Amazon-Powered AI Cameras Used to Detect Emotions of Unwitting UK Train Passengers (
from to on 17 Jun 22:13


threaded - newest on 17 Jun 23:52 next collapse

The AI trials used a combination of “smart” CCTV cameras that can detect objects or movements from images they capture and older cameras that have their videofeeds connected to cloud-based analysis.

Enough of these linked together coupled with facial recognition, and Amazon’s got the means to track people at scale. on 18 Jun 00:52 collapse

I mean they already make all the Amazon devices in a neighborhood talk to each other, why wouldn’t they do this as well on 18 Jun 00:20 next collapse

Oh, what fun. on 18 Jun 05:40 next collapse

Do people really not make a mask of their face in public? Who are these people going around riding trains with their emotional state visible on their face? on 20 Jun 18:23 collapse

Next headline:

“Amazon ‘AI Cameras’ actually hundreds of underpaid workers in Pakistan.”

(and just as - if not more - horrible as actual AI cameras would be)