Calls to boycott tech company Stripe after CEO posts about recent visit to Israel (
from to on 30 Nov 13:30


threaded - newest on 30 Nov 15:34 next collapse

Image caption: “Dem Khazar milkers man…” on 30 Nov 15:41 next collapse

Good luck boycotting Stripe on 30 Nov 18:58 collapse

I’m trying to find out a list of companies using stripe and I think it would be easier to list ones not using it… What I’m getting is basically any time I spend money online, and sometimes in person, they get a cut on 30 Nov 20:20 collapse

Yeah pretty much. As a payment intermediary they’re actually really good. Top of class one could argue.

The executive’s politics aside, trying to boycott them means boycotting all their users. Good luck with that. on 03 Dec 04:11 collapse

I have to pay a parking fine one through stripe. I would have happily boycott that. on 30 Nov 16:57 next collapse

Looks a bit insensitive but it’s not even expressing support for Israel’s war. on 30 Nov 17:59 next collapse

If Israel is a colonial project, any relationship fueling its economy is supporting the war. This includes touristic activities, investments, any kind of business.

The BDS movement worked against South Africa because it was totalizing and any chance to suffocate the Israeli colonial project must go through the same strategy. on 30 Nov 19:11 collapse

Who is disagreeing with this? I want to hear your arguments. on 30 Nov 20:03 next collapse

I’d say the only “reasonable” objection would instead be on the pervasiveness of the conclusion. You can’t walk out your front door and remain consistent on that. on 30 Nov 20:08 collapse

Right on, second time noticing you here today. You’re right again. When I replied the comment was at -2 and now it’s +9. I think several people have alt accounts for vote manipulation. Good thing votes don’t mean shit!

Edit- My only complaint with the app I use, Sync, is that it only shows total votes and not individual totals. on 30 Nov 21:10 collapse

I use voyager which lets me toggle what I see (I actually switched to individual recently) and the comment I assume you’re talking about is at +19, -9 votes, and was about the kid who shot the home intruder

There are lots of down votes on both sides of that thread tho

(Also subtle voyager plug) on 01 Dec 18:38 collapse

It was the comment about any economic support of Israel fueling the war from this very thread. on 01 Dec 22:09 collapse

As in the one you replied to? That one is +9, -0 So people either changed votes or there was weird federation things going on on 01 Dec 22:10 collapse

Yeah that’s the one.

Interesting info, thanks. on 01 Dec 22:13 collapse

No problem I assumed it was the other one because I was looking in their comment history for comments with downvotes on 01 Dec 17:31 collapse

Nah they’ll cower in other subthreads on 30 Nov 20:57 collapse

He expressed support by making an avoidable visit. Just like I would express support to the wife beater in my neighborhood by having lunch with him. on 30 Nov 17:25 next collapse

Cool I’ll boycott them by moving into a cave underground.

[deleted] on 30 Nov 18:02 next collapse

. on 30 Nov 20:10 next collapse on 01 Dec 19:50 collapse

I just glanced at this quickly, and saw Shopify Payments, which is actually run on Stripe on 01 Dec 21:21 collapse

My sister in law was boycotting PayPal so she switched to Venmo. on 03 Dec 12:13 collapse

Isn’t venmo owned by PayPal for the past 10y? on 03 Dec 22:55 collapse

Yes that was what made it ironic. on 30 Nov 21:11 next collapse

so basically he didnt actually do anything boycott worthy. he just had a bunch of perpetually online lefties and righties throwing a tantrum on twitter on 01 Dec 02:07 next collapse

Dunno why you’re getting down voted.

I visited Israel 10-odd years ago for work and I loved it. Beautiful country and people… if you ignore all the politics. As with the US.

What I hated while there was the demonisation of everything Palestinian. It’s like a cult: if you don’t agree, you’re one of them. (Get fucked). on 01 Dec 21:17 next collapse

It’s the timing.

Israel is currently engaged in a genocide. Some guy talking about how much they love all the beautiful things about Germany in 1942 would get down voted to hell too. on 02 Dec 19:48 collapse

these beautiful people are doing a genocide lol on 01 Dec 15:20 next collapse

I have family in Israel and have been there several times. I liked it there. I liked how all the signs were trilingual and the food was excessively good. I don’t however approve of the Israeli government or how they’ve gone about this conflict.

Does this make me a bad person in other peoples eyes? on 01 Dec 16:02 next collapse

There is no conflict, only genocide. on 01 Dec 19:44 collapse

Me paying my taxes has me certainly conflicted. Does that count? on 01 Dec 19:17 collapse

Timing matters. I have family in Austria. I like a lot of things about Austria and I also don’t approve of a lot of things the government does and did.

If someone were to have voiced that sentiment loudly in 1942, they’d probably be an asshole. on 01 Dec 19:36 collapse

So from your definition, me having family there and having some positive sentiment about some things I experienced there quantifies me as an asshole.

I find the prejudgment interesting. I used to only get this from right wingers for being Jewish but now I get it from both ends haha. Take care! on 01 Dec 19:46 next collapse

Just putting it out there, you are not. Your deeds and intentions are what define you. And there is no race or nationality that makes you inherently bad or good. on 01 Dec 21:12 collapse

Your post completely ignore my first and main sentence.

It’s the timing that makes you an asshole, not your sentiment.

Israel is currently engaging in genocide. I know it. The UN knows it. Dogs know it. on 02 Dec 12:09 collapse

Good… good . Fight about another country. Split apart. The imperfect are unclean. Give no quarter.

The left will never unify and the right will win. on 02 Dec 13:16 collapse

If any part of the left is OK with genocide the right is already winning and the only hope is to split with them. on 02 Dec 16:00 collapse

No one is OK with genocide.

Reasonable people focus on banding together to accomplish goals. Do you think shaming someone for visiting family helps you stop the genocide? If every American stopped going to Israel, would that stop it? Please.

This is something the right gets correct every time. They hold their nose and tolerate some things they hate so they can make progress on their other goals. Then when those are done, they do it again and again. Eventually they have what they want.

They understand that real change is a long game. on 02 Dec 16:39 collapse

It’s completely disingenuous to refer to it as just “visiting family.”

He was the one who decided to post a photo op in Tel Aviv. His previous posts make it clear that he knew he was doing so right next to an active genocide. According to the article, pro-Israelis interpreted it as an endorsement of Israeli policy.

Reasonable people still have boundaries. Reasonable people don’t “hold their nose” at genocide. Reasonable people stop believing in empty promises when every Israeli atrocity is rewarded with praise and unwavering support. on 02 Dec 18:18 collapse

Ok. Then if you didn’t plan to partner with Democrats and liberals to change the situation from the inside, what do you plan to do? on 02 Dec 19:47 collapse

In what way are the “Democrats and liberals” changing the situation from the inside?

Biden just approved another $680m arms package. That should be condemned, not celebrated. Acts that support this genocide should also be condemned, rather than celebrated. on 02 Dec 21:40 collapse

They’re not. Of course.

They might be if we got in there, helped out, and then stirred the pot. But right now we’re outside shouting into the wind. on 03 Dec 17:11 collapse

What would “in” consist of?

Democrats had both houses and the Oval Office in 2021. The Democrats were as “in” as they can reasonably expect to get unless we want to go back to 2011 when the Democrats had all that and a supermajority.

What was stopping him from doing something now? Who forced him to send more arms to Israel?

And how is the Democrats ability to do the right thing inhibited in any way by people complaining about a CEO supporting genocide?

These arguments sound a lot like when my 10 year old tells me that they’ll stop watching video games and do their homework as soon as I stop nagging them. That’s nonsense. They do their homework when I take the laptop away and tell them they can’t have it back until the homework is done. on 04 Dec 00:23 collapse

Ahhhh, I found the mistake. You’re assuming when I say “we” I mean “Democrats”. No no no.

We, left leaning folk, need to join the Democratic party, and once WE are in, we change the Democrats to something useful.

Third parties can’t work. The Republicans are way too far off ideologically. So the only tool we have is Democrats. Let’s use them. on 04 Dec 17:11 collapse

What would joining consist of?

Register as Democrats? Vote whoever they tell you to vote for? on 04 Dec 19:20 collapse

Supporting is not joining.

Join them. Progressives need to run for local office as Dems. Join Dem committees. Canvas for them. Get to know them. Check out “Run For Something” to get involved.

If you want real change it involves leaving the house and talking to people and being present and available.

You can also vote in their primaries for progressives, if you prefer the less impactful “support” route. But then you’re just supporting the people who are doing the joining.

You can’t really complain if there are no progressive or left Dems to support if you as a progressive/left person aren’t joining either. on 05 Dec 00:19 collapse

Couldn’t you say the same for the Republicans, or any party for that matter? ie, “Join them and if enough people like you join them they’ll change.”

Realistically, some new political operator isn’t going to get any relevant positions. And nobody with the relevant positions will listen to a new political operator.

That may work in theory but it’s basically saying to create a new Demcratic party from within. on 05 Dec 11:18 collapse

Democrats are more closely aligned today. The work would be easier. But sure.

This is a consequence of the two party system. You could dismantle that, but I think dismantling would require running one of the parties. on 01 Dec 18:48 next collapse

Yeah,I had this discussion in other subs but let’s say that I was less successful on 03 Dec 04:11 collapse

Boycotting them is basically impossible anyway. on 02 Dec 11:23 collapse

So you’d rather use the platform run by treacherous robbers called PayPal ? So we can’t use Stripe (ok fine) & we can’t use PayPal, ok any suggestions ? Cuz I got one GNU-Taler on 02 Dec 11:57 collapse

Why deposit your money with a central authority? The linked website points out that Taler adds instant confirmation to Bitcoin, but you can already get that using the Lightning Network - without custodial risk. on 02 Dec 14:59 collapse

GNU-Taler is not a central authority though on 02 Dec 15:11 collapse

Your wallet stores digital coins that are blindly signed by an exchange. The Taler Exchange keeps funds matching all unspent digital cash in a settlement account. (Source)

When you add dollars or bitcoins or whatever to Taler, you’re making a deposit.