Amazon’s Q has ‘severe hallucinations’ and leaks confidential data in public preview, employees warn (
from to on 02 Dec 2023 12:26


threaded - newest on 02 Dec 2023 14:18 collapse

I think I kind of understand the term, but what does “hallucinations” in this context refer to? It seems like it might be fabricated unformation? on 02 Dec 2023 14:54 collapse

Basically, the model just makes stuff up. on 03 Dec 2023 03:24 collapse

Not sure why someone downvoted you. That’s exactly what the term means in this context. It’s those confidently written answers that contain false or fabricated information. on 03 Dec 2023 03:34 collapse

And this seems like the biggest limitation for the LLM approach. The model just knows that a certain set of tokens tends to follow another set of tokens.

It has no understanding of what the tokens represent. So it does a great job of producing sentences that look meaningful, but any actual meaning in them is purely incidental.