Sony won't phase out Blu-ray movie and game discs, only ceasing production on consumer BD-R (
from to on 05 Jul 2024 01:52


threaded - newest on 05 Jul 2024 02:29 next collapse

They’re not the only ones making that media, right? Or do they make the media for everyone and put other names like Memorex on the label? on 05 Jul 2024 02:52 next collapse

There’s a lot of companies that produce them, and at least a few big brand names that are making their own and for sure not just relabeling something else. on 05 Jul 2024 03:08 collapse

Don’t the other companies still have to license or at least pay royalties to Sony to make BD-R or that only for commercial discs? on 05 Jul 2024 03:20 next collapse

Not sure where you get this, but the standard is now ruled by Blu-ray Disk Association. There’s no mention about patent. I’ve looked on the Wikipedia page and the only mention about royalty is about the video codec. on 05 Jul 2024 03:21 next collapse

No. Sony was one of 9 companies that started blu-ray in 2002. There are more now that can license production of it.…/02-0520E/ on 05 Jul 2024 05:17 collapse

Unless I’m mistaken, and I probably am, the patents on blueray should have expired by now. Software side might be covered under copyright right though. Not sure if software can be copyrighted though tbh. on 05 Jul 2024 18:32 collapse

Software is copyrighted but nothing stops you from coding your own identical version. You just can’t re-use any code from the original. on 05 Jul 2024 15:05 collapse

For now.