Best Buy plans to close 10 to 15 stores by 2025 (
from to on 22 Mar 2024 14:41


threaded - newest on 22 Mar 2024 14:47 next collapse

headline is somewhat wrong.. thats what they will close just in that year.. they are closing even more _this_year (+24)

As our ongoing practice, we will continue to close existing traditional stores during our rigorous review of stores as their leases come up for renewal. In fiscal '24, we closed 24 stores,” Bilunas said. “And in fiscal '25, we expect to close 10 to 15 stores on 22 Mar 2024 16:09 next collapse

The headline is right. Even if you don't know Best Buy's fiscal year, the tenses used in the quote makes it clear that they already closed 24 stores. Best Buy's 2024 fiscal year ended on February 3, 2024. They plan to close 10 to 15 more by roughly one month into 2025, so not literally "by 2025" but close enough. on 22 Mar 2024 16:14 collapse

For Best Buy "Fiscal ‘24’ is February 2023 to January 2024

Fiscal '25 is February 2024 to January 2025.

It’s dumb, I know. on 22 Mar 2024 17:06 collapse

as a retailer, might make a lot of sense not trying to close the books every year within a week of Christmas?; OR to prevent all the accountants from working overtime in that period?

my company’s FY is June-May on 22 Mar 2024 19:31 next collapse

makes sense, thanks! on 23 Mar 2024 02:17 collapse

It’s definitely not for over time LMAO. Corporate ain’t give a shit bout that.

It’s so that they can close with the Christmas rush. on 22 Mar 2024 14:54 next collapse

This seems a lot more rational than some other closings where you hear about hundreds closing. Closing a few, but possibly replacing some of them with their smaller stores. Sound much more proactive than some closings we hear about. on 22 Mar 2024 15:03 collapse

Yeah, 10-15 out of 1,100 doesn’t really seem that drastic. on 22 Mar 2024 15:22 next collapse

And commercial real estate takes another lovely hit! on 22 Mar 2024 18:13 next collapse

Best bye on 22 Mar 2024 18:19 next collapse

Best Buy has really missed an opportunity to stick it to Amazon. They own a huge amount of retail space that could double as warehouse/online order fulfillment. You know you aren’t getting counterfeit merchandise. Returns are simpler thru walk in. You can inspect before purchase.

Instead, you walk into the retail space and they are out of everything. A warehouse should never be empty. on 22 Mar 2024 18:45 next collapse

I decided to finally get an action camera a couple weeks ago. I watched however many hours of video between the GoPro and DJI Action, finally decide on the Action 4, Best Buy says they have it so I go to the store.

There’s fucking no one there. The entire camera area has basically bare shelves, they don’t even have the action 4 displayed or any indication that they sell it despite being one of basically two options, and there’s no one to get to go get me one. I ended up putting in an order on the app and wandering the mall for 20 minutes.

Fucking stupid. on 23 Mar 2024 00:12 next collapse

Best Buy is going to be the next Circuit City. The only question is when. on 23 Mar 2024 01:54 collapse

I went to best buy to buy a phone for my kid recently. They didn’t carry a phone case for the phone they sold me. They had phone cases for every iPhone you could imagine, ones they didn’t even sell. Cases for lots of phones they didn’t sell.

Crazy to me that they don’t at least stock a couple cases for the phones they sell in store. on 22 Mar 2024 20:38 next collapse

Microcenter: get a free 128gb flash drive just for visiting one of our new locations

Best Buy:

[deleted] on 23 Mar 2024 00:33 next collapse

. on 23 Mar 2024 03:25 collapse

Good for anyone that lives near a Micro Center then, I guess. on 22 Mar 2024 22:34 next collapse

that’s it? needs to be more like 150 just to stay competitive on 22 Mar 2024 23:34 next collapse

Is this the same store chain that has a CIA substation underneath in the Burbank location? Oh wait, I’m thinking of Buy More and their Nerd Herd. on 22 Mar 2024 23:49 next collapse

Is this a fucking “Chuck” reference?

Holy shit on 23 Mar 2024 01:10 collapse

I miss that show. It was so perfectly cheesy and fun and silly, with a great array of characters. The finale was great. on 23 Mar 2024 01:22 next collapse

Excuse me?? A reply by THE Alex Sadler about the TV show Chuck?? I think I can turn off the Internet for the day. I’m satisfied. on 23 Mar 2024 03:11 collapse

Captain Awesome was the chillest most understanding dude of all time on 23 Mar 2024 00:33 next collapse

The one near me (in Canada), just can’t seem to figure out what it wants to be and reinvents itself, and fails further, about every five years or so. They went through a phase with a massive music section, probably 25% or more of the store and tried to take on music store chains - that was always dead empty. Then that section went away for a while, and then they fully closed for a huge overhaul and re-opened with about 75% of the store now just an appliance store. The whole place is a ghost town and used to be quite busy when it was an electronics store like we normally associate them to be. I don’t even shop online anymore because they’ve expanded into the whole “marketplace” concept and are just another amazon where you need to closely check where you’re even buying from. I bet there’d be more success in doing what they’re good at instead of having to try and be like everyone else. on 23 Mar 2024 02:14 collapse

What exactly were they good at? Selling overpriced electronic crap? on 23 Mar 2024 03:09 next collapse

Good at installing car stereos, before the usb port and CarPlay became a thing on 23 Mar 2024 03:27 collapse

Cheap stereos when they were Sound of Music. on 23 Mar 2024 01:05 next collapse

Last time I went in there (probably 6-7 years ago now) I got asked 5 times in like 15 minutes if I needed help with something. Like fucking chill! I gave up on trying to find anything because I couldn’t think with being pestered. I also could tell I was being followed through the store by one of their loss prevention people while I was wearing business clothes on the nicer end of town.

I remember going in there once to get a cable for transferring data between drives and it was awesome because otherwise I would have had to wait days for one to come in. Being able to pick up something specialized or computer parts was pretty awesome. It was even more awesome when there were stores dedicated to that. I feel like micro center was the name of the one locally before their stores disappeared. on 23 Mar 2024 02:40 next collapse

I worked there for a bit in college and you have 30 seconds from when someone walks into your section to ‘greet’ people or else the managers will yell at you. It was so stupid and always annoyed everyone. on 23 Mar 2024 03:26 next collapse

I am so glad we have a microcenter in my city. on 23 Mar 2024 03:28 collapse

Opposite experience for me last time I was in one, which was only about a month or so ago when I picked up my Quest 3. They don’t keep them on the shelves so I had to find someone to go get it and, dude, there was NO ONE on the floor. I actually live way closer to one now than I ever did before so I was going in a bit more often since I can just walk down the street and get something in 20 minutes over waiting a day to have it delivered.

[deleted] on 23 Mar 2024 02:50 next collapse

. on 23 Mar 2024 03:19 next collapse

Shouldn’t have stopped selling physical media. on 23 Mar 2024 03:23 collapse

:( Best Buy has the best shuckable hdd deals on 19 Apr 2024 08:17 collapse

Maybe they should shut down and just only sell harddrives. lol.