Max Streaming ‘Enshittifies’ Further, Removes Classic Looney Tunes (
from to on 24 Mar 13:46

from the enhittify-ALL-the-things! dept


threaded - newest on 24 Mar 14:04 next collapse

Use alternative ways of streaming content such as Kodi or Stremio with a debrid service that costs $17/6mo on 24 Mar 14:43 next collapse

Every day the call of the high seas gets stronger. on 24 Mar 15:20 next collapse

Aye on 25 Mar 15:00 collapse

Where be the charts that lead to this digital bounty, and how might a cunning pirate keep it safe? on 26 Mar 08:47 collapse on 26 Mar 22:24 collapse

A lovely thing, but I still can’t find classic looney tunes :( on 24 Mar 15:49 next collapse

Is this edition of Looney Tunes available on blu-ray? The Max version was a 4k restoration based off new scans of the film iirc. on 24 Mar 16:18 next collapse

Until we as a society agree to stop paying them and let them experience true losses, they will never return to pleasing the customer. on 25 Mar 11:46 collapse

Don’t know about max specifically, but these streaming services already lose a ton of money every year

More than ever, we see that money is made up on 24 Mar 22:52 next collapse

Why the fuck would they delete the content?

The studio owns the content outright, so streaming rights costs should be nothing. on 24 Mar 23:13 next collapse

Not deleted, just not available to those who paid to stream.

Streaming does cost money, not much individually, but at the scale they are at, this is huge savings!($)

Think about it this way, the cost per customer will not go down (probably up), but the amount of content will go down.

The profits must increase every quarter. on 25 Mar 14:58 collapse

You can’t stream the Westworld show either. It was an HBO made show. on 25 Mar 00:27 next collapse

This sounds like streaming problem that I’m too jellyfin to understand on 25 Mar 00:32 next collapse

Probably just a temporary hitch, but I tried to use the app today to look for some Little Britain content. I’m certain that a decade+ ago, HBO carried Little Britain episodes. I was under the impression that Max was basically rebranded HBO and Cinemax in crappified app format.

Tried to open the app, got a loading screen for well over a minute. Closed it and tried to open it again. Waited another minute and it finally showed the profile selection screen. I clicked on my profile and got a completely useless error message, so I clicked on my partner’s profile and it worked. Clicked the up button a few times to get to the search screen, nothing happened. Clicked again, and it finally registered the first few click PLUS the newest click, so it overshot the search icon. Finally got it back to search and then clicked the microphone button so I could speak rather than type. It completely did not understand “Little Britain” and instead searched “Britain britain” with no relevant results. Tried again, and it failed harder. Ended up having to type in Little Britain manually. So 10 minutes later after having the thought that I’d like to watch Little Britain, I finally get the results. Turns out the show isn’t available to watch anymore (or else the search failed, hard to know for sure). Terrible experience.

This should be an embarrassment. I would be embarrassed if I had developed some bullshit like this. on 25 Mar 09:58 next collapse

Btw, AppleTV’s site to delete your account (you only find via google) has a “500 internal server error”.

Edit: got tech support today, but none of the supporters know how to deal with developer console messages. Then got a call from the tech support lead (that’s a plus in my book) and then it suddenly worked. Apparently, the authorization server of that multi-billion tech corp “had a hickup”. on 25 Mar 14:29 collapse

Whoopsie! on 25 Mar 15:02 next collapse

looks like i need to invest in these and turn them into torrents…/Looney_Tunes_Golden_Collection on 28 Mar 02:34 collapse

If you do, I’d love to seed it. I’ve been looking for good copies of this for a while. on 25 Mar 23:28 collapse

That’s funny, Looney Tunes on my jellyfin server still works perfectly fine. on 28 Mar 02:31 collapse

I have struggled to find good downloads for a lot of the older stuff. Looney Tunes and Tom & Jerry both come to mind; I’d love to have them on my server, but haven’t had the time to drive all the way to my parents’ place to get my old DVDs to rip. And even if I did get the DVDs, there’s a non-zero chance that they’re rotted. So I tried downloading them, but finding properly seeded torrents for content that old has been a struggle.