WizKids Announces New Star Trek: Captain's Chair Strategy Card Game (blog.trekcore.com)
from ValueSubtracted@startrek.website to startrek@startrek.website on 11 Jun 14:41


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jet@hackertalks.com on 11 Jun 14:43 next collapse

The cards come with the game! So it’s more like Dominion and not a CCG. I was worried for a second. I wonder how it’ll play compared to Dominion. I absolutely will buy this

ValueSubtracted@startrek.website on 11 Jun 14:44 collapse


Zefram Cochrane. No “ph.”

USSBurritoTruck@startrek.website on 13 Jun 00:10 collapse

If you’re paying, you can spell his name any way you like.

<img alt="image" src="https://y.yarn.co/3187f7f5-e2c8-4388-8115-6becbdf51972_text.gif">