Report: Apple isn’t paying OpenAI for ChatGPT integration into OSes (
from to on 14 Jun 10:17

If Apple aren’t paying OpenAI and OpenAI aren’t playing Apple, it means that consumers are paying both.


threaded - newest on 14 Jun 11:04 next collapse

Can we disable these options somehow? on 14 Jun 12:05 next collapse

Sure, buy an Android 🥹 on 14 Jun 15:21 collapse

Then you get Gemini instead. It is not required yet, but Google will bug you about it almost daily in multiple locations on 14 Jun 15:58 collapse

Do you not degoogle your android? on 14 Jun 18:53 collapse

Much easier said than done. I would personally like to, but I need a good replacement for Android Auto/Google Maps in my car. That is me personally, though. For a lot of not technically inclined people that is not possible. on 14 Jun 20:30 collapse

Openstreetmaps data is very good, and several degoogled custom roms support android auto (/e/os comes to mind) and the paid version of osmand has android auto support, the free version of the (inferior)agic earth does too on 14 Jun 22:52 collapse

I’ve used OSMand and wasn’t a fan, but good to know the paid version has Auto support. on 14 Jun 23:24 collapse

You may want to try oit magic earth or organic maps, although i personally dont like them as much on 14 Jun 12:52 next collapse


Customers can opt out of OpenAI’s presence on their devices… on 14 Jun 15:07 collapse

Just like you could “delete” photos on 14 Jun 22:12 collapse

It’s the cloud I’m worried about most, nothing happens locally on iPhone. on 15 Jun 04:04 collapse

You have to specifically request that siri uses chat GPT for a request. on 14 Jun 12:02 next collapse

Because the end user is the product. on 14 Jun 19:05 collapse

Or, because Apple gets a free service that would cost an insane amount of money if they were to pay API fees or build their own data centers and models, and OpenAI gets free advertising by being included in millions of Apple devices. Seems pretty simple. on 14 Jun 19:17 collapse

Apple gets a free service that would cost an insane amount of money if they were to pay API fees or build their own data centers and models…

All true.

OpenAI gets free advertising by being included in millions of Apple devices.

Also true but woefully incomplete. They also get millions of Apple devices and users to train their models at no cost. When I say you are the product, I mean that Apple sold access to you and everything you do to OpenAI in exchange for OpenAI functionality at no extra charge. I have no doubt that Apple will make a best efforts to anonymize data, but OpenAI absolutely will have deep access.

[deleted] on 14 Jun 22:39 next collapse

. on 16 Jun 23:38 collapse

ChatGPT already has a free tier. It’s likely the same deal. Apple said you can link your ChatGPT account if you want access to premium features.