Windows 3.1 saves the day during CrowdStrike outage — Southwest Airlines scrapes by with archaic OS (
from to on 21 Jul 2024 00:17

Southwest Airlines, the fourth largest airline in the US, is seemingly unaffected by the problematic CrowdStrike update that caused millions of computers to BSoD (Blue Screen of Death) because it used Windows 3.1. The CrowdStrike issue disrupted operations globally after a faulty update caused newer computers to freeze and stop working, with many prominent institutions, including airports and almost all US airlines, including United, Delta, and American Airlines, needing to stop flights.

Windows 3.1, launched in 1992, is likely not getting any updates. So, when CrowdStrike pushed the faulty update to all its customers, Southwest wasn’t affected (because it didn’t receive an update to begin with).

The airlines affected by the CrowdStrike update had to ground their fleets because many of their background systems refused to operate. These systems could include pilot and fleet scheduling, maintenance records, ticketing, etc. Thankfully, the lousy update did not affect aircraft systems, ensuring that everything airborne remained safe and were always in control of their pilots.


threaded - newest on 21 Jul 2024 00:26 next collapse

One X user suggested that the company switch to Windows XP—it’s also no longer updated, and it can run Windows 3.1 applications via compatibility mode.

Maybe that was a joke, but if anything that would reduce their security. Windows 3.1 and 95 are old enough that they can’t even run most stuff from the last two and a half decades, which probably protects them. XP is just new enough, and plenty old enough, to be very risky. on 21 Jul 2024 01:00 next collapse

Reminds me of an episode of Ghost in the Shell where a hacker in a hyper-advanced cyberised society was using floppy disks as a storage medium because they were so slow. on 21 Jul 2024 03:22 collapse

One of the background details I liked in Ghost in the Shell was how the high-end data analysts and programmers employed by the government did their work using cybernetic hands whose fingers could separate into dozens of smaller fingers to let them operate keyboards extremely quickly. They didn't use direct cybernetic links because that was a security vulnerability for their brains. on 21 Jul 2024 03:43 collapse

They’re also so old they were compiled without any modern instrumentation, e.g. stack canaries. on 21 Jul 2024 00:46 next collapse

This is both awesome and frightening for many reasons on 21 Jul 2024 00:57 next collapse

Windows 3.1? You fancy kids, and your modern operating systems! What’s wrong with Windows 1.0??? on 21 Jul 2024 01:36 next collapse

Why not Quick and Dirty Operating System? on 21 Jul 2024 08:43 collapse

In before OS/2 on 21 Jul 2024 18:31 collapse

inb4 os/5 on 21 Jul 2024 00:58 next collapse

This is the “can’t get a Word Document macro virus because I use the Corel WordPerfect Document type” kind of energy. on 21 Jul 2024 02:03 next collapse

No, it doesn’t, because Corel didn’t buy WordPerfect until 1996.

Edit: man, y’all really don’t understand either jokes or the linear progression of time. on 21 Jul 2024 08:41 collapse

I miss our Corel word perfect :( on 21 Jul 2024 18:04 collapse

It still exists. You can use it on 21 Jul 2024 03:54 collapse

Ah, nothing’s wrong with WordPerfect, honestly. Still better than Word. on 22 Jul 2024 04:09 collapse

Does it run on Wine? on 22 Jul 2024 08:12 collapse

Depends. on 22 Jul 2024 10:18 collapse

Funny the page recommends OpenOffice when the entire FOSS community has moved on to LibreOffice in a middle-finger to Oracle.

Besides, OO and LO are shit. AbiWord is where it’s at. on 22 Jul 2024 19:51 collapse

Who needs AbiWord when you can use WordTsar? on 21 Jul 2024 01:00 next collapse

Best feature windows 3.1 has:

… it doesn’t pop up message telling you to upgrade to windows 11. on 21 Jul 2024 01:36 next collapse

Shhh don’t give microsoft any ideas on 21 Jul 2024 02:15 next collapse

or add shitty AI tools without asking.

or constntly nag you to use their cloud storage on 21 Jul 2024 10:11 collapse

Plus all them decks for solitaire!!! on 21 Jul 2024 02:45 collapse

My windows 10 PC is telling me I don’t qualify for a free Windows 11 update, so I’ve got that going for me. on 21 Jul 2024 15:50 next collapse

Haha. I’ve got one of those too.

[deleted] on 21 Jul 2024 18:51 next collapse

. on 21 Jul 2024 19:30 collapse

<img alt="Oh no! Anyway…" src=""> on 21 Jul 2024 01:33 next collapse

The fact that they’re running 3.1 is not something to be proud of. They’re probably extremely vulnerable to any other attack. on 21 Jul 2024 02:04 collapse

Quite the opposite. on 21 Jul 2024 02:07 collapse

Please explain. I’ll make 🍿 on 21 Jul 2024 04:01 collapse

Microsoft’s Wolverine for the TCP stack was not available until Windows 3.11. An argument could be made that these systems are defacto air-gapped as they cannot communicate with modern networking. on 21 Jul 2024 06:52 collapse

Youre assuming the article is using “windows 3.1” to mean the exact version of the OS, instead of just the proper name of the OS overall. That probally unlikley.

Since lacking a network stack tends to limit usability, unless the systems are intentionally air gapped they likely are on windows 3.1.1 or later. Based on Southwest extensively documented and decades long IT neglect that landed its current COO in front of Congress for a previous days long outage, i doubt the systems are intentionally airgapped, as that implies a working and well funded IT department. on 22 Jul 2024 04:07 collapse

Just because it doesn’t have TCP/IP doesn’t mean there isn’t networking. Networks existed before the Internet and its Internet Protocol after all. It wouldn’t be so much air gapped as so archaic that only the most targeted attacks would work, and only if there is an infected PC acting as an intermediate between the Internet and ye olde network. Chances are it was never connected to the modern Internet as the technologies just aren’t compatible. on 22 Jul 2024 11:59 collapse

Old doesn’t mean secure. Those old systems have had decades since the last security patch. Even then computer security was barely a consideration for the developers. on 22 Jul 2024 12:37 collapse

I am not saying it is, normally old systems are the least secure. The bit you’re not getting is that this system is almost certainly air gapped, just not by choice. It can’t work with modern networks. It can’t work with modern viruses. Any exploit a modern hacker would think to use probably doesn’t exist yet. It’s a bit like trying to break someone’s car by putting sugar in the fuel, except they ride a horse. Do you get it yet? on 21 Jul 2024 02:11 next collapse

Or, for your consideration, could it perhaps be because they don’t use crowdstrike? on 21 Jul 2024 02:48 next collapse

Yeah, what? 3.1 not getting updates has nothing to do with this. Software developed for 3.1 can still be updated. This article is just silly. on 21 Jul 2024 07:30 next collapse

The interesting thing here is wondering why they never upgraded. Perhaps managing flights digitally just hasn’t changed much since the early nineties and they never needed anything else? on 21 Jul 2024 09:00 collapse

Likely the same reason why banks and other financial institutions still use COBOL and Fortran code written in the 1970s or earlier on archaic mainframes: Top management decided at some point it was too expensive to rewrite everything from scratch in some modern language for modern hardware, so they just limp along with what they have.

A 16-bit app written for Windows 3.x would almost certainly have to be rewritten for modern, 64-bit Windows. on 21 Jul 2024 10:10 collapse

While i figured the cost would be a factor, i just figured they were sticking with a system that works. If it serves their needs effectively and reliably, why change it?

Edit: answered my own question–it doesn’t work anymore, and that’s why it needs to be changed…/southwest-cancels-thousands-more-us… on 22 Jul 2024 09:37 collapse

😂👌🏻nice edit on 21 Jul 2024 15:36 collapse

It isn’t even a Windows update, but a software update. on 21 Jul 2024 06:12 next collapse

My Linux servers weren’t affected either. I think it’s because of Windows 3.1 on 21 Jul 2024 10:33 collapse

My wife shared this with me yesterday, but I didn’t see it:

<img alt="A joke tweet with an attached image of a smart refrigerator. The refrigerator displays a blue screen of death. The tweet reads “I can’t even open my fridge.” Another tweet is replying to it, taking it seriously and indicating they do not embrace smart technology." src="">

Somebunny is gonna learn those things aren’t windows-based today! on 21 Jul 2024 17:48 next collapse

Just yesterday I had that exact “Tech enthusiast vs tech worker” meme play out. I wanted a timer to control the electrical outlet for an aquarium bubbler. Saleswoman really wanted to sell me this “smart” controller with an app that can program the outlet.

Me:“What happens when the app stops working?”

(saleswoman is frantically flipping the box over for answers)

Her:“…maybe…it keeps the existing timer?” on 21 Jul 2024 18:55 next collapse

I’ve got about six smart plugs that all stopped working because of lack of support. I am no longer interested in smart plugs. on 21 Jul 2024 20:46 collapse

Shelly makes devices that are compatible with ESPHome and Tasmota, solving this problem. on 21 Jul 2024 19:47 collapse

For only way more time and money, you can buy a zigbee smart plug and a vendor agnostic zigbee hub flashed with FOSS, or you can buy a esp-based board, wire it up with a relay, and flash it with something like esphome.

Sure, it’s way more money and hours of work (cumulatively), but it won’t lose support! on 21 Jul 2024 22:11 collapse

I just bought a bunch of TP Link equipment I knew was compatible and loaded up Home Assistant onto a Raspberry Pi. Best of both worlds on 22 Jul 2024 10:43 collapse

I bought some TP link Kasa plugs and a couple of years later when I wanted some more the Kasa brand was discontinued and replaced by Tapo in Sweden. Tapo and Kasa only work with their own separate app so I would have had to have two separate apps even though both were TP link. Never bought any more smart plugs. on 22 Jul 2024 12:29 collapse

Aw man, that’s a shame! Kasa is still around in the US, I only got mine a couple months ago. They do seem to offer both, so I wonder if Kasa is on the way out here too on 21 Jul 2024 18:54 collapse

My old thermostat was basically two teaspoons of mercury that would expand and contract with the temperature to short out two leads. They didn’t let me keep it when I got a new one, but I got the dumbest one they had. on 22 Jul 2024 02:48 collapse

I got a new HVAC and smart thermostat about a week ago. After researching, I decided to hook thermostat to wifi and download app. Mostly all the app does is duplicate the same functionality that the thermostat controls have. I find it handy to have a remote control for the thermostat.

OTOH I decided not to hook up a new washing machine to wifi and use app. It duplicated the functionality of the appliance controls also, but there was no point in having remove controls for a washing machine.

The critical thing is that an appliance needs to be fully functional without needing to use wifi and certainly not a phone app. on 21 Jul 2024 20:44 next collapse

Yeah what a badly written article, with awful takeaways. on 21 Jul 2024 21:10 collapse

I feel like every article out there is missing this and keeps blaming Windows Update vs an update pushed to a specific piece of software by a third-party developer. I get end-users not understanding how things work but tech writers should be more knowledgeable about the subject they write about for a living. on 21 Jul 2024 02:25 next collapse

Holy crap, they are serious. I though I was on ! for a minute. I sure hope none of those computers are connected to the internet. There’s a massive number of vulnerabilities in windows 3.1 and windows 95. on 21 Jul 2024 05:58 next collapse

Windows 3.1 doesn’t even come with a TCP/IP stack. It’s actually pretty safe. on 21 Jul 2024 07:17 next collapse

As long as that’s the exact version they’re using. Windows for workgroups 3.11 has networking. on 21 Jul 2024 11:07 collapse

Yep. I remember - despite the fact it was old even then - building and connecting a Win 3.11 machine to a TCP/IP office network as a proof of concept back in 2000 or so. I might have even installed Netscape on it. I don't remember clearly now, but I assume the parts for the computer came out of the spares pile, and were soon recycled back into other machines. on 21 Jul 2024 22:16 collapse

Bold of you to assume any of the “experts” writing about this know what a TCP/IP stack is on 21 Jul 2024 11:08 next collapse

But how many people are looking for Windows 3.1 anything today?

Well I suppose now there might be more on 21 Jul 2024 18:01 collapse

The “source” is a tweet from a random dude, it’s almost certainly not true. on 21 Jul 2024 02:34 next collapse

Maybe don’t pay a company to install a rootkit on your critical infrastructure? on 21 Jul 2024 02:49 collapse

Just open up your critical infrastructure to the public Internet and you’ll get rootkits for free. on 21 Jul 2024 05:31 next collapse

Windows 3.1 didn’t have the BSOD. It just froze. I remember with Windows NT 4, when we first got the BSOD, being so grateful that Microsoft decided to actually tell us that our computer wasn’t going to recover from the error. Otherwise, we’d just be sitting there, waiting, hoping it would unfreeze itself.

It never did on 21 Jul 2024 06:26 next collapse on 21 Jul 2024 14:25 next collapse

Are you sure? I remember a long time ago being able to trigger a BSOD by opening Windows Calculator and dividing any number by 0. And I’m pretty sure that was 3.1 or 3.11.

In fact, I remember being able to change the color of the BSOD. on 21 Jul 2024 14:53 collapse

As another user mentioned, the BSOD first came in Windows NT 3.51.

But it definitely wasn’t in Windows 3.1 or Windows 3.11 on 23 Jul 2024 21:16 collapse

The other user is wrong. I clearly remember the BSoD in Windows 3.1. You can find it easily with a simple web search. Here it is: <img alt="Here it is." src="">

Hell, there were even memes of it: <img alt="" src="">

Edit: I provided proof and was still downvoted lol. This place is quickly turning into reddit. on 21 Jul 2024 16:15 next collapse

Windows 3.1 did have a BSOD. It wasn’t always fatal, you could try to hit enter to go back to Windows, but most of the time it wasn’t really recoverable, Windows often wouldn’t work right afterwards.

I ran into them all the time in 3.11 on our 486 which had some faulty RAM (the BSOD would even be scrambled). If we could get back to Windows after that, it’d just be in a zombie state where moving the mouse around would paint stuff over whatever was left on screen, and wouldn’t respond to clicks or keypresses.

Fun times. on 21 Jul 2024 22:08 collapse

IIRC Windows 95 did that as well on 21 Jul 2024 22:23 next collapse

Windows 3.1 absolutely did have a BSoD, and as the other person mentioned, sometimes you could press a key and the OS would recover. More often than not you needed to reboot, though. Our family PC would BSoD all the damn time, and I had to put up with it throughout a good portion of my early childhood until my dad finally bought a Windows 98 SE PC. But that OS also had its fair share of instability issues. The “illegal operation” error message was a near-daily occurance.

It wasn’t until we got our first NT-based machine (XP) that we stopped having constant issues with Windows. The DOS-based Windows OSes were notoriously unstable. on 22 Jul 2024 09:34 collapse

😄it still do that on my over 20y old 2gig RAM Arch KDE on wayland macBookPro 🤔 on 21 Jul 2024 06:07 next collapse

This software is shit Bob! What should we do Bob?

Well Bob, we should find something compatible with shit!

Bob, I think I got it! I got this other shit software!

Genius Bob! Just Genius! 😎 on 21 Jul 2024 07:12 next collapse

🤯 on 21 Jul 2024 11:12 next collapse

And they can play JezzBall. on 21 Jul 2024 19:53 collapse

windows downfall began when they removed jezzball. prove me wrong. on 21 Jul 2024 15:16 next collapse

This… Doesn’t make me feel any better about flying Southwest on 21 Jul 2024 18:27 next collapse

i think you accedentaly put southwest instead of spirit. on 21 Jul 2024 18:33 collapse

Spirit is already a non starter for me because my legs don’t fit in the seat haha on 21 Jul 2024 18:42 next collapse

because Boeing or why? on 21 Jul 2024 19:52 next collapse

i don’t think there’s any possible way to feel better about flying southwest on 22 Jul 2024 09:31 collapse

Wait till you hear of how much COBOL in industries… on 22 Jul 2024 12:47 collapse

Old programming languages are fine. Hard to maintain though. But they all compile down to machine code at the end of the day.

Old operating systems on the other hand means they are vulnerable to all kinds of exploits that have been discovered in that OS over the past few decades. That’s a much bigger problem. on 21 Jul 2024 15:32 next collapse

Is this actually confirmed anywhere though? I keep seeing it repeated and the only ‘source’ is a ?xeet? . on 21 Jul 2024 18:00 collapse

Same, I’m pretty sure it’s not true. on 21 Jul 2024 21:39 next collapse

Hang on, if you’re using CrowdStrike but not getting the updates, then why are you using it at all? on 21 Jul 2024 22:08 collapse

Because none of these journalists have a basic understanding of what actually happened lol on 21 Jul 2024 22:47 next collapse

I’m inclined to believe this post, claiming this article is BS on 21 Jul 2024 23:47 collapse

Yes, the update bricked the systems, meaning the software that powers their business was unaccessible, reinstalling any version of windows would not restore the software built on top of the os. Thus why it became a huge ordeal rather than a simple update push from Microsoft, a bricked system can’t receive a fix remotely. on 22 Jul 2024 02:09 next collapse

Everything we know about this is that it was a disaster waiting to happen. Why the heck aren’t the airlines using Linux instead of Windows for critical stuff? How about something like…Chrome OS? Then you don’t need CrowdStrike because your OS is already secure because of the built in VMs and because it is Linux. Pay google for support and no updates unless there is something critical.

edit: Lots of Microsoft lovers here lol. And missing the point which is that using the most well known consumer OS for critical stuff like keeping flights going is begging for trouble. on 22 Jul 2024 03:29 next collapse

Mainly people are down voting you because Linux had also been affected by Crowdstrike before. Only a few months ago at that. There aren’t any more defenses in Linux systems against this kind of problem than there are in Windows ones. This isn’t even strictly speaking a security issue either. It’s more like a bug in critical software that just happens to be security related. It’s a bit like when that Grub update broke some people’s arch setups. on 22 Jul 2024 04:15 collapse

It’s not that Linux can’t have security problems. I still remember the very first internet virus in 1987 that traveled thru Unix machines. But Windows is the worst OS for critical systems precisely because it is the most common OS. Anything is better than windows. Linux, MacOS, or even an old IBM mainframe OS and those awful tn3270 terminals. Also, Chrome OS in particular has VMs instead of other VMs. It really is designed to be much more secure than Windows.

It’s more like a bug in critical software that just happens to be security related.

And so the cure is the same as the disease. Or actually worse in this case. The very fact that systems were constantly updated was itself the problem rather than the solution to the problem. How did nobody realize this was going to happen sooner or later?

Linux had also been affected by Crowdstrike before.

I’m guessing Crowdstrike issues a lot more Windows updates than Linux updates? on 22 Jul 2024 12:51 collapse

I’m guessing Crowdstrike issues a lot more Windows updates than Linux updates?

Not really. Linux is used for critical servers everywhere. No reason to update it less often.

It’s not that Linux can’t have security problems. I still remember the very first internet virus in 1987 that traveled thru Unix machines. But Windows is the worst OS for critical systems precisely because it is the most common OS. Anything is better than windows. Linux, MacOS, or even an old IBM mainframe OS and those awful tn3270 terminals. Also, Chrome OS in particular has VMs instead of other VMs. It really is designed to be much more secure than Windows

This isn’t a hacking attempt. It’s not a security breach. None of the “Windows is more common” stuff is actually valid in this case. The fact it’s not actually true is even more funny. When it comes to servers and smartphones, and the total number of devices in general, Linux outnumbers Windows. Linux isn’t actually niche in the slightest, only purists running Arch or Ubuntu think that because they ignore any Linux they don’t like, like Android.

You also don’t understand anything about ChromeOS security either. They don’t use VMs for system security. Early Chromebooks actually had virtualization disabled! Sandboxing and virtualization aren’t the same thing. The reason it’s secure is largely because it can’t do anything, it uses an a/b root system, and it has secure boot by default. It’s not that fancy anymore.

Chrome the web browser also has sandboxing on Windows, and modern Windows uses secure boot. Edge and Chrome have the same foundation btw. What it’s missing is the immutable a/b root system, and the fact Windows allows running arbitrary executables when ChromeOS doesn’t. There are actually tools for making Windows immutable, and with group policy or things like S mode you can restrict who can run what executables. Meaning with the right settings it’s almost as secure as ChromeOS. Even more funny Windows actually does use virtualization based security. So you have that backwards too.

Stop talking about shit you don’t understand and learn about it instead. on 22 Jul 2024 23:00 collapse

This isn’t a hacking attempt.

No but it is the result of trying to stop hacking attempts.

They don’t use VMs for system security.

They do. A major reason they use them is to make ChromeOS way more secure than windows.

Linux isn’t actually niche in the slightest

It’s fragmented. There is no single version

Stop talking about shit you don’t understand and learn about it instead.

Stop being a jackass and learn to communicate in civilized fashion.

with group policy or things like S mode you can restrict who can run what executables.

Companies don’t run windows in S mode and every OS has group security.

None of the “Windows is more common” stuff is actually valid in this case.

When I learned that companies are actually letting Cloudstrike download the equivalent of KERNAL MODE code into their critical systems I was dumbfounded. Who could have possibly thought that was a good idea? This was absolutely a disaster that was just waiting to happen.

However, if it happened on Linux, it could have been immediately bypassed.…/systemd-Auto-Boot-Assessment on 23 Jul 2024 01:23 collapse

Automatically reverting the kernel wouldn’t do anything as the kernel nor the module Crowdstrike uses were updated. Rather the file the module reads was updated and replaced with a corrupted version that causes the module to crash when it tries to read it.

There is a great video explaining the basics of what happened here:

Microsoft already have a mechanism to disable problematic modules on next boot. Problem being that Crowdstrike registers itself as an essential driver, as they don’t want the system to boot without it for security reasons.

You keep saying Chrome OS uses VMs for security. Unless something has seriously changed since I last read up on their security mechanisms they don’t. Maybe something has changed. Do you have any evidence? If not you’re just talking out of your arse. on 24 Jul 2024 03:42 collapse

Sure I’ve got lots of evidence.

[There’s no question that, when it comes to viruses and other forms of malware, Chromebooks are safe. How safe? Well, the website CVE Details1 lists just 55 vulnerabilities for Chrome OS. Compare that to 1,111 vulnerabilities for Windows 10, and a whopping 2,212 for Mac’s OS X; with five percent as many vulnerabilities as its closest competitor, it’s a pretty simple matter to declare Chromebook the safest option…there’s no question that Chromebooks are among the most secure computers you can buy]

55 vulnerabiilites for Chrome OS vs 1111 vulnerabilities for Windows. Huge difference.

Rather the file the module reads was updated and replaced with a corrupted version that causes the module to crash when it tries to read it.

Yes it was a ridiculous system to have kernel mode code on the filesystem. Even if a bad pointer didn’t crash the system a hacker could have put in their own code. And yes such a terrible security system would have affected Linux too. But with ChromeOS, the system is already secure. No need to use a terrible security system like Cloudstrike in the first place. on 24 Jul 2024 12:05 collapse

No you don’t have any evidence at all. You were specifically speaking about Chrome OS using VMs inside VMs. That article doesn’t mention VMs once.

I never once disputed that it was more secure than an average Windows installation, because frankly that’s obvious. What you don’t seem to understand is what can be done to lock down modern Windows and Linux systems.

Yes it was a ridiculous system to have kernel mode code on the filesystem. Even if a bad pointer didn’t crash the system a hacker could have put in their own code. And yes such a terrible security system would have affected Linux too. But with ChromeOS, the system is already secure. No need to use a terrible security system like Cloudstrike in the first place.

For one the same article you are referencing talks about using anti-malware on ChromeOS as Chrome OS isn’t malware proof. Though I don’t think it’s possible for Chrome OS to break so badly from one of these products.

ChromeOS though isn’t actually suitable for running servers like Windows and Linux are. It can’t do nearly the same number of things. It’s a bit like comparing a knife to a safety razor. One is safer for shaving sure, however the other one can be used for cooking, hunting, wood work, etc.

Second all kernel mode code lives on the filesystem. How did you think it worked? On Linux and Windows the kernel itself needs storing somewhere, as do the modules.

You keep showing me again and again that you don’t understand the world of computers and modern IT infrastructure. Do you even have any qualifications or work experience in IT?

Edit: I actually did some research myself. ChromeOS can use a Virtual Machine to run Linux software, but not in it’s default configuration. There is also none of this VMs inside VMs stuff you were talking about. If you want to see virtualization really put to work look at a modern server setup or something like Qubes OS.… on 24 Jul 2024 18:11 collapse

ChromeOS though isn’t actually suitable for running servers like Windows and Linux are. It can’t do nearly the same number of things

ChromeOS literally is Linux so obviously it can do everything that Linux can. It is effectively a SUPERSET of Linux

Second all kernel mode code lives on the filesystem.

Now you are being ridiculous. We are talking about code than runs in the kernel but is not part of any official kernel module including device drivers.

How did you think it worked?

What I thought is that you had common sense.

You keep showing me again and again that you don’t understand the world of computers and modern IT infrastructure. Do you even have any qualifications or work experience in IT?

Dude you are the person who thinks that the cloudstrike code running in the kernel that is neither part of the kernel nor part of any official kernel device driver code is somehow equivelent to the actual kernel. You are also the person who made the completely nonsensical claim that ChromeOS Linux “can’t do nearly the same things” of Linux. So GTFO with the snarky shit, because I’m the one wondering how you can be so confused about basic stuff.

Do you even have any qualifications or work experience in IT?

I’ve been using the internet since 1983. How bout you? LMFAO.

There is also none of this VMs inside VMs stuff you were talking about.

Because you didn’t do enough research. My Chrome OS comes with an outer VM, an inner VM, the heavily locked down user mode, and the kernel mode. My Linux programs run in the outer VM by default. I would have to turn on developer mode just to get to the actual user mode. on 24 Jul 2024 20:38 collapse

ChromeOS literally is Linux so obviously it can do everything that Linux can. It is effectively a SUPERSET of Linux

This is dumb. I was experimenting with unofficial ChromeOS builds since before the first consumer Chromebook. I’ve also used an actual production Chromebook as well. I’ve even used the distro ChromeOS is derived from which is called Gentoo.

If this was actually a good idea why aren’t some businesses doing it already? Linux servers are everywhere yet I have never heard of one running ChromeOS. Google who make ChromeOS don’t use ChromeOS for servers, they use conventional Linux distros like Debian with their own software running on top such as Borg or Kubernetes.

First I am going to assume you mean a Linux distro (e.g. Debian, Ubuntu) rather than just Linux, as all distributions are a superset of just Linux, as Linux is only the kernel.

It’s also not in anyway a “superset” of a conventional Linux distribution. It doesn’t even have a package manager without having to use a VM. You can’t install a different browser without using a VM. ChromeOS capabilities have improved a lot since I have used it, by supporting VMs at all and by allowing Android apps. That still doesn’t compare to a real Linux server solution. On a Linux machine I can natively run containers, not just VMs. I can install apps natively. I can configure my own security systems and sandboxing. I can even run Windows apps and games with Wine and Proton, android apps with Waydroid. I also get a much newer kernel, older Chromebooks didn’t get kernel updates throughout their entire life. Maybe that’s changes but who knows.

Another big thing Linux servers have is advanced file systems like BTRFS and ZFS, that have advanced RAID like functionality with automatic data integrity protection using checksums, snapshots built in, and other fancy features like transparent file compression. Does ChromeOS even support regular software RAID?

ChromeOS just isn’t designed for servers, it never has been. You’re trying to use a car to haul a lorry load. It’s not that cars are bad, they just aren’t designed to do that. You could use Chrome OS for employee workstations, at least some of them anyway, but not for servers.

Go and use a real Linux distro or a real Linux server and get back to me.

Now you are being ridiculous. We are talking about code than runs in the kernel but is not part of any official kernel module including device drivers.

This is false. That module is signed by Microsoft. That means they tested it themselves. To load a module that isn’t signed on Windows requires serious tinkering and is something no business would do. I have actually done those steps myself, so I have direct personal experience here. If you had watched that video I sent you, which is by a retired Microsoft Engineer, you would know about this.

Dude you are the person who thinks that the Cloudstrike code running in the kernel that is neither part of the kernel nor part of any official kernel device driver code is somehow equivelent to the actual kernel. You are also the person who made the completely nonsensical claim that ChromeOS Linux “can’t do nearly the same things” of Linux. So GTFO with the snarky shit, because I’m the one wondering how you can be so confused about basic stuff.

For one you apparently don’t listen. I said it’s a kernel driver/module not a core kernel component. It does however still run in kernel mode (ring 0 on x86) and has access to everything any other thing running in kernel mode has access to including the NT kernel itself. It doesn’tq matter from a permissions perspective if it’s a driver/module or a core kernel component, the CPU protections don’t distinguish between the two by design. What does make a difference is when and how it’s loaded into kernel space/kernel mode. That’s why safe mode works, as it just doesn’t load that component.

I am not the one getting basic things wrong here. When I used ChromeOS originally it had maybe half the capabilities it has now, but even now it just isn’t as capable as a conventional Linux distro. Saying it can run VMs means nothing because so can regular Linux, in fact you can run ChromeOS in a VM, or Windows, or FreeBSD all on a Linux machine. Even at the same time if you really want.

I’ve been using the internet since 1983. How bout you? LMFAO.

Using and understanding are not the same. I have a Masters in CS, soon to be starting a PhD in Cyber Security. You meanwhile apparently have no experience or qualifications worth telling me about. I actually use Linux systems daily and run my own Linux based servers. Specifically I use Proxmox since that’s an actual server solution.

Because you didn’t do enough resea on 22 Jul 2024 10:10 collapse

The disaster likely happened because Crowdstrike didn’t do any phased rollouts or testing, which would have picked up a glitch like these before it could brick countless millions of systems. Blaming Microsoft for what is most likely gross negligence from a major cybersecurity firm is downright disingenuous.

Also, recommending an overglorified web browser baked into an OS which can only run web and Android applications to run critical infrastructure is downright laughable, ESPECIALLY when Google are known for their downright nonexistent customer support.

People use Windows because it’s the most well-known and used OS on the market, and because Microsoft is a multi-billion dollar tech giant with a dedicated customer support and tech team to fix issues posthaste. on 22 Jul 2024 23:05 collapse

blaming Microsoft

I’m not blaming Microsoft. I am blaming companies for using Microsoft for critical systems.

Also, recommending an overglorified web browser baked into an OS which can only run web and Android applications to run critical infrastructure is downright laughable,

You not understanding that ChromeOS is a highly secure Linux computer is that can run any Linux program is downright laughable ignorance.

ESPECIALLY when Google are known for their downright nonexistent customer support.

Their software is way too widely used to provide you with free customer support. Microsoft is no different. on 22 Jul 2024 02:24 next collapse

I thought I was eating an onion… Nope. on 22 Jul 2024 03:19 next collapse

So…Battlestar Galactica scenario? on 22 Jul 2024 08:51 next collapse

I love such things in Star Wars too.

And not sure whether there’s been a plot play with the Katana fleet (all ships were slaved to the flagship, all crews including that of the flagship caught a virus causing them to go mad and die, and while they were still alive, the fleet jumped in unknown direction ; it was found later and ships reused by sides of the civil war) where its obsolete electronics and software were actually an advantage security-wise.

Though in that universe it seems that interfacing and integrating wildly different systems is more or less a normal thing, since there are lots of planets, lots of races and some things still in operation are few centuries old. on 22 Jul 2024 12:26 collapse

lol on 22 Jul 2024 09:44 next collapse

I thought everyone already switched to 3.11 on 22 Jul 2024 09:50 next collapse

If they still use Windows 3.1 and it works, then I do have to wonder about the rest of their security setup. on 22 Jul 2024 17:10 collapse

Windows 3.1 can’t use modern versions of tls which means it’s effectively impossible to network it securely. on 22 Jul 2024 17:52 collapse

You just know there’s an SMB share somewhere with no password, where files filled with unencrypted customer details get dumped for processing by an ancient AS400 server. on 22 Jul 2024 12:46 next collapse

Ahhhh, the Technology Trap. The modern world has become a mere handful of bad zeros away from having this house of cards crash down and kill almost everyone.

Technology is great and makes our modern society comfy and great. But it also can be the Sword of Damocles. When will that slender thread break and kill us all? on 22 Jul 2024 13:24 collapse

That makes fuckall sense.

Windows 3.1 not being updated by Microsoft has nothing to do with Crowdstrike rolling out an update to their Falcon Sensor software including a file with 42kB of zeroes.

On Windows 3.1 you probably can’t run Falcon Sensor, so in that way it could be related. But it seems way more likely that Southwest Airlines simply didn’t use Falcon Sensor on their normal Windows 10 or whatever clients.

There are probably competitors to Crowdstrike, at least some companies would be customers to one of them.