Five People Founded Tesla, But Only Elon Musk Became Extremely Rich (
from to on 17 Dec 2023 11:16


threaded - newest on 17 Dec 2023 11:21 next collapse

Mush didn't found Tesla. He bought it later and put in the contract that he was able to call himself a founder on 17 Dec 2023 11:25 next collapse

Exactly, but “technically” he is credited as a founder. He’s a really good business man. on 17 Dec 2023 11:34 next collapse

He isn’t a “really good business man”, everything he’s made is built on a foundation of lies. Eventually, it’ll collapse or be saved by socialised systems for being too big to fail. Musk is a con man, not a businessman. He’s just made a living out of conning investors and the public alike. on 17 Dec 2023 11:38 next collapse

I think it was sarcasm. on 17 Dec 2023 11:52 next collapse

Oh it wasn’t. on 17 Dec 2023 11:53 collapse

Well then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ on 17 Dec 2023 11:52 collapse

Sarcasm doesn’t travel well through text. on 17 Dec 2023 13:44 next collapse

Wasn't sarcasm, some are that gullible on 17 Dec 2023 13:51 next collapse

Yeah right. Sure it doesn’t. on 17 Dec 2023 16:49 collapse

Just have to lay it on thicc on 17 Dec 2023 11:51 next collapse

I understand where you’re coming from, but business is brutal and things like this happen in that world. PayPal (formely X .com) was also started by Elon, I don’t think he “scammed/tricked” anyone on that. And he has made billions for his investors over the years. I mean Tesla is worth over $600 billion, due to the marketing genius that is Elon. [Mistake: Elon didn’t start PayPal, just X .com] on 17 Dec 2023 12:01 next collapse

He didn’t start PayPal. It was founded by Pieter Thiel, another billionaire christofascist, and four other guys and non of them are called Elon Musk. was bought by PayPal. on 17 Dec 2023 12:03 collapse

It’s wild how little this dude knows about Elon musk while singing his praises to the heavens, but I guess those two things go hand in hand. on 17 Dec 2023 12:29 next collapse

“Oh yeah he didn’t actually do that… Still, what a genius amirite?” on 17 Dec 2023 13:02 collapse

Muskrats are always the least informed people in the room when it concerns Elon Musk. It’d be a lot funnier if it weren’t so damn easy to find the actual facts. There’s really no excusing it, they’re just willfully ignorant. on 17 Dec 2023 14:14 collapse

Man, learn something about someone before you go worshipping them.

X was bought by paypal, but was far from “integral.” It was just its largest competitor for Confinidy at the time because Musk was washing it in money he made from a previous venture.Paypal was the more popular money transfer software, and it’s the platform the new company formed around, even taking its name.

Musk was a actually briefly the CEO of PayPal, but his decisions were so poor that he was forced out.. He still retained enough shares of paypal to hit it big time, which is when he poured all that money into a long shot bet called Tesla, which he used goverment funds and seed capitol from his rich friends to keep alive until it turned an actual profit a decade later. With SpaceX, he leaned into fanboys like you calling him Tony stark, and managed to hire Gwynne Shotwell, a goddamn aeronautics powerhouse, as CEO the same year it was founded. She has brought SpaceX to success, by all accounts in spite of him. Its rumored that SpaceX keeps people around just to sideline Musk. That how disruptive he is to actual work. SpaceX was also utterly dependent on goverment subsides for most its existence, just like Tesla.

Dude grew up with emerald mine money, then just kept taking outlandish risks because he had an emerald mine to keep his ass housed and fed, and yeah, eventually hit it big, with a big heaping of help from our tax dollars and mega rich pals. Big surprise.

Turns out that if you have a wealthy life secured, you too can gamble big and make even more money. Thats how capitalism is designed to work. Capital makes more capital.

The fact that you’re suckered in by the worlds luckiest gambler playing a game that had no actual stakes for him is sad as fuck man. Be proud of someone who overcame actual adversity. Go find a hero that wants to help people, not to rule them. on 17 Dec 2023 15:01 next collapse

Interesting, thanks for sharing. I’ll have to do some more research on Elon then. on 18 Dec 2023 01:53 next collapse

Don’t forget blatant market manipulation. Pump&dumps on Bitcoin, doge coin, TWTR, and TSLA… on 18 Dec 2023 05:38 collapse

I still don’t get the emerald mine money bit. Even snopes ran on it that the perpetuated story is bogus, with properly cited sources on where the whole comment originated from.

I think Musk is a grifter, but let’s stick to facts instead of hearsay.

Edit: for those asking:…/elon-musk-emerald-mine/ on 17 Dec 2023 11:52 next collapse

I don't know, it sounds like the definition of a business man. Not one I'd admire, but not unlike lots of other business men. on 17 Dec 2023 12:01 next collapse

True. on 17 Dec 2023 14:39 collapse

No, businessmen do business. Steve Jobs did business, he figured out markets, created markets based on what his business could provide. That’s actual business.

A grifter, a con man, is not a business man, they wear the skin of one to fool people like yourself into buying into the con. Looks like it works. on 17 Dec 2023 16:48 next collapse

Steve Jobs also conspired with his competitors to underpay their staff. Staff as in the people that helped him do business and make billions on 17 Dec 2023 17:07 collapse

Right? At least Elon doesn't have to conspire to underpay his staff. on 17 Dec 2023 17:17 next collapse

created markets based on what his business could provide.

As much as I loathe musk, this is exactly what Starlink is. It’s a company founded solely to buy the product SpaceX is making, because other people couldn’t buy enough.

Of course, Starlink is floating almost entirely on venture capital, but that’s how Amazon got started too. on 17 Dec 2023 18:16 collapse

Here’s the rub. Starlink is not and can not be profitable without venture capital and subsidies. It exists to funnel money away from taxpayers. It’s a con built on lies like the rest. At least some people get to benefit from this, unlike people sold overhyped cars and promises of Mars colonies, but that’s changing with price hikes and service degredations too. on 17 Dec 2023 22:06 collapse

can I get a source on the math for this? I haven’t heard that before on 18 Dec 2023 00:07 collapse

What math do you want? The cost of launching infinite space ships forever is more than what subscribers pay. The satellites fall down in about a year and new ones need to be launched. The subscribers would have to pay for every single rocket launch. Right now American tax payers do. on 18 Dec 2023 00:36 collapse

The problem is you say this with certainty but have no numbers or evidence to back it up. How do you know the revenue from subscribers can’t cover rocket launches? on 18 Dec 2023 00:53 collapse

It got almost a billion dollars in subsidies from America last year. This is whilst being unprofitable. on 18 Dec 2023 03:19 collapse

It seems Starlink A) isn’t getting subsidies and SpaceX is B) providing services in exchange for payment rather than just getting free money.

On top of this, SpaceX is reportedly still profitable. I just don’t understand your argument here. No sources, no actual hard data just conjecture. on 18 Dec 2023 03:48 collapse

Starlink was definitely on track to receive significant subsidy, the FCC recently rescinded.…/us-agency-will-not-reinstate-900-ml… on 18 Dec 2023 05:03 collapse

Alright, this doesn’t support your argument. That is a counter example that SpaceX ISN’T receiving subsidies. Anything else? I do appreciate the discourse though on 18 Dec 2023 18:01 next collapse

Musk’s companies had received an estimated $4.9 billion in government support by 2015, and they’ve gotten more since.… on 18 Dec 2023 21:04 collapse

I didn’t make an argument, I just provided primary source facts. on 18 Dec 2023 21:20 collapse

fair, my apologies, thought you were the original commentator on 18 Dec 2023 16:13 collapse

My evil, greedy and manipulative capitalist is better than your evil, greedy and manipulative capitalist!!! on 18 Dec 2023 16:28 collapse

My point is that one is a greedy, evil businessman. The other is a greedy, evil conman. on 18 Dec 2023 21:49 collapse

But only if you draw a very careful line around definitions, what musk does is very standard capitalist business and what jobs did is very much the behaviour of a classic conman. Apples whole business strategy is straight out the carnival con artist playbook, you’ll find all the same tricks at any market stall on 17 Dec 2023 21:31 collapse

He isn’t a “really good business man”

I find it absolutely hilarious that literally anyone thinks one of the wealthiest people in the world “isn’t a good business man”. Like how completely proposterous is that?

It just speaks the the absolute bias of people who don’t like him and can’t possibly say anything that might be poorly construed as positive. on 17 Dec 2023 22:34 collapse

I think that the criticism is that our system does not raise the smartest or the best to the top. on 17 Dec 2023 12:10 next collapse

Being credited as something doesn’t mean you are that something. My ex credited me for having a big penis.

Elon is not a founder of Tesla, no matter what any documents say. Calling him such when you know he isn’t makes you a liar, a fool or a co-conspirator. on 17 Dec 2023 14:13 collapse

Now I am laughing because I am imagining you working the big penis anecdote into every comment and conversation.

That would be a funny bit. on 17 Dec 2023 15:03 collapse

twist: Plopp is the penis' account. on 17 Dec 2023 12:15 next collapse

I think the whole Twitter debacle has disproven that he's a good businessman. Rather, it highlights how far one can get by having heritable wealth and being in the right place at the right time. on 17 Dec 2023 15:18 collapse

He’s successful in spite of himself. He makes terrible decisions constantly. on 17 Dec 2023 23:17 next collapse

He seems like the avatar of the concept that rich people are not allowed to fail in society, no matter how hard they try. Once you reach a certain size, there will always be an army of people around them to hold them up. You just sit at the top and everyone under you needs you to succeed otherwise they’re also fucked.

Musk is too big to fail. on 17 Dec 2023 17:26 collapse

I guess when you have enough money you get to try enough times that you accidentally make good choices sometimes. Or people just think he’s smart because he’s rich. on 17 Dec 2023 14:07 collapse

Or it could be said that he found Tesla in the “finders keepers” sense. on 17 Dec 2023 15:42 collapse

My brain now can’t unsee how stupid the word Founded looks next to found. on 23 Dec 2023 16:19 collapse

Is it shaking your entire foundation? on 17 Dec 2023 11:32 next collapse

Tesla only had two founders, Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning. They even write that in the first paragraph. Especially Elon Musk pretty much bought himself the title co-founder despite joining much later. This is just Elon fanboyism. on 17 Dec 2023 11:53 collapse

That’s business… Martin and Marc didn’t take Tesla to $600 billion, Elon did. on 17 Dec 2023 12:30 next collapse

He did nothing. The engineers did design and built the cars. He was just standing on stages, telling lies to investors. It’s very rare that c-level actually had something to do with the success of a company. on 17 Dec 2023 12:36 next collapse

My dude, wake up. Elon is mediocre, he was just born rich, heir to precious stone mines with questionable work ethics. You can say he is good at buying things but that’s it. Read more about him from people who aren’t fans and you will understand. on 18 Dec 2023 16:21 collapse

Yeah fan boys are dumb but on the same hand I do think there’s a lot of obsessive negativity too, people act like he’s a bumbling clutz in every aspect of his life but I don’t think that’s really true either. on 17 Dec 2023 13:15 next collapse

That’s great, it’s still not what founding means. on 17 Dec 2023 13:55 collapse

Jobs, Wozniak, and Wayne never took apple to $3 trillion or even $1 trillion.

Gates and Allen never took Microsoft to $2.8 trillion or even $1 trillion.

They’re all still founders. Musk isn’t. on 17 Dec 2023 11:44 next collapse

the world’s most valuable automotive company.

Lol no. on 17 Dec 2023 11:58 next collapse

According to the stock market, yes. If you know otherwise, go make some money of them. on 17 Dec 2023 12:00 next collapse

hhahah cuz we know the stock market is all real numbers on 17 Dec 2023 12:12 next collapse

Yes? At least people on the stock market are putting up their money instead of just talking. on 17 Dec 2023 12:16 next collapse

meh. most of us call it gambling, and the house has the advantage (thats a pun!). lets not kid ourselves that there are real valuations in play here on 17 Dec 2023 12:30 collapse

Sorry, you think investing in Tesla confers credibility? on 17 Dec 2023 12:32 collapse

I never said anything like that. on 17 Dec 2023 13:43 collapse

There was heavy smug implications on 17 Dec 2023 19:21 collapse

It is literaly all real numbers. on 17 Dec 2023 13:38 next collapse

The market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent. on 17 Dec 2023 14:08 collapse

Weird that people argue about this. If the value of a company is being talked about, then stocks is what people generally refer to. Now, if you’d specify and talk about some other value, then sure, but if only “value” is being mentioned I see no reason to think it would mean something else than stocks. on 17 Dec 2023 15:00 collapse

stocks are unstable and they only provide actual value when sold. Thus, for some, it is at best an imprecise measure. Thus People don't like it and some simply refute the valuation. The fact that it remains the only viable source for valuation is not relevant to them.
Just a different PoV (world view as to what is valuable in life) which is not catered to by the available data. on 17 Dec 2023 15:57 collapse

A big part of trading stocks is assessing value independent of the stock price. You want to buy stock when it is undervalued and sell it when it is overvalued. Tesla seems to be in the latter position, IMO. on 17 Dec 2023 18:54 collapse

It’s definitely overvalued, but that’s because it’s currently valued as the most valuable automotive company on the planet. on 17 Dec 2023 15:27 collapse

I don’t like Tesla Elon.

But they are literally the most valuable automotive company.

As of right now, their market cap is $794.33 billion. on 17 Dec 2023 15:55 next collapse

Yeah I was a bit surprised. Seems quite clearly over-valued. on 18 Dec 2023 16:40 collapse

By Revenue Tesla is 11th, and by Earnings Tesla is 8th. Market cap is fictional number. on 18 Dec 2023 17:44 collapse

Market cap is absolutely the best metric for the “value” of a company.

If people are willing to pay $X for a share of a company and there are N shares, then the value of the company is $X*N.

The fact that people are buying shares at a certain price says that people think the company is valued at that price. on 18 Dec 2023 18:41 next collapse

This reminds me of a funny (probably illegal) thing that Max Fosh did where he made a company with an absurd amount of shares and got some random person to buy a share for $20 or $50 or something so his company temporarily became the richest in the world (technically) lol on 19 Dec 2023 02:08 collapse

It is A metric of the company, best could be argued, absolutely best is stretching it. When company value is based on hype, over promise and lies etc, the market cap becomes less relevant and the revenue/profit are better metrics for valuation.

Theranos was valued at 9B$, just based on hype and lies.

Elon Musk is similar vaporware sales man. on 17 Dec 2023 12:51 next collapse

Yes. That is what happens when you sell the majority of your business. on 17 Dec 2023 16:00 next collapse

And this isn’t even right, 2 people founded Tesla the other 3 are investors… on 17 Dec 2023 16:31 next collapse

Careful, Musk might send the internet goon squad after you for saying that. He gets very upset if you call him an investor in Tesla. on 17 Dec 2023 17:52 next collapse

Starlink is trash too, come at me Elon on 17 Dec 2023 18:46 collapse

Starlink is shitty and yet where I’m at its still easily the cheapest, fastest, and most reliable option. Infuriating really. on 17 Dec 2023 19:39 collapse

Yeah, if he spent the money on laying fibre instead of using satilites that need to be replaced every at most 18 months and as little as 2 months, everyone would have been better off. on 17 Dec 2023 22:29 next collapse

Yeah, but he only has the one digger, so the fiber would all end up in hyperloop-sized tunnels, it’d be like the Underminer from the Incredibles. on 18 Dec 2023 13:04 collapse

Prob would still be cheaper and more environmentally friendlier on 18 Dec 2023 03:07 next collapse

Yeah and if my province hadn’t sold of their public telephone company to private investors I’d be even more better off so I’m more pissed about that. on 18 Dec 2023 11:54 collapse

Gotta love when rich people convince our politicians that they can do the job better than the Govt and then we loose everything. Like when Brian M sold off CN Rail now Bill Gates is making billions from it. on 18 Dec 2023 16:32 collapse

I see that being said quite often.

Is there any actual proof of this or is it speculation?

In low density population areas, it seems to me that laying fiber would be cost prohibitive, but I’d like to be proven wrong. on 18 Dec 2023 19:04 collapse

Each satellite is worth 250k @ 5,500 units currently (and its still garbage unless its your only option). And this is just the cost of satilites

Worse case scenario for laying fibre is $80,000 for 1 mile

You do the shit maths and that is 17,187.5 miles (not km) of fibre for what is currently in LEO and excluding the price of launching these POS into the nights sky. So for best case senario every 18 months that is how much fibre lines Elon could be laying.

From Presque Isles, Maine to Sandiego, California is 3,305 miles on 18 Dec 2023 01:16 collapse

The internet has ruined me, because I read goon squad and thought of the other ‘gooning’. on 18 Dec 2023 22:23 collapse

You don’t them after you either. on 19 Dec 2023 01:49 collapse

I dont understand on 19 Dec 2023 01:52 collapse

I accidentally a word. on 19 Dec 2023 01:59 collapse

Understandable, have a day on 17 Dec 2023 21:12 collapse

Excuse me, but one of the conditions of Elon’s investment was that they pretend he was a founder and refer to him as such! on 17 Dec 2023 16:00 next collapse

This seems extremely poorly researched. on 17 Dec 2023 19:23 collapse


[deleted] on 17 Dec 2023 20:50 collapse

. on 17 Dec 2023 16:03 next collapse

“I made this!” on 17 Dec 2023 17:18 next collapse

I was never interested in following up claims that Musk was not a founder, but to the extent this article is fair, I’d say he earned the title of founder as well as being the wealthiest. Maybe he was the only one who could afford to go all in on Tesla, but the fact is he went all in on Tesla and put arguably the most into building it into a car manufacturer

And they all look extremely rich to me. Even the “poorest” of the group made $7M for one year on 17 Dec 2023 19:07 collapse

7 million is “retiring doctor” or “retiring Google engineer” rich.

It’s generally considered safe to withdraw 4% of your nest egg the first year, and adjust that for inflation moving forwards. $7 million can sustain a $280k/year retirement. That’s certainly rich, but there’s a world of difference between that and a billionaire. A billionaire can safely spend $40 million a year.

[deleted] on 18 Dec 2023 15:59 next collapse

. on 18 Dec 2023 16:49 collapse

“Unlucky cofounders” - the lowest net worth of any of them is 7 million. Ian’s not doing half bad considering most people will work their entire lives and not get a net worth even half of his.

The next one up has a net worth of 200 million.