Google says AI systems should be able to mine publishers’ work unless companies opt out, turning copyright law on its head (
from to on 09 Aug 2023 05:23

In its submission to the Australian government’s review of the regulatory framework around AI, Google said that copyright law should be altered to allow for generative AI systems to scrape the internet.


threaded - newest on 09 Aug 2023 11:08 collapse

It’s not turning copyright law on its head, in fact asserting that copyright needs to be expanded to cover training a data set IS turning it on its head. This is not a reproduction of the original work, its learning about that work and and making a transformative use from it. An generative work using a trained dataset isn’t copying the original, its learning about the relationships that original has to the other pieces in the data set. on 09 Aug 2023 19:57 collapse

This is artificial pseudointelligence, not a person. It doesn’t learn about or transform anything.

[deleted] on 10 Aug 2023 22:52 collapse
