Existing implementations of Conversation Containers (#Streams and #Hubzilla) add a context property to top-level posts of conversations. This is also what FEP-171b currently prescribes. However, as I
from silverpill@mitra.social to swicg-threadiverse-wg@community.nodebb.org on 23 Dec 2024 15:13

Existing implementations of Conversation Containers (#Streams and #Hubzilla) add a context property to top-level posts of conversations. This is also what FEP-171b currently prescribes.

However, as I noted in the FEP, this is not consistent with FEP-7888 recommendations.
context property is supposed to be used for grouping objects, and in Conversation Containers we have a collection of conversation activities, not posts.

A property that links top-level post to its conversation container should be called differently. For example, threadContext or conversationContext

Note.threadContext == Add.target.id

context can still be used, but for linking to the collection of posts (although I would prefer to use thread for that purpose).

#fep_171b #ConversationContainers

#conversationcontainers #fep_171b #hubzilla #streams #swicg-threadiverse-wg

threaded - newest

julian@community.nodebb.org on 23 Dec 2024 16:41 collapse

@silverpill@mitra.social I would think that FEP-7888 merely suggests that as:context be used to group objects, although I think an implementation using it to group activities would be considered compliant. (@trwnh@mastodon.social to comment?)

I don't see why a top-level post linking to its conversation container would need to use a property separate from as:context. It sounds like you consider the conversation container and the collection of posts to be separate entities, but that needn't be the case, they can be one and the same, unless I am misunderstanding.

Last time ForumWG met we voted to recommend that individual objects use as:context. There is no additional guidance at this time as to what it points to or whether it should resolve (although that would be a logical next step).

silverpill@mitra.social on 23 Dec 2024 17:40 collapse

@julian @trwnh

>It sounds like you consider the conversation container and the collection of posts to be separate entities, but that needn't be the case, they can be one and the same, unless I am misunderstanding.

Yes, conversation container is separate from collection of posts. Container contains activities (in the original implementation, it is a collection of Add activities). Top-level post is not part of that collection, and therefore shouldn't have it as context.

jenniferplusplus@hachyderm.io on 23 Dec 2024 18:30 collapse

@silverpill @trwnh @julian
why would a top level post not be part of its own context?

silverpill@mitra.social on 23 Dec 2024 19:29 collapse

@jenniferplusplus In our case, conversation context is a collection of activities. If we add top-level post (Note) to that collection, it becomes a mixed bag. It's harder to parse, and generally doesn't feel right to me.

So I want to have two collections, one with activities and one with posts, and use two different properties:

1. Note.threadContext (or Note.conversationContext) - points to a collection of activities.
2. Note.thread (or Note.context) - points to a collection of posts.

@trwnh @julian

jenniferplusplus@hachyderm.io on 23 Dec 2024 19:49 collapse

@silverpill @trwnh @julian
Yes, I get that you want a collection of activities. But that's not what I asked. You said the top level post should not be part of it's own context collection. Why not?

trwnh@mastodon.social on 23 Dec 2024 20:30 next collapse

@jenniferplusplus @silverpill @julian my read of the topic so far (if i understand correctly) is that there's confusion on a context being bound by "posts" or "activities". imo it can be whatever -- participants optionally declare a context they consider their objects created within, but moderators then optionally add what they want (since it's a collection they own). the "next step" would be to signal the moderator's criteria for what might get added, but there are no hard-and-fast rules in AP,

trwnh@mastodon.social on 23 Dec 2024 20:36 collapse

@jenniferplusplus @silverpill @julian ...so it's anyone's opinion on what should end up in any collection

personally i still think the `outbox` is the most natural place to put activities. especially if they're Add activities. in its simplest form, consider such an `outbox` to basically be an append-only log of Add and Remove activities. this logically implies that the collection contains the objects of the Add/Remove

this can be more or less automated by making the collection Add to itself

jenniferplusplus@hachyderm.io on 23 Dec 2024 20:38 next collapse

@trwnh @silverpill @julian
No, that is not the confusion.

silverpill said:
> Yes, conversation container is separate from collection of posts.


> Container contains activities (in the original implementation, it is a collection of Add activities).

I can live with this

> Top-level post is not part of that collection, and therefore shouldn't have it as context.

Why? This makes no sense. Why is the first post in a thread not part of the context?

trwnh@mastodon.social on 23 Dec 2024 20:38 next collapse

@jenniferplusplus @silverpill @julian i'm not really happy with this 100% but there's no getting around the difference in implementations because it really stems from a more fundamental issue -- that of the "fediverse" not actually being a single replicated network, but really an ersatz way to publish resources to the Web that describe more or less the same end result but in multiple possible (and logically equivalent) forms

julian@community.nodebb.org on 23 Dec 2024 20:40 collapse

@trwnh@mastodon.social @jenniferplusplus@hachyderm.io @silverpill@mitra.social I think that makes sense considering that outboxes already do contain activities, so it's not a stretch from prior art.

I'd also like to know the thinking behind excluding root-level post from the context collection. I think it belongs within, but other software may consider root level objects to be like "topics", and so would be on a separate level from replies. The easiest example I can think of right now is Lemmy, which is how it handles posts.

trwnh@mastodon.social on 23 Dec 2024 20:47 next collapse

@julian @jenniferplusplus @silverpill personally i'd mostly be interested in a collection of "posts" (including the first one) so i would probably back that interpretation as well, and i'd say that if the "first post" was *not* part of the collection, then there's probably something else going on -- maybe captured by a property like `comments`?

something like lemmy with its Page/Note split is more of an antipattern imo. then again, replies and comments are both subject to this bc topical drift.

silverpill@mitra.social on 24 Dec 2024 09:31 collapse


Is it clearer now?

To re-iterate: root post is not excluded, I was talking about two different "contexts". With examples:

- NodeBB https://community.nodebb.org/post/102409 - context property is a pointer to a collection of posts
- Hubzilla https://hub.somaton.com/conversation/0145da10-b608-4b19-b1d5-89a461e473d0 - context property is a pointer to a collection of activities (conversation container)

If you're planning to implement Conversation Containers, you need a different property name for one of those collections

@trwnh @jenniferplusplus

trwnh@mastodon.social on 24 Dec 2024 13:52 next collapse

@silverpill @jenniferplusplus @julian i don't understand why anyone would need to go directly from a single post to a collection of activities having to do with the thread. isn't it enough to pass through the thread itself first? e.g. take the Note.context.outbox for an "activity log", or if you're going to define a new property, then define it on the thread instead of on the post -- Note.context.history for example following https://w3id.org/fep/bad1

silverpill@mitra.social on 24 Dec 2024 14:50 collapse

@trwnh I want a direct link because I'm interested in all activities, not just posts. Going from Note to .context to .history requires additional HTTP requests.
contextHistory is a good name though

@jenniferplusplus @julian

trwnh@mastodon.social on 24 Dec 2024 15:02 collapse

@silverpill @jenniferplusplus @julian it's at worst 1 extra request, but there are other reasons why that doesn't seem like a good idea. first of all, it's conceptually not a property of the post; it's a property of the *Create activity* et al. it's like asking for a property that goes directly on posts whose value is the outbox of its author, instead of simply following attributedTo.outbox as a property path...

julian@community.nodebb.org on 24 Dec 2024 16:31 collapse

@silverpill@mitra.social @trwnh@mastodon.social Yes, although I have not heard a convincing argument as to why both conversation containers and conversational contexts*

cc @jenniferplusplus@hachyderm.io

trwnh@mastodon.social on 24 Dec 2024 17:00 next collapse

@julian @silverpill @jenniferplusplus i'm still of the opinion that going directly from "post" to "conversation activities" without first passing through "conversation" doesn't make sense

silverpill@mitra.social on 24 Dec 2024 17:26 collapse


>why both conversation containers and conversational contexts* cannot be referenced via as:context

How would you do that? Two as:context properties on a single object?

Both collections should be discoverable via conversation root

@trwnh @jenniferplusplus

trwnh@mastodon.social on 24 Dec 2024 17:43 collapse

@silverpill @jenniferplusplus @julian

context on the object vs context on the activity?

the objects added into the conversation are the .items, and the activities related to the conversation can be put in the .outbox or .history or some other property of the conversation (not a property of the individual items)

julian@community.nodebb.org on 24 Dec 2024 18:06 collapse

@trwnh@mastodon.social @silverpill@mitra.social One or the other can be represented in as:context.

I am of the opinion that we ought to be flexible with what as:context resolves to.

If it resolves to:

  • an OrderedCollection containing objects :heavy_check_mark:
  • a 171b conversation container containing activities :heavy_check_mark:
  • the latter but with full activity history via outbox :heavy_check_mark:

There is room for all of us; the concession is implementors need to be flexible enough to handle activities OR notes.

This is not a decision between 7888 XOR 171b, 171b can be 7888-compliant.

cc @jenniferplusplus@hachyderm.io

trwnh@mastodon.social on 24 Dec 2024 18:20 collapse

@julian @silverpill @jenniferplusplus this is less about feps to me and more about being clear and correct with the statements and descriptions. it’s not just the property or the value. the current subject also matters.

the context binding several activities together is not the same as the context binding the objects of those activities. we shouldn’t semantically confuse the two.

julian@community.nodebb.org on 25 Dec 2024 01:07 collapse

@trwnh@mastodon.social I know we had some discussions about what exactly a context collection should contain (plain objects vs. activities), but I don't actually see why the collection can't contain activities, at least from an implementor POV (which I'll wager @silverpill@mitra.social is also of that camp).

There's the distinction that if an object references a collection then it should be a member of said collection, but when it comes down to it, I'm actually perfectly ok with "an object references a collection, and it is indirect contained in it via a Create or Add"

cc @jenniferplusplus@hachyderm.io

julian@community.nodebb.org on 25 Dec 2024 01:09 collapse

@trwnh@mastodon.social the more I mull it over, the more appealing it is to have access to the entire activity history so one can "replay" the activities to do more than backfill objects.

I'd be equally happy reading it via outbox though. I'm pretty flexible.

cc @jenniferplusplus@hachyderm.io @silverpill@mitra.social

trwnh@mastodon.social on 25 Dec 2024 06:40 collapse

@julian @jenniferplusplus @silverpill sure, but the set of instructions to replay is not the same as the final resulting state to be displayed. they are (or should be) distinct concepts

i’m not against exposing both, i’m just against exposing the activity log as the context for non-activity objects. doing that would be inaccurate or imprecise (you’d be collapsing the two contexts together)

of course there’s still flexibility where an activity may belong to both contexts

trwnh@mastodon.social on 25 Dec 2024 06:52 collapse

@julian @jenniferplusplus @silverpill for example, if you intend to have a Move activity show up in the displayed conversation, it would in theory have two contexts: one context binds the activity log, and the other context binds the current conversation items

if both are declared explicitly, then the way you’d tell the two apart is by some heuristic (probably using new types or properties). but the activity log context may be implicit by way of the outbox.

silverpill@mitra.social on 23 Dec 2024 20:42 collapse

@jenniferplusplus @trwnh @julian

I'm talking about two different collections:

- Collection of activities (conversation container, conversation context, thread context). I said that top-level post shouldn't be a part of this collection because it is not an activity.
- Collection of posts (conversation, thread). Top-level post certainly should be a part of this collection, but implementations of Conversation Containers currently don't publish this collection. I want to publish both collections.

trwnh@mastodon.social on 23 Dec 2024 20:47 next collapse

@silverpill @jenniferplusplus @julian have you considered that maybe "posts" can have their own `context`, and "activities" can also have their own `context`?

silverpill@mitra.social on 23 Dec 2024 20:54 collapse

@trwnh @jenniferplusplus @julian Yes, that's exactly what I am proposing, two collections. I just find it confusing when both of them are "contexts"

trwnh@mastodon.social on 23 Dec 2024 20:56 collapse

@silverpill @jenniferplusplus @julian conceptually they still are both "contexts" in that they group things that belong together, but there's probably a missing piece somewhere to signal a more specific purpose, like some way to describe the implied relationship between some subject and all collection items (linked by some predicate)

this is a more general problem bc you don't know that a given collection is e.g. a followers collection or a replies collection.

trwnh@mastodon.social on 23 Dec 2024 21:03 collapse

@silverpill @jenniferplusplus @julian in other words something like

id: some-collection
summary: "alice's followers"
type: Collection
items: [bob, charlie, david]
type: Relationship
subject: alice
relationship: IsFollowedBy
type: Relationship
relationship: IsFollowing
object: alice

silverpill@mitra.social on 23 Dec 2024 20:48 collapse

@trwnh @jenniferplusplus @julian Both collections are "contexts" in a sense that they represent groups of related entities. I refer to collection of posts as "thread" because this is what it is.

trwnh@mastodon.social on 23 Dec 2024 20:52 collapse

@silverpill @jenniferplusplus @julian

id: x
context: thread-activities
actor: a
type: Create
id: y
context: thread-posts
content: "foo"

thread-posts can contain your contentful objects, and thread-activities can contain everything even tangentially related to that conversation

silverpill@mitra.social on 23 Dec 2024 21:00 collapse

@trwnh @jenniferplusplus @julian

There should be a way to go directly from y to thread-activities:

id: x
context: thread-activities
actor: a
type: Create
  id: y
  thread: thread-posts
  threadContext: thread-activities
  content: "foo"