Tuta Mail's Google Ranking Mysteriously Restored After Announcement to Take Legal Actions -- [Tuta blog] (tuta.com)
from tardigrada@beehaw.org to technology@beehaw.org on 18 Jun 18:13

On March 7, 2024, Google inexplicably downranked the website of Tuta Mail in its search results. While Tuta Mail is a prominent provider of encrypted email services, focusing on security and privacy, our website was deranked for terms like “secure email” and “encrypted email” completely. The search results for our website was limited exclusively to so called “branded” search terms, e.g. search terms that included our brand name like Tuta, Tutanota, or Tutamail. In consequence, only people who already knew that Tuta existed were able to find our website via Google Search – any new potential customers were not able to find our encrypted email solution.

Faced with this immense problem with Google Search and a drop in visibility of the Tuta website by ~90% in Google’s search results, we tried to get in touch with Google, both through official channels and on social media, but in vain. So on April 24, we submitted a formal complaint to the EU so that the EU could investigate whether Google’s actions in downranking a direct competitor violates the newly issued Digital Markets Act (DMA). We welcome the fact that the EU has already started an investigation against Google, Apple, and Meta in regards to whether these big tech companies are sufficiently complying with the DMA regulation. Not being legal experts here, but what Google has been doing to our website and what Apple is doing with their new App store policy for app developers, seem like obvious examples of malicious compliance.


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perishthethought@lemm.ee on 18 Jun 18:42 next collapse

As a Tuta user … go get 'em!!

PhreakyByNature@feddit.uk on 18 Jun 18:58 collapse

As a non-user I’m now intrigued by it!

tardigrada@beehaw.org on 18 Jun 19:22 collapse

I am thinking the same. Must be some sort of Streisand effect :-)

perishthethought@lemm.ee on 18 Jun 20:49 collapse

Ha. I certainly think they’re worth checking out. For my use case (anti-goog, privacy is key, relatively few emails per month but those are critical to me, custom domain) Tuta works well. I’ve had it for about 3 years and no issues at all.

seang96@spgrn.com on 18 Jun 20:53 collapse

I see you don’t use FCM for push notifications. Are there plans fpr supporting unifiedpush.org?

Edit looks like that’s a no, and ignored in bug reports and feature requests only on reddit. The email service got me interested, but not till unified push is supported

Edit realize OP is not them mixed that by reading the post haha

muhyb@programming.dev on 19 Jun 02:29 collapse

It does have notifications though.

seang96@spgrn.com on 19 Jun 04:46 collapse

Sure but it’s another constant background connectiom instead of using something that combines them all into one (a push server). It’s great not using Google’s push server, but I’d rather something not eat more of my phones battery when it could use my own private push server that’s already running in the background.