Twitch warns US sub price increases “extremely likely” after international updates (
from to on 22 Feb 2024 00:00

Twitch warns US sub price increases “extremely likely” after international updates::undefined


threaded - newest on 22 Feb 2024 00:28 next collapse

After already reducing the creator cut and increasing ads… super curious what their books look like. on 22 Feb 2024 00:48 next collapse

They are still losing money, but in the way that all tech companies spending every dollar that comes in so they can expand and build a monopoly loses money. on 22 Feb 2024 21:39 collapse

How much closer to market capture do they need to be?

Not that I will ever watch streaming. But it seems to have captured whatever market there exists for it. on 23 Feb 2024 00:27 collapse

Yep, their only real competitors are YouTube and Facebook gaming and I don’t even know if FGaming is still a thing. There’s a couple other smaller streaming platforms but they aren’t that popular.

[deleted] on 22 Feb 2024 00:48 next collapse

. on 22 Feb 2024 00:55 next collapse

With moves like that, I’m guessing that they’ve never been even close to being in the black. on 22 Feb 2024 06:46 next collapse

Iirc they lose money or something right? It’s probably only able to run because Amazon has a shit ton of money. on 22 Feb 2024 19:48 next collapse

They’ve never once made money. Twitch is a massive money pit where 99% of the creators on the platform are explicitly leeching while bringing nothing by way of income. on 22 Feb 2024 23:17 collapse

Everyone’s commenting on their books but twitch’s published numbers are all bullshit pretending they’re paying market rate for AWS when they obviously get a deal being a subsidiary of Amazon. IIRC their last attempt to show they needed to up prices even had them using non-bulk AWS rates which they obviously wouldn’t pay even if they werent owned by Amazon. on 22 Feb 2024 23:58 collapse

Also Twitch has historically been profitable in Europe (or maybe it’s just Western Europe? Can’t remember). Something that Twitch generally keeps quiet but the French streamers I follow never forget to point out when Twitch publicly whines about their supposed nonprofitability.

Which means that NA can’t be that far behind given that the US has higher GDP/capita (buy I guess lower engagement). So when you are combining that information with their bulk discounts, it’s for sure profitable there.

Now maybe Twitch truly isn’t profitable in poorer regions like LatAm where infrastructure costs don’t scale down as fast as sub prices and ad revenue. But regarding Europe and NA, they are openly bullshitting. on 22 Feb 2024 01:08 next collapse

Just popping in here to toot my own horn:

I called this happening when whatever his name is, Twitch CEO man, gave the public speech/stream being very, very appreciative of Amazon for their support.

When you do /that/ it means your business model is a failure.


(no clue if this is somehow against some rules or some kind of lemmy instance feud, but heres the thread with my original post)

Anyway, Twitch is quite likely to ultimately basically kill itself with this move, and Amazon will either spin the employees off into existing Amazon sub sections, possibly but not likely do some nonsense like keep the twitch brand name but dramatically re orient the site, or, most likely, just slowly lay off more and more twitch employees and formally pull the plug, while retaining the brand rights and web url, all that kinda stuff.

I give it about 2 years before one of those scenarios comes to fruition. Could be faster if insanity twitch drama gets even more insane than normal. on 22 Feb 2024 06:26 next collapse

If Amazon is sinking money into it, someone somewhere sees a path to profitability. I can’t imagine why they’d invest all that money only to shut down one of the internet’s largest brands. on 23 Feb 2024 21:20 collapse

Giant tech firms are actually /notorious/ for investing huge amounts of money into basically experimental/risky ventures, and then pulling the plug.

Google in particular… Stadia, Google Places (or whatever was the name of their attempt at out Facebooking Facebook).

MSFT has done this a bunch… even a lot of non really ‘Tech’ huge corporations do this as well, with increasing regularity since the Mergers and Acquisitions trend started in the 80s.

The way they are able to do this is that they have core business branches that are able to functionally internally subsidize these risky ideas, with the math on it all only making sense if the risky idea that needs to be subsidized can remain subsidized until it either turns a profit on its own, or is absolutely essential to a syngergistic business plan between other business lines under the same corporate banner.

However… as a large multi faceted business such as this faces as economic downturn?

Generally what happens is all the top management starts getting nervous and wants all of their sort of sub businesses to be more self sufficient.

Now Twitch in particular is basically a burning money pit, a black hole.

Amazon acquired because they assumed it would keep growing rapidly.

But… when you start making the average Twitch user have to pay more money, view more ads, etc, to use the site, this functionally starts a death cycle.

Making Twitch have increased responsibility for its own profitability necessarily slows down the growth. And the growth rate is required for running Twitch to make sense in the long run.

Tl:dr: Yeah, they saw a path to profitability, overall, for all of Amazon, and now that path includes more monetization for Twitch which will necessarily lower the growth number of Twitch, which makes that original overall profitability plan look more like it doesnt include Twitch than including Twitch. on 22 Feb 2024 19:49 collapse

Twitch still has critical mass. YT Streaming is still horrible, Kick is a giant advertisement for Stake and Mixer died years ago.

As long as they can find a way to milk more money out of users they’ll stay around. on 22 Feb 2024 21:55 next collapse

I miss Beam/Mixer… on 22 Feb 2024 21:55 next collapse

I miss Beam/Mixer… on 22 Feb 2024 21:56 next collapse

I miss Beam/Mixer… on 23 Feb 2024 21:27 collapse

Youre looking at this from the perspective of the consumer, not the business side.

I dont disagree at all that YT streaming is not up to par with Twitch.

But theres no immutable law that says ‘there must be an easy to use internet video streaming site.’

I think that Amazon shifting toward Twitch needing to be more soley responsible for its own profitability will reduce its growth in user count, and eventually, as with so, so many other online websites with huge upkeep expenses but very little income stream… this will inevitably lead to death of the service/site.

I could be wrong about the amount the growth slows down by, but yeah I certainly wouldnt expect Twitch to be around, at least not without huge amounts of monetization compared to what there is now, in 5 years. on 22 Feb 2024 02:38 next collapse

I’ve gotten so many messages over the last few months about price increases on everything from my internet to the toll lanes in my region. Absolutely everything is going up in price right now and t It’s just unsustainable. on 22 Feb 2024 18:54 next collapse

Submarines are expensive everywhere, not just US. Rich people usually settle with Yachts. on 22 Feb 2024 21:55 next collapse

I hope to one day have enough free time to want to watch someone play video games unedited for hours at a time, let alone be willing to pay money for the privilege. on 22 Feb 2024 22:42 collapse

It’s insane to me that these people have viewers. What are people doing with their lives on 22 Feb 2024 23:57 next collapse

I imagine most people are just trying to survive. on 23 Feb 2024 02:06 collapse

Pathetic. on 23 Feb 2024 04:57 collapse

Different strokes for different folks on 23 Feb 2024 01:09 collapse

Many put them on in the background, like radio on 23 Feb 2024 02:17 next collapse

“Extremely likely” – says the only entity in control of the price. What are the odds? Who knows! It’s extremely likely!

[deleted] on 24 Feb 2024 05:36 collapse
