Users Once Again Annoyed As Netflix Once Again Raises Prices (
from to on 23 Jan 14:40

from the pay-more-for-less! dept


threaded - newest on 23 Jan 14:44 next collapse

They keep raising the prices but what arr you gonna do?

[deleted] on 23 Jan 15:24 next collapse

. on 23 Jan 15:24 next collapse

Not pay for their service. Pretty simple. If only there was a way to watch their shows without doing so. on 23 Jan 17:19 collapse

There arr ways you can sea them. on 23 Jan 17:21 collapse

Stick it to the man. on 23 Jan 18:50 collapse

Or stick it in the man, that’d work too. on 23 Jan 20:32 collapse

(͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖) on 23 Jan 15:37 next collapse

Eheheh, sneaky. on 23 Jan 16:07 next collapse

Oh, I might post a snarky comment. I dropped Netflix a while ago. on 24 Jan 01:03 collapse

<img alt="" src="">

Alt: Winnie the Pooh in a treasure chest full of his favorite pirate booty on 23 Jan 15:12 next collapse

I dropped them almost a year ago and have been buying blu-rays with the money instead. No regrets on 23 Jan 15:39 next collapse

As someone nostalgic for DVD extras I might start doing that.

I found an audio track on an… acquired copy of Star Trek: TMP with the Okudas and it got me to watch the whole thing twice in a row. on 23 Jan 15:57 collapse

The sad reality is that the quality of modern BluRay releases has significantly declined. Sure the picture looks great, but they barely come with special features anymore. Also, the QA is atrocious. I buy a lot of UHD BluRays and ~30% of them come corrupted/damaged out of the box.

I really want physical media to become popular again so companies start actually putting in effort.

EDIT: I still love physical media. It’s pretty much the only way to own a copy of media anymore. I just wish it was as beloved as the DVD days. on 23 Jan 15:42 next collapse

cut one layer of the parasitic middlemen out of the loop. 👍

the corporate noose is tightening on everyone; the rope will either fray and snap on drop or simply break our necks. I am sickened by the short-term likely outcome, because so few people are pulling out the knives and cutting at their tethers. on 23 Jan 15:58 collapse

cut one layer of the parasitic middlemen out of the loop. 👍

Amen! on 23 Jan 17:44 next collapse

If anyone knows of a player I can vertically mount to the wall let me know and I’ll buy it today. I see that kind of thing for CDs. It’s still just a spinning disc!

[deleted] on 23 Jan 18:18 collapse

. on 23 Jan 18:10 collapse

Just read few posts above that Blue ray is done with Sony shutting down last factory for drives. I guess it’s time to stock drives 🤷‍♂️ on 24 Jan 00:36 collapse

Sony is done. Other companies still make them. on 23 Jan 15:59 next collapse

Deny the parasite profit! on 23 Jan 16:33 next collapse

Can’t raise the subscription from 0.

I refuse to pay money for this, as the service continues to get worse, but the prices continue getting higher. They can blame it on data and hardware being more expensive, but that’s not our problem to solve on 23 Jan 16:42 next collapse

! exists on 23 Jan 16:49 next collapse

Users annoyed; do nothing. on 23 Jan 18:09 collapse

Netflix users that subscribe year-round at this point either have lots of extra income, or very little going on upstairs. on 23 Jan 17:20 next collapse

As long as they’re paying, they’re not annoyed enough. 🕳 on 23 Jan 17:48 next collapse

🏴‍☠️ on 23 Jan 18:19 next collapse

Seems like the air smells quite… nautical. on 23 Jan 18:28 next collapse

Download, me hardies yo ho!!! on 23 Jan 18:37 next collapse

Netflix has stopped being a product I am interested in a long time ago.

When they started out, they had a lot of stuff. These days, you’ll have to subscribe to 5 or 6 services to watch a lot. And every service makes their own shitty shows to attract more customers. And 99% of them suck, with the occasional succes.

Right now, Netflix is too expensive for what they offer. But clearly they think they can get away with raising proces, so I guess most people think it is worth it or simply don’t care. on 23 Jan 19:35 next collapse

I honestly don’t understand the visceral anger aimed at any business with a non-essential product offering.

It’s as if the individual complaining should be diagnosed with a variant of consumerism.

If you don’t like the pricing of a non-essential product, don’t buy it. But if you still desire said product to such an extreme that you pirate it, recognize your shortcomings.

This discussion would be wholly different if we were discussing healthcare, food, or any other necessity.

So, if you’re having an emotional reaction to a Netflix price increase, maybe you should get outside and touch some grass? on 23 Jan 21:11 next collapse

Yeah I really don’t know what a fair price for streaming is. They can charge what they want and I’ll pay if I think it’s worth it.

My current pattern is to keep one or two streaming services at a time and when I run out of shows I drop one and add a different one.

People are disappointed though that the service used to be a much better value. It’s like most things that start out good and become “enshittified” as the service provider tries to extract more and more profit. on 23 Jan 21:12 collapse

TLDR: To make a long story short, Netflix used to be the crown jewel that had everything. Now they arguably have a much worse catalog, for a higher price, on a platform you can’t have your family members share because they live in another household.

I definitely see your point but I can also sympathize with the other point. The way I see it, the market is saturated with streaming services that all get, I assume, licenses to show different shows/movies.

Because of this, consumers are spreading their spending between platforms to potentially watch only specific shows. I would guess that most people really only have a few movies/shows they actually want to watch. The rest being filler.

As an example, maybe people bought paramount+ for Yellowstone. Sure maybe SpongeBob or others that they have, but compared to their entire offering, that’s only a few. Maybe that 10-15 dollars a month makes it worth it but when you keep raising it and offer worse items or cancel actually good shows while keeping alive shitty ones because they’re trending (subjective, I know) then that’s where the anger can stem from I think. on 23 Jan 19:39 next collapse

Avast, ye mateys!

Netflix selection is crap anyway! on 23 Jan 23:13 next collapse

This is the only real tenable choice. on 24 Jan 00:51 collapse on 23 Jan 21:15 next collapse

I replaced netflix with Stremio + torrentio + realdebrid and couldn’t be happier. 90% stuff on netflix is crap anyways on 23 Jan 23:55 collapse

RealDebrid is going to shut down their API, FYI. I’d check out TorBox.

I’s a great way to download Linux ISOs. on 24 Jan 00:50 next collapse

🎶🎵I’m sailing away, set an open course for the Virgin Sea…🎵🎶 on 24 Jan 00:55 collapse

Netflix did also recently remove pro palestine documentaries so one more reason to let them go