Amazon is raising free-shipping minimums for customers without a Prime membership (
from to on 29 Aug 2023 06:38


threaded - newest on 29 Aug 2023 06:46 next collapse

This isn’t new … on 29 Aug 2023 06:55 next collapse

I usually “collect” some products before buying them, so I’m always above their limit. I am totally not getting their Prime scam. on 29 Aug 2023 07:49 next collapse

I recently bought 3 products for 50 bucks and had to pay 10 bucks extra for shipping since 3 different vendors. We really need a federated amazon. on 29 Aug 2023 08:01 next collapse

This IS federated amazon. What you mean is centralized Amazon. Just make sure to buy products from the same store. on 29 Aug 2023 09:10 collapse

Just make sure anything you order is either "fulfilled by Amazon" or "Ships from Amazon" and you should avoid that. I personally don't order anything that isn't shipped by Amazon (either through fulfillment or otherwise). on 29 Aug 2023 11:39 collapse

And if it’s only on 3rd party and no import, amazon aint getting money. on 29 Aug 2023 08:11 next collapse

i only shop there when they give us prime for free. sometimes (more frequently the last couple years) it's only a discounted shorter-term trial--so we don't bother, but the last time it was a full month--free. yea, we used it a little. and binged most everything worth watching off video, too. on 29 Aug 2023 12:12 collapse

I just sign up for Prime free trials. You can cancel them immediately but still get the full month. I only use Amazon sporadically, though - a half-dozen times a year at most - when I just can’t find the thing I need anywhere else for a sensible price. on 29 Aug 2023 07:00 next collapse

I just bought… once? From Amazon, ca. 2007. Then I learned how their warehouse workers are treated and boycotted them since then. on 29 Aug 2023 08:01 collapse

Who do you buy from then that you know has better warehouse worker conditions?

I’ve been reading first hand comments since the Digg days, and can be summed up consistently as:

No prior warehouse experience - doom and gloom unfair work conditions, Amazon evil

Prior warehouse experience - pretty typical, better than average, but metrics are annoying mental overhead.

So I ask with sincerity - do you know that the places you shop app are actually better, or are you just anti Amazon because you have heard bad things, but don’t know about others? on 29 Aug 2023 08:18 next collapse

<img alt="Image: Billionaires beautifully shine absolutely NOTHING into the lives of people who defend them online." src="">

Besos could easily have the best paid workers, with the best conditions, the best customer service, require delivery that cares, ensure the best quality goods, and still be over a hundred thousand times richer than a millionaire, but he doesn’t. He wants the extra money more. So much power, so much money, so much squeezing the normal folk just a bit harder for a bit more profit. on 29 Aug 2023 09:48 collapse

What a worthless off topic response, that ignored the question, and just went for a weak ass insult. 👏 bravo.

[deleted] on 29 Aug 2023 14:11 collapse

. on 29 Aug 2023 08:20 next collapse

I assume that person is simply making it up. They did not learn about the working conditions in ~2007. I assume the first articles about that came many years later. Google seems to have removed the custom date range, so I can’t check. Feels like that came up around 2015. wiki names 2011 on 29 Aug 2023 10:28 next collapse

I bought a book from Amazon on 2007… Then I didn’t buy anything else from them afterwards, because… I didn’t need everythign else from them?

Then this article came out (in 2011):…/feticismo-della-merce-digi… and I decided to delete my Amazon account.

I don’t need to make up anything. Believe me or don’t believe me. I couldn’t care less. on 29 Aug 2023 14:18 collapse

You did not buy anything from them for years because that just happened to be the case. You made it sound as if the reason were those working conditions, when they just made you delete the unused account years later. In other words: Not using something you already don’t use is not exactly amazing courage. on 29 Aug 2023 15:25 collapse

Ok. Reading comprension=0. Have a good day and have fun keep buying there. on 29 Aug 2023 16:39 collapse

You said you boycotted them ever since you learned of those working conditions, when in fact, you did just not buy anything from them to begin with. For years before those conditions became public.

How is my reading comprehension 0? on 29 Aug 2023 16:50 collapse

Does it really matter? You won the fight about thier specific use of words. Congratulations.

Time to go home, soldier. on 29 Aug 2023 22:31 collapse

It does absolutely not matter. But I don’t like people saying things that are incorrect. on 29 Aug 2023 23:35 collapse

You’re a beardneck that feels the need to prove other people wrong by nitpicking what they say. Who are you to say what that person was doing in those time frames? How did they say anything that was incorrect, did you track them for those years?

What if they were in a hospital during that time. Maybe they lost people they loved and didn’t buy anything online for years. Does that make them incorrect?

You felt the need to argue with them for no reason, just to feel better about yourself. Go back to Reddit with that crap. on 30 Aug 2023 15:58 collapse

I did not nitpick, it took the whole post apart. Not just one sentence from 40. But even then, how would it matter if I only critizise a part? Maybe the rest is perfectly correct?

I do not need to track someone to know that something that went public years later can not make them do something several years prior.

I don’t care why they did not buy anything for years - it does not matter. They said they stopped for some reason when that reason did not exist at that point.

I feel the need to point out illogical things. Just like above this here now. People need to think about what they write before they publish it for the world to see. on 30 Aug 2023 16:31 collapse

Go back to Reddit. on 29 Aug 2023 10:46 collapse

Google seems to have removed the custom date range, so I can’t check.

You need to switch to desktop mode. on 29 Aug 2023 14:19 collapse

Good damn fucking Google. Why would you hide an already hidden feature even more? on 29 Aug 2023 16:10 collapse

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ on 29 Aug 2023 08:56 next collapse

I’ve heard Costco is decent to workers and the prices are good, so I try that when I can. There are a few other places that I like for specific items (Chapman’s Icecream) on 29 Aug 2023 10:23 next collapse

LOL, so much rage in your reply.

I’m anti Amazon because of bad things. I buy stuff through smaller retailer from my country, even if they cost a bit more/shipping is delayed one or two days.

I can’t obviously know “how much evil” other companies are, but in the meanwhile I can pretty much avoid those that are definitely “very evil”. on 29 Aug 2023 11:07 collapse

If that’s “so much rage”, you’re very sensitive. on 29 Aug 2023 10:30 collapse

Buy from Congo. on 29 Aug 2023 07:38 next collapse

But I bet they aren’t going to pay their delivery drivers or warehouse workers more, though. on 29 Aug 2023 07:49 collapse

They now get an extra two pee bottles allotted per day. on 29 Aug 2023 08:03 collapse

I believe you mean to say “per week”. on 29 Aug 2023 08:21 next collapse

It’s going to get so much worse. on 29 Aug 2023 09:46 next collapse

This fucking thread 🤣🤣🤣

Amazon is evil for raising shipping on their least valuable customers, they are monsters. SCAM!

It’s going to get soooooooo much worse.

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 on 29 Aug 2023 09:51 next collapse

Cool, are they gonna start actually shipping products in 2 days again, or are they going to at least stop advertising it? on 29 Aug 2023 12:22 next collapse

I’ve been getting my stuff next day for a while now, must depend on where you are. on 29 Aug 2023 15:18 collapse

I’m near one of the distribution centres and get my packages same day alot of the time. on 29 Aug 2023 16:11 next collapse

I’m 5 minutes away from one and it often takes 3-4 days on 30 Aug 2023 00:03 collapse

I avoid “next day” shipping because it seems like every time I choose it, they mess it up and it takes 3-4 days due to some unnamed “problem”. on 29 Aug 2023 12:30 collapse

I always get my stuff spot on when it’s supposed to arrive from Amazon. Within 24 hours most of the time. on 29 Aug 2023 11:03 next collapse

Amazon ad, remove on 29 Aug 2023 11:58 next collapse

This just means I order less frequently from them. on 29 Aug 2023 12:49 next collapse

I stopped buying from Amazon a while back. The service went downhill quickly and the prices are not really competitive anymore, and for the few items they are cheaper I’d rather source it from a more reputable company than give my money to these fucks. on 29 Aug 2023 14:09 collapse

Might I ask where you buy from? I'd like to make the switch, but since I live in another country and get my items here through courier, getting everything I need in one or two packages is significantly cheaper for me. on 29 Aug 2023 18:22 collapse

Well it depends what you’re buying really.

For computer parts I’m lucky that Scan is located near me in the UK.

Anything else just comes from stores in my town, supermarkets, etc or special stores. I don’t buy much that isn’t computer stuff really. on 29 Aug 2023 12:57 next collapse

Canceling Prime was a great decision for us after they raised the cost. Since then, we order about twice a month. The shipping date is notoriously wrong on the free shipping selection, packages arrive sooner. on 29 Aug 2023 18:42 collapse

My Prime subscription is due to renew in the next few months, and I’m going to let it lapse. It’s getting hard to find genuine, trustworthy products on Amazon. If I wanted no-name crap drop-shipped from China, I could probably get it on Alibaba cheaper. For everything else, I’ll buy locally when possible, and buy from the manufacturer otherwise. on 29 Aug 2023 16:33 next collapse

Good because I won’t buy from amazon anymore(actually stopped 2 years ago)! I always search local and I pick up, faster, easier and cheaper most of the time. on 29 Aug 2023 20:29 next collapse

Not me fam, the less I have to do, the better. Amazon shipments literally save me 2-3 hours a week from not having to go to the store.

Prime membership ftw!!! on 30 Aug 2023 18:11 collapse

Not me fam, the less I have to do, the better. Amazon shipments literally save me 2-3 hours a week from not having to go to the store. Prime membership ftw!!!

Its not 2-3 hours, It works well if you order online with pickup option. And to be fair, its useful when I’m about to go home and the store its on my way. on 30 Aug 2023 00:06 collapse

I’m trying to move in this direction. I used to use Amazon mostly out of convenience and because they could get uncommon, hard to find stuff to me within 2 days when buying anywhere else would take 1-2 weeks. Now that they regularly fail to even get stuff to me when they say they will, and they are as generally evil as they are, I’m trying to get into the habit of buying from anywhere else.

I know ebay is fairly evil too, but I try to buy them from them if I need something oddly specific. If not, I go local. on 29 Aug 2023 23:52 next collapse

I had Amazon Prime for nearly 10 years, and in the beginning it was great, but I got tired of spending ~$120/year for 6 day shipping. I don’t use Prime Video, because so much of what’s on there I am not interested in, and when I cancelled my yearly subscription, in the explanation field, I said that if anyone could reach out to me and explain Sauron’s motivations and arc in the Rings of Power, I would renew. Nobody reached out. If they killed the billion dollar crap TV shows and brought back 2 day shipping, I’d return, but instead, we’ll get another season of Wheel of Time. on 30 Aug 2023 00:46 collapse

It depends on where you are. At home, I got same day shipping, but I stayed in Winnipeg for a bit, and it was 3-4 day shipping. on 30 Aug 2023 00:50 next collapse

You don’t have to buy more, just buy the same things you bought 2 years ago that’ll put you over the new limit. Keep those treasury printers going brrrrrr. on 30 Aug 2023 18:27 collapse

I guess exploiting their employees wasnt enough of a cost savings on 31 Aug 2023 09:02 collapse

I mean, how else can Bezos afford his third support support yatch?

You know, the yatch which provides supplies for the bigger yatch which provides supplies to his main superyatch? Man’s gotta live.