The Disinformation Machine: How Susceptible Are We to AI Propaganda? (
from to on 13 May 2024 17:25


threaded - newest on 13 May 2024 19:02 next collapse

We are all susceptible to propaganda, every one of us. I know I’ve caught myself a few times.

People on Facebook though… They are VERY susceptible on 13 May 2024 19:39 next collapse

I don’t know. People in the west dont seem to understand they also listen to propaganda every single day. But they think it’s just happening in Russia or China. on 14 May 2024 04:59 collapse

Agreed, I think it is a mistake to think we are somehow above it and that only stupid people fall for this stuff. The Social Dilemma explained this idea really well, I thought. One one side of the screen we have computers that are gaining power exponentially and constantly improving algorithms designed by graduates from the top universities in the world. On the other side of the screen is our monkey brain which has barely improved at all across hundreds of thousands of years. Who do you really think is going to win in that battle, particularly when we throw generative AI into the mix? Maybe I can sort the fake from the real today, but if we continue on the same trajectory then that is going to change very quickly. on 13 May 2024 22:06 collapse


The major social media sites were programmed to feed people content that convinces them that their opinions are fully valid while also keeping them perpetually angry, all to keep their eyeballs glued to ads.

When content synthesized by AI gets more sophisticated, we won’t be able to tell the difference.