The bizarre secrets I found investigating corrupt Winamp skins (
from to on 27 Jul 2024 05:55

Very interesting article!


threaded - newest on 27 Jul 2024 06:12 next collapse

Nice find. Really whips the Llamas ass. on 27 Jul 2024 06:30 next collapse

nice findings! on 27 Jul 2024 06:34 next collapse

Oh for fucks sake, now the article itself has a misplaced mobile Wikipedia link and there’s nowhere I can quickly see to put my copy paste about it.

copy paste for context:

Please, anyone who reads this, stop posting links to the mobile version of Wikipedia. It doesn’t switch automatically on PC, and I see it happen all the time. Just take the half a second to remove the “.m” from the beginning of the link, save everyone else from the pain of having to be surprised by it and taking the time to do it themselves. on 27 Jul 2024 06:48 next collapse…/redirect-mobile-wikipedia/ on 27 Jul 2024 09:33 collapse

General infosec tip: keep your browser add-ons to the absolute minimum you can live with. Add-ons are attack vectors. The more you have - the more at risk you are. And only install the ones you have a reason to trust. on 27 Jul 2024 10:41 collapse

Nah, browsers are sandboxed to absolute shit it is such a pain in the ass to make an extension just to do a phishing attack or to buy the ownership of one to introduce malicious code.

At most an extension with really broad permissions like read/write contents of any page (a fact that is made obvious upon installation) can replace a link to take you to a phishing page to harvest creds, but thanks to SSL and HTTPS it won’t even work without fifty some odd warnings on 27 Jul 2024 12:14 next collapse

You live by that and I’ll live by the advice I’ve seen from infosec professionals that recommend as few add-ons as possible due to security concerns. But yes, browsers are getting more secure over time and that’s good. on 27 Jul 2024 16:01 collapse

I’m an cybersec MSc and an infosec professional.

You obviously shouldn’t install closed source or otherwise shady extensions from dodgy authors you don’t know, but on the whole there is very little they can do that you should worry about.

Most “advice” comes from people who want to sell you something and the infosec industry is mostly a scam to drain B2B procurement budgets plus a few gay furry researchers at defcon who are incomprehensible savants and actual malware authors who do something, unless they just write crappy .NET junk.

Take for example an average “”“zero-day”“” in 2024:…/threat-actors-exploited-windows…

This isn’t even a vulnerability. It’s just phishing that requires a user to have file extensions turned off, then download a dodgy as hell .PDF file that isn’t one due to hidden extension, which then uses a milquetoast .hta trojan downloader that only works if one has IE enabled on Windows AND opens the .pdf in MS Edge to pull in reverse shell code via probably psexec of some sort.

There are so many steps one wonders why not just send a iamnotavirus.exe uac prompt and all to download, compile and run ransomware from vxunderground source code then and there.

Worrying about stuff like this in browser is akin to using a VPN on public WiFi to avoid MITM attacks, there’s nothing wrong with it but there’s basically nothing to actually worry about there. on 27 Jul 2024 16:26 collapse

You obviously shouldn’t install closed source or otherwise shady extensions from dodgy authors you don’t know, but on the whole there is very little they can do that you should worry about.

Sorry if I’m nitpicky or confused here. You just said it’s obvious that you shouldn’t install closed sourced or otherwise shady extensions. Do you think a normie knows and cares if an extension is open source? And how do they know if an extension is “shady”? And what about legit extensions that get bought by shady people and turned into shady ones long after they’ve been installed and the user base trusts it? on 27 Jul 2024 13:16 collapse

I mean, couldn’t an addon just read the password you put into a login field, or send in a request, and send it off to their servers? on 27 Jul 2024 16:06 collapse

If an add-on is modifying contents of pages it shouldn’t or of the clipboard when it shouldn’t, you would have to give it explicit permission at install time, i.e. “This extension can: Read and Modify Data on all sites you visit: Read and Modify contents of the clipboard.”

Obviously a simple URL redirector for wikipedia requesting access to this data is absurd and would be an immediate red flag. The reason this very thing doesn’t happen more often, is because frankly you’d have to be so computer illiterate to get to that stage that it is much easier to just phish you with basic Facebook profile info for much greater gains.

This is also the reason most “hacks” nowadays are either supply-side or phishing, shit is just too secure, no fun. We should bring back ActiveX. on 27 Jul 2024 16:58 collapse

Obviously a simple URL redirector for wikipedia requesting access to this data is absurd and would be an immediate red flag.

To you, yes it should be. But it does require knowledge about how websites and browsers work that most people don’t have. I’d be very surprised if 50% of people have any idea what those permissions actually do and what would be reasonable for different extensions to have. on 28 Jul 2024 14:06 collapse

But installing few extensions doesn’t protect against it if the few extensions you install have scope and permissions to do bad things. It’s all worded in plain English, at some point you gotta just not use computers anymore if you can’t read.

Even if it’s good advice for nan checking emails on IE6 on windows vista, it really shouldn’t be necessary for a Lemmy user. on 28 Jul 2024 15:00 collapse

Of course having fewer extensions installed doesn’t protect you from the ones that you have installed. But the fewer you have the smaller your attack surface is. And as a general tip, I think it’s a good one, even on Lemmy. Because I’m not going to assume people’s understanding of the web, browsers or permissions. And when it comes to the general population, a lack of understanding of an extension’s permissions has very little to do with ones ability to read. on 27 Jul 2024 07:01 collapse

People not having the Wikipedia app baffles me. Sharing from there gives you reasonable links. on 27 Jul 2024 07:20 next collapse

Yes that works, and you can also use something like URLCheck and just drop that path on 27 Jul 2024 09:26 collapse

What is that, an extension? on 27 Jul 2024 10:03 collapse on 27 Jul 2024 07:59 next collapse

Why use an app when there’s a web site? In case of Wikipedia I fail to see any functional benefit for an app. on 27 Jul 2024 09:26 next collapse

Better reading experience overall. Compartmentalizing all my Wikipedia reading so as not to mix it with my other many open tabs. (Wikipedia app has tabs, too.) Sections are not collapsed by default. Easier to search on the page by default than in the browser.

I can probably go on it I made a more in-depth comparison after using the web version for a bit… on 27 Jul 2024 11:50 collapse

The app has offline capabilities and to save articles on a named list. I use it as a reference when forgetting something or to save the list type article as a starting point when researching a software to use. Or just generally a reading material when on the go (yes, I find reading wikipedia articles entertaining) on 27 Jul 2024 17:13 collapse

Ok, offline functionality does make sense on 27 Jul 2024 08:20 collapse

There’s a Wikipedia app? I find that baffling. on 27 Jul 2024 09:26 collapse

Try it. It’s great. on 27 Jul 2024 09:27 collapse

How much time do you spend on Wikipedia? on 27 Jul 2024 10:56 next collapse

My man, I think I have over a hundred tabs and saved wikipedia articles alone that I always refer to when needed. The app works great for me on 27 Jul 2024 12:07 collapse

I would assume, and hope, it works really well for such usage. I only tend to end up on Wikipedia a couple of times a week, and 95% of that is on my desktop to have a quick look at something I won’t be getting back to ever again. on 27 Jul 2024 18:38 collapse

Then the app is not for you. 😊 on 27 Jul 2024 18:40 collapse

Time? Pff, no clue. But I look things up all the time and don’t have time to finish articles the first time round, ever (two kids under six).

So it’s great to have and get back to articles. on 27 Jul 2024 06:35 next collapse

This is the Internet I miss! on 27 Jul 2024 06:57 next collapse

What? You don’t like browsing the web, where everyone is shoving politics down your throat, and making violent hostile threats, and everybodys offended over baby names, and the web is like 3 websites big???

You don’t LOVE that? on 27 Jul 2024 07:06 next collapse

Please accept the cookie policy before any of that stuff… on 27 Jul 2024 10:07 collapse

Sign it, sign it now!!!? on 27 Jul 2024 11:38 next collapse

Name verified on 27 Jul 2024 11:39 next collapse

Try finding a nice desktop background picture of something specific. It’s all just links to subscription based stock image sites.

If anyone knows places to search for freely shared images that would be amazing. Just wanted a whale shark photo in 2K… on 27 Jul 2024 12:39 next collapse

If anyone knows places to search for freely shared images that would be amazing

Wikimedia Commons! on 27 Jul 2024 17:10 collapse

Good shout, thank you on 27 Jul 2024 13:32 next collapse

Google image search has a rights filter. on 27 Jul 2024 14:20 next collapse

This is how I learned that InterFaceLift was kill. on 27 Jul 2024 14:21 next collapse

Just today was looking for a seamless tile of grass for desktop background (decided to just use solid color, because eyes get tired looking at separate grass blades, though), spent like 15 minutes. On that. on 27 Jul 2024 16:05 next collapse

Unsplash is great if you want photography on 27 Jul 2024 22:18 collapse

Looks good, thanks! on 28 Jul 2024 05:16 collapse

There is also if you need more options on 27 Jul 2024 19:18 collapse

It’s unfortunate, but AI image generators will make exactly what you want, royalty free. on 27 Jul 2024 08:33 collapse

Onboarding the general population was such a historic mistake on 27 Jul 2024 13:49 collapse

It is still there, just not picked up by Google or Bing. on 27 Jul 2024 06:38 next collapse

This is pretty cool, although it makes me feel old.

I can’t imagine anyone younger than 30 would even get what this article is about. on 27 Jul 2024 07:23 next collapse

Actually, I’d love to hear from anybody younger than 30. Does this article make sense to you at all? on 27 Jul 2024 08:16 next collapse

I am not at all representative of my age group (I am on lemmy ffs), but yes, I do know what winamp is/was. on 27 Jul 2024 16:06 collapse

Same on 27 Jul 2024 08:17 next collapse

*crickets* on 27 Jul 2024 10:34 next collapse

Yeah? Dude got some corrupt skins for the Winamp program back in the day that didn’t work and poked into the files to see what was in there.

Makes me wanna check out WACUP, but last time I tried a skin with it that I at least remember working back in the day, it didn’t work.

Idk maybe it’s because I’m not American so we didn’t have the latest tech at all times, but I’m in my mid-20s and my first OS was Windows 2000 (no I don’t mean ME). I remember my dad teaching me how to rip CDs with Alcohol 120% when I was 5 or so lol. on 27 Jul 2024 08:23 next collapse

I’m under 30, I have no idea what winamp is but I figured it’s some music software from the skins’ pics. I imagine it was popular for it to have a museum thing about user created skins

(I haven’t googled anything yet) on 27 Jul 2024 08:35 collapse

It was the only thing at some point in time which explains the popularity. on 27 Jul 2024 19:08 collapse

It was the thing in its time. on 29 Jul 2024 15:22 next collapse

27, I dimly remember what Winamp was (never used it though) and extrapolated what Skins would be. I assume they’re essentially an archive of image files used to give a music player a custom look? Except they’re not technically restricted to image files and can apparently contain other files too, which I assume will make them invalid as skins, i.e. corrupted.

How far off am I?

Mind, I’m far from representative for my age group, given my IT expertise. on 05 Aug 2024 07:01 collapse

I’m 21, but people talk about winamp online all the time so I’m pretty familiar on 27 Jul 2024 13:38 collapse

Bro people know what hieroglyphs and wax Edison cylinders are. People know things, winamp is not some obscure hidden knowledge on 27 Jul 2024 19:07 collapse

Wasn’t implying it was hidden knowledge.

I was thinking about the zeitgeist of different generations in context of computing. on 27 Jul 2024 06:46 next collapse

Oh wow, I never heard of the skin archive. This is fantastic.

I still use Winamp 2.95, with a Pure Pwnage skin I downloaded back in the mid 2000s. Added it to the archive. on 27 Jul 2024 12:35 collapse

You must be a l33t h4x0r! on 27 Jul 2024 12:53 collapse

Boom! Headshot! on 27 Jul 2024 07:01 next collapse

This takes me back to a simpler time.

A time of playing Total Anihilation and hanging on MSN messenger.

Does anyone remember musicmatch jukebox with the jumping sheep visualisation? on 27 Jul 2024 09:57 next collapse

Oh god musicmatch was soooo good, it was my daily driver while everyone else was using winamp…something about whipping unsuspecting animals in the ass. on 27 Jul 2024 10:24 collapse

Screenshot on 27 Jul 2024 11:40 collapse

So much nostalgia right now. I wish we could go back to those days! on 27 Jul 2024 13:42 next collapse

Musicmatch! I thought I was the only one! on 27 Jul 2024 14:05 next collapse

This threw me for a sec because I was like “no way was someone playing Total Annihilation and not listening to that incredible OST”. on 27 Jul 2024 15:51 collapse

Me and a friend used to love the menu background sound. Like a deep mechanical humming sound.

We used to call it “indust”. My friend looped it for an hour and recorded it to minidisc.

Maybe this is why I like dark ambient drone sounds so much even today… on 27 Jul 2024 15:13 next collapse

Hell yeah! on 27 Jul 2024 08:38 collapse

The Jukebox was better because of cataloging from online sources and library features. Don’t remember the visuals on 27 Jul 2024 07:26 next collapse

Such a lovely post, a nice distraction from all the doom scrolling articles! I wish we had more of this.

I should write a happy news moderator bot for my instance. on 27 Jul 2024 08:54 next collapse

That was truly strange, awesome on 27 Jul 2024 10:26 next collapse

I think audacious can load winamp skins (and xmms skins).

Will try at some point. on 27 Jul 2024 16:06 collapse

Qmmp can use them too. on 27 Jul 2024 11:35 next collapse

What a great read. Thanks for sharing.

I wonder if a “KOOL” tube is a tube for smoking a cigarette out of (I remember that being a brand). on 27 Jul 2024 13:16 next collapse

That’s really cool on 27 Jul 2024 15:12 next collapse

This is a truly fantastic story. It reminds me of why the Internet is cool, if you dig deep enough, there’s always treasure to be found. on 27 Jul 2024 15:48 next collapse

If you want to see the Flintstones R34 image you have to the crack the file yourself. on 27 Jul 2024 16:29 next collapse

This is like finding digital time capsules. Very interesting. on 27 Jul 2024 16:51 next collapse

Post the Flintstones image, you coward! on 27 Jul 2024 10:37 next collapse

Eventually I figured out that the password needed to be lower case. Inside were a bunch of .avs files

… is a configuration file used by Advanced Visualization Studio (AVS), an audio visualizer for the Nullsoft Winamp media player. on 27 Jul 2024 19:10 next collapse

I miss foobar2k on 27 Jul 2024 19:20 collapse

Did it go somewhere? on 27 Jul 2024 22:59 collapse

Nope, it’s still great on Windows. Perhaps they went to Linux since it’s still Windows-only. on 27 Jul 2024 23:22 collapse

They probably miss it cause they don’t use it anymore. Streaming music is too convenient. Only reason why I still have a collection or FLACs and MP3s is cause I’m a DJ. Most people just stream. Even audiophiles have several lossless streaming options these days. on 28 Jul 2024 01:37 collapse

exactly at one point I had a several terabyte raid 5 array that I had been collecting since napster through the LAN iTunes sharing thing through torrents but I don’t even know where those drives are, let alone a mobo/desktop that I can plug it into. at least they’re sata not pata/ide. I see videos freaking out about how weird ipod shuffles were and I’m like I loved my shuffle and click wheel and video one

but honestly as much as I lament my “losses” this new era with connected devices everywhere and an endless explosion of high quality new content is amazing. even if I chose to only listen to new music 24/7 I could never even scratch the surface of all the new stuff coming out these days in every language in every genre accessible for free to everyone with a phone. it seems silly to think about the days when Metallica sued napster over 20$ cds (although the south park episode was great) now artists are begging for people to hover 2 seconds over free tik tok clips of their songs on 27 Jul 2024 19:30 next collapse

Really enjoyed the ride, very interesting. Thanks for sharing! on 27 Jul 2024 23:33 next collapse

what a great article on 28 Jul 2024 19:50 collapse

An AMA with the kid whose dad got him a custom winamp skin would be neat.