Instagram is testing unskippable "Ad Breaks" lasting 3-5 seconds, disrupting user browsing experience (
from to on 03 Jun 17:21


threaded - newest on 03 Jun 17:28 next collapse

Is there a FOSS Instagram? I miss just having a simple “photo diary” to share with friends and family. on 03 Jun 17:32 next collapse

Pixelfed is the federated alternative, not sure if it’s open source though on 03 Jun 17:50 collapse

It is. on 03 Jun 17:56 next collapse

Pixelfed? on 03 Jun 21:11 collapse

Aww, NOT open source…

Cara took off in the past few days

<img alt="" src=""> on 03 Jun 21:36 collapse

Oh yeah this artist I like dipped out for Cara but he didn’t seem to suggest it was really an Instagram replacement. on 03 Jun 17:46 next collapse

microsoft had a charming expression for thus kind of corporate maneuver: BOGU on 03 Jun 22:39 collapse

Bend over get Ubuntu? on 04 Jun 16:36 collapse on 03 Jun 17:51 next collapse

It’s about time Instagram enshittifies in a grotesque way, grotesque enough for people to realize it’s shit (because it’s enshittified). on 03 Jun 19:21 next collapse

It’s a big corpo site with a bunch of normal people using it. Theirs no hope in them leaving no matter how bad it gets because “mai friends are all on it”. on 03 Jun 19:58 collapse

When I deleted my Instagram, I was initially hesitant because “my friends were all on it.” But when none of them ever spoke to me again outside of Instagram, I understood that they were not friends. on 03 Jun 20:34 collapse

Which is good that you know now.

Not being on social media has helped me connect with friends more if anything, when i meet them irl they can tell me about their vacation, their new dog etc. because i didnt see it. Interacting with friends got human again and not a “yep seen that on fb” conversationkiller.

I also do not ever miss any of the people who i thought were important to keep touch with. Because i got their phone number and they got mine we COULD contact each other. But guess what we dont. on 04 Jun 14:13 collapse

Yeah, I don’t want to see how my loved ones’ lives are going, I want them to tell me on 03 Jun 20:15 collapse

For being part of meta, Instagram is relatively good (Instagram let’s you pause suggested post, can easily modify your algorithm by telling it what not to show or what to show, can skip ads, for now, and it’s the best way to see good tik toks without going to that site), so it was just a matter of time it got enshitified

I wonder what they’ll do with WhatsApp next on 03 Jun 21:17 collapse

I use Instagram to post animal pictures. Any time I try to “browse” I see an ad every third post and give up.

[deleted] on 03 Jun 17:51 next collapse

. on 03 Jun 17:53 next collapse

I was about to say, there's this thing called PIXELFED!! Thanks for beating me to it! Like with other Federated services there are numerous PIxelfed instances:

and a mobile app for iOS and Android

As well as 3rd Party Apps - Pixeldroid and Fedilab on the Android side

Tusker ( I thought that was beer) for iOS.

And it all works on Mastodon (and related apps) as well on 03 Jun 18:15 collapse

Was about to mention this on 04 Jun 02:11 collapse

Mention what on 03 Jun 20:19 next collapse

6 years of development and it’s still not on the App Store. The sole developer is also working on a whatsapp alternative, a tiktok alternative, and fediverse database api. Pixelfed wont ever compete with instagram like this, and the name doesnt help.

After facebook changed their TOS to allow them to train their ai on peoples pictures the instagram style app Cara became the 5th most popular app and gained 300,000 users in a week. Not a single person has heard of or moved to pixelfed during this.

We and the pixelfed developer should be helping Cara integrate activitypub and open source their app so the pixelfed developer can focus on one project instead of 4 on 03 Jun 22:13 collapse

What’s wrong with the name? I like it. Valid points on everything else though. on 03 Jun 22:23 collapse

It’s long and confusing imo. I really don’t like banes that include the tech in the name. I dont want to use a platform that only wants to attract tech nerds like me i want people who know things about things i know little or nothing about too. Even a completely irrelevant name like Lemmy is great because it’s short, easy to spell, easy to remember, and is appealing to anyone.

Stuff like forgejo, pixelfed, etc aren’t memorable or convenient. I understand it’s “federated pixels” but i still don’t like it on 03 Jun 22:39 collapse

Don’t know about you but I thought forgejo and pixelfed were fairly memorable names. To each their own on 03 Jun 21:32 next collapse

I would drop insta in a heartbeat and switch to literally anything else, but unfortunately no one putting up pictures or video of my hobbies (the only thing I use insta for) uses anything else. Frustrating, but at the moment, my only option is to just quit insta and not switch to anything new since there’s no content out there. Still considering going that route though, since insta has become super annoying to use. on 04 Jun 14:46 next collapse

TIL pixelfed own iOS app is available in beta on 04 Jun 23:45 collapse

Yes, PixelFed is awesome! Currently in TestFlight but will be available in App and Play Stores by the end of the month. on 03 Jun 18:05 next collapse

What a coincidence! I’ve been testing something myself! I call it, “Not using Instagram for anything ever in any way whatsoever.” on 03 Jun 18:13 next collapse

Zuck hates this one simple trick! on 03 Jun 18:20 next collapse

I've been practicing this since... Forever. on 03 Jun 18:22 next collapse

what, you don’t want fake friends fake liking your fake glamorous vacation photos? on 05 Jun 01:41 next collapse

Don’t even have fake friends it’s a lot of just crap on there now. Far cry from when it was just friends and family on 14 Jun 05:58 collapse

The memes are brilliant though on 03 Jun 21:26 next collapse

I’ve had it blocked at my DNS for years because I got tired of my eardrums being blown out every time I clicked a link because Instagram didn’t (or still doesn’t) have a volume slider for desktop. on 05 Jun 00:05 collapse

I decided to delete mine today. I could not stand the homophobia I’m seeing this month, and the only reason I’m there is for drag queens, so I’ll just watch Drag Race instead. on 03 Jun 18:52 next collapse

I dropped Instagram, and couldn’t be happier to have left that cesspool behind. No Facebook, no Instagram, no Tik Tok, no Snapchat, no LinkedIn, no no no. I’m done with the bullshit. Need to contact me? Then you probably already have my phone number, text or call. Don’t have my number? Sounds like you probably don’t need to get in touch with me, then. on 03 Jun 19:45 next collapse

I dropped Instagram, and couldn’t be happier to have left that cesspool behind. No […] LinkedIn, […]

Unfortunately not having any presence on LinkedIn makes it quite challenging to find professional-type jobs. :/ on 03 Jun 19:56 next collapse

True. I’ve also decided I hate the professional world. on 04 Jun 14:14 collapse

Wait, is that why I struggle with this? I’m an engineer and I just don’t really get non-forum style social media. I can kinda grok tumblr, but lemmy/reddit is really all I’m good at on 05 Jun 12:25 collapse

Tons of job listings have barely any presence outside of LinkedIn. And yeah, quite often employers will want to see some kind of professional something online. on 03 Jun 19:50 collapse

How are you going to know how to vote if you don’t listen to MAGA spam in car crash/police shooting comment sections? on 03 Jun 19:07 next collapse

This won’t affect me - seeing as I have no use for Instagram - but I do worry that some actual DECENT sites will adopt this in the near future. on 03 Jun 19:28 next collapse

I’ve been testing unskippable “Insta Breaks” lasting countable to uncountable infinity seconds, disrupting literally nobody. on 03 Jun 22:44 next collapse

Oh. Oh well, time to drop insta - not like it’s been particularly good in… Ever? on 04 Jun 00:10 next collapse

I feel like we’re at the age of the internet where a strong minority (see: Lemmy users) care deeply about all the ugly exploitative and anti-consumer nature of big tech, but the vast majority of the population just… doesn’t care… and shrugs off (and enables) the continual downward spiral. on 04 Jun 01:35 collapse

The vast majority has learned helplessness and submissiveness. It’s not that they don’t care, they’ve just been beaten down over time. on 04 Jun 02:27 collapse

I’ve seen it. It’s almost like a form of ADHD training. Make sure the person’s attention is never on something for too long, and make sure the attention snaps to whatever ad pops up. on 04 Jun 02:34 next collapse

Attention is a commodity. on 04 Jun 04:50 next collapse

Consume product, then get excited for the next product! on 04 Jun 09:12 collapse

“ADHD training”, that’s the perfect way to put it. on 04 Jun 04:50 next collapse

Honestly I used Vanced patches to get rid of ads in Insta and thought I’d finally actually browse the app for once, but then I just never did. on 04 Jun 14:22 next collapse

Ha ha! I don’t use Instagram nor have I any interest in it whatsoever. on 05 Jun 00:25 collapse

Every time something gets objectively worse there are always people who say “Jokes on them I don’t use that!” and miss the point.

Like yeah, we get it. It’s only a matter of time until this kind of bullshit reaches something you do use. You should still be bothered by this. on 04 Jun 14:32 next collapse

“Testing” in case they decide they don’t like money after all. on 05 Jun 00:03 collapse

They test to verify if the user retention drop is worth the revenue increase. on 04 Jun 15:12 next collapse

The tiktok ban is paying off much more than just repressing the truth in palestine. That monopoly privilege. $$$ on 04 Jun 23:16 next collapse

Always be bringing in ever-increasing amounts of revenue. on 05 Jun 01:41 next collapse

I’ll either put my phone down for those three to five seconds or just force close the app. I don’t care about IG that much.

[deleted] on 05 Jun 07:38 next collapse

. on 05 Jun 21:27 collapse

That’s cool. I’m also testing some stuff myself. For instance, I’m testing not uploading fake pictures of fake happiness and uploading them to receive fake praise from my fake friends. Going good so far. User feedback is 100% positive.