The Tech Baron Seeking to “Ethnically Cleanse” San Francisco (
from to on 27 Apr 2024 15:54

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threaded - newest on 27 Apr 2024 17:50 next collapse

I’ll save y’all from having to read about this villain. He’s not referring to actual ethnicity. He wants an “ethnic” cleansing of liberals from San Francisco, he wants to start a new gang called The Greys, and he wants the city controlled by corporate gangs who can do whatever they want. He wants to bribe police officers to do his bidding, and equip them with special uniforms to demonstrate their loyalty. He wants to reintroduce segregation, but for political alignment, and ban liberals (who he calls The Blues) from access to good parts of the city. He’s dangerous because he has resources and a captive audience. I’m sure he is on several government watchlists already, as he should be. on 27 Apr 2024 18:53 next collapse

Greys and blues like the civil war? on 27 Apr 2024 19:36 next collapse

Maybe it is a call for ethnic cleansing and he means “black people” when he says “liberals.”

I knew a coworker who would say “Canadians” as a dogwhistle. I don’t know why, and refused to ask. on 28 Apr 2024 00:27 collapse

Canadians as a dogwhistle for what, dare I ask? Or was that part of what you refused to ask? on 28 Apr 2024 00:38 collapse

Black people. on 27 Apr 2024 19:21 collapse

Except now the Republicans will be called “Reds”, and the Democrats will be “Blues”. The Greys are this new Nazi fuck’s party. on 27 Apr 2024 19:09 collapse

Wow. Insane.

he “told a group of young entrepreneurs that the United States had become ‘the Microsoft of nations’: outdated and obsolescent.”

Hahahaha, let’s see, the software giant that practically controls 99% of desktops/laptops around the world…

The same company that has a massive R&D division that produces some of the most amazing research on computing and users.

MS isn’t showing us all their cards, I’m frankly terrified of what they understand and their long-term plans based on that knowledge. on 27 Apr 2024 19:24 collapse

All this facial recognition technology that is popping up as breaking news was on demonstration in the Microsoft visitor center 10 fricken years ago. Over a decade ago they could already assign an ID to a person the first time they were seen, accurately estimate their height, weight, ethnicity, age, and even mood, and create a persistent profile for them across locations. That was a decade ago when they had it on display for visitors, so it had actually been available for much longer. Imagine what they’re doing now. on 27 Apr 2024 19:05 next collapse

It is 100% way overdue to take a lot of tech away from these cunts and make it public infrastructure. on 27 Apr 2024 18:53 next collapse

<img alt="" src=""> on 27 Apr 2024 22:19 next collapse

If the Californians vote for this dude and his ideas, it'll be their own fault 🤷‍♂ But it would fit right in with the future president. on 27 Apr 2024 22:56 collapse

Another uber-wealthy tool like Musk that is insulated from the consequences of anything they do or say while surrounding themselves with sycophants. on 28 Apr 2024 14:34 collapse

Psychopaths* on 28 Apr 2024 15:17 collapse

why not both