Meta sparks privacy fears after unveiling $299 Smart Glasses with hidden cameras: ‘You can now film everyone without them knowing’ (
from to on 28 Sep 2023 18:00

Meta sparks privacy fears after unveiling $299 Smart Glasses with hidden cameras: ‘You can now film everyone without them knowing’::These stylish shades may look like a regular pair of Ray-Ban Wayfarers, but they’re actually Meta’s new Smart Glasses, complete with two tiny cameras and speakers implanted in the arms. The wearable tech was unveiled by Mark Zuckerberg Wednesday at the 2023 Meta Connect conference in Menlo Park, California, sparking a frenzy online.


threaded - newest on 28 Sep 2023 18:08 next collapse

They must have a different approach if Google glasses tried the same thing and failed miserably. on 28 Sep 2023 19:04 next collapse

Partnering with Luxotica/RayBan to make it look more like normal frames will keep it from being as obvious for one. on 28 Sep 2023 19:13 next collapse

The lens on the frame and the swiping to operate it are pretty obvious to me in the demo video.

I think its going to be just as hated as google glass. on 29 Sep 2023 04:43 collapse

Luxottica? Why is always Italy behind this kind of shit? on 28 Sep 2023 19:23 collapse

They look like normal glasses, that’s the different approach. The little camera lenses in the corners are the only giveaway. on 28 Sep 2023 18:08 next collapse

I remember when Google glasses came out, people got assaulted for wearing them…/san-francisco-woman-says-she-was-at…

Her Facebook post 💀

“OMG so you’ll never believe this but… I got verbally and physically assaulted and robbed last night in the city, had things thrown at me because of some ---- Google Glass haters,” Slocum posted to Facebook. on 28 Sep 2023 18:12 next collapse

The trick is now you can’t tell. Should it be illegal? Heck yes. Will it? “Hmm … technology, so important … innovation… privacy is dead anyway …. terrorism prevention… “ on 28 Sep 2023 18:21 next collapse

I think some cameras will “pop out” on your screen if you take a picture of them, right?

What a shitty future ahead of us. “Why are you taking a picture of me?!” “Because you’re wearing some suspicious glasses and I want to make sure that you are not recording me. Yup. There they are.”

Edit: well, after seeing some pictures, you can still tell that the cameras are there. But you have to be looking for them, which is still shitty. on 28 Sep 2023 18:29 collapse

That’s only if it sends infrared signal (for example it has night vision). I don’t think anything will show up with these. on 28 Sep 2023 22:14 collapse

Oh… oh, well. on 28 Sep 2023 18:25 next collapse

Should it be illegal?

In the US, it’s been long held people do not have the “expectation of privacy” while out in public. One of the major issues that you’ve kinda touched on is how would it be enforced? So are you opposed to all forms of recording? Or is this more focused on a corporation potentially gathering data on people just by being in public where someone is wearing these? on 28 Sep 2023 18:40 next collapse

The problem is you won’t know you’re being recorded in private either. on 28 Sep 2023 18:47 next collapse

IMO expectation of privacy is valid, but I believe people should also have the right to reasonably know if they’re being recorded. Recording people in public’s one thing if you have your phone out and are waving it around pointing it at people, but it’s a whole other thing if it’s a concealed or otherwise hidden recording device. on 28 Sep 2023 18:49 next collapse

I just kind of assume my phone is going to give out more information than a camera ever could, so the very least those companies can do is give me access to that data. on 28 Sep 2023 19:28 collapse

There’s a difference between “on apple’s servers” and “a million people harassing you after being pulled into a Livestream against your will” though.

Both are bad, one is worse. on 28 Sep 2023 19:10 next collapse

I wonder about that, because how many things are already recording our activity in some way when we’re out in public? And what would “knowing that you’re being recorded” consist of? Like if there’s a security camera on the corner of a building filming the sidewalk, and I don’t see it, is my privacy violated? If someone posts a sign that says “cameras in use” is that enough? It’s just an interesting question because obviously there are a huge variety of recording devices everywhere these days in public and as far as I know there’s really not much in the way of laws dictating how or whether the device owner needs to warn people who may wander into it’s range in public. on 28 Sep 2023 19:23 collapse

When I say to “reasonably know”, I don’t mean everyone must be aware, but moreso that if you look around, not looking for cameras necessarily, you should notice it. The “reasonable person” standard is one that’s commonly used in law, to describe the nature of something, even if the letter of it isn’t necessarily true.

That said, assuming we’re talking American law, this would all come down to case law anyways. A majority of American law isn’t what’s on the books, but what’s worked out in court rooms across the country based on written legislation. Judges end up hashing out what the written law actually intends to mean (or in many cases what it should intend).

For my personal standards, I don’t think even a sign is necessary. So long as it’s in plain sight. Phone cameras are largely identifiable by the manner in which people hold their phones when recording others, so that would also be something I’d consider passing this “reasonable person” standard. Cameras built into pens and sunglasses though are very obviously intended to be concealed, and as such wouldn’t without there being other ways to identify it; such as if it was told to those who’d be in range of the lens that they’d be recorded by this device.

There’d definitely be a lot of back and forth to hash out appropriate legislation, but I think it’s very doable without significantly impacting the daily lives of people today. on 28 Sep 2023 19:27 next collapse

Ring doorbells, and the like, are everywhere. Hell, I had a bear cruise in the dog door a couple of years ago. Neighbors produced security cam pics and I had no clue they had cameras!

At this point, we might as well assume we’re being recorded the moment we step out our front door. on 28 Sep 2023 19:33 collapse

Ah true, I totally forgot about those.

God I don’t like our current timeline 😔 on 28 Sep 2023 19:41 next collapse

Recording people in public’s one thing if you have your phone out and are waving it around pointing it at people, but it’s a whole other thing if it’s a concealed or otherwise hidden recording device.

What about security cameras? Cameras on cars? What kind of notification should be required?

[deleted] on 28 Sep 2023 19:46 collapse

. on 28 Sep 2023 20:07 collapse

I have not, but I will do that. Thanks. on 28 Sep 2023 22:24 collapse

It’s only valid in private venues. We don’t know when were being recorded now and have not really known for decades. This isn’t going to change anything on that front.

But something to detect their emissions etc in private venues would be a good idea. That or deployable jamming for Bluetooth and WiFi etc on site. on 28 Sep 2023 22:29 collapse

It’s only valid in private venues. We don’t know when were being recorded now and have not really known for decades. This isn’t going to change anything on that front.

Ya, and I think that’s something that should change. I should have the right to, within reason, be able to know I’m being recorded at any time. on 28 Sep 2023 22:52 collapse

It would be a nice to have. But there is no realistic way to do that. It is an unreasonable request. At any point in time when you are outside you are being observed by any number of satellites. Through any number of windows. From all number of arbitrary distances. You may as well request omniscience. Since you have an equal chance of obtaining it. on 28 Sep 2023 19:22 next collapse

Legally speaking, you pretty much consent to being recorded when you step outside your own private space as far as I know. on 28 Sep 2023 19:27 next collapse

I think we’re getting to the point where “expectation of privacy” and “expectation of not being uploaded” need to be separated.

I fully agree with the idea that there should be no expectation of privacy in public, but I also don’t think filming some random person and posting them online should be carte blanche allowed. on 29 Sep 2023 13:38 next collapse

Also in the US, there has been this bizarre expectation that “if it’s illegal, it will go away”, which is how we have this shitty War on (some) Drugs, “assault” “weapon” bans, and people thinking that we have to completely outlaw AI.

The tech is here. It’s going to be legal. We just have to figure out how to deal with it. on 29 Sep 2023 18:10 collapse

In the US, it’s been long held people do not have the “expectation of privacy” while out in public.

At the time it made sense. But laws need to change with the times. In the future you’ll have people wearing these shitty glasses with cameras all around you all day every day cataloging your movements and entering them into giant corporate data centers. Something needs to change. on 28 Sep 2023 18:28 next collapse

Why should it be illegal?

It’s perfectly legal to photograph strangers in public. You’re in public you have no reasonable expectation of privacy.

I don’t see people assaulting CCTV cameras for instance.

Sure some weirdos might I use it for nefarious reasons but if it didn’t exist they would still be weirdos using something else. on 28 Sep 2023 18:41 next collapse

Ok, now you and I are in a private place. Say, a bar. How do I know you’re not recording me? on 28 Sep 2023 18:44 next collapse

A bar, where the public congregates, sounds like a public place (and would be considered so in my country). on 28 Sep 2023 18:46 next collapse

A bar is privately-owned. How is it a public place? on 28 Sep 2023 19:08 collapse

It’s “public”. But that would be the same as filming you in your own house. If it’s a friend you invited over, they could record you and it’s on you to indicate your opposition and kick them out/trespass them should they refuse to comply.

Now in the private bar, the other patrons are allowed to be there and there’s no law prohibiting them from recording (excepting places like a bathroom of course). If the bar tells them not to record, they can comply or be asked to leave. If the bar doesn’t tell them to leave, it’s on you to leave. Consider if a nazi walked into the bar. They have the right to be a nazi and go to bars. Bars have the right to refuse or provide service to whomever (so long as it doesn’t target a protected class). You have no more right to be at the bar than the nazi or person filming (absent some other condition like the bar telling them to leave).

Tl:Dr - it’s not public in the legal sense. However civil law takes over. on 28 Sep 2023 19:20 collapse

I guess you’re speaking for the USA, or whatever country you live in, but seemed to speak about a different (unspecified) country. We’re left to guess which country…

(also, Godwin’s law still applies lol) on 28 Sep 2023 19:59 collapse

US. Yes. I can’t speak for other countries. on 28 Sep 2023 19:12 next collapse

Which country exactly? on 28 Sep 2023 19:19 collapse

I think maybe the terms used are different, but if the bar is a business owned by a private person or company, and is allowed to say who can be in there or not, set dress code, hours, rules about outside food etc, that’s what would be considered a place of business in the US, and those aren’t publicly-owned or considered a public space as far as the rights of those people in that space. I get that “pub” literally means “public” but they aren’t owned by some government entity, you don’t have a “right” to free access to them, and the rules about what can and can’t take place there are set by the private owners. on 28 Sep 2023 19:04 next collapse

How do you know my phone isn’t just recording you? Doesn’t even have to really be pointing at you to grab audio or perhaps you even in the corner of the frame? on 28 Sep 2023 19:05 collapse

I don’t, but it’s far more likely for me to catch you doing it that way than with glasses. on 28 Sep 2023 19:05 collapse

The bar is a public place in that they allow in the public. You have no expectation of privacy there.

However the bar owner as the owner can explicitly ban photography and that’s fine it’s their bar , but they have to explicitly let people know the rules.

You ever been to a bar or a club? People are talking photos everywhere lol on 28 Sep 2023 19:07 next collapse

Have you ever been to a theater? Taking photos is banned despite allowing in the public. Please explain. on 28 Sep 2023 19:13 collapse

Again. The theatre owners set the rules.

The same as your bar example. If you owned a building or business then you can set the rules or make people leave. on 28 Sep 2023 19:58 collapse

Point of clarification. It’s not “public” in the legal sense. Might be why you’re catching some downvotes. The rest of it is pretty much on point. on 28 Sep 2023 20:27 collapse

Thanks for the clarification.

Perhaps my wording was poor but I’m not sure why people don’t realise that not all places the public go are public so in those places the rules are set up by the owner. on 28 Sep 2023 18:45 next collapse

People wear their glasses everywhere, including a variety of places where there is an expectation of privacy or where it is otherwise prohibited to record. Places where you would not be allowed to hold up your phone or camera and take photos.

The introduction of tech that makes it impossible to distinguish between someone minding their own business and someone recording you demands a change to the legal framework. It doesn’t make sense to hold to laws that were written for an entirely different scenario.

I don’t see people assaulting CCTV cameras for instance

I’ve seen that fairly often, particularly around political protests, and I’ve never seen a CCTV camera in a public bathroom, locker room, etc.

This tech is an inevitability and the potential legitimate uses are too valuable to ban it outright. But that doesn’t mean it should be treated exactly like a highly-visible camera or cell phone. on 28 Sep 2023 19:44 next collapse

People wear their glasses everywhere, including a variety of places where there is an expectation of privacy or where it is otherwise prohibited to record.

VERY solid point.

The introduction of tech that makes it impossible to distinguish between someone minding their own business and someone recording you

This isn’t new tech though. I can record on the down-low now and have been able to for some time.

People attacking Glasses users are ignorant of this fact. on 28 Sep 2023 21:33 collapse

Primate bionic eye implants exist. Consider a future where they are good and look exactly like regular eyes. on 28 Sep 2023 18:50 next collapse

Pretty sure there are at least some limitations to that. In a public toilet for instance… on 28 Sep 2023 19:03 collapse

The key is the phrasing reasonable expectation of privacy.

A bathroom is such a place where you would reasonably expect privacy. on 28 Sep 2023 18:52 collapse

It’s perfectly legal to photograph strangers in public.

Depends on your legislation.

Here it’s the other way round. on 28 Sep 2023 18:55 next collapse

Right, definitely not the same everywhere in the world. Where exactly is “here” that you’re referring to? on 28 Sep 2023 19:03 next collapse

Over there on 28 Sep 2023 19:30 collapse

That’s Germany. on 28 Sep 2023 19:02 next collapse

Where is here?

I’m in the UK and it’s legal. on 28 Sep 2023 19:50 collapse

Which 3rd world country? Otherwise you got Brazil (is in some places), Spain, and Switzerland (Gotta love fascist money, money laundering, and nazi gold).…/10-places-around-the-world-where…

……/Commons:Country_specific_consent… on 28 Sep 2023 20:07 collapse

Germany for example. Your source that no consent is required (with exceptions) is kinda wrong on this. It’s more of a “it really depends” kind of situation, and people might even have the right to defend themselves if you take pictures of them illegally. German source on 28 Sep 2023 21:30 collapse

Your source that no consent is required (with exceptions) is kinda wrong on this. It’s more of a “it really depends” kind of situation,

Those are the same things said in different ways lol. Alas, I cannot speak German. on 28 Sep 2023 19:01 next collapse

IT’S FOR THE CHILDREN on 28 Sep 2023 20:59 next collapse

How would banning these be enforceable though? They are only going to get more discreet, they will eventually appear completely indistinguishable from regular glasses.

There are certain ways to detect cameras, such as monitoring for infrared, but that would not work for all camera tech and could be hard to triangulate to exact people in crowded areas. There are also ways to detect electronic devices on a person but doing so could quickly become just as invasive in other ways. on 30 Sep 2023 00:44 next collapse

You don’t need the ban to be perfect. Especially if you go after manufacturers, not users. Make it harder for people to do uncouth things. Accessibility is a huge driver of people using things. You might not be able to stop everyone, but you can stop the majority of people. on 30 Sep 2023 06:03 collapse

Thermal cameras are surprisingly good at detecting things that use power. Defeat the camera with another camera 😉 on 29 Sep 2023 06:18 collapse

Why should be illegal!? on 28 Sep 2023 18:17 next collapse

Several bars in my city banned people wearing them. on 28 Sep 2023 19:10 collapse

Venues will just need to implement infrared checks at the door. on 28 Sep 2023 19:16 collapse

A simple solution would be to have a red led that displays when recording like video cameras on 28 Sep 2023 19:26 next collapse

Pretty sure these have that on 28 Sep 2023 19:26 next collapse

They have lights that pulse around each of the cameras when turned on. Seems like a good enough indicator to me on 28 Sep 2023 19:44 next collapse

Next up: a bunch of facebook.posts on how to kill the recording.lights without damaging the glasses… on 28 Sep 2023 19:53 next collapse

You mean the ‘off’ light? on 28 Sep 2023 20:00 next collapse

The fix for that is a Sharpie or electrical tape, like all other LED’s you want to hide. on 28 Sep 2023 20:35 collapse


Aren’t there laws about being recorded without permission?

Any evidence gained by illegal means is inadmissible? on 28 Sep 2023 20:42 next collapse

Depends on where you are I think

[deleted] on 28 Sep 2023 22:22 next collapse

. on 29 Sep 2023 12:44 collapse

It’s usually just submitting evidence collected illegally by state agencies that’s prohibited on 28 Sep 2023 20:55 collapse

The Meta smart glasses have a LED, and they claim to detect when it’s covered and asked the user to clear it (not activating the camera) when it’s the case.

But honestly, there are already devices to record people without their consent. Just go to AliExpress and you’ll find devices that don’t even bother adding a LED (because the whole point of the device is stealth filming). on 28 Sep 2023 20:51 next collapse

What will be the new name for Glassholes in the Meta era?

[deleted] on 29 Sep 2023 04:21 collapse

. on 28 Sep 2023 22:15 next collapse

Everything old is new again

<img alt="" src=""> on 29 Sep 2023 18:07 collapse

Boiled the frog too quickly on 28 Sep 2023 18:12 next collapse

I predict a uptick in assault and battery when people start recognizing these and get sick of them being used in public on 28 Sep 2023 18:19 next collapse

<img alt="Peeping Mark" src=""> on 28 Sep 2023 18:57 next collapse

Holy sh*!! on 28 Sep 2023 19:26 collapse

They say the hands never lie about the age, clearly they still can’t lie about the ai either. on 28 Sep 2023 20:04 collapse

yes, that is a robot on 28 Sep 2023 18:20 next collapse

They don’t really look “hidden” tbqh, the lenses are quite obvious.

I’m wondering if these could be useful to me as a prosopagnostic. on 28 Sep 2023 19:08 collapse

Try standing 10 ft / 3m away, in a crowd, and not actually expecting anybody to have them. Would you notice? on 28 Sep 2023 21:30 next collapse

Well now we’re already expecting people to have them, so yeah I think people will notice. on 29 Sep 2023 13:19 collapse

I guess, but by that standard having a mobile phone in a shirt pocket is also hidden. on 29 Sep 2023 17:51 collapse

Yes, yes it is. The glasses makes it just a tiny bit easier to covertly record stuff. on 28 Sep 2023 18:24 next collapse

Ok, but why?

Like, why??

I’d like to run a test on these executives, put everyone with a camera pointing at them whenever they step outside let’s see how long it will take to them hate their own proposal. on 28 Sep 2023 19:01 next collapse

In the bathroom. :) on 28 Sep 2023 19:06 next collapse

Cause Zucko needs even more ways to spy on us. on 28 Sep 2023 19:27 collapse

Data acquisition on 28 Sep 2023 19:32 collapse

Noise acquisition, you mean. on 28 Sep 2023 18:27 next collapse

Idk, I assume I’m being watched via CCTV at least wherever I go nowadays. This may be literally in your face, but still… these devices will become invisible and ubiquitous. on 28 Sep 2023 19:09 collapse

Does all that CCTV footage get firehosed to Zuck and friends so they can mass tag everyone in every photo whether you like it or not? on 28 Sep 2023 18:31 next collapse

I’m all for it. If I can walk through the grocery store and AI can track all the prices on everything and help me budget, i would think that’s pretty cool. Or, if I need to check back what a professor said in class and work on the board, boom no problem. I can see people not wanting to get filmed, but aren’t we already being filmed constantly already? Now I get to film for my benefit. on 28 Sep 2023 18:36 collapse

My privacy issue would be the likely massive access they’d “require” in order to use. If using them means Meta gets access to all sorts of info just so I can use it, then hell no. If I have relatively complete control over the access I’m fine with it. on 28 Sep 2023 18:40 collapse

Yeah, I can see that. I held out from Meta/FB for years for my data’s sake until I started dating a woman in South America and now I have to have What’sAp.

I would love a private version, too, yes, where I had full control over my data. If Meta is taking basic metadata here, such as location, I think I would still use it, but if they are accessing the actual footage, or getting way to granular with the metadata, then yeah I guess that’s a bit more alarming. Still, it’s not far from what we already have today. You have to fight to not have all your behavior tracked. on 28 Sep 2023 18:40 next collapse

People who don’t understand that they already lost their privacy years ago: “GASP, this means someone could be recording me!” on 28 Sep 2023 18:52 next collapse

Which doesn’t make this any better of a future to live in.

[deleted] on 28 Sep 2023 18:54 next collapse

. on 28 Sep 2023 18:55 collapse

Have you never been to a city? You’re literally being filmed all the time.

If you can get things changed, I will send you $20 on 28 Sep 2023 19:00 collapse

Exactly what happened to Google Glass will happen to this thing so it doesn’t matter. It’s never going to get off the ground because most people don’t like having cameras pointed at them before they’re even asked. Just because cities are putting up cameras all over the place doesn’t mean the public accepts them. on 28 Sep 2023 20:48 collapse

Exactly what happened to Google Glass will happen to this thing so it doesn’t matter.

I’m not saying these will take off in any meaningful way, but I wouldn’t be so sure the backlash will be as hard. Attitudes seem to have changed to be less concerned about privacy over time. on 29 Sep 2023 00:17 next collapse

You know privacy isn’t just a binary thing, right?

Otherwise I’d be posting a picture of you using your phone on the toilet. on 29 Sep 2023 18:20 collapse

Not necessarily. I can control my devices and prevent them from spying on me.

I can install Linux on my PC and Graphene on my phone and refuse to use Google, Apple, and Meta products and services. I can choose to use local home automation products and cameras.

What I can’t do is stop other people from recording me throughout my daily life and reporting my activities back to said corporations. on 28 Sep 2023 18:44 next collapse

Is there a type of glasses that can detect cameras like an ir sensor? on 28 Sep 2023 19:04 collapse

Cameras as usually passive (i.e. they don’t emit light or any radiation, they just absorb the one that happens to land on their sensor), so no, not really.

Tha would be true only for those infrared cameras that have active IR LEDs to see at night, or lidars, radars, structured light 3d cameras, time-of-flight distance sensors, etc or anything that actually emits something. Regular cameras don’t. on 28 Sep 2023 21:46 collapse

That’s a bummer. Is there a heat sensor or something? It’s doing something passive sunglasses don’t, there has to be a way to tell? on 29 Sep 2023 00:20 collapse

Get your own glasses with infrared cameras (they can see heat) and then you can tell who’s got the camera glasses. Well, whoever has smart glasses. on 29 Sep 2023 15:08 collapse

But then would I look like someone who is filming people to other people who also have IR glasses? on 29 Sep 2023 22:16 collapse

Hmmm… yeah, I guess so. on 28 Sep 2023 18:48 next collapse

Doesn’t it have a ‘recording’ LED?

Remember the good ol’ times when some guy stepped up in the cinema, stood in front of the audience, right when the movie was about to start:

“OK, Google!”

:-) on 28 Sep 2023 19:35 collapse

Great, now they’re going too have to put DMCA protection in and we’re just gonna have people who don’t want to constantly be recorded start wandering around blasting Disney music to trip their DMCA sensors on 28 Sep 2023 18:50 next collapse

“They trust me — dumb fucks,” says Zuckerberg

Always good to keep in mind on 28 Sep 2023 19:04 collapse

Alt headline: Dude with boundary issues makes least surprising glasses ever on 28 Sep 2023 18:50 next collapse

hidden camera prank videos are about to become a lot more rampant I think. on 28 Sep 2023 19:07 next collapse

Meh, I assume I’m always on camera anywhere I’m in public. I don’t like it and I really don’t want to be recorded. I’m also realistic and understand that public spaces are… well public.

I understand privacy fears because there’s nothing stopping someone in my private space from recording me now other than mutual respect and consent. If all it takes is the ease of use of some fashionable frames then it’s time to rethink your relationships.

This also applies to semi-private spaces. So think at the office or a cozy booth in a coffee shop. Assume all public places are recorded (because they often are) and establish boundaries within your relationships. on 28 Sep 2023 19:14 next collapse

How very Meta on 28 Sep 2023 19:46 next collapse

Can’t wait for pervs to start using these to get upskirt videos.

Sticking whole head under a lady on 28 Sep 2023 19:53 collapse

What? Why stick your head under?

“oops I dropped my glasses!” on 28 Sep 2023 19:59 collapse

Because that would ruin the joke. on 28 Sep 2023 19:46 next collapse

A quick search on Amazon for “spy camera” finds a bunch of devices small enough to easily conceal inside clothing, built in to pens, and built in to watches. A search for “spy camera glasses” finds exactly that, and most of them are well under $300. We’re already well into the era of being able to film everyone without them knowing. on 28 Sep 2023 20:34 next collapse

Those at least don’t automatically sync to Zuck. on 28 Sep 2023 20:36 next collapse

I think it is just a matter of convenience. Very few people buy lasers to aim them at airplanes. Give everyone a laser and you’ll get a thousand reports of people aiming lasers at their plane. on 28 Sep 2023 21:00 next collapse

People aren’t a fan of those existing either, but not much you can do about it. At least, you can assume that it’s only a tiny fraction of people who own these devices, let alone carry them around, ready to go.
With these glasses, more people will own them and will have them ready to go, on their nose. on 29 Sep 2023 00:33 collapse

Smart glasses outside of specific applications were a fad when Google did them and will continue to be, at best, a fad. on 28 Sep 2023 21:03 next collapse

They aren’t directly connected to a social network and promoted with vast marketing resources however.

I remember playing with one of these about 10 years ago that looked like a car key fob, it recorded somewhat subpar footage in a weird format to a microSD card. A neat novelty but not very practical to use unless you really had a need to do covert surveillance of something, which most people don’t.

However if it’s made to be effortless to push watchable footage to social media, and people are heavily encouraged and incentivised to do so and it’s a different proposition. on 29 Sep 2023 18:13 collapse

Those cameras only record locally.

These glasses presumably upload every frame to corporate data centers to be cataloged and used to profile the people in the images. on 28 Sep 2023 19:52 next collapse

Didn’t Google already try this? on 28 Sep 2023 19:59 collapse

Google glasses were bloody obvious though… you looked like a poundshop borg. on 28 Sep 2023 21:34 collapse

That’s because Google actually had HUDs in their glasses. Meta is purely audio. on 28 Sep 2023 19:55 next collapse

And in a future America, Joe Hillbilly shot Stylo Man, because Joe suspected Stylo to spy on him with his funny looking (but otherwise totally ordinary) glasses. on 28 Sep 2023 20:01 next collapse

On the one hand I’d kinda love a pair of glasses that told me peoples names as I’m always forgetting them, or gave me directions without having to look at the phone.

On the other hand… humans. on 28 Sep 2023 20:34 next collapse

Not a thing was learned from Google Glass huh? Alrighty then. on 28 Sep 2023 20:52 next collapse

I almost like the idea of augmented reality with similar tech. I’d love it if I could look down the street and see historic photos of building overlaid perfectly.

The issue isn’t the technology, it’s the people who are supplying it and it’s connection to the Internet and sharing. I don’t trust Google and I don’t trust Meta. on 28 Sep 2023 21:02 next collapse

I was referring to the privacy issues of Google Glass. I’m with you on the trust factor of these two companies. on 28 Sep 2023 22:12 next collapse

It’s not even that for me. Just don’t put a camera on the front. on 28 Sep 2023 22:43 collapse

That defeats the purpose of augmented reality glasses if they can’t see in front of you. on 29 Sep 2023 13:56 collapse

They still have GPS, gyro, and a screen (well, Glass did, not this FB thing), they know where you are and can access local geodata. These things aren’t proper AR anyways like the Microsoft or Apple things that are set up to superimpose virtual content on top of IRL content, Glass was basically just a smartwatch for your face. on 28 Sep 2023 23:49 collapse

Would be cool if we got some open source glasses. If Niantic made glasses for Pokemon Go, Google is their parent, no bueno. on 29 Sep 2023 05:09 collapse

Niantic’s been an independent company since Alphabet was formed almost a decade ago and they were spun out. on 28 Sep 2023 23:57 next collapse

Cant believe I had to scroll down to see this.

I read the headline and thought, “this again?” on 29 Sep 2023 02:36 next collapse

Google Glass at least had a screen. This appears all phony based on 29 Sep 2023 08:44 collapse

I think the lesson they learned from Google Glass is that the glasses have to be cooler, not make you look like a nerd, and the technology has to be way better. on 28 Sep 2023 20:39 next collapse

They should have used a photo from a webcam or old phone (or a noise filter) to better represent the nighttime quality of the tiny lenses. This one seems to have real DSLR depth of field. The interface is obviously fake, too. As a journalist, I would go the extra mile to take (or license) a shitty picture/video frame with motion blur (and no good-looking subject) and edit it into the supplied promotional material rather than plainly repost that obviously fake shit. on 28 Sep 2023 20:58 next collapse

This is what’s coming on the AR headsets that will eventually replace phones. Soon, if you’re in public, you WILL be recorded by someone without your knowledge, and probably you already have been. There is no privacy in public areas, get used to it. on 28 Sep 2023 22:39 next collapse

Ar headsets aren’t coming. The light field display tech won’t be there if ever. You ever point a laser in your eye?

[deleted] on 28 Sep 2023 23:25 collapse

. on 28 Sep 2023 23:16 next collapse

You should read up on counter surveillance

Some pretty easy hacks out there ;) on 28 Sep 2023 23:36 collapse

There is no privacy in public areas

Also already legal to take overt photos in public areas within some rational parameters (no upskirts, but otherwise it’s pretty open.)

People HATE the idea that they are being recorded but the reality is it’s already happening every single day in all kinds of places you’d never expect. Never forget every phone has a camera on the back… and on the front… Ask yourself: Does yours notify you when it’s in use?

Then just think about things like key fob cameras, button cameras…

Edit: Note, the Meta Smart Glasses are only releasing in the US, Canada and the UK. All three countries have no laws protecting privacy from photography in public, though my original comment was clearly about the US. Your local area will have it’s on laws and restrictions, enjoy your regulations! on 29 Sep 2023 00:37 collapse

Depends on the country though. Not every country allows you to take photos of others even in public on 29 Sep 2023 14:01 collapse

Sure in some countries you’ll just be shot on site but we’re talking about an american company… so I was talking american law… on 29 Sep 2023 15:09 collapse

Yes, because Meta only operates in the states… How americentric can you get? on 29 Sep 2023 21:46 collapse

Have you looked at where you can even buy these? US and Canada are 2 out of the 3 countries… on 28 Sep 2023 21:03 next collapse

Meta pedoglasses, this will end poorly. on 28 Sep 2023 23:15 collapse

Whaaaaaa on 29 Sep 2023 00:21 collapse

Won’t somebody think of the children?! on 28 Sep 2023 21:14 next collapse

Hidden cameras? They’ve got big ol fuckin cameras on them and apparently a red LED that lights up when in use lol. It’d be easier to secretly film someone by pretending you’re texting on your phone. More ragebait. on 28 Sep 2023 21:49 next collapse

You seriously think it wouldn’t be trivial to disable the LED?

And by the time you notice the LED you’ve already been filmed. on 28 Sep 2023 22:38 next collapse

It would be trivial to just buy spy cameras already built for spying. The tech already exists on 28 Sep 2023 23:47 next collapse

Ray ban have had them for years. I hate meta but it’s not just them. on 29 Sep 2023 00:42 collapse

To be fair that was also a Facebook partnership. This is less news and more product revision on 29 Sep 2023 00:53 next collapse

Buddy, have you been on Aliexpress recently? It’s trivial to wire tiny cameras all over your body if you really wanted.

Not that it matters, I can point an 8K cinema camera at you in public, and you don’t legally get a say. on 29 Sep 2023 15:08 next collapse

New art project! on 29 Sep 2023 18:09 collapse

Not that it matters, I can point an 8K cinema camera at you in public, and you don’t legally get a say.

This isn’t the case everywhere. Some places have laws with likeness rights if you try to use the footage in commercial productions.

Two-party consent states also attach legal consequences to secret voice recordings.

This is strictly legally speaking. People can and do violate the law. on 29 Sep 2023 06:15 next collapse

Again you can record already without any led while “reading your messages” with your phone. Like I feel they did the expected and necessary.

Plus is not like there isn’t already available pens, USB chargers, watches or whatever they can come up secret cameras, like if the intention was to secretly record somebody they wouldn’t go with this ones disabling the led… plenty of better less suspicious alternatives. on 29 Sep 2023 09:04 next collapse

The LED detects when it is blocked and the device refuses to function until it is unblocked. So no, working around that won’t be trivial, at least until somebody has found a workaround.

If Meta wanted to be really throughout with this, they could also keep record of how often there is an issue with the LED and brick the device and close your account if they detect tempering. The whole “trivial to disable” doesn’t fly in a world of closed ecosystem, locked down hardware and accounts requiring a real ID.

Also you can get spy cameras for $5 from Aliexpress anyway, so why even bother hacking this. Snapchat has some video recording glasses too if one needs an alternative. on 29 Sep 2023 12:40 collapse

The led is a simple transistor that happens to glow, just replace it on 29 Sep 2023 12:06 collapse

It took me a 3 second google search to find that it doesn’t work with the LED covered.

By the time you notice someone’s phone is out you’ve already been filmed. That’s status quo these days, it isn’t any creepier than every single person walking around with a camera in their pocket. on 28 Sep 2023 22:48 next collapse

Exactly. The pearl-clutching over smart glasses is so misplaced. You’re already being recorded constantly in public, what’s the big deal? on 28 Sep 2023 23:14 next collapse

Y’all use the same vocab religiously, I’m just gonna start training models and feeding it to bots to auto respond to y’all lmfao on 28 Sep 2023 23:51 collapse

Pearl clutching over new tech is the satanic panic of modern times on 28 Sep 2023 22:52 collapse

I imagine it wouldn’t take long until someone finds a way to disable that LED. on 28 Sep 2023 23:13 collapse

looks like a sharpie would do the trick on 29 Sep 2023 12:07 collapse

Doesn’t work while covered, there’s a sensor in the light on 29 Sep 2023 12:41 collapse

Spoof the measured sensor value on 29 Sep 2023 18:43 collapse

Right, trivial. Or just buy a tiny $4 spy camera off AliExpress lol on 28 Sep 2023 21:18 next collapse

On the one hand I can’t remember the many people I see at work and would love heads-up display saying names, birthdays and reminding me what we spoke about.

On the other hand I don’t like cameras recording my socially embarrassing actions in the first place, let alone tell people who I am. Like hell I want Zuck to know what stupid shit I said 4 years ago to that one person I won’t see ever again. on 28 Sep 2023 22:10 next collapse

What about adding some strong infrareds on your hat? on 28 Sep 2023 23:13 collapse

Aw yeah man, got any cool articles on how to assemble your own ;) maybe a little linky poo for the lazy to increase the number of people that’ll probably give it a go? on 29 Sep 2023 21:05 collapse

Not sure what did you stick up your ass but I hope it was worth the hassle. on 30 Sep 2023 00:34 collapse

What? I was being genuine and goofy…

Look at my other comments in this post alone

Y’all baffle me sometimes it’s truly wild. on 30 Sep 2023 07:04 collapse

I was goofy as well on 30 Sep 2023 21:07 collapse

Was just encouraging link posting for fun projects sorry I guess on 28 Sep 2023 22:52 next collapse

Just saying, hidden cameras have been a thing long before the internet was invented on 28 Sep 2023 23:04 collapse

Bad people doing bad things is nothing new.

But these things allow good, otherwise well-intentioned, people, to become unwitting moles for Meta. on 28 Sep 2023 23:12 next collapse

This is an excellent point +1 on 29 Sep 2023 03:22 collapse

Already done by having Facebook, Threads, or Instagram on your phone on 29 Sep 2023 06:58 collapse

But even if I don’t, others will infringe on my privacy if they wear those glasses in my vicinity on 29 Sep 2023 18:08 collapse

Same if they record you on their phone. on 29 Sep 2023 21:02 collapse

I would argue that that’s more obvious, the phone/gopro/cemera is up there and you know you are potentially being recorded. Also that’s in the user’s control (i.e. they’ll need to intentionally record).

Here, given Meta’s greed, we could have a potential subtle and not so obvious recording/surveillance. How would you tell if someone passing by is recording, wearing glasses is pretty common.

So the tldr is that I argue it’s not the same because it’s not obvious and/or frequent as it is with a camera/phone on 30 Sep 2023 23:01 collapse

My argument is that there are not only things that people intentionally publish, but also audio and video recordings that may be being collected on people without their knowledge and could also capture other people near them. on 29 Sep 2023 00:04 next collapse

The NY Post? Why not link to The Crackpot Gazette while you’re at it? on 29 Sep 2023 14:14 collapse

That’s not even a real thing! on 29 Sep 2023 00:04 next collapse

“…look like a regular pair of Ray-Ban Wayfarers…”

So they’re rebranded Ray-Ban Stories on 29 Sep 2023 00:20 collapse

Which were Facebook branded/partnership.

I do think it’s weird those flew under the radar when people flipped out so much about Google Glass. on 29 Sep 2023 00:40 next collapse

So this is just an ad, huh. on 29 Sep 2023 03:21 collapse

I don’t think “you can film everyone without then knowing” is something Facebook wants to advertise on 29 Sep 2023 04:54 collapse

Yes it is and they are hoping to sell a bunch of them for more than they are worth before the backlash gets loud enough and they have to stop. But it will give a big boost of sales for sure for a minute on 29 Sep 2023 18:17 collapse

What backlash has ever prevented Meta from doing absolutely whatever the fuck they want? on 29 Sep 2023 00:50 next collapse

Incredibly funny to see the NY Post pretend that these glasses were just now “unveiled”. This line of camera-equipped glasses has been around for 2 years now. on 29 Sep 2023 13:17 collapse

It’s not funny. It’s predictable. They’re reporting it because Meta did it. Any time a large corporation does anything, it’s NEWS. on 29 Sep 2023 18:15 collapse

Meta did it last time also. on 29 Sep 2023 03:38 next collapse


come on now on 29 Sep 2023 03:38 next collapse

Out of the loop, do you need a facebook/meta account (if yes, how much info they requested) to use the glasses ? on 29 Sep 2023 05:44 collapse

Yes. And yes on 29 Sep 2023 06:14 collapse

Cant wait for the hackaday firmware on 29 Sep 2023 07:39 collapse

Exactly what I was thinking xD on 29 Sep 2023 03:43 next collapse

You’re being filmed everywhere you go and you probably don’t even know it. on 29 Sep 2023 04:26 next collapse

We’re all part of the Truman show. on 29 Sep 2023 14:11 next collapse

Not everywhere - not yet. on 29 Sep 2023 14:11 next collapse

Doesn’t make it ok. on 29 Sep 2023 16:52 collapse

Not right in your face at the bar while drunkenly discussing your most regretful one night stands tho. on 29 Sep 2023 04:29 next collapse

This might actually be useful for when the cops pull you over. Or if you get bad service in a shop you’ll have a video of it. on 29 Sep 2023 08:40 next collapse

This is exactly the kind of fear mongering that they are hoping people will buy into. on 29 Sep 2023 09:07 next collapse

I’d never grass up a shop worker because I have working class solidarity even with those in bad moods, but the coppers is a good example. Maybe also for road cyclists, but they already have cameras if they want them. on 29 Sep 2023 14:23 collapse

Or for keeping your bosses honest, verbal contracts become an awful lot more binding with video evidence. on 29 Sep 2023 16:43 next collapse

Private companies almost all have provisions in their IT use policy banning this, and they can do this on their property. Just like they can ban firearms. Disney restricts some kind of video recording at their parks because of creepers and pervs, not that Disney is a model of privacy just that it’s not uncommon.

The correct response would be, absent elected officials who act to protect consumers, for people to call out employers and companies who would allow this in their space, shaming them, then the product would die.

[deleted] on 29 Sep 2023 18:04 collapse

. on 29 Sep 2023 07:37 next collapse

Black mirror vibes on 29 Sep 2023 07:40 next collapse

Downvote all news corpse articles on 29 Sep 2023 13:40 next collapse

Now you might have an idea how a company making $0 is getting funded. on 29 Sep 2023 13:45 next collapse

Google glass 2.0 on 29 Sep 2023 14:18 next collapse

<img alt="" src=""> on 29 Sep 2023 16:30 collapse

We were rightly worried about Google glass, we had no idea there was something even worse on the horizon

[deleted] on 29 Sep 2023 13:57 next collapse

. on 29 Sep 2023 14:11 next collapse

Remember when Transmetropolitan made this seem cool on 29 Sep 2023 14:13 next collapse

My home cameras had some update that required the LED to be on to indicate it was capturing video. This should be required on these products. on 29 Sep 2023 22:17 next collapse

Nice bright and obvious blinking red LED in the bridge. on 30 Sep 2023 00:00 collapse

Which is kind of dumb, as it is easily bypassed with the super rare technology of “a piece of tape”. on 29 Sep 2023 14:21 next collapse

‘You can now film everyone without them knowing’ Implying that we dont already have cameras always with us, and can perfectly do that. on 29 Sep 2023 15:45 next collapse

Are you referring to phones or the CCTV monitoring culture…? on 29 Sep 2023 17:16 collapse

Yes! on 29 Sep 2023 20:52 next collapse

Yeah I’m confused. I can already do this and no one notices. Start a stream on my iPhone, slip it into my shirt pocket with the camera facing forward. Never had anyone complain, and it’s easier to talk to my spouse about what they want from the store. on 29 Sep 2023 23:36 next collapse

Not all surveillance is created equal. on 30 Sep 2023 02:02 collapse

A bunch of corporations been recording me and using my data for their own gain for a decade. Now you tell me some normie is going to record me? Do I care? on 29 Sep 2023 14:25 next collapse

If someone has a convo with me while wearing these fake ray-bans, we’re gonna have heated words. Simple as.

It’s one thing to be surveiled at a place for security purposes, but someone wanting to record me has decided they don’t care about consent and that’s more disrespectful. I will not be held at the whims of someone who feels obligated to share everything, because they’re already broken inside to not care about anything but themselves. on 29 Sep 2023 14:29 collapse

That’s not how being in public works, mate…lol on 29 Sep 2023 15:02 next collapse


Apparently their definition of “stylish” is vastly different from my definition.

WTF, this bargain-bin-level design. on 29 Sep 2023 16:34 collapse

they look like normal glasses wym? on 29 Sep 2023 23:00 collapse

They want to complain about the glasses, but all the salient points in the thread have been made, so they went with whatever. on 29 Sep 2023 15:20 next collapse

So will they just not work in 2 party consent states? on 29 Sep 2023 16:16 collapse

Clearly the smart glasses wearer will just wear a shirt that outlines their TOS and that by interacting with them, you agree to be recorded. on 29 Sep 2023 15:47 next collapse

I can’t imagine being friends or even acquaintances with a person who would want to live stream their POV as a day to day activity. on 30 Sep 2023 02:41 collapse

I wouldn’t either, although I can see the appeal for moment capture and some of the other cool features.

However I would never even consider this product, because it’s meta spyware garbage. on 29 Sep 2023 17:05 next collapse

Now I have a fear of being filmed while scratching my nuts. on 29 Sep 2023 22:16 collapse

Might as well just start an OnlyFans and make some lemonade out of the situation. on 29 Sep 2023 17:09 next collapse

Umm… what the hell is that thumbnail? on 30 Sep 2023 05:15 next collapse

Some girl eating pizza. on 01 Oct 2023 03:15 collapse

It’s the thumbnail provided by the article, found inside the html

meta property="og:image" content=";strip=all&amp;w=1024"

<img alt="" src=""> on 29 Sep 2023 17:27 next collapse

Red led is no longer required? on 29 Sep 2023 17:37 collapse

trivial to bypass on 29 Sep 2023 23:52 collapse

The same tech that can block a webcam camera can also be used to block a camera is active led. on 29 Sep 2023 18:09 next collapse

I miss when CCTV was a world ending privacy concern. Its gotten so much worse in the last decade. on 30 Sep 2023 00:24 collapse

Perhaps one of the biggest advances in human knowledge is in how to make ultra-slick slippy-slopes for abstract ideas. It seems to me that the most common reason people give for accepting some new bullshit is that we already have some other bullshit which is worse. But it is the accumulation of additional bullshit that has gotten us into this mess. I’m referring mostly to sacrifices of privacy; and to loss of freedom of use in products and software; the ownership being replaced with ongoing fees and subscriptions. That kind of thing. on 29 Sep 2023 18:16 next collapse

My cyberpunk future of me using a full head mask every time I’m out in public is getting closer. on 29 Sep 2023 18:46 collapse

NYPost is right wing trash.