Warp Five: Costume Designer Anthony Tran Weaves Real Life and Past Influences into Discovery's Tapestry (www.startrek.com)
from ValueSubtracted@startrek.website to startrek@startrek.website on 04 Jun 14:52


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StillPaisleyCat@startrek.website on 04 Jun 20:36 collapse

I was surprised that Gersha Phillips wasn’t the head costume designer for season 5.

Do we know if she was tapped for that for the S31 movie instead?

ValueSubtracted@startrek.website on 04 Jun 21:34 collapse

I take IMDB listings with a grain of salt, but she is listed as a costume designer for S31, as well as Captain America: Brave New World(!).

StillPaisleyCat@startrek.website on 04 Jun 22:43 collapse

I have no idea what the second is, but if Marvel has hired her, they are very smart.