New dishwasher video drop (
from to on 12 Jun 01:38

Almost 30 more minutes of dishwasher.


threaded - newest on 12 Jun 01:39 next collapse

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Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.

I’m open-source; check me out at GitHub. on 12 Jun 01:55 next collapse

I appreciate this retread of previously covered content. And holy shit he lost a ton of weight.

[deleted] on 12 Jun 03:17 next collapse

. on 12 Jun 03:17 collapse

Technology Connections understands the weakness of the flesh. on 12 Jun 06:03 collapse

This is simultaneously dark and hilarious. Kudos. on 12 Jun 02:11 next collapse

what the fuck i don’t even own a dishwasher, why did i watch all of this on 12 Jun 02:13 next collapse

So you could tell me, the person who doesn’t even run the dishwasher, all about it on 12 Jun 02:16 collapse

I can’t watch. Plz on 12 Jun 02:30 collapse

THE WATER INSIDE IS RECYCLED!!! on 12 Jun 02:44 next collapse

What a time to be alive on 12 Jun 05:59 collapse

Same with me. Not sure where it goes though… Maybe in your dishwasher! on 12 Jun 05:11 next collapse

There with ya on 12 Jun 05:15 next collapse

And this is the short version! on 12 Jun 05:59 collapse

Link! Now! I have a job I’m not worried about let’s go! on 12 Jun 16:04 collapse

This is the first one:

Links to this alt channel and the second in that series should be included in that video. on 12 Jun 16:05 next collapse

Here is an alternative Piped link(s):

Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.

I’m open-source; check me out at GitHub. on 13 Jun 03:58 collapse

Thanks! on 12 Jun 21:40 collapse

Dude, life is too short to wash spoons with your hands on 13 Jun 08:24 collapse

Sometimes I just put one spoon in the dishwasher and turn it on. on 12 Jun 02:29 next collapse

Is this who I think this is?


edit: Its a remix? on 12 Jun 04:57 collapse

The previous videos were too long for anyone who doesn’t want to obsess about this. And this one is more pragmatic about your detergent of choice and thus more palatable for people who aren’t already fans of his.

It’s also takes him less time to make videos like this according to the messages on his patreon.

Personally I’m a fan of him remaking some videos like this. I can get my family to watch this a lot easier. on 12 Jun 05:16 next collapse

Just miss the jazz outro with the flubs and snarky captions. on 12 Jun 12:45 collapse

This one is still quite long

I wished he made his videos closer to the 20min mark

I’ll probably still watch it, but at almost 30mins it might take me some days to start it. on 12 Jun 02:36 next collapse

Top notch content. Right up there with his popcorn button on the microwave video. on 12 Jun 03:15 next collapse

oh that was a good one. I should go back and rewatch it on 12 Jun 05:18 collapse

<img alt="" src=""> on 12 Jun 13:21 collapse

Old shit?: Bimetallic strips and clever designs.

New shit: Read the manual! on 12 Jun 05:58 next collapse

The only video I ever watched from that guy and I know exactly who he is immediately just from that video being mentioned. I should watch more of his stuff i suppose. on 12 Jun 06:27 next collapse

Link? on 12 Jun 10:30 collapse on 12 Jun 10:31 collapse

Here is an alternative Piped link(s):

Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.

I’m open-source; check me out at GitHub. on 12 Jun 10:42 next collapse

I’m still salty that my microwave’s pizza button is one of the fake ones. on 13 Jun 04:49 collapse

Buy an air fryer. on 12 Jun 12:42 collapse

And the reheat button on microwave

I’m still mad that I have a shitty microwave now on 12 Jun 13:01 collapse

Same! I’m lowkey tempted to get a fancy one now, but deep down I know it just isn’t worth it. on 17 Jun 22:45 collapse

I have used the most expensive microwaves money can buy from Kenmore and GE and honestly the sensor reheat is just always complete shit. Way over or underdone every time. Soup/beverages are the only thing it’s good for. And the popcorn is also perfect every time. on 12 Jun 02:38 next collapse

I love Lemmy’s love for Technology Connections. It just feels so right! on 12 Jun 05:35 collapse

It’s like crack for ADHD as he goes in-depth, down many of the rabbit holes other informational shows gloss over, if they would even cover the subject to begin with.

NOTE: do not follow any of the tips without checking your own dishwashers manual and testing its cycles. I found that my 1.5hr cycle cleaned better than the 2.5hr, during the 1.5 it instantly releases the detergent so I can just dump it anywhere, and that the difference in cost between the cheapest powder and tablets (locally) was negligible (thanks Aldi!).

PRO TIP: get the tablets that have a water soluble wrapper and feel like you’re living in the future. on 12 Jun 10:08 next collapse

I actually had to buy a new dishwasher and in Germany every dishwasher has to be set to economical cleaning mode as default. That being said there is also a fast mode, but you have to use special tabs that dissolve fast enough. Otherwise they will not dissolve fully during the washing stage and then the stuff would be stuck in the dishwasher after drying and it might seriously reduce lifetime of seals etc. So be careful with short washing programs on modern dishwashers! on 12 Jun 23:42 collapse

The fast mode also uses more water and electricity than the three hour heavy wash mode.

[deleted] on 12 Jun 12:20 next collapse

. on 12 Jun 12:32 collapse

I would advise against the water soluble wrapper pods since they’re iirc a major contributor to microplastics in our water on 12 Jun 03:00 next collapse

Speaking of Technology Connections; if anyone missed the recent Popular Science video on the RCA SelectaVision, Alec pops up to give a quick primer on the tech. on 12 Jun 03:02 next collapse

Here is an alternative Piped link(s):

Popular Science video

Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.

I’m open-source; check me out at GitHub. on 12 Jun 03:03 collapse

Here is an alternative Piped link(s):

Popular Science video

Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.

I’m open-source; check me out at GitHub. on 12 Jun 03:15 next collapse

Been waiting for his next video. Whoa just found out this guy does videos about stuff other than dishwashers. that’s pretty cool, hope this dishwasher guy makes it big. on 12 Jun 04:26 next collapse

He will always be known to me as the toaster guy that taught me how to make a quick $100 on 12 Jun 06:02 next collapse

Popcorn button dude for me on 12 Jun 06:18 collapse

Heat pumps… on 12 Jun 09:21 collapse

And latent heat of vaoprization! on 12 Jun 12:46 next collapse

Quick 100$? on 12 Jun 17:31 collapse

How did he teach you to make a quick 100 bucks? on 13 Jun 00:41 collapse

Sunbeam Radiant control toasters sell working used on ebay for $100-200

You can buy them not working for under $50

90% of the not working ones can be fixed by adjusting tension on 13 Jun 04:51 collapse

Check out the one he does on air conditioners it’s pretty awesome. on 13 Jun 05:29 collapse

The one about how the non-window/wall ones suck? on 12 Jun 04:07 next collapse

And even more on Connextras! on 12 Jun 04:23 next collapse

Awesome, I was looking for something to wind down with after today’s shitty ass day at work. on 12 Jun 04:54 next collapse

Just let the video wash your troubles away on 12 Jun 05:14 collapse

With powdered dish soap, not that pod shit. on 12 Jun 07:37 collapse

Yeah, tried it for the first time, its eye opening on 12 Jun 10:20 collapse

I’ve never had a job where we celebrate Shitty Ass Day. What’s that like? on 12 Jun 10:49 collapse

Nowhere near as fun as you’d think.

Not enough ass, too much shit. on 12 Jun 17:22 collapse

Ah, that feeling when management says “18 men, one cup.” on 12 Jun 06:13 next collapse

I actually watched this video and decided to clean the filter. Pretty gnarly. on 12 Jun 17:23 collapse

My condolences. on 12 Jun 06:26 next collapse

Ever since the first version of this video came out I’ve been a Dishwasher Evangelist. At my parents’ house I regularly pack it full and get perfectly clean dishes an hour later with no rinsing or anything - but I swear to god I have seen them hand wash dishes with soap and then put them in the dishwasher to be washed again and when I point out that they don’t need to do all of that they get mad at ME for trying to save them time, water, and energy. on 12 Jun 07:37 collapse

So the rest of your family are catholic?

Sorry, bad joke, had to be done. on 12 Jun 12:06 collapse

Maybe they are a big family of Dishwasher Muslims and use it 5 times a day. on 12 Jun 06:26 next collapse

Not what I was expecting, totally worth the watch lol. on 12 Jun 07:57 next collapse

the fact that I watched this clearly indicates that I am getting old lol on 12 Jun 08:02 next collapse

I hate this guy with a passion. He is not intelligent, but hell he sure likes to speak down to you like his shit doesn’t stink.

Speaking of dishwashers, this is the last thing you should be listening about from him, given the shitshow of a video he made which even had Bosch and other manufacturers contact him and tell him how incorrect he was. on 12 Jun 08:13 next collapse

Yeah definitely DO NOT regularly clean the filter if your machine has one. Never ever ever experiment with different amounts of detergent to determine the correct amount to use and absolutely NEVER be mindful of the orientation of the dishes as you load them.

Get over yourself. on 12 Jun 08:14 next collapse

Given that a lot of other people are praising him and his videos, could you maybe point out some of these mistakes?

I know it could probably be googled, but it’s always better to come to a discussion with information if you’re going to criticize someone or something (to be fair - it’s also better to have information if you’re praising someone or something) on 12 Jun 11:06 next collapse

What happened with Bosch? on 12 Jun 11:26 collapse

Nothing. It never happened. This guy is the kind of person that hates every successful YouTuber even to go do far as lie about random shit to further the hate. If you google “Bosch technology connections” nothing comes up. If you watch the videos and check the comments there’s references to manuals… but never any company reaching it directly. on 12 Jun 12:52 collapse

Hahahahahahahaha haha, right, right.

Can you be more wrong? on 12 Jun 08:25 next collapse

And in Germany we don’t have those without filters.

On the other hand, we have 230V and our dish washers’s sump only have half the sump size at most, they heat up the water in no time, even if it’s cold to start with. So we’ve got that going for us which is nice. on 12 Jun 08:44 next collapse

As someone who’s worked on industrial machinery for food production all my life, I’m consistently amazed at what a simple dishwasher can do, and how it can do so for YEARS with essentially zero maintenance. Cleaning food residue is HARD.
I just bought a new one recently (the old one wasn’t actually broken, despite being very old, so I gave it away), and I can’t help but open it up every once in a while to admire it. How much time these devices save us! on 12 Jun 10:58 collapse

Depends on your luck. I’ve had to repair my Samsung dishwasher 3 times in 5 years and yet my parents bought the cheapest possible model 15 years ago and it operates lawlessly and does a better job at cleaning. on 12 Jun 11:13 next collapse

Yeah quality of the brand really matters. Samsung makes some of the worst appliances. And older appliances really were just built better in many cases. on 12 Jun 11:25 next collapse

operates lawlessly

as long as it doesn’t get caught!

Jokes aside, I’ve only ever owned European-made appliances. My old dishwasher was a Bosch that came with the apartment when we bought it, I don’t know how old it was, but I guess around 20 years, and again, I replaced but it was still working.
I don’t buy appliances at big box stores though, I always go to a dedicated shop where they kinda select their offerings, as they also have to deal with support calls. There’s one in my city that, despite being a fraction of a big box store, moves A LOT of merchandise, so they also have a lot of experience, so far I’ve been quite happy. on 12 Jun 13:14 next collapse

I had a Samsung dishwasher that I dumped after just 4 years because it kept breaking every 6 to 12 months. I also have a fridge that is 8 years old that cost me an arm and a leg from Samsung and I need to keep fixing it every couple of years and have given up on fixing the ice maker. Also just dispossessed of a washing machine last month from, you guessed, Samsung because the mother board fried and they don’t sell it anymore, it was 6 years old. I still have a curved LED 85" TV that some how broke in the corner, for fucks sake, it’s made of aluminum! Not only that, the smart TV menus are infected with ads everywhere. Why the hell did that happen? It was a very expensive TV when I bought it. I have a few Hisense TVs and they last years and are ridiculously cheap. Samsung has a beautiful design but all their products are just plain crap with planned obsolescence. Never again will I buy a Samsung home appliance. on 12 Jun 13:28 next collapse

My whole kitchen is Samsung. Stove needed a new bimetal switch because the cooling fan for the top got stuck on. The dish washer garbage disposal knife blew apart into fragments twice and the gaskets rotted and fell apart. Microwave magneto diode blew. Its all literal garbage, I’m selling my house soon and leaving that trash behind and buying high end next time to save myself money in the long term. on 12 Jun 23:40 collapse

This is why I don’t let my Samsung TV connect to the Internet. on 12 Jun 15:26 next collapse

it operates lawlessly

It’s the Wild West out here! on 12 Jun 15:56 next collapse

But being this is a 44dBA washer, the most powerful dishwasher in the world and will wash your plate clean off, you’ve gotta ask yourself a question: “Do I feel lucky?”

Well, do ya, cup? on 12 Jun 17:37 collapse

All cups are bastards. on 12 Jun 16:29 collapse

It’s a loose cannon, but dang it it’s the best washer on the force. on 12 Jun 17:05 next collapse

Don’t buy anything Samsung. Shit company with bad products designed to fail after warranty expires. on 12 Jun 17:17 next collapse


Well there’s your problem right there.

Honestly, I worked as a house cleaner for a bit, and any samsung dishwasher I had to deal with was either broken or new. on 13 Jun 01:19 collapse

Samsung and LG have both bitten me. Bosch, however, is doing great. on 13 Jun 02:40 collapse

Aahhg I had a bosch in my old apartment that was just the right amount of quiet to fall asleep to. I really miss it… ;-; on 12 Jun 23:39 collapse

My Samsung has popped the wash bar twice but that’s it so far. It’s super easy to fix but there’s no alarm so you never realize it until you notice things on the bottom rack not getting washed. on 12 Jun 09:49 next collapse

After watching the original video I started putting some additional powder at the bottom of the loading tray every wash and it works great. Clean dishes ever since, no pre rinse necessary. Can recommend 👍. on 12 Jun 23:37 collapse

If nothing else, it basically eliminates the greasy buildup on the bottom filter bits. on 12 Jun 12:17 next collapse

Dishwasher lore expansion dropped on 12 Jun 14:11 next collapse

Does Technology Connections sell shirts? In most of his recent videos he has worn a black shirt with zoomed in RGB pixels from a digital display and I’ve been looking for it everywhere because I work in a related industry. on 12 Jun 16:46 collapse

I just googled “BASF T-Shirt” and immediately found the one he is wearing in this video (and he wear it in a couple of other videos recently) on 12 Jun 17:07 collapse

Thanks, I think the RGB shirt might be custom to him because the same image is his YouTube channel’s profile header image. on 12 Jun 16:06 next collapse

This popped up on my yt feed and I had no idea what a legit informative video it would be. on 12 Jun 20:49 next collapse

What did you learn? on 12 Jun 23:52 collapse

It’s just a tips and how-to on how to make your dishwasher work best. Run the sink tap until hot before you start, use cheap powder or gel soap, make sure to use the dispenser and use a bit of soap in the prewash cycle. Great channel though, very deep dives into technology, primarily home goods or oddities. on 13 Jun 05:20 collapse

Hey thanks for explaining! on 13 Jun 02:34 collapse

This man is a saint. His channel is amazing. on 13 Jun 01:21 next collapse

My man is on another dishwasher rant. This is the short vid on 13 Jun 06:14 collapse

30 minutes in: “And you don’t have to change anything if your dishwasher is working for you. But honestly, you’re probably not watching this if things are working for you.”

Me: I live my life the way I want damn it! on 13 Jun 10:36 collapse

I dont even own a dishwasher but I watched the whole thing!