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I wish this article weren’t so light on details.
There are a few China Bad Times stans who reliably downvote anything remotely positive about China.
I guess this news is legit, bigger players like catl are scheduling ssb for next year or 2026 maximum. This tech will probably make batteries naysayers shut up forever
It’s not that, it’s that I’d like to know more about this battery technology.
Developing that tech is going to be like developing the first steam engine
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I wish this article weren’t so light on details.
There are a few China Bad Times stans who reliably downvote anything remotely positive about China.
I guess this news is legit, bigger players like catl are scheduling ssb for next year or 2026 maximum. This tech will probably make batteries naysayers shut up forever
It’s not that, it’s that I’d like to know more about this battery technology.
Developing that tech is going to be like developing the first steam engine