this was Howards swan song instead of Elder Scrolls 6. Bethsoft is in dire need of new leadership. on 10 Sep 2023 14:18 next collapse

I mean they are making games for literally everyone. It was only ever going to be a watered down theme park. on 10 Sep 2023 16:13 collapse

That’s the direction that Howard took the company. on 10 Sep 2023 16:48 collapse

lol seriously? they had 6 million people play starfield literally days after release and it was the highest selling game on steam before early access even started. theres no way they are in “dire need of new leadership” 😂😂 on 10 Sep 2023 16:49 next collapse

Sales does not equal quality on 10 Sep 2023 17:45 collapse

well the game is quality so whats ur point? on 10 Sep 2023 19:37 collapse

I mean sure. If you enjoy bare bones winning no matter what and consider that a quality game, then yeah it’s a game with that quality.

If you seriously believe sales equals quality, you’re going to be in for a shock after highschool. on 10 Sep 2023 19:50 collapse

thats not what i mean, regardless of sales its a quality game on 10 Sep 2023 19:56 collapse

That’s not what you mean? High sales was your entire point. Now it’s not? Lol on 10 Sep 2023 21:33 collapse

nope, i said the game was quality. check your reading comprehension because sales wasnt apart of that reply at all on 11 Sep 2023 01:00 collapse

lol seriously? they had 6 million people play starfield literally days after release and it was the highest selling game on steam before early access even started.

“Sales wasn’t a part of that reply at all”. on 11 Sep 2023 01:10 collapse

well the game is quality so whats ur point?

please point out to everyone where sales is mentioned in this comment. oh you cant? hmm weird, maybe because sales wasnt mention in this comment you replied to? on 11 Sep 2023 01:17 collapse

“please completey ignore everything I said but that one thing” I can see following discussions is difficult for you.

You go argue with over stupid shit with someone else. It ain’t me, kid. on 11 Sep 2023 01:36 collapse

two seperate comments. funny. you seem the one who cant keep up with convos on 10 Sep 2023 17:41 collapse

I’m sure the shareholders don’t think so, and a lot of the fans are fine. Starfield is the RPG equivalent of Madden 2024 and some folks were expecting Football Manager. Doesn’t mean anyone has to like it who loved old Bethesda games.

I’m pretty sure OP means that THEY want Bethesda to have new leadership and, me too on 10 Sep 2023 17:48 next collapse

starfield isnt even in the same universe as madden 24. thats an insane comparison lol on 10 Sep 2023 19:59 next collapse

Starfield is set in the future.

Bethesda did start out by making the first Madden game though. on 10 Sep 2023 20:36 collapse

Both are mass market theme park games. Madden has a different pricing model but make no mistake the type of gamer (not genre) target audience is largely overlapping. These are games for casual players first on 10 Sep 2023 19:19 collapse

Among my top ten favorite games: Morrowind Oblivion Skyrim Fallout 3 Fallout new vegas Fallout 4

Starfield is definitely fallout/elder scrolls in space. Morrowind and fallout new vegas, despite being very dated, I think are better than what I’ve seen so far in Starfield

I’m still enjoying the game and think your comparison is overtly insulting to the game. We aren’t going to get that old magic back. Every game franchise gets watered down as the years go by in an attempt to maximize market share, it’s just a fact of life, and part of the ecosystem that gives us games in the first place.

Give it a few months and grab some mods and it’ll be just like to good old days

I get that we shouldn’t have to do that, but actually we kinda do. Better than not having a game at all. on 11 Sep 2023 20:15 collapse

Yeah but don’t you realize that the UI sucks and therefore Todd Howard and all of the leadership team needs to be fired?! on 10 Sep 2023 15:48 collapse

And by standard, you mean bad outright. Bethesda doesn't get away with QOL improvements that every other major game company figured out years ago. on 10 Sep 2023 13:36 next collapse

The mod came out on the 5th, I wasn’t expecting anyone to make a similar mod THIS fast.
I went on to the Nexus to try to find a mod that wouldn’t at least improve the inventory UI a bit, specifically one that adds value per mass stat. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw someone had made SkyUI/FallUI type of mod already. The mod author is fucking insane for being able to make the mod that fast. on 10 Sep 2023 14:41 collapse

Seriously! Either Bethesda gives modders a sneak peak, or the UI code for Fallout & Starfield are pretty similar since they’re on the Creation engine. on 10 Sep 2023 15:41 collapse

I would say it’s because it’s basically the same game as fallout 4. It feels dated and like it’s just a skin/mod of FO4. The 2 hours I have played are good but still doesn’t feel revolutionary. on 10 Sep 2023 13:43 next collapse

I don't remember how long it took but I had SkyUI on my first playthrough at launch of Skyrim. on 10 Sep 2023 14:39 next collapse

First time?

Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallouts… all of them had extremely basic UI inventories that were fixed by modders.

I’m starting to think they do it on purpose because they work close with modders already. on 10 Sep 2023 14:44 next collapse

Hence the need for new dev leadership. on 10 Sep 2023 15:56 next collapse

I was going to say, has Bethesda ever made a good inventory management interface? It feels like they produce a minimally viable product because they know they can crowdsource a variety of options from modders. on 10 Sep 2023 19:21 next collapse

Oblivion actually had a functioning UI, at least in relation to the others, it just had the UI elements at a size that you could see them from a mile away. on 10 Sep 2023 19:27 next collapse

Todd Howard has an alien brain so he thinks differently when it comes to UI design on 10 Sep 2023 22:20 collapse

I don’t think Todd is designing the UI lol on 11 Sep 2023 05:24 collapse

Todd is too busy making it so we can climb that mountain over there to care about UI on 11 Sep 2023 05:48 next collapse

Don’t forget Morrowind. Being able to resize the UI to suit your needs was pretty handy, but in the end inventory management also was very basic. You could filter items on Weapons, Apparel, Magic and Misc, but that was it. Good luck finding that specific potion in your endless ocean of flasks and bottles after a good Alchemy session. 😁

[deleted] on 13 Sep 2023 14:09 collapse

. on 11 Sep 2023 14:44 collapse

There’s a reason why people said things like “are you ready for the new modding platform from Bethesda!?”.

It’s actually very similar to Reddit and their mods, well former mods anyway. Profiting off of free labor. on 10 Sep 2023 13:19 next collapse

This mod is so fucking nice to have. There’s a couple minor uninpacting bugs but it’s a huge improvement imo.

I’d love if the dev ended up making something similar for the ship builder. I wanna see manufacturer, mass etc on one screen.

Why they fuck did they think it was a good idea not to let out the stats you actually need to know for your ship considering the complexity of building a ship. Why would we want to have to hover over wax item and go back and forth a billion times? Is this where they get their game time calculations from? on 10 Sep 2023 13:26 next collapse

I’d love if the dev ended up making something similar for the ship builder. I wanna see manufacturer, mass etc on one screen.

Yeah same, its UI was one the big reasons I noped out of the ship builder at first haha on 10 Sep 2023 13:35 collapse

It’s a pain at first fs. Yesterday was my first day fucking with it and spent a few hours fuckin around.

One shortcut I kinda pieces together was that same prices = same stats but the main thing is being able to see thrust, mass, and manufacture all of which are of course behind a mouse hover lol

I do have to say this feature in general is pretty cool. Love the ability to “figurine” my ship together. Space engineers has a similar mechanic for all vehicles but you gotta do it “Lego” style and do it literally brick by brick which can be unnecessarily tedious. on 10 Sep 2023 13:44 collapse

Thanks for the info.
Personally one thing that really annoyed me in my first galnce at the ship builder was not being able to rotate pieces by 90°, I’m not sure how much of an actual gripe it actually is but there was a cargo hold that I had space to add on the back of my ship but couldn’t because it wouldn’t it’s a side-piece and wouldn’t snap to the back. Maybe there’s an equivalent back-piece, idk, but still. on 10 Sep 2023 13:55 collapse

Oh yeah that part is also whack as fuck haha. They do sometimes have different variants of a part that are for each facing combo (side+facing)

Another weird decision. You gotta wonder if they put some of these goofy ass features in on purpose so they can “fix” them later for cool kid points and to relieve themselves of some launch day pressure haha on 10 Sep 2023 15:34 collapse

I think the first DLC might add space stations that you can build, a player was able to take a space station into his fleet thanks to a bug, and there were some other supporting evidence for it. If it really is that, it might mean ship builder improvements if we are lucky. on 10 Sep 2023 21:38 next collapse

Fuuuuuuuck yeeeeeaahh on 11 Sep 2023 14:40 collapse

That would be cool, I’d rather have a space station than a ground outpost personally on 10 Sep 2023 19:35 collapse

Can’t see the stats and can’t see for example what workbenches ship parts contain… this is making me real tempted to learn modding. on 10 Sep 2023 21:57 collapse

Could be fun you’ll never ever know until you at least give it a good solid few tries on 10 Sep 2023 13:24 next collapse

will this mod stop steam achievements? on 10 Sep 2023 13:39 next collapse

If it does, add in SFSE and the Baka achievement enabler, both are on Nexus as well. on 10 Sep 2023 14:15 next collapse

It does not disable achievements. on 11 Sep 2023 14:41 collapse

I don’t think so but I’m running the mod that enables achievement earning no matter what so… on 10 Sep 2023 16:23 next collapse

Some silly UI oversights i’ve found:

  • absolutely no way to tell what magazines you have and the effects
  • with the powers - I can’t tell which one I have equipped or if I have enough mana or whatever it’s called to use it on 10 Sep 2023 17:00 next collapse

Yeah, I would like to see an overall list of buffs from magazines for sure, but good news is you don’t have to keep them in your inventory to apply! on 10 Sep 2023 19:37 next collapse

Your “mana bar” is the blue line over (under?) your HP bar. on 10 Sep 2023 20:23 collapse

Yes, but do i have enough mana to use my skill right now? It doesn’t really tell you. on 10 Sep 2023 21:00 collapse

I guess it does by not letting you use it. on 12 Sep 2023 05:17 collapse

My biggest UI gripe has to be the lack of a Contraband menu, instead you have to search through all your gear looking for a tiny yellow or red tag. on 12 Sep 2023 14:06 collapse

Yeah i just don’t bother picking it up (at least after the first time). The money isn’t really worth it when you could just loot spacesuits or guns etc. on 12 Sep 2023 19:47 collapse

Which is hard to do when quick looting because you can’t see the tag, the whole contraband system is such a pain. on 10 Sep 2023 19:26 next collapse

Best feature imo are the DPS & Value / Mass columns. on 10 Sep 2023 19:35 next collapse

Wish Microsoft was cool about making mods compatible on GamePass. on 10 Sep 2023 20:07 next collapse

Is the exe different for Gamepass? on 10 Sep 2023 20:12 collapse

It’s in a separate folder with special permissions, preventing any modification. afaik it’s not trivial to “unlock” on 10 Sep 2023 20:14 next collapse

I use NileSoft Shell, a replacement for the stock Windows right click menu that adds the option to give you permission to a folder with 2 clicks. Worth it for GamePass mods. on 10 Sep 2023 20:16 next collapse

I haven’t used Gamepass in a while, but moving the install usually works just fine with publisher DRM like that. on 11 Sep 2023 02:40 collapse

That’s not the case. The game folder is accessible… Game pass has been doing that at least since its had Bethesda games on the service.

That being said, the exe is technically different from Steam so the script extender doesn’t work. Not actually a big issue this early in the mod scene (most mods don’t use the script extender yet). That won’t be the case forever unfortunately.

Source: I have the game pass version and have been installing mods just like I would with the Steam version of Skyrim and Fallout via Vortex on 10 Sep 2023 23:04 next collapse

I read on some mod pages that mods do work on the game pass version as well.

Edit: From what I read you’d have to install the mods in the Documents/My Games/Starfield folder instead of the installation folder. on 11 Sep 2023 00:59 next collapse

I’ve had no problems running mods via vortex with the gamepass version on 11 Sep 2023 02:35 collapse

You can install mods for the Game Pass version, the exe is different so the script extender doesn’t work but StarUI doesn’t use the script extender. I have 4 or 5 mods installed via Vortex right now for Starfield Game Pass version.

I would try to walk you through how to set it up but it was so seamless and basic I don’t even remember. Just install Vortex and point it to your Starfield/Content directory… on whatever drive you told Game Pass to install the game on. on 11 Sep 2023 22:42 collapse

I’m not sure how you got that to work, but it’s not that easy for myself. on 12 Sep 2023 13:41 next collapse

When you install a game with Game Pass you can tell it what drive to install to. I think by default it might just install to your windows system drive but you can toggle that option in tho settings.

I installed Starfield to my F drive so it’s installed into something like: F:/XboxGames/Starfield. I then installed Vortex. Vortex did not automatically detect it but I just hit the button to manage it manually and directed Vortex to my F:/XboxGames/Starfield/Content directory… then it picked it up and I can install and deploy mods to it just like I can Skyrim or Fallout (which I have through Steam) on 12 Sep 2023 17:56 collapse

Yeah I did all that. They just don’t deploy when I load up Starfield.

What mods are you using/have? The Script extender says in the readme that Game pass is not supported.

[deleted] on 17 Sep 2023 10:23 collapse

. on 11 Sep 2023 05:02 next collapse

If you only do one mod this is the one, the native inventory screens are fucking atrocious on 12 Sep 2023 22:22 collapse

Being a Microsoft subsidiary they could just have bundled Excel for inventory management and even that would be a better one than what we have. on 11 Sep 2023 07:08 next collapse

Does it work with a Gamepad? on 11 Sep 2023 10:41 collapse

Yes, perfectly! on 11 Sep 2023 22:58 collapse

Even the sorting? on 12 Sep 2023 06:10 collapse

Yes, you have to press L3 a bit more but it cycles through the different categories. on 13 Sep 2023 18:24 collapse

Does it work for steamdeck?