Exxon, Apple and other corporate giants will have to disclose all their emissions under California's new climate laws – that will have a global impact (theconversation.com)
from L4s@lemmy.world to technology@lemmy.world on 12 Oct 2023 10:00

Exxon, Apple and other corporate giants will have to disclose all their emissions under California’s new climate laws – that will have a global impact::California is the world’s fifth-largest economy. Laws tested there often spread across the U.S. and around the world.


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FlyingSquid@lemmy.world on 12 Oct 2023 10:15 next collapse

Will it have an impact? Exxon says, “our emissions were ___ amount of CO2, ___ amount of methane, [etc.]” Then they say, “by the way, we couldn’t give less of a shit” and go back to business as usual. How does this change anything they do? As the article even says, plenty of them are voluntarily reporting it anyway.

nottheengineer@feddit.de on 12 Oct 2023 10:29 next collapse

Exxon won’t give a shit, but apple probably will. Half of their marketing is greenwashing, so they’ll have to think of something new.

Maybe some people will also understand that corporations aren’t their friends, but with apple users that’s a rather slim chance.

FlyingSquid@lemmy.world on 12 Oct 2023 10:31 next collapse

Apple is already disclosing that information. So is Google. No one seems to give a shit.

MrSpArkle@lemmy.ca on 12 Oct 2023 16:09 collapse

Not saying we shouldn’t pressure corporations to do better, but one of the unintended consequences here is that Apple’s green initiatives and disclosures are in part simply a product of tight vertical integration. At a certain point pollution is simply resources not optimally exploited and extracted, and those inefficiencies are lost profits. Meeting environmental goals at that point will be easier for large conglomerates than for smaller players, thus encouraging the rise of more conglomerates.

dependencyInjection@sh.itjust.works on 12 Oct 2023 12:58 collapse

Check this, I worked at Apple on the bar for 3 years and every year we would wear blue for most the year, red for Christmas and get this, green for Earth day.

So they would ship shirts around the world every year for these. You could use your old ones but they always gave more.

I brought it up to a manager that the green one is laughable as we are celebrating earth day by shipping green shirts around. I’m pretty sure they stopped it now but it always struck me as insane.

I also, had some discussions about how well we got treated in the UK but my American counterparts not so much and my Asian counterparts even less, but I always got the we don’t control the Foxconn stuff etc.

It’s all words really and their bottom line is making money.

WhatAmLemmy@lemmy.world on 12 Oct 2023 10:36 next collapse

More importantly, what are the requirements for accuracy and what are the penalties for wild guestimations or falsifying data?

If everything else in the US is any indication, Exxon will be like “we emit 2 carbons” and the government will respond with “here’s a fine that’s 1/10th the expense you would incur if you made a legitimate attempt at reporting your emissions”… “and don’t you forget it!!”

MrSpArkle@lemmy.ca on 12 Oct 2023 14:19 next collapse

Just another opportunity for green washing. The Exxon report should just be a letter-headed page saying “yes”.

jaybone@lemmy.world on 12 Oct 2023 18:49 collapse

I assume your username is a Simpson’s reference?

Ghostalmedia@lemmy.world on 12 Oct 2023 14:28 next collapse

It will have an impact on investment. Environmental ratings are already starting to impact how easily companies can acquire funding for growth.

Which is why big oil is lobbying so hard against ESG data now.

WallEx@feddit.de on 13 Oct 2023 08:16 collapse

We would then have data that we didn’t have before, which enables legislation. This is how democracy works in this world.

Do you think Exxon reports? Truthfully?

FlyingSquid@lemmy.world on 13 Oct 2023 08:24 collapse

I think Apple reports and Google reports because the article says so. What’s been done about it? Where’s the legislation.

As far as truthfully- what makes you think Exxon will be honest?

WallEx@feddit.de on 13 Oct 2023 09:56 collapse

It will be closer to the truth than before. I also hope that they actually check the data given, which is normal for taxes for example.

Also I don’t think the emissions of apple, Google and Exxon are even in the same realm, but that’s pure speculation, because Exxon does oil and my expectations are, that that’s dirty.

FlyingSquid@lemmy.world on 13 Oct 2023 09:57 collapse

What? They don’t have to pay taxes on their emissions.

WallEx@feddit.de on 13 Oct 2023 12:00 collapse

Check it for correctness like they do with taxes. Via inspection or something.

FlyingSquid@lemmy.world on 13 Oct 2023 12:02 collapse

And then what? What makes you think anyone will give a shit, especially politicians that they donate tons of money to?

WallEx@feddit.de on 13 Oct 2023 16:42 collapse

Then we will know something closer to the truth, Its not like it’s going to solve the problem, but it’s still a step in the right direction imho.

I just hope that this enables NGOs to have reliable numbers to base their campaigns on or something like that. Every bit helps.

xodoh74984@lemmy.world on 12 Oct 2023 10:17 collapse

This is not a post about technology.

[deleted] on 12 Oct 2023 10:33 collapse


xodoh74984@lemmy.world on 12 Oct 2023 11:59 collapse

Please elaborate on the technological advancement that was made here

ram@bookwormstory.social on 12 Oct 2023 12:12 collapse

I’m sorry but this community isn’t just for announcing “technological advancements”. The content here is anything of or relating to technology.

xodoh74984@lemmy.world on 12 Oct 2023 12:20 collapse

This news is as related to technology as a weather report citing rain in Silicon Valley is relevant to technology. It doesn’t fit the sub.

ram@bookwormstory.social on 12 Oct 2023 12:31 collapse

I agree in relevance, but it’s more “noteworthy” by measure of the poster. If Silicon Valley had a torrential storm that could materially impact these services, it would also belong in the !technology@lemmy.world community. I suggest you compare how strongly related other posts in this community are to technology, for reference.

xodoh74984@lemmy.world on 12 Oct 2023 13:06 collapse

The other posts aren’t very related to technology either, and that’s my point. There was a time before Lemmy, when /r/Technology was focused on delivering news about new technology. Not tangentially related news about pro climate laws. Not the politics of social media companies. Not Elon Musk spam. Technology. /r/Science was vastly different in the past as well. In general, these communities had much more substantiative content with nuanced discussions in the comments from experts in relevant fields. Lemmy was a bit like that as well in the past. But unfortunately bots like this one started reposting all of the drivel from Reddit to the main Technology community, drowning out content with more depth. I want communities that I can genuinely learn from. I want to feel hesitant to comment, because everyone in the room is smarter than me. I miss that version of the internet.

ram@bookwormstory.social on 12 Oct 2023 13:32 next collapse

I’ve not used or liked Reddit in more than a decade so I can’t empathize. Sowwy!

xodoh74984@lemmy.world on 12 Oct 2023 13:39 collapse

Yet you are, however, following a direct mirror of reddit right here in this community. Fully automated for your convenience.

ram@bookwormstory.social on 12 Oct 2023 13:53 collapse

Okay? And?

GiveMemes@jlai.lu on 12 Oct 2023 14:46 collapse

Just because you’re not smart enough to get that other guy’s points doesn’t make him wrong, fwiw

ram@bookwormstory.social on 12 Oct 2023 14:51 collapse

I’m fully aware of this. I’m trying to figure out what the point they’re attempting to make is in the first place. It’d be difficult for me to concede if the point is incomprehensible to me.

[deleted] on 12 Oct 2023 15:18 collapse


ram@bookwormstory.social on 12 Oct 2023 15:20 collapse

This post has pretty much nothing to do with technology.

That’s very clearly not the point being made by the message:

Yet you are, however, following a direct mirror of reddit right here in this community. Fully automated for your convenience.

This is the message I’m not understanding the point of.

I suppose I do also have a “legitimate mental handicap” in that I suffer ADHD, but that’s not relevant to the subject at hand from what I can tell.

GiveMemes@jlai.lu on 12 Oct 2023 15:25 collapse

You claimed not to use reddit but are using a reddit mirroring service. Whether or not you have been on reddit in years has nothing to do with the validity of his earlier point concerning the importance of keeping boards tied to the topic of intended discussion. Which of course were tied to reddit because reddit was the predecessor of this site…

Is it really that hard to read?

ram@bookwormstory.social on 12 Oct 2023 15:28 collapse

You claimed not to use reddit but are using a reddit mirroring service.

I’m using links that also appear on reddit reposted by a bot to a different service that is not reddit.

Whether or not you have been on reddit in years has nothing to do with the validity of his earlier point concerning the importance of keeping boards tied to the topic of intended discussion.

They’re the one who focused in on that. I was simply saying that I can’t relate to their experience with Reddit before Lemmy.

Which of course were tied to reddit because reddit was the predecessor of this site…


Is it really that hard to read?

I suppose it must be. Would you like to insult me more?

[deleted] on 12 Oct 2023 15:35 collapse


ram@bookwormstory.social on 12 Oct 2023 15:38 collapse

Why don’t you just call me the R word or some other slur directly at this point? lmao
This is clearly unproductive. You also fail to acknowledge or respond to anything else I’ve said. I guess I’m just too stupid to understand.

GiveMemes@jlai.lu on 12 Oct 2023 15:44 collapse

Ok, let me go in depth, as that too stupid to understand conclusion is actually the one I came to.

Reddit mirroring, which was poor word choice on my part, refers to the fact that Lemmy is just a federated version of reddit. The UX is entirely the same. Whether or not you are a reddit user has nothing to do with this.

The community basis of Lemmy, the site we’re currently on, comes from reddit as the other user was talking about. So does the importance of keeping the discussion boards to their topics.

Your relation to reddit is completely irrelevant in this discussion.

Was that simple enough for you? Or do you need pictures?

ram@bookwormstory.social on 12 Oct 2023 15:54 collapse

The UX is entirely the same.

I don’t think the UX is ultimately relevant to what the person I was responding to was saying. They were distinctly talking about the content, and specifically the content “before Lemmy”, of which I have no familiarity, as I did not use Reddit at that time.

The community basis of Lemmy, the site we’re currently on, comes from reddit

As someone who’s been here since before the reddit exodus in June, it’s hard for me to agree with this. We’ve had someone of an Eternal September, but the community is based on FLOSS advocates and communities.

So does the importance of keeping the discussion boards to their topics.

“The importance of keeping discussion boards to their topics comes from reddit” doesn’t really make sense and is non-sequitur, but even if I accept it, whether reddit did it or not is irrelevant. Communities here are often run and managed distinctly from how Reddit is. And as the person I was responding to pointed out and you conceded, this post actually came from Reddit anyways, so it’s a moot point.

Your relation to reddit is completely irrelevant in this discussion.

I’m glad we agree on this. My relation to reddit is largely irrelevant to this discussion, and only relevant insofar as to my familiarity with a particular era of reddit the person I was responding to wanted to see return.

Was that simple enough for you? Or do you need pictures?

It’d be pretty funny if you threw in some pictures tbh.

Nudding@lemmy.world on 12 Oct 2023 13:57 collapse

Nobody is gonna waste their time reading that. Just leave if you don’t enjoy. Very simple.

xodoh74984@lemmy.world on 12 Oct 2023 14:05 collapse

Actively contributing to this community being dumb and irrelevant I see. Trust me, I’ve already left. Eternal September has arrived.

Nudding@lemmy.world on 12 Oct 2023 14:33 collapse
