EU Commission opens formal proceedings against Meta under the Digital Services Act related to the protection of minors on Facebook and Instagram (
from to on 17 May 2024 12:37

The Commission is concerned that the systems of both Facebook and Instagram, including their algorithms, may stimulate behavioural addictions in children, as well as create so-called ‘rabbit-hole effects’. In addition, the Commission is also concerned about age-assurance and verification methods put in place by Meta.

Today’s opening of proceedings is based on a preliminary analysis of the risk assessment report sent by Meta in September 2023, Meta’s replies to the Commission’s formal requests for information (on the protection of minors and the methodology of the risk assessment), publicly available reports as well as the Commission’s own analysis.

The current proceedings address the following areas:


threaded - newest on 17 May 2024 13:31 next collapse

The EU is on fire with smacking these mega-corps. I hope they will prevail.

Anti Commercial-AI license on 17 May 2024 15:28 next collapse

EU are the heroes we need, but don’t deserve. on 17 May 2024 19:38 collapse

The EU is not a hero. It does better than the bare minimum and look great when compared to the US and other fascist countries. The EU keep talking about banning encrypted messaging and installing backdoors into encryption. They also aren’t uniform in their application of privacy laws. Not that US companied aren’t terrible (they are) but so are all companies. When money is the goal, all that results is the insatiable hunger to leech every possible source of capital and destroy our inalienable rights to reach their impossible goals. on 17 May 2024 19:40 collapse

I hope it isn’t just a fine. A fine is just the cost of doing business. We can’t let them get away with using capital to do crimes. on 18 May 2024 06:58 collapse

Did you forget to change profiles when answering yourself? on 21 May 2024 04:48 collapse

No, I was just adding some stuff and was too lazy to edit my comment on 17 May 2024 18:22 collapse

Now check Apple iCloud and Google Drive for CP.