How Europe is dominating tech regulation (
from to on 19 Dec 2023 13:52


threaded - newest on 19 Dec 2023 14:16 next collapse

well-balanced between the US and EU. Not a bad thing on 19 Dec 2023 14:32 next collapse

The bottom line: The world’s biggest tech companies are American. Geopolitics 101 would suggest that in such a world, U.S. regulators would be unlikely to lead the charge to roll back that dominance.

I like how the author implies the corruption. What do regulators gain from not rolling back the global dominance of American tech companies. They likely gain cash incentives.

In my opinion, the so-called “free market” needs to spend a few years in the pillory to remember their dependence on the average consumer. I’m glad that Europe is demonstrating how it’s done and I hope that my fellow Americans will follow suit and demand similar regulation. on 03 Jan 2024 15:32 collapse

To me it implies that American companies being the dominant ones and you wouldn’t want to undermine that. Not because of bribery or corruption but because it benefits the US. on 19 Dec 2023 16:30 collapse

They dominate it by being having a large population and actually having regulation. It’s not rocket science. The U.S. just needs to have regulation and they could dominate it too. on 19 Dec 2023 17:45 collapse

It seems like Europe is taking the role California is often taking in the US. Especially on consumer protection and tech regulation. It’s big enough to force everyone else in the same direction.