U.S. as many as 15 years behind China on nuclear power, report says (www.japantimes.co.jp)
from yogthos@lemmy.ml to technology@lemmy.ml on 17 Jun 18:21


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TheRealCharlesEames@lemm.ee on 17 Jun 19:08 next collapse

I think it might be easier to just share the list of things America is ahead on

yogthos@lemmy.ml on 17 Jun 19:58 collapse

mass shootings and police brutality come to mind

theshatterstone54@feddit.uk on 17 Jun 20:38 next collapse

Also, according to a fairly popular clip, “number of incarcerated citizens per capita, and defense spending”.

TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml on 18 Jun 09:39 collapse

Number of genocides and foreign interventions committed, number of countries nuked

pop@lemmy.ml on 18 Jun 06:41 collapse

When most of the source of innovation in your country is brain-drain from other countries, but then those countries start fostering their own economy, so smart people want to stay.

USApes: shockedpikachuface.jpg

Downvoting it isn’t going to make it go away.

TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml on 18 Jun 09:38 next collapse

Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away. - Philip K. Dick

yogthos@lemmy.ml on 18 Jun 12:33 collapse

Couple that with the deteriorating economic situation in US and rampant racism. People are finally starting to see burgerland for the shithole it really is.