Why Sam Kirk is the Best Kirk (www.startrek.com)
from ValueSubtracted@startrek.website to startrek@startrek.website on 25 Sep 2023 18:56


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Stamets@startrek.website on 25 Sep 2023 19:36 next collapse

I know Sam isn’t new to SNW but I didn’t really know the character until SNW. Loved him immediately but I fell in love with him during the Subspace Rhapsody episode. There are two distinct moments in that episode that made me fucking fall head over heels for Sam.

  1. His adorably goofy dancing during the Chapel number. Dunno, it just tickled me.

  2. Like the article says, during the final number when the Klingons show up, everyone on the bridge is dead still. Except Sam. You can see him vibing in the background. Slight continuity error as it then cuts to Uhura who looks over to Sam like “the fuck” as Sam starts dancing.

This man is fucking perfect and I want one for Christmas.

StillPaisleyCat@startrek.website on 26 Sep 2023 04:04 next collapse

I really appreciate how Goldsman and Myers have taken a sibling who was only ever seen or referred to in TOS in order to drive James’ T’s anger, and turned him into a three dimensional character that we value in his own right.

Credit also to Dan Jeanotte for a consistently great and subtle performance.

Stamets@startrek.website on 26 Sep 2023 12:59 next collapse

Agreed on all counts. He’s a fantastic character.

kamenlady@lemmy.world on 27 Sep 2023 11:12 collapse

He’s really great! I love when he’s in an episode, because i’ll never not see him as Brandon Russell, from his stint on “The Good Witch” and always imagine his wife’s reaction, when she finds out what he’s been doing in space.

I was not here and i never wrote that!

zloubida@lemmy.world on 26 Sep 2023 09:29 collapse

Except Sam. You can see him vibing in the background.

I missed that when I watched the episode, but now it’s my favourite part of this episode.

reddig33@lemmy.world on 27 Sep 2023 03:04 collapse

Agreed. Stop hauling out the James T. wannabe, and give Sam more screen time.