Celebrate 50 Years of Star Trek Animation with the Launch of 'Star Trek: very Short Treks' (www.startrek.com)
from ValueSubtracted@startrek.website to startrek@startrek.website on 05 Sep 2023 16:02


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ValueSubtracted@startrek.website on 05 Sep 2023 16:05 next collapse

The very Short Treks will feature previously announced fan-favorite characters voiced by cast members from across the Star Trek universe, including icons Jonathan Frakes as Will Riker, Doug Jones as Saru and Armin Shimerman as Quark, and a new line-up of exciting voices, including Ethan Peck as Spock, Gates McFadden as Dr. Beverly Crusher, Celia Rose Gooding as Uhura, Connor Trinneer as Trip Tucker, Bruce Horak as Hemmer, Noël Wells as Tendi and the legendary George Takei as Sulu.

There are a couple of nice surprises on that list.

Stamets@startrek.website on 05 Sep 2023 17:16 collapse

Trip Tucker is definitely the one that shocked me the most. It’s nice to see Enterprise getting more love lately with the Archer Spacedock in Discovery and the references in Strange New Worlds. Bring back the crew. I wanna know what happened to Porthos. They found a way to make him live forever, right?


ValueSubtracted@startrek.website on 05 Sep 2023 17:20 next collapse

<img alt="" src="https://startrek.website/pictrs/image/6f79768d-9113-4f84-9bbc-da8e75241e28.jpeg">

Stamets@startrek.website on 05 Sep 2023 17:23 collapse

You have no fucking right to be that damn funny. Do you know what it’s like partially inhale tomato sauce? Because I now do.

UlyssesT@hexbear.net on 06 Sep 2023 00:52 collapse

I actually liked Enterprise, sloppy Temporal Cold War part aside. Even the Xindi arc redeemed itself eventually and the show was taking off after that.

I even liked the opening song. Fight me. <img alt="picard-direct-action" src="https://www.hexbear.net/pictrs/image/e52b8aa6-2cc5-4993-ac2d-a07d29021167.png">

VindictiveJudge@startrek.website on 06 Sep 2023 04:47 collapse

I thought the intro was perfectly suited to a pre-Federation humanity taking its first steps amongst the stars after pulling itself back together from WW3. Right up until they retooled the song to be peppier while also making the show darker.

[deleted] on 05 Sep 2023 16:09 next collapse


USSBurritoTruck@startrek.website on 05 Sep 2023 16:31 next collapse


I am a bit disappointed that these are going to be explicitly non-canon, though.

ValueSubtracted@startrek.website on 05 Sep 2023 16:43 next collapse

I refuse to accept that, and will only ever refer to the very Short Treks when debating the finer points of Star Trek.

Corgana@startrek.website on 05 Sep 2023 18:25 collapse

I’m tempted to go back to Reddit just to make a nitpicky Redditor’s head explode with this:

<img alt="" src="https://startrek.website/pictrs/image/8d8e97d7-936f-431f-a73c-9aeb7ea0e150.jpeg">

USSBurritoTruck@startrek.website on 05 Sep 2023 18:45 next collapse

I’m sure everyone there would be super cool and normal with ensign Balzac and lieutenant Philips.

JWBananas@startrek.website on 06 Sep 2023 03:29 collapse

What… Is… This…

Corgana@startrek.website on 06 Sep 2023 11:36 collapse


JWBananas@startrek.website on 06 Sep 2023 19:16 next collapse

Funny, but not helpful.

samus12345@lemmy.world on 07 Sep 2023 20:24 collapse

Sadly not, they’re confirmed to not be canon. You’ll have to settle for (butt)headcanon.

JWBananas@startrek.website on 08 Sep 2023 01:28 collapse

What is it from?

samus12345@lemmy.world on 08 Sep 2023 13:30 collapse

They’re in the Very Short Treks teaser that the article is referring to.

whileloop@lemmy.world on 05 Sep 2023 19:52 collapse

I expect that the Very Short Treks won’t be entirely non-canon. For instance, some episode might introduce an event, place, or technology that is actually canon even if the events of the episode itself are not canon.

Alternatively, they could be loosely canon in the same way as the Lego Star Wars shows/games, with the rough events and plots being canon even if exact details are not.

triktrek@startrek.website on 06 Sep 2023 00:40 collapse

So apparently this is from the guy who did the “Too Many Cooks” special, which is kinda awesomely weird. It will be interesting to watch!