Finnish startup says it can speed up any CPU by up to 100x using a tiny piece of hardware with no recoding (
from to on 23 Jun 20:01


threaded - newest on 23 Jun 20:17 next collapse

Cybercriminals are creaming their jorts at the potential exploits this might open up. on 23 Jun 20:25 collapse

Please, hackers wear cargo shorts and toe shoes sir on 23 Jun 20:32 collapse

Oof. But yeah. Fair.

I want to go in record that sometimes I just wear sandals with socks. on 23 Jun 23:47 collapse

Truly! The scum of the earth! on 23 Jun 20:22 next collapse

I highly doubt that unless they invented magic.

Edit: oh… They ommitted the “up to” in the headline. on 23 Jun 20:32 collapse

Added it on 23 Jun 21:41 collapse

I meant tech radar. Thanks on 23 Jun 20:31 next collapse

Haha okay

Edit: after a skim and a quick Google, this basically looks like a packaging up of existing modern processor features (sorta AVX/SVE with a load of speculative execution thrown on top) on 23 Jun 20:36 next collapse

<img alt="Finnish startup at work" src=""> on 23 Jun 20:38 next collapse

Hmm, so sounds like they’re moving the kernel scheduler down to a hardware layer? Basically just better smp? on 23 Jun 23:09 collapse

Processors have an execution pipeline, so a single command like mov has some number of actions the CPU takes to execute it. CPU designers already have some magic that allows them to execute these out of order as well as other stuff like pre calculating what they think the next command will probably be.

It’s been a decade since my cpu class so I am butchering that explanation, but I think that is what they are proposing messing with on 23 Jun 23:30 collapse

That’s accurate.

Its done through multiple algorithms, but the general idea is to schedule calculations as soon as possible, accounting for data hazards to make sure everything is still equivalent to non out of order execution. Individual circuits can execute different things at the same time. Special hardware is needed to make the algorithms work.

There’s also branch prediction which is the same thing kind of except the CPU needs a way to ensure if the prediction was actually correct. on 23 Jun 21:01 next collapse

Others have already laughed at this idea, but on a similar topic:

I know we’ve basically disabled a lot of features that sped up the CPU but introduced security flaws. Is there a way to turn those features back on for an airgapped computer intentionally? on 23 Jun 21:24 next collapse

Haven’t used it in years, but it might still work: on 23 Jun 21:37 collapse

The kernel option is mitigations=off, if you want to try adding it to your Grub command line? From the testing I’ve done, provides no benefits whatsoever - no more frames in games, compilation runs no quicker, battery life on a laptop is no better.… on 23 Jun 21:16 next collapse

Hur Hur Hur… PPU on 23 Jun 21:41 next collapse

The TL;DR for the article is that the headline isn't exactly true. At this moment in time their PPU can potentially double a CPU's performance - the 100x claim comes with the caveat of "further software optimisation".

Tbh, I'm sceptical of the caveat. It feels like me telling someone I can only draw a stickman right now, but I could paint the Mona Lisa with some training.

Of course that could happen, but it's not very likely to - so I'll believe it when I see it.

Having said that they're not wrong about CPU bottlenecks and the slowed rate of CPU performance improvements - so a doubling of performance would be huge in this current market. on 24 Jun 00:01 next collapse

Putting the claim instead of the reality in the headline is journalistic malpractice. 2x for free is still pretty great tho. on 24 Jun 00:10 collapse

Just finished the article, it’s not for free at all. Chips need to be designed to use it. I’m skeptical again. There’s no point IMO. Nobody wants to put the R&D into massively parallel CPUs when they can put that effort into GPUs. on 24 Jun 12:20 collapse

Not every problem is amenable to GPUs. If it has a lot of branching, or needs to fetch back and forth from memory a lot, GPUs don’t help.

Now, does this thing have exactly the same limitations? I’m guessing yes, but it’s all too vague to know for sure. It’s sounds like they’re doing what superscalar CPUs have done for a while. On x86, that starts with the original Pentium from 1993, and Crays going back to the '60s. What are they doing to supercharge this idea?

Does this avoid some of security problems that have popped up with superscalar archs? For example, some kernel code running at ring 0 is running alongside userspace code, and it all gets the same ring 0 level as a result. on 24 Jun 00:25 next collapse

I get that we have to impress shareholders, but why can’t they just be honest and say it doubles CPU performance with the chance of even further improvement with software optimization. Doubling performance of the same hardware is still HUGE. on 24 Jun 00:47 collapse

They… they did? on 24 Jun 14:19 collapse

Not in the title on 24 Jun 21:49 collapse

They didn’t write the title. on 24 Jun 23:18 collapse

I don’t know what “they” you’re talking about, but I think it’s clear I’m referring to the person responsible for writing the original title. Not OP and not the article author if the publisher is choosing the title. on 25 Jun 01:39 collapse

And I think it’s pretty clear I’m not. And it seems pretty clear the OP wasn’t either.

So… are you just stating random things for the fuck of it, or did you have an actual reason for bringing up a non-sequitur? on 25 Jun 03:07 collapse

Was it though? on 24 Jun 02:05 next collapse

I’m just glad there are companies that are trying to optimize current tech rather than just piling over new hardware every damn year with forced planned obsolescence.

Though the claim is absurd, I think double the performance is NEAT. on 24 Jun 11:50 collapse

This is new hardware piling. What they claim to do requires reworking manufacturing, is not retroactive with current designs, and demands more hardware components. It is basically a hardware thread scheduler. Cool idea, but it won’t save us from planned obsolescence, if anything it is more incentive for more waste. on 25 Jun 03:20 collapse

Ah, good ol’ magic wishful thinking… on 24 Jun 01:56 next collapse

This change is likened to expanding a CPU from a one-lane road to a multi-lane highway

This analogy just pegged the bullshit meter so hard I almost died of eyeroll. on 24 Jun 11:57 next collapse

Apparently the percentage of people actually understanding what they are doing in the management part of the industry is now too low to filter out even such bullshit. on 24 Jun 13:07 collapse

You’ve got to be careful with rolling your eyes, because the parallelism of the two eyes means that the eye roll can be twice as powerful ^1

(1) If measured against the silly baseline of a single eyeroll on 24 Jun 09:00 next collapse

Why is this bullshit upvoted?
Already the first sentence, they change from the headline “without recoding” to “with further optimization”.
Then the explanation “a companion chip that optimizes processing tasks in real-time”
This is already done at compiler level and internally in any modern CPU for more than a decade.

It might be possible to some degree for some specific forms of code, like maybe Java. But generally for the CPU this is bullshit, and the headline is decidedly dishonest. on 24 Jun 11:01 next collapse

Has anyone been able to find an actual description of what this does? I clicked two layers deep and neither explains the details. It does sound like they’re doing CPU scheduling in the hardware, which is cool and makes some sense, but the descriptions are too vague to explain what the hell this is except “more parallelism goes brrrr” and it’s not clear to me why current GPUs aren’t already that. on 24 Jun 12:29 next collapse

“Give me some liquid nitrogen and I’ll make that 102x.” on 24 Jun 19:54 collapse

Meh, I just spit on it. on 24 Jun 14:03 next collapse

The techradar article is terrible, the techcrunch article is better, the Flow website has some detail.

But overall I have to say I don’t believe them. You can’t just make threads independent if they logically have dependencies. Or just remove cache coherency latency by removing caches. on 24 Jun 23:23 collapse

Can’t have cache latency if there is no cache! on 25 Jun 02:11 collapse

So THIS is what the communists were talking about when they told me about the benefits of transitioning to a cacheless society! on 24 Jun 15:46 next collapse

You can download more ram too! on 24 Jun 16:30 next collapse

🚨 ⚠ 🚨 Hoax alert! 🚨 ⚠ 🚨 on 24 Jun 23:43 next collapse

10 tricks to speed up your cpu and trim belly fat. Electrical engineers hate them! Invest now! Start up is called ‘DefinitelyNotAScam’. on 25 Jun 00:48 next collapse

Gee its like all modern computers already have massively parallel processing devices built in. on 25 Jun 01:04 next collapse

I don’t care. Intel promised 5nm 10ghz single core processors by this point and I still want it out of principle on 25 Jun 02:28 collapse

Startup discovers what a northbridge is