A ‘Teleportation’ Breakthrough for Quantum Computing Is Here (www.wired.com)
from yogthos@lemmy.ml to technology@lemmy.ml on 18 Feb 18:31



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dingdongitsabear@lemmy.ml on 19 Feb 15:38 next collapse

I understood nada. the success rate being 86% means what, successful transmission of state in 86% of cases? over what sample size? was there a control instance with randomized states?

yogthos@lemmy.ml on 19 Feb 16:14 collapse

Yeah, my understanding is that 86% refers to successful transmission of the state where entanglement is preserved. No idea about the details though, would have to look through the paper itself.

fubarx@lemmy.ml on 21 Feb 10:50 collapse

I have a friend who has been tasked to explain all this and the benefits to lay-people. Somehow, “able to break all your passwords” doesn’t seem to be very compelling.

Maybe this will be the reason they trot out at the next budget review.