Starfield (Zero Punctuation) (
from to on 13 Sep 2023 21:15


threaded - newest on 13 Sep 2023 21:37 next collapse

If you wanna buy it, do so. If you don’t, that’s fine too. It’ll be fun in some capacity, either way, especially with mods. 🤗🤓 on 13 Sep 2023 21:39 next collapse

Absolutely, I’ll just get it on sale when the modding scene is mature. on 13 Sep 2023 21:48 collapse

Yeah I’m not the same gamer I was when Skyrim came out. Playing Starfield very casually has been pleasant. If I was rushing through it, I might feel differently. on 13 Sep 2023 21:58 collapse

I am playing more or less how I usually do; I casually wander around, and then rush through quest lines. The major faction quests have been so short, it doesn’t even feel like it’s a big faction quest. Perhaps they expected the loading screens and methods of travel to make it feel longer. Most legs end up being a simple “go here and talk to this NPC and then come back,” with maybe 1 dungeon crawl toward the end of the entire quest line. on 13 Sep 2023 22:29 next collapse

I like Yahtzee, don’t always agree with him, but this review ran into spoilers pretty quickly. on 14 Sep 2023 10:03 collapse

Yeah. I'm 120+ hours in and didn't even reach any temple or superpowers yet. on 13 Sep 2023 22:43 next collapse

Seems a pretty well grounded review. The main storyline is boring as hell, especially in the beginning. Which is particularly the part where you don't want your game to be boring.

The procedural generation can be occasionally fun if you get lucky, but it routinely becomes boring as hell once more.

Add in the usual Bethesda bad game making jank and you're left with an incredibly underwhelming product for the length of time and money put into making it. on 14 Sep 2023 03:31 next collapse

I miss Gabriel. on 14 Sep 2023 08:02 next collapse

I think this is fair enough, given it’s a Zero Punctuation review. And I think he nailed it when he said that it doesn’t have much of an identity of its own.

As I said back here, “So my worry is that Starfield is just vanilla SF without any of the quirkiness, character, or personality that makes me love Fallout.” on 14 Sep 2023 09:59 next collapse

Fallout but takes itself more serious, I’d say. I have no love for the amount of silliness in Fallout after Bethesda took it over. The original Fallout had a better balance between seriousness and wackiness.

But each to their own. :) on 14 Sep 2023 12:21 collapse

I’ve been playing Fallout since Fallout. It’s always had character. on 14 Sep 2023 13:06 next collapse

But they did not revive the same character. I dont like the new character (but not enough to stop me from playing it). Fallout and Fallout 3 is as different as Baldurs Gate 2 and Baldurs Gate 3. Enjoyment is of course subjective.

I also disagree with Yahtzee about Starfield missing character. It got the nasa-punk going for it, and makes it its own. I do agree the main story hook was the weakest of all BGS games I’ve played so far. And that planet exploring and base building loses it fun pretty fast. on 14 Sep 2023 15:44 collapse

This may be controversial, but I think this is art least part ways intentional. People love to drag the main storyline of fallout 4 through infinite mud. But praise BGS on the small stories, the little things you get to see in random encounters, that sort of thing. And love the worlds.

Perhaps this is just BGS finally leaning far more into "hey modders, here's a new base 'world', go nuts"? on 14 Sep 2023 14:13 collapse

Seems pretty subjective, I have finished the main quest in precisely one Fallout game, Fallout 3, and it took me years to do so. Not because I was lost in the map or side quests or anything, it just never grabbed me. Fallout 4 was the same, same with New Vegas (the one I probably played the least).

Maybe I'm just at a far end of the curve tho lol on 14 Sep 2023 15:11 collapse

I mean, yeah, different people like different things. I play them all and enjoy them all, but Fallout just has something that appeals to me more than Elder Scrolls or Starfield as a setting. on 14 Sep 2023 10:01 collapse

Starfield is just vanilla Starfield? What? on 14 Sep 2023 10:38 next collapse

Oh, I assumed he meant Science Fiction. Which is odd, most people just write scifi for short. on 14 Sep 2023 12:19 collapse

“Science fiction (sometimes shortened to SF or sci-fi)” - Wikipedia on 14 Sep 2023 13:10 collapse

Yeah, I know. Still, people most just slam their fingers on the five-letter word. Maybe sometimes a hyphen in it.

[deleted] on 14 Sep 2023 20:07 collapse

. on 14 Sep 2023 19:58 collapse

I find almost all criticism of Starfield is fair, and yet I’m loving it. Over 50 hours already. on 14 Sep 2023 20:53 collapse

I felt the same way about Fallout 4. Despite its many problems and shortcomings, it’s still a system that mostly works and is a ton of fun.