Your First Look at the Star Trek: Lower Decks - U.S.S. Cerritos Crew Handbook (
from to on 21 Nov 2023 15:20


threaded - newest on 21 Nov 2023 16:17 next collapse

The handbook covers a lot of essential ground for new crewmembers ranging from the senior crew, the different divisions and shifts, tech, guide to other species, as well as different scenarios laid out by Badgey. What was your favorite part to tackle?

Chris Farnell: So many candidates here. Shaxs’ “W.O.R.F.” method, the poolside rules for Cetacean Ops, and the (not entirely reliable) history of ships to bear the name “Cerritos.” Like any sensible person given access to a starship, my first question was “What can I get away with?” and the answer was "A frightening amount”

I had already preordered this months ago. And I have less than no regrets. on 21 Nov 2023 17:21 next collapse

I thought this was released. I’ve had this on my amazon wishlist for ages and been meaning to get it. on 21 Nov 2023 23:47 collapse

Looks like a Christmas pressie from me to me