Space India shares video proof of its phenomenal moon landing and rover (
from to on 26 Aug 2023 11:15


threaded - newest on 26 Aug 2023 12:20 next collapse

send it to the russians šŸ˜… on 26 Aug 2023 14:04 collapse

Technically, they made it first if you count lithobraking as a valid landing technique. on 26 Aug 2023 15:53 collapse

Technically, lithobraking is the final stage of any descent, but high speed lithobraking is usually not conducive for future mission objectives. on 26 Aug 2023 12:49 next collapse

It would be interesting to learn what the ā€œmoonlanding never happenedā€ crowd has to say. Must be some next-level brain exercise to keep the story going. šŸ˜„ on 26 Aug 2023 12:53 next collapse

Bollywood is very powerful on 26 Aug 2023 13:00 next collapse

Arenā€™t they generally ok with crew-less landings and mostly deny actual humans landing on the moon? on 26 Aug 2023 13:16 next collapse

Yea, they claim if weā€™re only getting rovers out there now, there no way humans actually made it there. on 26 Aug 2023 14:01 next collapse

Not the more crazy ones. They believe there's literally a barrier in the sky that prevents objects from going past a certain altitude. It stems from old abrahamic religious texts of an impenetrable "firmament" surrounding the Earth. on 27 Aug 2023 02:02 collapse

I believe humans walked on the moon but they lied about how they got there.

Giant ladder theory crew on 26 Aug 2023 19:21 next collapse

That and the flat earthers explaining away any picture of the earth on 27 Aug 2023 03:52 collapse

And sunsets, and parallax effect, and visible curvature, etc etc. on 27 Aug 2023 14:15 collapse

Guvremen faket it.

Here, done

[deleted] on 26 Aug 2023 23:09 collapse

. on 26 Aug 2023 13:01 next collapse

Congratulations to India, this is their moment. on 27 Aug 2023 14:27 collapse

Live. Laugh. Love. on 26 Aug 2023 14:28 collapse

Link to the video I stead of some filler article. on 26 Aug 2023 16:45 collapse

Iā€™m not doubting itā€™s real. (Itā€™s pretty obvious with the reflections on the solar panels.) But, the lighting looks weird on the Moon, like it has this painting quality to it. on 26 Aug 2023 18:02 next collapse

We should colonize it so we can give it a repaint! on 26 Aug 2023 22:14 collapse

Itā€™s a combination of two major factors: The camera is pretty low-resolution, both in its ability to take video, and pixel density, and because thereā€™s no atmosphere to give us the ā€œblurā€ and color filtration weā€™re so used to seeing around objects.