Microsoft's Recall Feature Is Even More Hackable Than You Thought (
from to on 07 Jun 02:20


threaded - newest on 07 Jun 02:43 next collapse

Also have a look at this video demonstration Hacking Windows Recall To See Everything (by Mental Outlaw). on 07 Jun 15:52 collapse

Man, during my apprenticeship, I spent a month in the offensive security department, meaning white-hat hackers. My most memorable experience there was us scrolling through a WireShark log of a server (which a user had conveniently placed into a web-hosted folder, so that our automated scanners could pick up on it).

Then we found an unencrypted FTP connection in there, which meant the password got logged in plain text and then we tried the same password for SSH. In roundabout 10 minutes, we had root access. On a real-world system.

And yeah, watching the guy in the video scroll through those Recall logs, that felt eerily similar. Like you just need the right Ctrl+F, the right screenshot or any clue that they’re using some insecure technology to exploit. If you can extract those logs, it’s likely just a matter of time until you find something. on 07 Jun 03:21 next collapse

please hack it the fuck out so that it gets canned asap. on 07 Jun 09:45 collapse

I don’t think it will.

Microsoft’s endgame is being the lord and master of AI. AI thrives on knowing more data about the user. What good is an assistant if it doesn’t know your habits, your wishes and desires, your schedule and your attitude towards each person in your life?

This is not really a feature primarily aimed at helping the user directly (even though it’s currently marketed as such), but to have the AI build up a repository of knowledge about you. Which is hopefully used locally only. For now this seems to be the case, but knowing Microsoft, once they have established themselves as the leading product they will start monetising it in every way possible.

Of course I’m very unhappy with this too. I’d like to have an AI assistant. But it has to be FOSS, and owned and operated by me. I don’t trust microsoft in any way. I’m already playing around with ollama, RAG scripting etc. It won’t be as good as simply signing up to OpenAI, Google or Microsoft but at least it will be mine. on 07 Jun 17:47 next collapse

Microsoft will switch off Recall by default after security backlash on 08 Jun 12:28 collapse

Thank fuck.

Though they’ll make opt-out soon enough, when the backlash has dwindled down. on 10 Jun 21:54 collapse

Which is hopefully used locally only.

Ha. Haha, ha. Hahaha. Hahahahaha. on 07 Jun 06:17 next collapse

I bet it isn’t! on 07 Jun 06:43 next collapse

Not surprising. If there’s a way for a non-admin user to use this, it means there’s probably a way for a non-admin process to access the data.

Even if if were more secure, there’s probably plenty of ways for attackers to escalate privileges to admin.

The bigger issue is Microsoft providing an official tool for snooping on user activity. Malware won’t have to install their own, and recall taking screenshots periodically won’t be considered anomalous behaviour since it’s an official Microsoft service. on 07 Jun 07:17 next collapse

recall taking screenshots periodically

Seriously, you didn’t get through the first paragraph?

the notion of a tool that silently takes a screenshot of your desktop every five seconds”

Saying “periodically” is a pretty trivial way of putting it.

Microsoft and Adobe fighting each other over who gets enshittification of the decade award. Sam Altman is probably crafting a victory speech about what chatGPT 12 might possibly be able to do, someday. The sooner all this snake oil hype crashes and burns, the better off we’ll all be. on 07 Jun 10:44 collapse

The article describes a tool that grabs the data without admin privileges, but yes, there are methods used by current malware to escalate privileges. on 07 Jun 08:57 next collapse

AI taking more jobs.

Now you just need a execute single PowerShell line to upload the whole history to the attacker, no need to hire skilled hackers to code custom malware or infostealers.

What those malware devs are going to do now that ai replaced them? on 07 Jun 17:51 collapse

Change up the kinds of malware they write. on 07 Jun 19:09 next collapse

Will they recall Recall? on 07 Jun 21:31 next collapse

Although this feature sounds helpful, it really looks like they went too far with this. They should probably look for a way to sell these Copilot+ pc’s in another way if they can’t get this secure enough and probably keep it disabled for companies…

I’m surprised they didn’t make sure that the part that should help you hide sensitive information worked well before letting the first testers get their hands on the feature. All this bad news about the future doesn’t help convince people to turn it on. on 08 Jun 00:25 collapse

How were they supposed to test any of it, without releasing it to testers? Recall is an “Insider Preview” feature, it’s nowhere close to a final feature. on 08 Jun 08:20 next collapse

From my understanding recall stored the screenshots it took unencrypted. Atleast encrypt the bloody data before releasing it to anyone outside of ms on 08 Jun 18:07 collapse

It doesn’t store screenshots, it stores text it gets via OCR from the screenshots in a SQLite database. Still one of the worst ideas these idiots ever had. on 08 Jun 21:39 collapse

“Insider Preview” features are proof of concept stuff, they can add encryption before the “Public Preview” version. on 08 Jun 16:51 collapse

Doing some internal security testing for a start. QA should always have a couple passes too. on 08 Jun 21:34 collapse

Insider Preview”

internal security testing

Precisely my point.

If people don’t want to be part of the internal testing, or part of the QA testing, then they shouldn’t be running “Insider” or “Preview” stuff. on 08 Jun 21:39 collapse

Insiders are not MS employees, though. That is also not the same as trained QA or security. You or I can join the insiders program. It is essentially public beta on 08 Jun 21:45 collapse

More like alpha. Public beta are the normal (non-Insider) “Preview” versions… then they use a staged update deployment for QA.

And yes, MS is saving a lot of money on trained employees by using paying customers as testers. on 08 Jun 21:48 collapse

Alpha is For sure more accurate. But for me that also means big security holes like that should be plugged before insider. I’m also a bit biased being a QA engineer on 08 Jun 06:52 next collapse

I recently listened to the vergecast episode about all of MS’s recent announcements and was genuinely shocked to hear recall being compared to, more or less, the local caching that already happens while you use your computer (+ the normalized big tech tracking). My gut reaction was that that’s kind of an insane thing to think and I’m glad I’m being vindicated on that point. on 08 Jun 07:08 collapse

Mental Outlaw recently made a pretty good video about this, where he showed how to access and analyze the data that’s been saved by Recall. It also shows how easily an attacker could grab all that data.