Prodigy Season 2: How do we want to discuss it?
from to on 26 Jun 20:37

With Prodigy season 2 poised to drop 20 episodes on us on Monday, we’re trying to decide how to manage the discussions. Each option has its pros and cons, so why not put it to the group? The way I see it, we have three options:

  1. One discussion thread per episode, with an index pinned to the community for convenience.

  2. Four discussion threads, breaking the season into 5-episode blocks, with an index pinned to the community for convenience.

  3. One megathread to discuss the season, with no episodic threads.

  4. Individual episode threads, dropped at a rate of two per day.


threaded - newest on 26 Jun 20:38 next collapse

Personally, I prefer option 1, if enough people are going to participate. on 26 Jun 21:02 next collapse

This is messy with 20 episodes dropping all at once, but option #1 is probably the best course of action.

Another idea: All 20 discussion threads, but posted two per day for ten days. Then after two-ish weeks, posting a season-long discussion thread.

Regardless, I like the idea of a new “So what did y’all think?” discussion thread posted a couple of weeks later for those of us who don’t prefer to binge. on 26 Jun 23:15 next collapse

I’m against a megathread. That would be too busy and I think there will be more than enough to discuss about each episode.

For entirely selfish reasons, I’d like individual discussion threads for each episode that come out one or two a day, since that’s the pace I expect to be watching it (optimistically).

Though, I think the best option for everyone might be five-episode blocks. That would allow both bingewatchers and slower viewers to enjoy the conversation without spamming the feed, and will match up well enough with the “parts” it would have been split into if it aired on Nickelodeon that both broad and individual episode discussions will make sense. on 26 Jun 23:26 collapse

individual discussion threads for each episode that come out one or two a day,

BRB adding this as an option on 26 Jun 23:38 next collapse

Option 1 has my vote on 26 Jun 21:05 next collapse


You go to the season post to get an overview and general feel for the season, plus any and all questions or fan theories are welcome.

Individual pages so you can talk in depth about an episode or post questions as you watch, with spoiler free answers.

I wouldn’t do the four discussion threads, but that’s just me trying to cut out redundancy. If others like breaking it up, hell, I’ll give it a try. But i mostly watch Star Trek with the wiki and/or Reddit page up so i can look up trivia and actors i recognize, so one post per episode and a megathread for the season are right up my ally. on 26 Jun 21:31 next collapse

I vote for complete free for all. Go at it people! on 27 Jun 01:34 next collapse

I’m going to vote ranked choice, because first past the post is antidemocratic!

4, 1, 2, 3 on 27 Jun 20:55 collapse

Option 4 has my vote. Option 1 is a close second.