It's not just you — no one is posting on social media anymore (
from to on 01 Sep 2023 19:05

Social media is on the decline. Instagram is all ads. No one’s posting on BeReal. TikTok is for influencers. The new place for sharing: group chats.


threaded - newest on 01 Sep 2023 19:10 next collapse

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Other apps like Dispo, Poparazzi, and Locket have all used various gimmicks to try and recapture social media’s halcyon days — each had a moment in the sun at the top of the US Apple app-store charts — but none have truly broken through.

For instance, the content creator Nina Haines launched a group called SapphLit, a self-described “sapphic book club born out of the queer BookTok community.”

Victoria Johnston, a 22-year-old software engineer, imagines the ideal social-media platform as a “safe space where people can just connect and you don’t feel pressured to have a big following or a presence or be really well known.”

And as more users and creator communities migrate toward closed spaces, the behemoths like Instagram are also trying to capitalize on this reality by introducing features like paid-subscription services that offer exclusive group chats.

Lia Haberman, an adjunct professor at UCLA Extension and an advisor for the American Influencer Council, said that Gen Alpha, the age cohort of 13 and younger, are “not embracing traditional social-media platforms and customs.”

It’s hard to know how the change will affect the online atmosphere over the long term — some evidence suggests the shift will create a healthier digital experience, but it also risks further dividing people into like-minded echo chambers.

The original article contains 2,197 words, the summary contains 214 words. Saved 90%. I’m a bot and I’m open source! on 01 Sep 2023 19:11 next collapse

Talking to real friends more interesting than arguing with strangers? Shareholders flummoxed! News at 11. on 01 Sep 2023 19:39 next collapse

Hey, I take offense to that! I’m going to write a vitriolic response to your seemingly-normal-but-different-viewpoint-than-mine opinion where I’ll use non-applicable slurs and misinformation and then call you dumb if you post a sensible reply! on 01 Sep 2023 19:47 next collapse

tfw you just stand on the sides and then meme on what’s happening with a lame joke instead of contributing your two cents on the socioeconomic practices that are happening in the US that are currently choking its working class to death

lmaooooooo gottem on 01 Sep 2023 20:13 collapse

Hey, I take offence to your office! I’m going to write a nonsensical response that parallels your comment where I’ll use no sources and not really make any point whatsoever! on 01 Sep 2023 20:22 next collapse

... real friends ...

I don't understand. on 01 Sep 2023 22:25 collapse

Like text but with noises and fleshy.

Edit: sometimes they congratulate you on the anniversary of exiting your mother’s birth canal. on 01 Sep 2023 22:44 collapse

Gross. And Gross. on 01 Sep 2023 20:36 collapse

Flummoxed is such a choice word on 02 Sep 2023 09:46 collapse

It’s kinda fetch on 01 Sep 2023 19:17 next collapse

if someone posts on social media and nobody reads it … does the poster even exist? on 01 Sep 2023 20:14 next collapse

Trees in forests breathe quantum sighs of relief

…or do they? on 01 Sep 2023 20:14 next collapse

I too enjoy yelling into the void. Sometimes it yells back 💪😎💪 on 02 Sep 2023 05:10 collapse on 01 Sep 2023 21:18 collapse

It’s the sound of one hand clapping on 01 Sep 2023 19:23 next collapse

And yet, after joining Lemmy and Mastodon, I post a lot more. on 01 Sep 2023 19:33 next collapse

Like for real!! I was a semi-lurker on reddit. Posted a couple times a year.

I just passed 500 posts on Lemmy. on 01 Sep 2023 20:09 next collapse

I’ve found lemmy to be alot less hostile, don’t care about downvotes, but attacking people because of opinions doesn’t sound like a fun time to me on 01 Sep 2023 20:23 next collapse

The absence of a running karma total is a surprisingly powerful difference. I do still look back at old posts, and it’s nice when there’s votes, but without the little number next to a name or when I mouse-over a profile, there’s no motivation to be the first in a thread to repost a cliche joke or to ragebait for fake internet points. on 01 Sep 2023 21:10 collapse

I think the “not having to be first” is what is so powerful.

I know that if I comment on a post from a few days ago on a populated community, I’ll likely at least get a reply from OP, if not a bunch of other people finding my comment and replying as well.

It’s like Lemmy is the nice, small-town version of Reddit (which is probably more similar to Gary Indiana). on 01 Sep 2023 22:08 collapse

That’s a bit cruel to Gary, Indiana, don’t you think? on 01 Sep 2023 22:31 collapse

Check it out:…/5582601/ on 02 Sep 2023 02:55 collapse

McBane thats the joke.gif on 01 Sep 2023 23:24 next collapse

Opinions are fine. Being disingenuous/an asshole at the same time as having an opinion definitely provokes smackdowns, even on lemmy. on 02 Sep 2023 06:01 collapse

Same goes for 9gag but that site is different on 02 Sep 2023 15:06 collapse

Huh, when I clicked on your profile it says 0 posts… on 02 Sep 2023 16:27 next collapse

Profiles are rarely accurate. I viewed the same profile from two different instances (yes the same profile, not the same username from two different instances) and they didn’t even have the age of thr account the same. One was 2 years, one was 2 months. So I wouldn’t trust that. I’d only trust it if you’re logged into that very instance. on 02 Sep 2023 17:58 collapse

In this case it’s more likely to be because that’s one of my alts. This is my main. on 02 Sep 2023 17:59 collapse

Read the bio. That’s not my main. This is. on 01 Sep 2023 19:47 next collapse

for me, I was motivated to make this my first post because I want to help solve the death of content issue we still have. it's gotten quite a lot of attention. I think that anywhere bigger, anything of relevance would have already been posted by the time I see it on 01 Sep 2023 20:06 next collapse

Also, for me, it's the fact I do not feel my data and privacy are being siphoned, sold, and fingerprinted on this platform. Another factor is that I feel the people and interactions are pure and authentic, rather than astroturfed and ambiguous. That may change as the fedicerse grows, but for now it is bringing me back of the older days of the internet. on 01 Sep 2023 20:12 collapse

For what it’s worth, that was a big reason why I moved as well, everyone here actually cares. ❤️ on 02 Sep 2023 04:42 collapse

You bring up one advantage I see from Lemmy. Even though I’ve seen this article posted before (I think by L4Sbot in this technology community), the nature of de-centralized content means that cross-posting onto various servers is actually encouraged to get input from a variety of users from different communities and configs (for example, people who have disabled viewing bot-account posts).

On Reddit, people would be quick to say “boooooo repoooost”, but I’ve not seen that too much of that, just a few complaints of “there’s too much orange guy and muskrat in my feed”. on 01 Sep 2023 19:55 next collapse

Same here. For me it’s because it feels smaller more often instead expecting to be buried. on 01 Sep 2023 20:39 collapse

I just want the communities I post in to grow. Just trying to do my part to keep people engaged and encourage others to do the same. on 01 Sep 2023 20:02 next collapse

Absolutely, I post much more here because I know actual people will actually read it and may actually respond like they would to an actual human. It’s like the old days of the internet. on 01 Sep 2023 20:11 next collapse

I comment about as much as I did on reddit, but I feel like I see less negative replies. It doesn’t seem to matter what I’d post on there, somebody somewhere would have something shitty to say. It’s not my fault society can’t accept my seal clubbing hobby. on 01 Sep 2023 21:12 collapse

If you want to go clubbing with 90s phenom and signer of the hit song “Kiss from a Rose”, then you go for it! You are accepted here ❤️ on 01 Sep 2023 20:11 next collapse

I do, too, but it’s out of duty and I’ll stop when other people pick up the slack. on 01 Sep 2023 20:29 next collapse

Part of the reason is Lemmy’s default sorting algorithm for comments, “Hot”, addresses reddit’s biggest flaw, which is that earlier comments snowballs with upvotes, so it buries late-comers to conversations, leading to the rat-race of everyone trying to get their funny one-liners in as early as possible for maximum karma (which also isn’t a thing here.)

The “Active” default sort for posts also means that comments are a lot more concentrated to what people are actually talking about and posts tend to be stickier. (also, botting upvote is a lot harder on Lemmy, since it’s easy to bot upvotes, it’s a lot harder to fake real conversations in comments. )

In fact, it is pointless to comment at all past like 4 hours on any post on reddit since it will just sit unread for hours, but here you can comment 1 day after a post and still have people talking to you. on 01 Sep 2023 20:38 next collapse

Hey me too! Just the Lemmy side (was never into twitters whole thing) but I actually post stuff here, even if it’s just cross posting.

I always used an alt to post on Reddit and did so very infrequently. I think I posted maybe 3 things on the 4 years on Reddit?

I comment a lot more, and have posted a ton more (even without removing the posts! And yea, 5 is a ton more since it’s in the last 2 months rather than 4years!)

I don’t even clear my comment history as a compulsive thing (I changed me behavior somewhat, to allow for this) because I don’t want to remove activity from the platform. I know it needs me to contribute so I do! on 01 Sep 2023 21:41 next collapse

Found the bot /s on 02 Sep 2023 03:22 collapse

Because people here are nice on 02 Sep 2023 07:46 next collapse

Yeah look I don’t get slurs thrown at me or people abusing the “send help” button. So that’s a bonus. on 02 Sep 2023 09:24 collapse

Oh yeah the reddit care team. Fuckers. on 02 Sep 2023 10:11 collapse

It’s great that they have that. But man it got abused so easily, and it felt kind of silly that you could actually block it. I remember getting it after saying the most middest of takes. on 02 Sep 2023 22:14 collapse

I honestly don’t know whether it’s good that they have it or not.

There must be a myriad of ways that reddit could support the mental health of redditors which would be more effective. on 02 Sep 2023 18:28 collapse

Some are. on 01 Sep 2023 19:25 next collapse

Big shock considering everything we post online is being weaponized in various ways. on 01 Sep 2023 19:42 next collapse

feds, bots and shills on 01 Sep 2023 19:57 collapse

I know this conversation is had nearly daily here, but by fuck am I glad that the fediverse is so much less astroturfed than every other social media site. on 01 Sep 2023 23:42 collapse

we need to work on keeping it that way. we have the advantage with no corporations to silently manipulate us and we own the infrastructure, but we still gotta root out bot accounts and malicious instances on 01 Sep 2023 19:25 next collapse

The fuck even is BeReal? LOL on 01 Sep 2023 19:30 next collapse

It’s kinda niche, but it’s where you and your friends can only post once a day at a random time. But it’s all at the same time, so you kinda get a slice of life of what everyone is doing. I like it, it’s much worse for influencer type stuff, so everyone I know just uses it with their friends which is nice. It starts conversations that might not happen otherwise. on 01 Sep 2023 19:35 next collapse

That actually sounds kind of cool and unique. on 02 Sep 2023 03:22 collapse

That’s what I thought when I tried it last fall but it turns out that 99% of people live very boring lives or put very little effort into these no notice pictures. Browsing my feed was so dull, I lost interest quickly. on 01 Sep 2023 19:36 next collapse

My students will jump up in class when they get the notification. My only rule is that I get to be in it. on 01 Sep 2023 19:54 next collapse

You're a good teacher, working around the things they find important in their lives. Thank you on 02 Sep 2023 15:14 collapse

Same with ChatGPT I show them how to use it as a tutor, instead of a homework solving machine. Other teachers “ban” it. They’re the same people that would have resisted color television. on 02 Sep 2023 18:35 collapse

Wtf? ChatGPT gets things wrong way, way too often to trust it to “know” anything you don’t. Of course it depends on how niche the topic of information is, but I don’t ever trust it to definitely not be confidently incorrect. on 02 Sep 2023 22:18 collapse

Correct. So you ask it a question, it answers, then you fact check. It’s more right than wrong usually, but I wouldn’t use it to do paralegal work. on 01 Sep 2023 21:13 collapse

I’m not sure I understand the concept. So the app chooses a random time of day to send an alert, at which point everyone in a group gets to post whatever they want? When the window ends then there are no more posts until the next day? Are you in the groups with the kids? on 01 Sep 2023 23:25 collapse

You’re allowed to post later, though this will be visible with your post. Tbh I like it until now. It’s a good way to engage with my friends now that I only see them a few times a month. The friends I have on BeReal are generally respecting the rule that you either post at the moment BeReal asks you to or at the nearest moment where it’s okay to so. I won’t post at work, at the toilet, or in the shower or something. But I will do so after those moments of I’m doing something mundane like washing the dishes or cycling home. You’ll generally just get a sense of what your friends’ life’s like like normally, as well as the fun things they do like traveling or visiting some event. on 02 Sep 2023 01:19 collapse

Not at the toilet???

Bro, do you even social media?

Totally kidding, but I hate having to use that slash ess. on 02 Sep 2023 13:49 collapse

Holy crap that sounds godawful. Do what you’re doing and dance on command when the randomly timed notification comes in? Sounds fun to do on a lark when you open the app because you’re having a boring day or something, but as a daily thing? on 01 Sep 2023 19:45 collapse

My guess is they misspelled BeeReel, the social media for apiary and native plant enthusiasts. on 01 Sep 2023 21:11 collapse

I would watch the shit out of a bunch of bee videos. I love bees and butterflies. on 01 Sep 2023 19:25 next collapse

<img alt="" src=""> on 01 Sep 2023 23:28 next collapse

I hadn’t been on irc in over a decade. The issue is I don’t know anymore where anyone actually hangs out. Sure there are plenty of niche servers for software projects but as a general use sort of thing I really don’t know where to start again. on 01 Sep 2023 23:43 collapse

Usenet and freenet haven’t changed at all. /List to list servers. Scroll until u find what u want Cake on 01 Sep 2023 23:50 collapse

I would think dalnet is still up. Those fuckers are like cockroaches. Only a nuke will take them out. on 02 Sep 2023 00:19 collapse

Yep I’d be surprised if not on 02 Sep 2023 06:43 collapse

Discord is better than IRC imo. I used IRC for a VERY long time and Discord was the one that finally killed it for me. We’ll see if it lasts. I guess if they kill themselves (and they keep trying to), IRC will still be there waiting. Used to be on Rizon! on 02 Sep 2023 13:38 collapse

Discord is sooo awful imo. Every server has annoying “rule bots” or people constantly changing the look/feel of the channels or trying to engage you with @all or @channel (which you can ignore but it’s still annoying)… even the more technical ones have the same vibe. IRC is so much easier to communicate in IMO. on 01 Sep 2023 19:39 next collapse

Indian aunties were on the group chat trend before it was cool. on 01 Sep 2023 19:45 next collapse

The concept of “influencer” as a career needs to die a quick death. on 01 Sep 2023 19:48 next collapse

it's fancy speak for "salesman" on 01 Sep 2023 19:50 next collapse

Ooo it's the equivalent of "side hustle" just being a 2nd job. on 01 Sep 2023 20:29 next collapse

Fancy speak for “cheap salesman who has a large network” /0.5s on 01 Sep 2023 20:50 next collapse

Wha…What?! So you’re saying I’m not a BOSS BABE?! on 01 Sep 2023 22:48 collapse

I'm glad I don't really get these references. Tells me I've avoiding some of the right bullshit. on 01 Sep 2023 23:08 collapse

I call them peddlers on 01 Sep 2023 20:13 next collapse

I mean I think it's a fine career, it's the name that's dumb.

For the most part they're just entertainers. The "influencer" name suggests way more than should be. on 01 Sep 2023 21:06 next collapse

Like they could be a video journalist or a nature photographer or a lifestyle model. All those would be more descriptive than just influencer. on 01 Sep 2023 21:23 next collapse

Entertainers are supposed to be entertaining though.

These people have all the “entertainment” value of a late-night infomercial at best. “Oooh, watch me get excited about unboxing this item. Whatever could have Disney sent me this week?”

The worst problem is that these influencers do gain huge amounts of followers, but rarely fact-check or do hard sciences needed to ya know, give information to viewers? See Linus Tech Tips and the whole crap they’re into right now. on 01 Sep 2023 21:40 next collapse

I mean, they're mostly indie and could probably easily be compared to stand-up comedians.

Which if we look at it's history is a very crash-and-burn career itself. I think a lot of them are entertaining. But it's certainly a saturated market where it can feel like a needle in a haystack at times.

And really, the issue with LTT, is an issue. But keep in mind on the internet we largely mock news sites in general for being uninformative and many being glorified blogs. It's not as uncommon as we unfortunately may think.

But basically a lot of what is souring you on influencers, either has already happened in other careers or is currently happening to others as well, just we don't think about it as much. on 01 Sep 2023 22:23 next collapse

You are watching the wrong persons on youtube.
Aaaand: The thing you think is unfunny might be the funbiest thing since forver for another. on 02 Sep 2023 00:41 collapse

Exactly. And the fact that people have large amounts of followers mean that plenty of people find them entertaining. on 02 Sep 2023 11:54 next collapse

Well “entertaining” is subjective. If these people weren’t entertaining, they wouldn’t have so many followers.

There are absolutely a ton of people out there taking advantage of certain people and manipulating them as opposed to actually being entertaining, but that’s not an “influencer” problem, that’s just a people problem. That happens in every industry with human interaction.

Plenty of influencers just post content they think their followers will like and use that following to make money as well. And a lot of the time, their followers actually enjoy the things they advertise.

And the great thing is if you don’t like the concept, you can just not follow them. on 02 Sep 2023 16:22 collapse

If you were objectively correct and that folks didn’t find them entertaining, there wouldn’t be the industry and they wouldn’t have their followers. It’s the same phenomenon that makes reality TV such a big money maker. on 02 Sep 2023 16:33 collapse

Reality TV is a money maker because you barely need any writers.

Reality TV was a reaction to the (repeated) writers strikes. Content, no matter the quality, sells eyeballs. Quality almost doesn’t matter in practice. As such, shitty TV that is poorly written makes money because their costs are so low. Not necessarily because people find them entertaining.

They’re the McDonalds of Hollywood. Low effort, low cost content designed to fill up televisions but keep audiences with “something” between the major shows people watch.

And no. Reality TV isn’t “real” either, its just unscripted, low effort television. Its roughly WWE where characters (and their actors) are given much leeway into the shots / script because they don’t want to pay real writers to make an actual script. on 02 Sep 2023 17:38 next collapse

Most TV screen hours are in the background so a lot of shows are just filler to keep the schedule full on 03 Sep 2023 15:36 collapse

It has a lot of eyeballs. That’s the whole point. They were extremely popular shows. I don’t understand how you’re just swiping that part under the rug as if it didn’t matter. If no one watched them, they’d stop. They watch them because many people found it entertaining to watch. I can’t believe you’re trying to create a conspiracy that a bunch of people watched a show because they… didn’t enjoy it? on 03 Sep 2023 16:22 collapse

Dude, this is well known Hollywood information.…/writers-strike-reality-tv-unions

Most of the producers who craft reality TV story lines are not affiliated with a union and will not be affected by a strike. The genre also tends to be cheaper and less time-consuming to produce than scripted TV, making it an ideal alternative during past work stoppages.

Hardly a conspiracy theory. Reality TV is about cheapness, getting non-union work, fewer writers (or even no writers at all), and having far cheaper production. on 04 Sep 2023 16:14 collapse

Both things can be true on 08 Oct 2023 12:26 collapse

I prefer "content creators. " Sametimes they can be very educational or entertaining. (I watch a lot of comedy, travel, and home workout content.) on 01 Sep 2023 21:30 next collapse

You don’t like the Z-list celebrities? on 02 Sep 2023 00:38 next collapse

Why though? You don’t have to be their customer. But clearly lot of people are. on 02 Sep 2023 16:21 collapse

It’s a double edged sword. I do like some of the niche content the industry has created. I like coffee and I get a lot of indepth coffee analysis from folks who likely wouldn’t be able to spend the time doing so if they needed “real” jobs. I think it’s the ones where there’s no actual valuable content that is what gets people annoyed. I don’t understand how someone can just play video games in front of a camera. Or where they’re famous for their personality. on 01 Sep 2023 20:02 next collapse

I don’t get group chats. It seems like the worst parts of IRC had a baby with the worst part of internet forums and created a thing destined to make you always late to the party. on 01 Sep 2023 20:10 next collapse

And woe betide those who get into a group chat with a bunch of chatty people who never stop texting. Then you turn off notifications for it and you miss all kinds of things. on 01 Sep 2023 20:11 next collapse

what did it take from internet forums that IRC couldn't have realistically already done?

Most group chats to me are pretty much the same as IRC was back in the day, unless you examined the protocols themselves. Upload limits are also much larger (except for that brief period skype was popular and you could upload gigabytes)

Honestly the only thing group chats are bad at is archiving, and it's mainly because it's designed for real-time conversation (so people are spamming more) and sites can't search the stored text at all.

[deleted] on 01 Sep 2023 21:15 next collapse

. on 01 Sep 2023 21:17 collapse

I must not understand what group chat is. I have two friends where the three of us group text each other daily and it’s pretty neat. on 01 Sep 2023 20:07 next collapse

I see tons of posts. What is this about ? on 01 Sep 2023 20:10 next collapse

Noticed this on reddit’s All/Hot in the last two years or so. Not even just the posts but the comments in particular were very Bot-like. Front page was almost all recycled reposts and thinly veiled marketing.

Before doing Lemmy full time I scrolled through Red with the official app just to see if I could compromise somewhere, but it smelt of Dead Internet to me.

Dead Internet Theory in short is a conspiracy theory that most of the Internet is just algorithms and bots posting back and forth at each other for marketing purposes and to nudge people’s beliefs. It’s dead because theres hardly any humans posting. on 01 Sep 2023 22:01 collapse

sounds like something a bot would post +1 on 01 Sep 2023 22:35 collapse

Oh yeah but can you handle '); DROP TABLE *; ?? on 01 Sep 2023 20:21 next collapse

*For specific definitions of "no one." on 01 Sep 2023 20:23 next collapse

Are these social media or scam media?
I consider kbin, Lemmy and Mastodon (or better, the Fediverse) so much healthier. on 01 Sep 2023 20:31 next collapse

More people need to know about pixelfed. It is basically very much the old IG. on 01 Sep 2023 20:45 collapse

So og IG that it doesn’t have an Android app?

That might be too vanilla of insta. on 01 Sep 2023 22:36 next collapse

There's an android app. I think you have to download it from their website rather than the play store cos it is in beta. on 02 Sep 2023 00:19 collapse on 01 Sep 2023 20:39 next collapse

Who posted this on 01 Sep 2023 20:50 collapse

No one, it said so right in the title. on 01 Sep 2023 21:08 next collapse

What are we all doing here then? on 01 Sep 2023 21:19 next collapse

The three things cited in the post summary? Never been on them. I never ever heard of one of them. It seems to me that it’s more that these few platforms are struggling, and other (twitter/x, reddit, facebook, and other) just keep sailing smoothly.

[deleted] on 01 Sep 2023 21:30 next collapse

. on 01 Sep 2023 21:52 next collapse

They are probably talking about “BeReal”. I’ve never heard of that either… on 01 Sep 2023 23:17 collapse

BeReal was a neat idea, you’d get a random notification with a short timer asking to show both cameras. It was meant to cut down on manufactured posting - the random notification to try catch you in more boring times, and the short timer to stop you prettying yourself up.

I guess it was trying to be a more authentic social media, but maybe that doesn’t appeal to the Instagram generation. on 01 Sep 2023 22:48 collapse

I’ve never been on tiktok and instagram. I never heard of BeReal. I said I never heard of one of them; although my grammar is probably bad now that I read that again. on 02 Sep 2023 01:25 collapse

I presumed they were joking. I am unsure about the slash ess rule anymore, but I think folks are spotty about its useage here. Sorta hafta take a comment with a grain of salt.

[deleted] on 01 Sep 2023 22:25 collapse

. on 01 Sep 2023 21:42 next collapse

I almost never use Facebook anymore because whenever I’m on it, all I see are posts from groups I’m not even in, ads, videos, and interspersed in all that algorithmically chosen content, the occasional post from people I actually follow and know. Social media isn’t social any more.

Even fricking tumblr now has videos on it, and you can only shut “tumblr live” off for a week at most before they come back. on 01 Sep 2023 22:31 next collapse

Yea. My whole Facebook feed is full of ads and posts from people I don’t even have on my friend list. I got fed up and barely go on there anymore. on 01 Sep 2023 23:11 next collapse

There was a bizarre transition to “other page” content on Facebook. It realised nobody posts there anymore, and tried to transition to a quasi Reddit. But the content it displays is pure garbage. on 01 Sep 2023 23:13 next collapse

I didn’t think anyone used Tumblr any more since they got rid of porn. on 02 Sep 2023 12:03 collapse

A solid amount of new memes I see are from Tumblr posts. A lot of people went back prior to Twitter changing ownership, and then many more after that too. on 02 Sep 2023 08:01 collapse

God yeah Tumblr is so frustrating now. Like I get that a site needs to make money and I’m not even opposed to the gimmicks they have. But changing the look of it (which has been changed before but at least it made sense a lot of the time) to what is essentially a clone of Twitter. It’s frustrating to see a site I love so much, decide to kill itself and for what?

That and also the fact that they allow racism, transphobia, homophobia to fester. You’d think that a site that is pretty popular with the LGBTQIA+ crowd, they sure like to keep people around who would harm us. on 01 Sep 2023 21:48 next collapse

No app better defines the changing nature of social media than Instagram. The app started as a digital scrapbook — a place to keep up with real-world connections, close friends, and family. While other networks had more users (Facebook) or generated more news (Twitter), Instagram seemed to define the ideal form of this era of social media. Instagram became a verb, an aesthetic, and a generational signifier.

huUURP! BLAAaahhriifgghhh. . .

Garbage marketing platform dies horribly. Thousands of clueless "journalists" bereft. on 01 Sep 2023 22:48 collapse


I thought it originated as a marketplace for single servings of drugs. on 01 Sep 2023 22:24 next collapse

Well, it sucks. A certain South African Dutch chump with a Napoleon complex is 90% of the reason why. on 02 Sep 2023 03:59 collapse

And I can’t be alone in finding Instagram’s UI to be terrible. They have to share some blame. on 02 Sep 2023 04:16 collapse

I keep telling myself that I'll spend time on Instagram, but I can never force myself to actually do it. Yeah, that interface is a confusing mess. on 01 Sep 2023 23:21 next collapse

I’ve seen the birth of it in my lifetime, I’ll see the death of it in my lifetime. Way to go, evolution! on 02 Sep 2023 03:31 collapse

I was in high school when facebook went live, just out of curiosity how old were you? on 02 Sep 2023 05:31 next collapse

So cruel on 02 Sep 2023 05:38 collapse

I was in college and I still do not understand it. My friends were like dude there’s girls on it and you can poke them. But there’s girls out in the real world. Now it’s the reverse where meeting people on the internet is more normal than meeting IRL. on 01 Sep 2023 23:38 next collapse

I have Instagram installed but frozen with “Ice Box” android app.

I open once per day or 2 days to catch up with some friends status. But I don’t see those neverending reels anymore. on 02 Sep 2023 11:38 collapse

What do you mean by frozen? What does it do? on 02 Sep 2023 12:16 collapse

It freezes the app preventing background usage.

It’s like the “disable” option that you have in system apps. But for user apps. In fact, once you disable them if you search them in play store they appear with an “enable” button.

The advantage is that your userdata is still there. And you can quickly open it (unfreeze) from the Ice Box app. on 02 Sep 2023 12:18 collapse

Ok, that’s interesting. I might try it. on 01 Sep 2023 22:45 next collapse

I still visit Reddit but I no longer engage in any way, other than reading comments. No up/down voting, not commenting, no reporting spam. Nothing but reading with multiple layers of ad-blocking.

PS: the overall quality/value has dropped precipitously on 01 Sep 2023 22:51 next collapse

I deleted all 6 of my accounts. I can’t upvote or comment and I like it that way. Reddit no longer values me as a content producer by eliminating my fav apps, so I no longer value Reddit. on 02 Sep 2023 00:32 next collapse

I read AITA on Lemmy via a bot, that is the last vestige of Reddit I haven’t dropped. on 02 Sep 2023 05:40 collapse

Did you not enjoy your tenth fight video of the day? on 02 Sep 2023 01:52 next collapse

Why does this seem to only be about Instagram? on 02 Sep 2023 03:08 next collapse

Wtf is bereal on 02 Sep 2023 04:33 next collapse

Bereal is great, you get a notification and take a picture, front and rear camera, that’s all you get for the day, then you can see what your friends are up to.

By far my favorite social media. on 02 Sep 2023 05:37 next collapse

Prove to me you’re still alive today. on 02 Sep 2023 05:57 next collapse

The principles are cool but none of my friend wants to bother with another social network on 02 Sep 2023 06:33 collapse

I get it but man, I’d never want to post pics of myself on the Internet for anyone to see. I also don’t think anyone would wanna see me anyway. ¯⁠\⁠(⁠°⁠_⁠o⁠)⁠/⁠¯ on 02 Sep 2023 07:36 next collapse

You don’t actually have to take a photo of yourself. If you’re quick enough you can just move the front facing camera to take a photo of the ceiling.

That’s what I do on days I don’t want to take a photo of myself. on 02 Sep 2023 07:56 collapse

This sounds so bizarre to me. “If you’re quick enough”? What happens if you aren’t? What kind of insane, voluntary 1984-esque nightmare is this app? on 02 Sep 2023 09:04 next collapse

If you’re not quick enough you just don’t post a pic that day. on 02 Sep 2023 09:08 collapse

I mean like you take a photo with your rear camera and once that’s taken it’ll load up your front camera to take a photo but you can move it so it doesn’t take a photo of you. Kind of like a countdown timer. on 02 Sep 2023 07:49 collapse

Default is only your friends see. You opt in to make it public. on 02 Sep 2023 04:57 next collapse on 02 Sep 2023 09:00 collapse

It’s a breakfast food item that you pour beer over. on 02 Sep 2023 02:08 next collapse

I deleted all my big tech accounts, and lots of people are posting on the fediverse. on 02 Sep 2023 03:22 next collapse

I don’t post because I know no one will see my posts, and I don’t want to give them my data without feeding my narcism in return. on 02 Sep 2023 04:03 next collapse

Also, if no one is posting on social media, then what the hell are we all doing right now then?

[deleted] on 02 Sep 2023 05:05 next collapse

. on 02 Sep 2023 04:25 next collapse

I’m assuming you’re just here studying nerds for your next blockbuster where you’re playing Ada Lovelace or something.

[deleted] on 02 Sep 2023 05:32 next collapse

. on 02 Sep 2023 05:36 next collapse

Let’s focus on Rampart. on 02 Sep 2023 07:11 collapse

No. Only MY movies are allowed to be promoted on Lemmy. on 02 Sep 2023 13:42 collapse

Not during the strike they’re not… on 02 Sep 2023 16:35 collapse

Well, not by me… but somebody else. on 02 Sep 2023 06:06 collapse

The internet has been almost entirely enshittified by large corporations and government overreach. I really do wish there was a way to get back to Web 1.0 of mostly user-generated, self-hosted content, without the slow internet speeds or crappy web design motifs.

Might be possible if everyone is forced underground due to adblockers possibly getting killed off. on 02 Sep 2023 06:48 next collapse

Lemmy is one of the ways back to internet 1.0. on 02 Sep 2023 16:09 next collapse

Web 2.0 was the advent of user generated content. Web 1.0 was not. It was site-generated content for the most part. Some forums possibly. But it was extremely static and was very poor way to find user generated content. on 03 Sep 2023 00:44 collapse

I blame javascript. If it weren’t for people fucking with the time travel machine WE’D be the ones in the original timeline, and no one would have to suffer in this timeline where javascript got invented. on 02 Sep 2023 05:39 next collapse

Dancing, walking, re-arranging furniture… glances, shopping, I let the bird out of the cage on 02 Sep 2023 05:40 collapse

Here is an alternative Piped link(s):;

Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.

I’m open-source, check me out at GitHub. on 02 Sep 2023 06:11 next collapse

My Facebook is only memes, only from the large meme pages, not the ones I like that I have to check manually since they’ll never end up in my feed. And news articles.

It started with Facebook just hiding what your friends are posting. It still happens that someone shares a photo once a year or so, but I will never get shown it. I just browse my friend’s profiles manually. on 02 Sep 2023 10:43 collapse

That was extremely dissatisfying about Facebook. I’d see an endless stream of crap from people that I barely knew and didn’t care about at all, and then when I’d look at a profile of someone I actually knew and did want to keep up with, I’d see posts about significant and interesting things that happened in their lives which Facebook never showed me. I tried to get them to stop showing me irritating posts about politics - unfollow people, block people, mark “show less posts like this”, then it would come up with more political posts from people I didn’t even recognize. Meanwhile, oh, colleague got married…. sure, just never show me that post and show me 15 idiotic political memes instead. on 03 Sep 2023 00:45 collapse

and we’d voice our opinion AS THESE CHANGES WERE HAPPENING and people would cry “things change you just don’t like change hur durr i’m so progressive” on 02 Sep 2023 07:59 next collapse

I see your point, but I only used Reddit for a long time and the difference was the anonymity, so it’s social media but minus the personal brand. on 02 Sep 2023 13:31 next collapse

I don’t consider this or reddit social media. I don’t know anyone, nor do I care to.

Instead it is like a collection of forums since forever like in the bbs days.

I pick and choose what rooms to go in and learn something. But it isn’t about me, or staying connected. You know, the social part. on 02 Sep 2023 16:04 next collapse

This and Reddit are 100% social media. Right now, writing this, we are socializing on this media.

Maybe I’m wrong, but this is how I’ve viewed it for years on 02 Sep 2023 23:08 next collapse

No, I don’t think so. Not in the sense that social media became defined. Web forum, and bbs rooms, existed long before the term. The key difference and turning point was removal of anonymity, and the concept of self promotion. I know they are similar and overlap, but the evolution from one to the other did occur. Reddit and Lemmy still have more in common with news aggregation and forums than say a Titter, Instagram, Facebook, or TikTok. Most of the content here is in reference to something else, end then discussion are on that. on 03 Sep 2023 00:38 collapse

nah. Social Media has a sort of implied entertainment attached to it, which is not a good description of, e.g., this very discussion. This -can- be social media if you’re just lurking, but for us conversing here this is now a forum. We’re sharing thoughts and discussing. on 02 Sep 2023 16:07 next collapse

That’s basically how most of Instagram works and is what the article is about. No one knows folks on those platforms either. They aren’t “social” anymore. No one shares anything personal, it’s all “content” created for millions of followers by influencers and the like. This is probably more like social media than current platforms are. It’s closer to what social media was when it started. on 02 Sep 2023 16:11 collapse

This is literally social media lmao on 02 Sep 2023 23:12 collapse

No, I don’t think so. Not in the sense that social media became defined. Web forum, and bbs rooms, existed long before the term. The key difference and turning point was self promotion, and the removal of anonymity. I know they are similar and overlap, but the evolution from one to the other did occur. Reddit and Lemmy still have more in common with news aggregation and forums than say a Titter, Instagram, Facebook, or TikTok. Most of the content here is in reference to something else, end then discussion are on that.

If you look up the history of the term the turning point is definitely the change to having real personas and real people connect. That is where the “social” part comes from. The term “social networking”. But we are not social networking here. Do you actually know anyone here? Do you want to? on 03 Sep 2023 00:41 collapse

preach. If anyone wants an example of what is meant by “forum” if you’re too accustomed to modern takes on it, visit places like or just browse reddit using and go in some less “popular” subs that aren’t just people posting random pics and videos. on 02 Sep 2023 16:11 collapse

This is why I hate when “journalists” write titles like these because they’re just stupid bullshit. Why not just say “social media use is in severe decline”. Oh, because it’s not clickbait, that’s why. on 02 Sep 2023 05:20 next collapse

The fediverse, while still social media, has a level of authenticity unrivaled by most major social medias in my opinion. Hopefully it stays that way! on 02 Sep 2023 09:44 next collapse

ah i guess that’s in the process of changing. you can see this happening right now. more right-wing memes, more “look at this cool movie/toy/outfit… i found. it’s really me, a normal human being just like you!” on 02 Sep 2023 10:05 collapse

Lol I would bet the majority of that crap is from just normal people. on 02 Sep 2023 10:18 collapse

yes. normal people getting paid to post that. on 02 Sep 2023 12:19 next collapse

Anyone who disagrees with you is a bot amiright?

… wait, am I a bot? on 02 Sep 2023 16:02 collapse

We’re all bots. on 03 Sep 2023 15:21 collapse

beep boop on 03 Sep 2023 19:09 collapse

Bad bot. on 02 Sep 2023 16:04 collapse

Seems extremely unlikely. There’s very little reach on here compared to elsewhere. It’s not easily quantifiable nor can it be easily verified. It’s extremely easy to hack metrics. There’s no business sense to pay someone for posts on the fediverse yet. Don’t be paranoid and don’t become conspiratorial.

Edit: added “yet” because those things could possibly change. on 02 Sep 2023 14:52 collapse

Has any communication system managed to do that? Once certain types of people catch the scent of profit, they tear the medium apart searching for every penny of it.

Letters became junk mail. Email became spam. Newspapers and magazines became mostly ads and shilled content. Television became for-profit news and reality content.

That authenticity is just going to make it more appealing to astro-turf. on 03 Sep 2023 00:35 collapse

we need to shitpost more. a neighborhood that is high in crime does not appeal to advertisers. like north korea, they live in paradise whilst convincing the rest of the world that it’s a shithole. on 02 Sep 2023 06:27 next collapse

Those platforms are business media now, not social media anymore. on 02 Sep 2023 22:35 collapse

This is really interesting to think about. On my photography IG the one users who are still having good reach are the ones who are promoting their patreon/presets/editing services, are constantly trying to earn money in some way and are posting a million reels every day.

More casual photographers like me are getting zilch. I used to get 1000 likes on 95% of my stuff with some going viral. Now I get 200 if I’m lucky, my reach in general is in the hole and I refuse to spend hours editing reels and begging for the algorithms attention. I’m close to shutting it down but I help mod a page right now so I’m hanging on for a bit yet. on 02 Sep 2023 06:47 next collapse

Is it? Don’t like to play devil’s advocate but I’m pretty sure my Instagram is pretty much alive and my BeReal feed is an at all all-time high, with several new joins lately too.

I agree that it’s much worse, that on anything that isn’t BeReal it’s harder to find your friends posts, that the ads got way too many - but at least here people are absolutely not stopping to create content for them. on 02 Sep 2023 09:43 collapse

if you red even the first sentences, you will see that the author doesn’t claim that there are NO posts. they say that most of the posts are not social media anymore but corporate designs on 02 Sep 2023 07:18 next collapse

I really like that Signal let’s you do group stories, it works really well for this.

Some of my groups have great participation and it’s a great place to send all the random links we send. on 02 Sep 2023 09:11 next collapse

I would argue that the quality of content is in decline more than numerical users. Also, the quantity of ads are much much higher, which hides what little good content there is.

Mix that in with political splits in social media sites (from left leaning Lemmy to the Facebook right), and you generally find yourself in an echo chamber with little to surprise you, and a lot of things confirming what you already know. on 02 Sep 2023 09:18 next collapse

Mostly repost of things they didn’t make in an attempt to grab some ad revenue…

Like why do I need to see 2 or 3 arborist reposts from ~3 accounts not owned or affiliated by such arborists? on 02 Sep 2023 09:21 next collapse

What’s the over/under on this having been posted and inspired posts on literally every social media platform within an hour of publication, thus proving the headline ridiculous? on 02 Sep 2023 10:04 collapse

The article isn’t about what you think. on 02 Sep 2023 10:11 collapse

Shouldn’t have a misleading headline, then. on 02 Sep 2023 09:25 next collapse

I have been wanting to get back to making stuff on social media but due to work and no longer being the IDGAF teenager I get nervous on what to talk about.

Like I was hoping to do a podcast for my Facebook friends but I only uploaded one episode cause I want to do a few about how work sucks. But then I worry it’ll be depressing. on 02 Sep 2023 09:49 next collapse

it’s interesting how many comments show that people like to read the headline and are content with that to form an opinion. literally the first paragraph says that it’s not “THERE ARE NO POSTS” but it says that the “feed is swamped by a combination of perfectly curated photos and professionally created content.” - the problem is that the paid content creators have become GOOD. so many of them really look like they are just opinions and casual mentions of movies/clothes/…things. viral marketing is really at a point where so many fronts that have been established have been broken down in the guise of “irony” or “sarcasm”. “I’m only buying the Barbie merch ironically” etc. on 02 Sep 2023 15:08 next collapse

it’s interesting how many comments show that people like to read the headline

I read articles about India landing on the moon, ancestors of humans nearly dying out, tech employees being dissatisfied in Austin, etc. I don’t care about social media enough to read an article. That’s probably a lot of people here. on 02 Sep 2023 18:20 collapse

Are those articles shown to you by Google News (the thing built into Android) by any chance? I’ve had those exact ones recommended to me in the past few days and it’s a little unnerving seeing someone else mention reading them all lmao. on 05 Sep 2023 00:18 collapse

I do check Google News daily on the web from my computer. And I also read news stories posted to Lemmy. I also have a bunch of RSS feeds on my phone, but that’s typically nerd computer stuff unless someone happens to comment on a news article on their blog. on 02 Sep 2023 16:01 next collapse

Isn’t that what the summary above pretty much says with even less words? on 02 Sep 2023 19:01 collapse

It’s not just about content creators becoming good though, the article also explains how the algorithm pushes that content over others.

Granted, the quality of the content is still a big part of it, another point it makes is that people refrain from posting things because it’s not “good enough” compared to others. on 02 Sep 2023 13:09 next collapse

If a company ever puts ads in my group chats I will jump in a volcano on 02 Sep 2023 15:12 next collapse

No no no… We need to throw the CEO’s in the volcano. We don’t need CEO’s but I’m sure someone needs you. on 02 Sep 2023 15:42 collapse

I’m the CEO of ExxonMobil but thanks anyway on 02 Sep 2023 16:44 next collapse

Well then please by all means go jump into a volcano. I’m so sorry I even suggested you do differently. on 02 Sep 2023 18:53 collapse

Lol die plz 🤣 on 02 Sep 2023 18:58 next collapse

Don’t use a MIUI phone then. on 02 Sep 2023 21:30 next collapse

please dont give them ideas, maybe some CEO is seeing this and decides to implement it on 02 Sep 2023 23:35 next collapse

Sent by my iPhone™ on 03 Sep 2023 15:19 collapse

So? Jumping in a volcano is completely harmless if you dive in the right way. on 02 Sep 2023 13:22 next collapse

Social media in general is in the following stage of Enshitification:

  • Launch
  • Growth at all costs, user focus
  • Use size to bring advertisers
  • Gradually shift focus to advertisers and money bringers
  • Ensure users are way too invested to quit
  • >> Sell out <<

It’s no surprise that people only end up seeing “carefully curated” content, it’s what “sells”, or rather, ensures people stay in the stupid app. From TFA: “While sharing has tailed off, consuming content hasn’t slowed”

I have an Insta account for some of the part time 3D printing I do, but since I’m not a “content creator”, my stuff has almost zero reach. Whenever I open the app, it’s roughly 1:1:1 posts of “recommended”, someone I actually follow, advert. 2/3 of everything shown to me is stuff I didn’t ask for, not to mention when the advertises are actual scams or fucking pyramids on 02 Sep 2023 13:39 next collapse

I first heard the term ‘enshitification’ on the last episode of On the Media. Perfect description on 02 Sep 2023 16:00 collapse

It was coined by Doctorow and his article about it is very popular on the fediverse. on 02 Sep 2023 16:34 collapse

Yup, here’s the tasty salsa - on 02 Sep 2023 15:51 collapse

I redownload insta like a month ago because I thought fuck it. Other than reels from old friends from highschool, it’s all adds and the same regurgitated memes and stand up comics.

It was creepy that after nearly 4 years of being inactive it knew that I liked golf, and drink too much. on 02 Sep 2023 14:15 next collapse

I also noticed how my social media usage (even on Lemmy and Mastodon) is consistently declining, I haven’t opened the clients I use for either platform in days (or possibly more than a week). It’s bad because I was pretty invested in the fediverse, but it’s good because now I can actually do something productive, or even go outside. on 02 Sep 2023 16:13 next collapse

Same. Good stuff. on 03 Sep 2023 00:47 collapse

It’s not bad… it’s actually healthy. I think that feeling that you must post on social media isn’t really good for the head.

Go on social media when you feel like it, but it’s best if the default is to not use social media. on 03 Sep 2023 03:14 next collapse

Agreed, this experiment should be able to last by itself without feeling obligated to post something. If that’s the case then it’s failed. on 03 Sep 2023 19:53 collapse

Good point on 02 Sep 2023 15:45 next collapse

Does Lemmy count as social media?? lol on 02 Sep 2023 16:57 next collapse

In broad strokes, yeah. I’d even consider older, more traditional forms like forums and IRC/BBS to be proto forms of social media. As long as the internet exists there will be social media, what form it takes is malleable depending on the desires of the userbase at hand. on 05 Sep 2023 02:57 collapse

At that point the operational definition is just "website where you can post stuff" on 02 Sep 2023 21:15 next collapse

Not to me.

Just like Reddit, it’s more anonymous and the people you are interacting with don’t really matter, you don’t know them, they don’t know you.

You just interact for a few minutes and never see each other again. on 02 Sep 2023 23:27 next collapse

I’m not sure “they don’t matter” is something I could get behind. We still have every reason to remember that there’s (probably) a person on the other end, one we should extend common courtesy to, and with whom we might exchange perspective-changing ideas, even if rarely.

That said I agree the “reddit” format is the one I always liked best. It just makes more sense for people who want to discuss the same things, to group up online, rather than into arbitrary parasocial masses around a select few persons, as well as the people you know IRL and may or may not have any interest in actually interacting with. on 03 Sep 2023 00:21 next collapse

Hi, bye. on 03 Sep 2023 03:46 collapse

I prefer it not be this way.

I kind of hate getting replies here and I can tell the person I’m talking to isn’t paying attention to who in the thread they are talking to. It’s like people aren’t seeing each other as people. on 03 Sep 2023 06:00 collapse

<img alt="" src=""> on 03 Sep 2023 00:41 collapse

Yes but I’d classify it as a different category more akin to old school forums. It’s less a place to post photos of yourself and more one to discuss and read about stuff you enjoy (or memes). I just want a place personally to discuss movies, video games, technology etc on 02 Sep 2023 16:19 next collapse

My following on insta is dominated by meme pages, influencers, and that one person in your social group who practically shares their life on social media. on 02 Sep 2023 17:15 next collapse

The only followers I’ve been getting on tumblr lately are porn bots. I don’t even follow porn bots or look at their pages, I’m only there to shitpost. on 03 Sep 2023 03:45 collapse

Same. I hate how often I have to block them.

I even wrote into tumblr staff and they acknowledged it was an issue in the ticket but won’t say anything publicly which is annoying.

[deleted] on 02 Sep 2023 22:51 collapse

. on 02 Sep 2023 21:54 next collapse

I’ve been trying to cut down social media use ever since 2020. I don’t blame people for not posting most social media platforms are either boring or a toxic shit holes. on 03 Sep 2023 12:50 collapse

George Floyd showed me that the hope I had for this nation is lost. People are just argumentative assholes and have zero perspective. Hearing people defend the police and everything that followed made me dump it.

Granted I know there are those trying to do their job. It wasn’t them. It’s the keyboard warriors that have never been close to a cop, trying to defend a dude killing another over a written check just got to me. on 02 Sep 2023 23:31 next collapse

I dont even want to talk to half the people I know anymore lol. I stopped using FB but keep it running because there are many years of pics and what not for family. And when I bring it down people freak out and think something is wrong with me. Other than that, it has been stripped of any identifying information, only has people I know and I never use it anymore. That was the only real ‘personal’ place I had on the internet. Everything else is fake names and whatnot, always has been. on 03 Sep 2023 03:44 next collapse

download all your facebook data to get all memories locally, then you can delete on 03 Sep 2023 15:13 collapse

They let you transfer it to other services now, too. That’s what I did for my photos and videos before deleting them from Facebook. on 03 Sep 2023 04:49 collapse

Could I ask why you don’t want to talk to half the people you know? I have the opposite issue where I try to talk to people I know but they don’t reciprocate, I’m finding it hard to imagine the inverse. on 03 Sep 2023 05:57 next collapse

Getting older. Lots of drama. Lots of political bullshit I can’t stand anymore and don’t want to hear about. Not saying my situation is the healthiest in the world but that is how I am feeling these days. on 03 Sep 2023 12:54 collapse

Ah, ok makes a ton of sense. Thanks for the response. on 03 Sep 2023 06:36 next collapse

To add an additional perspective, it’s not that I dislike these people, some of them I love, but my time has so many asks as it is, and I just cannot maintain active relationships with that many people who have no other impact on my daily life. There are a few I would make time for when the opportunity comes around, but I can’t keep sustained things going with more than a few people. I say can’t, but what I mean is that I prefer to spend the vast majority of my time with my wife and kids, and I will use just about any amount of time that I can spare for parents, siblings, and their kids. I have a few friends who fit into the same group as the family. After that, it’s occasional messages, Christmas cards, and the rare visit/meet up. If you are there for the good, you should be prepared to be there for the bad, in my opinion. I cannot offer that to too many people beyond immediate family. Also, I certainly don’t have the money to support some of those folks through their rough patches, and saying “no” to people you care about sucks. on 03 Sep 2023 12:50 collapse

Interesting, thanks for the response. Robin Dunbar is a psychologist and anthropologist who studies friendship. His claim to fame is ‘Dunbar’s Number’ which is a general statement of how many friends a person can have. It varies from person to person and is influenced by one’s environment, age, beliefs, etc.

He has a way of expressing how relationships manifest themselves based in closeness, I have an <img alt="image" src=""> here.

This seems to map to what you’re saying. Another thing he said was that the more close friends you have, the less acquaintances you’ll have, and vice versa. There are limits to the number of people you interact with and it can be seen as a sort of hierarchy.

I wanted to ask to get a better understanding: Why do you prefer more time with your kids and wife? Is the idea that your time is better spent to positively affect them and yourself (i.e. enjoying your time with family) and it’s better to ‘put your eggs in one basket’ so to speak? That there is an investment required to have some kind of benefit to make it worthwhile to spend time with others and with family there is a predictable outcome? Do you ever actively engage in criteria to evaluate the methods, reasons, or heuristics you use to determine who to spend time with or who to allocate resources to?

My notion is more investment is given to those who we are closer to due to some perceived positive effect but those heuristics are only ever rules of thumb and wholly influenced by reasons outside of our control. The conclusion is made and then we work backwards to find justification.

I have a friend who spends every weekend with their family, in the infrequent times we do see one another they complain about their parent’s misunderstanding and causing them distress. Rightfully so, as their parents are a bit old-fashioned to say the least. What confused me was, this is a bit machiavellian, they have already seemingly reaped many of the benefits from engaging with their parents and they may be better suited to distributing their time intentionally so as to have a better outcome for themselves and even their parents who are a bit reliant on them and whose ways are set-in further as the friend plays their part in the pattern. They are acclimatized to their environment (with their parents) and the extent that they can predictably or intentionally cause meaningful improvements or positive outcomes is set.

I always thought it would make sense to continually test alternative strategies because at any point one can become ‘comfortable’ at a given local minima or maxima more or less arresting any further development or change. The violent refusal when the topic is broached, and the absolute certainty to which they claimed their current method was superior caught me off-guard and made me confused. on 03 Sep 2023 14:18 collapse

Very interesting! Thanks for that Robin Dunbar info! on 03 Sep 2023 14:39 collapse

Of course! Here’s is a link I have more resources as well if you’d like.

A quote from another article I have saved:

According to John Cacioppo, a social neuroscientist who specialized in the study of loneliness (he died in 2018), humans would have evolved a built-in bias against easily making friends because avoiding an enemy would have been more important than making a friend. “If I make an error and detect a person as a foe who turns out to be a friend, that’s O.K., I don’t make the friend as fast, but I survive,” Dr. Capiocco said in a 2017 interview in The Atlantic. “But if I mistakenly detect someone as a friend when they’re a foe, that can cost me my life. Over evolution, we’ve been shaped to have this bias.”

A link for the second article here on 05 Sep 2023 13:37 collapse

There are people I liked a lot in earlier stages of my life, that I no longer have the desire to talk to not due to anything they did, but just them being from a period in my life I’d rather forget or move on from. In some cases it might be people whose main shared interested with me was what we did for work, which I no longer do. on 05 Sep 2023 13:48 collapse

I hear you. I always found it to be very unfortunate :/

[deleted] on 03 Sep 2023 00:56 next collapse

. on 03 Sep 2023 04:15 next collapse

Group chats were for sharing before social media. It just out lasted them. on 03 Sep 2023 15:51 collapse

I’m pretty big into the mechanical watch community. Insta used to be popular in that community, but the best content and discussion has long since moved off “social media” and into various private Slack and WhatsApp groups.

I’ve heard of a similar movement in other hobbyist/enthusiast communities.

For people I actually know IRL, it’s virtually all WhatsApp. on 04 Sep 2023 05:19 collapse

Too bad whatapp spies on you just as much. For whole communities to be in private chats seems rather counter productive for new people to find it. on 05 Sep 2023 00:59 collapse

Agreed on spying, though I don’t think it’s any worse than posting on public sites.

The new people concern cuts both ways. Yes, it’s moderately harder for brand new folks to learn about them and gain access. But it’s far from impossible, and the additional hurdle or effort tends to substantially cut down on trolls, spammers, etc. on 03 Sep 2023 03:51 next collapse

No one’s posting on BeReal

Nobody has heard of BeReal on 03 Sep 2023 15:02 collapse

BeReal is pretty popular with a lot of the people I know- you might not be in the right social circles who know about it on 03 Sep 2023 15:18 next collapse

I’ve been enjoying using Signal for “social media”. I can share things with my friends without being subjected to ads or having my data mined.

There’s also a promising Alpha app called Circles from Futo that uses Matrix to do something similar.

Every popular social media wants to maintain complete control and just shove content down your throat, rather than allow you to curate your feed at all. Even subscription-based ones like Strava give you absolutely no control over what’s in your feed. on 03 Sep 2023 19:04 collapse

Speaking of Circles, remember Google+ Circles? on 03 Sep 2023 20:35 next collapse

Yep, one of Google’s many graveyard projects on 05 Sep 2023 04:25 collapse

Ah, Google+! The fast follow up to Google Buzz. Guaranteed to turn the Social Media space on its head. on 03 Sep 2023 15:29 next collapse

Don’t mourn social media. It was always too easily astro-turfed. on 03 Sep 2023 15:47 next collapse

We’ve run a private chat server for friends 10+ years now with channels and that’s where most sharing goes on, whatsapp chats with some, and I’ve basically moved to Discord for other interests and still use forums for some. Public social media is more for profile curation, displaying a highly curated identity. on 03 Sep 2023 18:05 next collapse

Good. Let it die. on 03 Sep 2023 18:24 next collapse

Twitter’s so annoying, they constantly show me the same ads. Was it different before Musk? on 03 Sep 2023 18:40 next collapse

I heard it used to have very solid ad management options. It was good for business too, as direct feedback/curation = more appropriate ads = more valuable ads. But i guess as algorithm shit and data harvesting “automated” the process it went downhill, and advertisers fleeing twitter post $8 checkmark was the coup de grace on 03 Sep 2023 18:50 next collapse

The ads went out of control in like 2019 when the post 2015 social media boom started to cool. One of the knockoff effects of 2020 pandemic is it artificially extended the life of social media companies for like 2 years.

The funniest part of the musk buyout of twitter is the company would probably be doing very similar bullshit if he didnt buy them out, probably in a slightly more savvy way, but they’d still be dripping money. on 03 Sep 2023 20:47 collapse

Dunno, quit after Musk took over so no idea what it’s like now or why you’d stay on it. on 03 Sep 2023 18:35 next collapse

Social media was fun until my family joined and scrutinized my posts, and then I lost all my friends on 03 Sep 2023 20:04 next collapse

Hopefully interest in forums starts to pick up again. Not be the main thing, but at least an alternative. on 03 Sep 2023 20:08 next collapse

Take me back to MSN Messenger. on 03 Sep 2023 20:46 collapse




hey u there on 08 Oct 2023 13:50 collapse

tiktok copied be real with tiktok now