Robin Williams' Daughter Speaks Out Against AI Recreations Of Actors' Voices: "I Find It Personally Disturbing" (
from to on 02 Oct 2023 16:00

Robin Williams’ Daughter Speaks Out Against AI Recreations Of Actors’ Voices: “I Find It Personally Disturbing”::Robin Williams’ daughter speaks out against AI recreations of actors’ voices, explaining her own “disturbing” experiences with the controversial tech.


threaded - newest on 02 Oct 2023 16:42 next collapse

It is troublesome but I feel like the problem is intractable. on 02 Oct 2023 16:48 collapse

For personal use, but corporations trying to profit off of it could be fined 100% of their assets if need be. on 02 Oct 2023 17:09 next collapse

I’m down with that.

But it won’t stop it from spreading like wildfire.

I envision websites that openly allow you to do stuff like this with fine print disclaimers about trying to profit off that content. on 02 Oct 2023 17:10 next collapse

Proving it happening is going to be difficult…more difficult than telling Vanilla Ice from Queen/Bowie.

There is currently no way to copyright a voice. There is also no good definition of what a voice even is legally.

It has always been happening to some degree. Casters would cast someone who sound like that other person etc. Happens to music all the time. Tv shows have cover music that is soo close to the song it’s supposed to remind the viewer of but just isn’t technically. Voices are going to much more difficult, especially with AI spitting out audio of what it would have sounded like if a certain person had said it, but didn’t. It’ll be impossible.

This will be the death of voice acting. on 02 Oct 2023 17:16 next collapse

Sure there is, it’s called likeness or personality rights on 02 Oct 2023 21:32 collapse

Yeah, and as for the “there’s no way to tell”

Well when somebody is selling shit like “Robin Williams Alexa Nest voice $19.99 GPS narration” or bullshit like that, it’ll be pretty obvious.

A voice that sounds kinda “like Robin Williams” without being outright stated as such - or using his voice and others as a seed for AI generated output - might be a lot more difficult to pin down.

US corporations are all salivating at how they can cut out workers using technology and make record profits, but it’ll be a quick turnaround from every other country full of sellers who don’t give a fuck about copyright undercutting them on the market. Once that happens, they’ll be clamoring for “better regulation” and it’ll be too late. on 02 Oct 2023 22:25 next collapse

I never understood this, because who is going to bu on 02 Oct 2023 22:25 collapse

I never understood this, because who is going to bu on 02 Oct 2023 18:11 next collapse

if i write a bunch of words i can’t be wrong on 03 Oct 2023 08:47 collapse

Well to the last, yes definitely… it’ll become worthless as a skill. Once you can make an AI that speaks any line perfectly you don’t need anyone special to do it… joe shmoe off the street would be just as good a ‘voice actor’ as the current professionals. There’s obviously skill in making the AI do that seamlessly but that’s a different job.

Translation went through something similar. It used to be something you paid someone a lot of money for now you just type the sentence into your phone. on 03 Oct 2023 15:09 collapse

I like this. I don’t mind the use itself for limited purposes, I just don’t think there should be any financial benefit to it. on 02 Oct 2023 16:45 next collapse

“AI Claps Back With AI Recreation of Robin Williams’ Daughter” on 02 Oct 2023 17:36 next collapse

It sucks, but it is the price of selling one’s self to the public spotlight.

Much like internet culture has taken decades to develop some basic sense of civility, it will take a long time for these tools to normalize with a morality culture of some kind. I figure, the best course is always treat others like you want to be treated. Most people are not trying to hurt anyone, they just haven’t thought through the consequences of what they are doing.

What we really need in the short term is a path of least resistance to make AI characters and tools that provide an easier way to create projects, demonstrations, and art. It is the availability of media containing public figures that is primarily driving this kind of thing. If it was easier to find and use a digital alternative entity, I think most people would use it as an alternative.

One thing I have tried is to use an amalgamated creation of people that are accessible in the dataset, (PersonA:PersonB). If done well, the final results can be consistent and unrecognizable as either person. on 03 Oct 2023 01:57 collapse

deleted by creator

[deleted] on 03 Oct 2023 03:38 collapse

. on 03 Oct 2023 04:18 collapse

I didn’t read this novel but what I read in your top level comment is borderline unhinged.

No, just because people can emulate people doesn’t make it right. And no this way of thinking doesn’t lead to slavery. That’s an outright stupid thing to say. on 03 Oct 2023 05:03 collapse

I should’ve stopped after they called the “outrage” (presumably talking about the strike) “a useless path to slavery and authoritarianism.”

Instead, I kept going until maybe a fifth of the way down and regretted it.

[deleted] on 03 Oct 2023 08:04 next collapse

. on 03 Oct 2023 11:54 collapse

I’m glad I wasn’t just me! on 03 Oct 2023 12:27 collapse

The response we are seeing from actors now is very similar to what happened when video recording was introduced.

One of the reasons so many old TV shows like Dr Who are lost is because of rules actors forced requiring their fees be paid a second time after a performance being shown a certain number of times. The broadcasters ended up just destroying the tapes after broadcasting it.

Whatever happens I just hope nothing is lost this time. on 03 Oct 2023 12:57 collapse

it’s a lot harder to make stuff disappear these days on 03 Oct 2023 15:08 collapse

It’s harder to fully erase things, but it’s also still very hard to preserve things. Video games on dead consoles and that ran on housing servers are a prime example. on 03 Oct 2023 18:46 collapse

fair point