Oh come off it mate. It’s not hard to see where the US has lead the charge in topics such as LGBT+ rights or racial equality, and it wasn’t from Asia or Europe let me tell you that much.
They may have a shit ton of flaws, and have a large part actively trying to undo all their work, but they have still done so much positive.
Look at the timeline for marriage equality for instance, they were right up there with the first wave leading the global surge. That doesn’t happen if you’re full of hatred for them.
They’re a dichotomy of amazing social progressivism and brutal conservatism.
on 17 Jan 20:32
I didn’t say there were no positives from America did I? I didn’t rank where America stands in how progressive or conservative America is.
I said America is full of hatred towards Minorities with no comparison to another place.
I am not wrong. There is too much of it.
So “come off” what exactly?
on 17 Jan 20:40
Decep is right.
Not from America. America is full of hatred towards minorities.
You’re basically implying the bad outweighs the good to the point that it won’t give them any ideas.
The bad may be very amplified now, but I think the TikTok crowd in particular and US history skews towards “majority good”
on 17 Jan 20:46
I didn’t imply that. Stating that there is too much hatred of minorities doesn’t mean that America fails at everything. That is a stretch. Me pointing out that America has a lot of hatred towards minorities isn’t a reflection of everything America does as a whole is inherently bad.
I didn’t say that America can’t have a good influence on another country. America isn’t one to look to especially now for how minorities are treated.
I said America is full of hatred towards Minorities with no comparison to another place. I am not wrong.
But you are wrong. The US doesn’t hate its minorities in general. The US hates the poor in specific.
Gay billionaire
Black billionaire
Hispanic billionaire
Muslim billionaire
Female billionaire
The same goes if you replace “billionaire” with “poor”. If you are rich, you are welcome. That’s your only qualifier. If you are poor, you are trash. That is your only qualifier.
on 17 Jan 21:07
When I say America I mean the people of America. There are large numbers of folks, regardless of why they do, hate minorities.
I didn’t say the wealthy “elite” weren’t the cause of a lot of the divide. They absolutely are. No such thing as an ethical billionaire.
I’m not disagreeing with you on the fact that your financial status isn’t what really separates us. What I am saying is there is still too much hate towards minorities. That doesn’t change that the wealthy are a problem.
You’re taking two separate ideas and merging them into one “truth.”
They ate two separate topics. Just because the wealthy are guilty of the bad they are doing doesn’t take away the fact that there is too much hate towards minorities in America from the people that live here.
on 17 Jan 22:33
I don’t think that’s entirely true and Thiel will learn that lesson sooner or later. Arguably already has as he was rumored to have been pissed about all the anti-trans rhetoric and throttled spending, which is why Elon had to step up and shell out.
Now Musk is in the driver seat with a grudge he hasn’t paid back from PayPal and Thiel’s in danger of finding out after fucking around.
And isn’t your country actively trying to work back any progress you’ve had in the last decade? Trans rights, queer rights, women’s rights, minority rights.
Canada is falling down the same hill when it comes to trans rights, and it hurts me, but I’m not out here saying that Canada is any sort of leader in the field. I recognise the issues my country has and I’m going to fight to fix them.
Knock off the American exceptionalism for one second and deal with the problems your country has
And you’re a fucking idiot if you don’t think Canada is not one of the best places in the world for rights. Go take a holiday to 90% of the world and let me know how they treat women or queers.
Didn’t realise you weren’t American, sorry for assuming. Admittedly I’m very jaded right now (and a bit drunk) with all the threats of invasion and with Americans either laughing it off or being all for it (and I recognise that’s not all Americans but it’s enough). Like, “haha, Canada will turn the USA blue!”
And fine, yeah Canada is pretty up there for LGBT rights, but when one of the main platform points (imported from the USA!) from the Conservatives right now seems to be just straight up attacking trans people, it makes me pretty worried. I have multiple family members and a few friends who are trans or non binary and the rhetoric is scary.
But TL;DR, not angry at you, just America(ns). I apologise to the good Americans, but your country is exporting a lot of bullshit right now. More than usual
Mexico had their first black president in 1829 and abolished slavery. The US was a century too late to lead such a thing. Your comment reeks of western chauvinism.
And who said anything about the first black president or abolishing slavery? Mexico didn’t give women the right to vote until 50 years after we did here in Australia, does that mean you reek as well? What an odd stand to try and make.
Lmao, way to go, I’m not even Mexican. You said the US was leading the charge and included racism, that’s a silly statement, so I pointed out the absurdity of it.
Mexico is culturally western, but not white, ergo, not politically western. And Australia, you’re British diaspora from a country constantly attacking the aboriginals through even their votes. While Mexico can be lacking, they’re the ones with a female president and abortion rights, so again, the americans leading the charge is a humorous statement.
You singled it out. Which was incorrect. Hatred of minorities is common in every culture on every continent of the Earth. It’s a basic human nature thing. And America isn’t special in that respect. Hell when you get into large monocultures like China Etc the racism and hatred of minorities gets even more extreme and specific. In fact a lot of those hatreds have been imported from all over. The Koreans hatred of the japanese. The Japanese is hatred of the Chinese and vice versa. Various Indian sects hatred of each other. And the colorful bigotry of Europe and the Mediterranean. But one thing it is also produced here in America that is a little less common than elsewhere. Are people that actually are much more tolerant and supportive of minorities. Unfortunately they’re not the ones in control but they do exist.
on 17 Jan 21:26
Singling out a problem that exists in a country I am very familiar with is a non problem. I didn’t state it was special to America. I didn’t speak on any other nation and their hatred of minorities. I didn’t even state anything about it being part of “human nature.”
I spoke on being familiar with the fact that it is a problem in America.
Imo it’s more sad than hilarious. US users and Chinese users meeting each other on the platform and discovering they are interesting people who actually have a lot in common sounds like what I’d wish the internet to be.
It’s not surprising, and I get the irony, but I feel more sad than amused.
on 18 Jan 16:13
You know, the news about Chinese and American users comparing their worldviews seemed weird to me because it reads like this is the first time Chinese and American users have interacted and had the chance to talk “candidly”.
My first thought was, “Why the fuck is this news? It’s not like Chinese users can’t interact on American platfor—”
They have Douyin (it’s a carbon copy of tiktok). Rednote released a public statement welcoming US users, no evidence that what this article implies is being considered at all. The evidence is a reddit post. You are responding in agreement to a propaganda rag.
on 18 Jan 13:36
They blocked the TikTok domain in China. What would you call that, if not a ban?
You are naive if you believe they aren’t going to sever the communities. That was always going to happen.
They are different like McDonald’s and Burger King.
While similar, Douyin is only available for people in China and it’s heavenly censored and have a lot propaganda from Chinese government.
on 19 Jan 18:08
on 18 Jan 15:13
I had a few dates with an asian woman in the US who called herself only half-sarcastically a “Twinkie,” which the Internet told me was yellow on the outside and white on the inside. I laughed to be polite not knowing what she meant, but when I learned it made me feel racist by proxy.
on 18 Jan 17:01
Maybe she meant cream filled?
on 18 Jan 17:15
what if that was her trying to hint at what she wanted, and they completely missed it
on 18 Jan 16:19
on 17 Jan 20:23
I tried to challenge some ideas in World News and I guess asking questions about Chinese censorship is xenophobic. Now I’m banned for not being pro Chinese censorship.
on 17 Jan 20:33
There’s your problem. If they stated their rules, rather than forcing people to figure them out by trial and error, I’d have less of an issue with it. Like, lemmygrad is explicit in its intent and they state it outright in their rules. Lemmy.ml plays it too coy, and so comes off as incredibly manipulative.
on 17 Jan 21:02
You just broke the secret law!
Typical fascist behavior.
on 18 Jan 07:44
Sounds very You have been banned from /r/Pyongyang
on 17 Jan 20:51
whats that about “curry smell” and “they discovered deodorant”?
on 17 Jan 21:33
Not sure.
on 17 Jan 22:26
I wouldn’t take it seriously, they gave me a month long instance ban for saying a federal representative democracy is by definition a type of democracy.
Is it? Do you think the US was founded as a democracy?
on 18 Jan 01:43
God, shut up nerd, like your red fascist bullshit and their one party elections were or are better. Do you want to hear that it’s a flawed system? It is. All states are and should be abolished.
Still a type of democracy, and still more democratic than anything Russia or China have ever managed.
The United States was founded as a white supremacist settler-colony. This shit is the same as calling Israel a democracy.
How come the US can be “flawed” but China is “red fascist”? The US is white fascist. You want to talk about fascism? The US’s prison population is higher than either the USSR was or China is, and under Trump it’s going to get worse! Where’s the democracy for the millions of undocumented workers that the US relies on to run its economy, that the US is gearing up to round up by the millions into prison camps? Where’s their democracy? Where’s the democracy for the hundreds of thousands of child brides and child laborers all across the US? Half a million children pick almost a quarter of the food currently produced in the United States. They pay taxes, are forced to give birth, but they can’t vote.
Trump didn’t even get 50% of the vote, and now he’s in charge of everything. “Democracy”
We have to accept that the US is not democratic; it’s reformed fascism, and those reforms are in danger right now. If you ever want the US to be a democracy you need to recognize this and protect the democratic reforms we have.
Uhhh yeah. The Constitution establishes a federal democratic republic form of government. That is, we have an indivisible union of 50 sovereign States. It is a democracy because people govern themselves. It is representative because people choose elected officials by free and secret ballot.
It’s democracy when only white men are allowed to choose representatives? What?
It’s settler-colonialism. Fascism. Where was the democracy for the Natives? Or the slaves? The original system has had many democratic reforms, but denying its roots as fundamentally undemocratic is historical revisionism and blinds you to the US’s flaws. You’ll never fix this country’s problems if you can’t even recognize this.
It can always be worse! How come you can acknowledge that it’s shit, but you can’t acknowledge that it’s fundamentally undemocratic? Where’s the disconnect here? The US was not founded as a democracy, it was founded as a white supremacist settler-colony. Today it’s had many democratic reforms, and that’s good! But we have to acknowledge these root problems.
Has it had enough reforms to be called a democracy? Trump got less than 50% of the vote and he’s been elected twice!
As a Brit, this all seems unhelpful. The only reason anyone cares how the US was “founded” hundreds of years ago is that they were a bit closer to having the right idea at the start than most countries. Doesn’t mean they did of course, but compare to how the UK was “founded”, or Greece, “the birthplace of democracy”, and suddenly it really doesn’t matter.
As for whether it is currently a democracy, a flawed democracy is still a democracy. Trumps a terrible choice but he did get a lot of votes by ordinary people, and whilst their system is skewed by being a shitty fptp setup (just like the UK sadly) and their crazy elector system, it is nonetheless fairly democratic, in the sense that most people can vote, they didn’t pressure or threaten voters much, they didn’t fake lots of votes, and the flaws can only influence and skew the result to some extent, rather than being the deciding factor.
But it isn’t the best democracy in the world, we can all agree on that. I hope they manage to replace it in our lifetimes with something that would allow for more than 2 parties (UK too).
He got a lot of votes, but he didn’t actually get the majority. He got a plurality.
fairly democratic, in the sense that most people can vote, they didn’t pressure or threaten voters much, they didn’t fake lots of votes, and the flaws can only influence and skew the result to some extent, rather than being the deciding factor.
Unless all people can vote it isn’t a democracy. It totally reverses the power dynamic of democracy - rather than the People choosing their leaders, the leaders choose who gets to be of the People. It’s completely backwards! As long as the enduring legacy of settler-colonialism can choose who is allowed to vote there will be no democracy.
The way electoral districts are drawn, the way voters get purged or have to go through hoops to get registered, the way people can have their right to vote taken away, the way noncitizens and disenfranchised citizens in federal prisons are counted by the census for the purpose of allotting representatives, the efforts to keep voter participation as low as possible, it’s all rigged to produce undemocratic results.
It’s useful for us to recognize that this isn’t democracy. Not yet.
Strongly disagree.
Yes, all the problems you listed weaken a democracy. Some by a lot.
But that’s “no true Scotsman” logic, and dangerous.
Better to apply fuzzy logic than Boolean logic, countries are not perfect democracies or non democracies. They are on a sliding scale, and there’s not much point making a scale that is so idealistic that no existing country can get on the scale (or where only the best few can).
You can claim the US and UK are weak democracies, that’s justifiable if you define why (and you have, I see your point there). But calling them non democracies is just willfully twisting the meaning of words, in fact they’re unusually good democracies by some measures (both have unusually free and trustworthy elections compared to most in the world, and that has to be taken into account).
Or to put it another way, any scale needs space at the bottom.
Imagine an alternative USA where every single state was gerrymandered to hell by whoever won, where electors were routinely bribed by opposition parties to vote against their states results, where people were bullied at the polls or where minorities were entirely disenfranchised. That would be a worse place than our USA, but by your definition both would be the same. Clearly they are not the same, that one is a worse democracy. By my definition that hypothetical and awful democracy is still a democracy, just a very very bad one.
Imagine an alternative USA where every single state was gerrymandered to hell by whoever won, where electors were routinely bribed by opposition parties to vote against their states results, where people were bullied at the polls or where minorities were entirely disenfranchised. That would be a worse place than our USA, but by your definition both would be the same.
Okay. Now imagine an alternative USA where only a small selection of royal families are allowed to vote and electors are aristocrats chosen by birth and court intrigue. By your definition this hypothetical is also a democracy, even if it’s an awful very very bad one. You have nuanced away the meaning of the word entirely.
Yes, great example. That would indeed be stretching the definition to breaking point. The fuzzy logic approach would be that you’ve described a 99% monarchy with 1% democracy.
Personally I’d put the US as a 60% democracy with a 40% oligopoly. The UK is similar since on the one hand we have more than 2 parties and are slightly better at avoiding gerrymandering and voter suppression, but on the other hand we have the silly rules for the House of Lords, and weaker freedom of speech (I don’t mind the theory of banning violent extremist speech, but I don’t like the application we’ve got at the moment, it prevents too much speech that isn’t unreasonable, free speech would be better).
Based on what you’ve said, I’m
Sure you’d put it lower, but I don’t think you can justify putting 1% when it’s so easy to find worse countries even in the real world, that are still on the democracy spectrum.
Why are you applying this fuzzy logic to democracy when democracy, itself, does not? If one candidate gets 49% of the vote and the other gets 51% of the vote then the candidate with the most votes wins. Nothing fuzzy about it. If we apply liberal democracy’s logic to itself then a country that isn’t at least 50% democratic can not be called a democracy.
Because democracy is not the best way to solve every problem.
The messy job of squeezing entire countries into a handful of words is fraught enough without throwing away up to half of the information.
As a more amusing answer: Dictatorships throw away 99.9% of the opinions, so should we let one arsehole decide which countries are called a dictatorship?
I only said to apply the logic of liberal democracy to itself, not to apply it to all countries.
I think your insistence on using a fuzzy spectrum to define concrete terms results in words not meaning anything at all. The
“99% monarchy 1% democracy” gets to call itself a democracy by your fuzzy logic because it has democratic elements. That’s clearly not a good heuristic. There must be a point where the antidemocratic elements in a society disqualify it from being a democracy.
Everyone can always call themselves whatever they want. But fear that people might use a kernel of truth to sell a lie isn’t a good reason to throw away even a tiny part of the truth.
No, but I will acknowledge where some democratic elements exist within even the DPRK, though they’re very thin and weak.
There are other forms of government that are a better match for describing the DPRK. One party dictatorship, for example.
If you want to apply the same logic to the US, calling it simply an oligarchy rings hollow, though there’s a stronger argument than DPRK+democracy I’ll admit.
It’s a democracy with flaws, but those flaws are smaller than the democratic elements they weaken, so it still gets to be called a democracy.
If you want to be technical a true democracy is mathematically impossible. Also Donald won the popular vote this time. Don’t waste 4 years of your life chasing conspiracy theories like the right has and clinging to a fantasy that the loser actually won. I wish things were different but that’s how it went.
In a race with more than 2 people it shouldn’t be uncommon to have less than 50% of the overall vote and still win. I don’t understand the point you’re trying to make. In this race he got the most votes compared to the other candidates.
Many countries use variations of runoff voting, where if no candidate gets a majority then the top two candidates move on to a second round and the other candidates are eliminated. This is actually the most popular way to run elections worldwide.
Roughly 50.1% but that’s still assuming none of these people would’ve switched to trump and this is how US elections work. Based on how things work Donald won the popular vote with less than 50%. I’m not saying it’s the best way but it’s also not like we suddenly switched up the rules. I assure you that I’m just as mad as you are about the system we have but when I look around no one honestly wants to do anything but complain about the way things are instead of being the change they expect to see. A president isn’t going to fix our problems. If people cared more about taking back the power and less about consuming we might see some real change. The only thing that matters in this country is money and despite all the complaints we just can’t seem to stop giving the ass holes running the show more of our money in one form or another.
Roughly 50.1% but that’s still assuming none of these people would’ve switched to trump
That’s not assuming none switched to Trump, merely that most switched to Harris. I think having such a close runoff race would also be likely to change how people voted more broadly. Turnout would be through the roof if everyone felt like their one vote would be the one that swung the election. It’s really hard to say what the results would have been.
And we’ll never know because this shithole country doesn’t do runoff elections.
and this is how US elections work
Yes, and it’s bad. I’m saying the way US elections work is undemocratic. They are designed from the ground-up to favor the ruling class and suppress the will of the People. They are meant to be undemocratic. This was all intentional.
Those sound like comments on a different topic, specifically the story about Paris’ improvements in air quality lately (because they built bike infrastructure and partially banned cars). I had to remove nearly identical comments in the !fuckcars@lemmy.world thread on it, for the same reason.
To be fair, there are plenty of critical content. It’s just that they use coded language to avoid the censorship. (Probably not on XHS / RedNote though? It’s more of a Facebook equivalent.)
on 17 Jan 20:23
Why? Isn’t that as racist as the us banning TikTok in the first place?
I smell a double standard from the red and yellow country again.
on 19 Jan 04:04
This isn’t even real read the article the source is “some guy on reddit speculates” and that’s not even a joke it’s embarrasing
To bad they didn’t hear about Loops. I don’t use this stuff so I have no idea if it’s good or not, but it’s not Chinese or collecting your data so it would be worth a try. Although if 400k users flooded it I have serious doubts they could scale to meet a demand like that.
on 17 Jan 21:09
The scalability is my concern too. It took me like 8 days after I signed up before I got my login to Loops.
Not sure why we’re all excited for the next centralized platform. We should be rolling up our sleeves and figuring out ways to implement decentralized protocols so anyone can their platform.
It amazes me how people apparently can’t live without watching shitty videos all the time… Oh, well.
on 17 Jan 21:48
I feel exactly the same way. It’s like they can’t imagine a world without it. When it’s banned they’ll have to fill their time just staring at the wall.
on 18 Jan 03:40
It would be great if they switched to Zen Buddhism a few hours a day though.
People don’t value things that take time or effort anymore. All they want is their instant-gratification to forget about their shitty lives a little bit longer. Short-form video and posts provide this for them.
It’s all according to plan to keep people apathetic until the day they die. That way, they never fight back against the people pulling their strings.
on 18 Jan 00:06
Rednote with multiple SIMULTANEOUS video feeds sounds like a whole new level of brain rot
I find takes like this unfortunate. I learned SO much on TikTok. Accounts like gatenerd, jerrythink, kellyscleankitchen, softpourn, publicopinion, hankgreen, alexisanddean, thelawsayswhat, kylascan, and countless interior designers, architects, chefs, and all the others I can’t recall.
There is no other platform like TikTok where you can get drawn in not just in minutes watched, but in knowledge gained. Wish you shared my experience.
Honestly, there isn’t another platform that isn’t a step down. The algorithm that drives the For You Page is leaps and bounds ahead of Instagram and YouTube.
The best analogy I can give is if Linux was banned for personal use in the US. Sure, you could use Windows or macOS; the later is even Unix based! However, it would be a downgrade for Linux users. Even something like FreeBSD wouldn’t be a seemless transition, and the communities that were built would take time to recover.
Eh. Most of these people are already wealthy from their parents and were just using their wealth to make more wealth by showcasing how wealthy they are to those who will never be wealthy.
Living vicariously is a plague. I think less of anyone who does it.
Go for it. I have my doubts that there is really any mass migration of English language users to an all Chinese website to begin with. The whole thing feels like a propaganda campaign.
on 18 Jan 02:35
Idk, I went on there earlier and watched some of the live interactions, there does seem to be a large amount of English speaking people who are messaging the live creators and the creators are responding in their best possible English.
It’s actually quite nice to see two different cultures coming together.
But I’m sure that if they wall off the rest of China to the US users the app will lose its shine and people will move on somewhere else.
They’re gonna build a firewall, and the US is gonna pay for it!
on 17 Jan 21:56
RedNote’s Chinese name, Xiaohongshu, literally translates to “Little Red Book,” which seems like a direct reference to a book of quotes from Chinese communist leader Mao Tse-tung. But The Washington Post reported that the app is designed to be apolitical and its co-founder, Mao, maintains that the name instead pays “homage to the colors of his college,” Stanford Business School, and his former employer, Bain Capital.
on 17 Jan 22:29
“Homage to the fact that they’re going get what’s coming”
A wee quote from the author of the original little red book …: “the two slogans – let a hundred flowers blossom and let a hundred schools of thought contend – have no class character; the proletariat can turn them to account, and so can the bourgeoisie or others. Different classes, strata and social groups each have their own views on what are fragrant flowers and what are poisonous weeds”.
Seemed a good idea at the time (1957?), remember how that trick evolved thereafter …?
on 18 Jan 01:23
Even international spy networks are worried about American kids.
on 18 Jan 16:49
There has been no official announcement that such a change is coming, but Reddit commenters speculated that possibly the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was requiring a change to stop American TikTokers from using the app to influence Chinese citizens.
Ah, that trustworthy and unbiased group of China experts that are Redditors
Two sentences before this they were explaining quite clearly why chinese users might actually be bothered by the flood of american users and why they might want the ability to filter by IP region, but because some redditors speculated that the SeeSeePee doesn’t want the Americans to spread their freedom-loving germs to their country then that must be why they’d do it, if that rumor were to be proven true
Wait - so this is the CCP directly censoring a whole worldview from its citizens.
But I was told on several lemmy threads that the CCP lets their users consume any content, and all the censorship is American propaganda to make the great leader look bad.
on 18 Jan 17:56
This is some redditors speculating being turned into a news article…
The source of this article is “Some Reddit users have speculated” which is like the polar opposite of evidence soooooo try again.
There has been no official announcement that such a change is coming, but Reddit commenters speculated that possibly the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was requiring a change to stop American TikTokers from using the app to influence Chinese citizens.
No, this is not the CCP directly censoring a whole worldview from its citizens, this is the CCP directly allowing its citizens to see that worldview while some random author speculates based on nothing but rumors and hearsay that they might change that policy in the future.
But who needs to read past the title if it aligns with your presumptions?
But I was told on several lemmy threads that the CCP lets their users consume any content, and all the censorship is American propaganda to make the great leader look bad.
Who is telling you that? I’m not seeing lemmy posts ignoring the great firewall.
Tom cotton already made threats about banning rednote as well 😂
on 18 Jan 18:43
Most of my lab mates are Chinese and I joined WeChat because it was what they all used. Everything was fine except my account kept getting banned for no reason. I had assumed it might be because I accidentally turned on a VPN, but ultimately I concluded it was because they didn’t want the intermingling of Chinese and American accounts, which was literally the only reason I was there in the first place.
They have (or had) a system for reactivation that involved endorsement from another account. IIRC it was QR code based, so one of my friends would scan my reactivation QR code and a few verification texts later I’d have my account back. The last time I was banned, it was after I hearted one of my friend’s posts about his graduation.
Ashley Belanger May Be Embezzling Money From Ars Technica
Just a few days after writing an article on Ars Technica about the possibility of foreign users on RedNote being walled off from Chinese users, rumors began swirling on Lemmy that she may soon decide to defraud her employer by transferring company money into her personal bank account.
on 18 Jan 19:32
I mean they added a translate button in the last day or two, so I infer that at least the people running the site are OK with encouraging the sudden American popularity.
Obviously take this with a grain of salt but a spokesperson of China already said they approve of this cultural exchange.
Remember Rednote is approved by the CCP so there was already propaganda on the app and they are using this time to piss off Americans about some of our poor policy choices. Obviously there is not much negative stuff of China on the app.
That’s because all politics are banned in the app, including us politics. You can talk about your life but not policies or politicians or the various parties in the CCP.
It’s a cultural exchange, not a soapbox for your shitty propaganda.
on 18 Jan 21:46
So, I cannot inform the Chinese about Mao murdering over 70 million people who disagreed with him and his CCP thugs. What about the Tiananmen Square massacre?
People get apprehensive about that on some instances, but i totally agree with u. Alot of ccp defenders r like “BUBUT US GOVRMENT BAD TOO aarhrhh!!!” Like bro we get it its pretty much confirmed they were doing freay deaky shit with mk utlra and tons of other sus shit but that dont make ur ccp overlords “the good guys”
on 18 Jan 23:15
“don’t be racist!”
CCP apologists/propagandists
on 19 Jan 03:57
Try it and report back, that would actually answer the question.
on 19 Jan 10:37
You’re exactly the type of person that needs to talk to a Chinese person once in your life. Youve been brainwashed, you poor little thing. When you grow up you’ll realize your textbooks went through a propaganda review council.
Wechat will always be allowed overseas and is the main method of communication, but the account creation process is of course a little more detailed than simply signing up with a phone number.
threaded - newest
To the surprise of some people I guess but certainly not to chinese users.
Can’t have them getting ideas like tolerance for minorities.
no chance of that
Well of course not, they’re deleting the content.
Not from America. America is full of hatred towards minorities.
Oh come off it mate. It’s not hard to see where the US has lead the charge in topics such as LGBT+ rights or racial equality, and it wasn’t from Asia or Europe let me tell you that much.
They may have a shit ton of flaws, and have a large part actively trying to undo all their work, but they have still done so much positive.
Look at the timeline for marriage equality for instance, they were right up there with the first wave leading the global surge. That doesn’t happen if you’re full of hatred for them.
They’re a dichotomy of amazing social progressivism and brutal conservatism.
I didn’t say there were no positives from America did I? I didn’t rank where America stands in how progressive or conservative America is.
I said America is full of hatred towards Minorities with no comparison to another place.
I am not wrong. There is too much of it.
So “come off” what exactly?
Decep is right.
You’re basically implying the bad outweighs the good to the point that it won’t give them any ideas.
The bad may be very amplified now, but I think the TikTok crowd in particular and US history skews towards “majority good”
I didn’t imply that. Stating that there is too much hatred of minorities doesn’t mean that America fails at everything. That is a stretch. Me pointing out that America has a lot of hatred towards minorities isn’t a reflection of everything America does as a whole is inherently bad.
I didn’t say that America can’t have a good influence on another country. America isn’t one to look to especially now for how minorities are treated.
But you are wrong. The US doesn’t hate its minorities in general. The US hates the poor in specific.
GaybillionaireBlackbillionaireHispanicbillionaireMuslimbillionaireFemalebillionaireThe same goes if you replace “billionaire” with “poor”. If you are rich, you are welcome. That’s your only qualifier. If you are poor, you are trash. That is your only qualifier.
When I say America I mean the people of America. There are large numbers of folks, regardless of why they do, hate minorities.
I didn’t say the wealthy “elite” weren’t the cause of a lot of the divide. They absolutely are. No such thing as an ethical billionaire.
I’m not disagreeing with you on the fact that your financial status isn’t what really separates us. What I am saying is there is still too much hate towards minorities. That doesn’t change that the wealthy are a problem.
You’re taking two separate ideas and merging them into one “truth.”
They ate two separate topics. Just because the wealthy are guilty of the bad they are doing doesn’t take away the fact that there is too much hate towards minorities in America from the people that live here.
I don’t think that’s entirely true and Thiel will learn that lesson sooner or later. Arguably already has as he was rumored to have been pissed about all the anti-trans rhetoric and throttled spending, which is why Elon had to step up and shell out.
Now Musk is in the driver seat with a grudge he hasn’t paid back from PayPal and Thiel’s in danger of finding out after fucking around.
This timeline? <img alt="" src="https://lemmy.ca/pictrs/image/4ede4e5d-6b80-4b3b-951b-3924349f6af3.webp"> Where the US is nearly the last of any western nation to legalise gay marriage?
And isn’t your country actively trying to work back any progress you’ve had in the last decade? Trans rights, queer rights, women’s rights, minority rights.
Also isn’t it Americans who are pushing the most for anti-LGBT legislation in African countries?
Canada is falling down the same hill when it comes to trans rights, and it hurts me, but I’m not out here saying that Canada is any sort of leader in the field. I recognise the issues my country has and I’m going to fight to fix them.
Knock off the American exceptionalism for one second and deal with the problems your country has
Mahatey, it’s not my fucking country or American exceptionalism because I’m not American eh?
This timeline: <img alt="" src="https://quokk.au/pictrs/image/6b7b7a23-5f45-4d4f-87dd-6b33eed4a543.jpeg">
And you’re a fucking idiot if you don’t think Canada is not one of the best places in the world for rights. Go take a holiday to 90% of the world and let me know how they treat women or queers.
Didn’t realise you weren’t American, sorry for assuming. Admittedly I’m very jaded right now (and a bit drunk) with all the threats of invasion and with Americans either laughing it off or being all for it (and I recognise that’s not all Americans but it’s enough). Like, “haha, Canada will turn the USA blue!”
And fine, yeah Canada is pretty up there for LGBT rights, but when one of the main platform points (imported from the USA!) from the Conservatives right now seems to be just straight up attacking trans people, it makes me pretty worried. I have multiple family members and a few friends who are trans or non binary and the rhetoric is scary.
But TL;DR, not angry at you, just America(ns). I apologise to the good Americans, but your country is exporting a lot of bullshit right now. More than usual
American here. I would love for us to come up and take over your country.
You piggyback on our military, and I believe any detriments to Canada will be balanced by benefits to America.
Wait where’s china, russia, turkey, iran, dprk, or any of those countries on this list? They were all before 2000, right? Right?
Mexico had their first black president in 1829 and abolished slavery. The US was a century too late to lead such a thing. Your comment reeks of western chauvinism.
. . . You don’t think Mexico is western?
And who said anything about the first black president or abolishing slavery? Mexico didn’t give women the right to vote until 50 years after we did here in Australia, does that mean you reek as well? What an odd stand to try and make.
Lmao, way to go, I’m not even Mexican. You said the US was leading the charge and included racism, that’s a silly statement, so I pointed out the absurdity of it.
Mexico is culturally western, but not white, ergo, not politically western. And Australia, you’re British diaspora from a country constantly attacking the aboriginals through even their votes. While Mexico can be lacking, they’re the ones with a female president and abortion rights, so again, the americans leading the charge is a humorous statement.
Not significantly more than anywhere else.
I didn’t compare to any place. I just stated America is filled with hatred towards minorities.
You singled it out. Which was incorrect. Hatred of minorities is common in every culture on every continent of the Earth. It’s a basic human nature thing. And America isn’t special in that respect. Hell when you get into large monocultures like China Etc the racism and hatred of minorities gets even more extreme and specific. In fact a lot of those hatreds have been imported from all over. The Koreans hatred of the japanese. The Japanese is hatred of the Chinese and vice versa. Various Indian sects hatred of each other. And the colorful bigotry of Europe and the Mediterranean. But one thing it is also produced here in America that is a little less common than elsewhere. Are people that actually are much more tolerant and supportive of minorities. Unfortunately they’re not the ones in control but they do exist.
Singling out a problem that exists in a country I am very familiar with is a non problem. I didn’t state it was special to America. I didn’t speak on any other nation and their hatred of minorities. I didn’t even state anything about it being part of “human nature.”
I spoke on being familiar with the fact that it is a problem in America.
There is a lot of hatred towards minorities, but there’s also a lot of acceptance of them that would be out of place in most of the world.
From Americans?
America is of the few nations that has to deal with real diversity, so yes.
This is a hilarious turn of events.
I knew it was coming since that article yesterday about us Americans posting vids of 3D printed guns lmao
Luigi is now the most popular name for newborns in China.
Please let this be true 🤣
Lu Yi-Gee
This was the turn of events anyone who knows anything about China and the CCP (and how closely they control businesses there) would have expected.
Imo it’s more sad than hilarious. US users and Chinese users meeting each other on the platform and discovering they are interesting people who actually have a lot in common sounds like what I’d wish the internet to be.
It’s not surprising, and I get the irony, but I feel more sad than amused.
You know, the news about Chinese and American users comparing their worldviews seemed weird to me because it reads like this is the first time Chinese and American users have interacted and had the chance to talk “candidly”.
My first thought was, “Why the fuck is this news? It’s not like Chinese users can’t interact on American platfor—”
…oh. Right. The great firewall.
Nearly everyone on rednote knows how to use a VPN.
I totally agree with you.
We shouldn’t be cheering on segregation.
TikTok is banned in China, so why would anyone ever expect this would be different in this case?
They have Douyin (it’s a carbon copy of tiktok). Rednote released a public statement welcoming US users, no evidence that what this article implies is being considered at all. The evidence is a reddit post. You are responding in agreement to a propaganda rag.
They blocked the TikTok domain in China. What would you call that, if not a ban?
You are naive if you believe they aren’t going to sever the communities. That was always going to happen.
The only vibe I get from you is “15yo who just learned about politics”.
AN: read this user’s comment history lmao
Why don’t you answer the question?
Why is it a different product then? Does it allow the same content? Same algorithm?
Or is it different, and not an actual carbo copy?
They are different like McDonald’s and Burger King. While similar, Douyin is only available for people in China and it’s heavenly censored and have a lot propaganda from Chinese government.
What are you asking for exactly? You can’t buy a whooper in McDonald’s
The last portion of your comment. Curious if you had proof
Probably can’t show you something that’s censored and removed 😆
You can watch laowhy86 watching Douyin propaganda content youtu.be/3aYCG4vEe5s
Lmfao. Big true thank you for insight 💜💜
I’ve just heard that a lot but never really seen proof it happens.
No problem 😃 I did find this article from NYTimes, that explains douyin well. www.nytimes.com/2024/…/china-tiktok-douyin.html
But TikTok is still banned by China… Chinese people cannot sign up for TikTok and communicate with the outside world.
China: we’re supposed to be doing the influencing here.
<img alt="" src="https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/9fc20d0a-b261-4e13-a725-cbf4a83c3698.png">
Americans: Got damn, asians are HOT
Chinese (apparently): Got damn, Americans are HOT
Humans gonna human ig LMAO
It really is a tale as old as time.
When the femboy exchanges begin happening the world will finally begin to heal
It’s what connects us all.
The grass is always greener I guess
Asian “grass” is usually darker.
Is this some biological instinct to ensure gene diversity?
Maybe. We should be attracted to people different to us for the healthiest babies
So if having an Asian fetish is called yellow fever in the West, what’s having a Caucasian fetish called in China?
White lightning
Lactose tolerant?
Fuxking a man, you win.
Cracker addiction
I had a few dates with an asian woman in the US who called herself only half-sarcastically a “Twinkie,” which the Internet told me was yellow on the outside and white on the inside. I laughed to be polite not knowing what she meant, but when I learned it made me feel racist by proxy.
Maybe she meant cream filled?
what if that was her trying to hint at what she wanted, and they completely missed it
Marshmallow s’more
I tried to challenge some ideas in World News and I guess asking questions about Chinese censorship is xenophobic. Now I’m banned for not being pro Chinese censorship.
<img alt="" src="https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/809d8be0-c6b5-4a3c-a3ab-0c561cc3acfc.png">
There’s your problem. If they stated their rules, rather than forcing people to figure them out by trial and error, I’d have less of an issue with it. Like, lemmygrad is explicit in its intent and they state it outright in their rules. Lemmy.ml plays it too coy, and so comes off as incredibly manipulative.
You just broke the secret law!
Typical fascist behavior.
Sounds very You have been banned from /r/Pyongyang
Rule 1 - whatever we decide it is at that moment
Well, there’s also the racism
Serious question. Did I say something racist?
Now that I look again, I see that you failed to filter the logs and some other user’s trash was in there.
Sorry. Didn’t realize that was an option.
You failed
whats that about “curry smell” and “they discovered deodorant”?
Not sure.
I wouldn’t take it seriously, they gave me a month long instance ban for saying a federal representative democracy is by definition a type of democracy.
“American propaganda” or something.
Is it democratic when the largest state and the smallest state both get two senators?
No, but it is a democracy.
Is it? Do you think the US was founded as a democracy?
God, shut up nerd, like your red fascist bullshit and their one party elections were or are better. Do you want to hear that it’s a flawed system? It is. All states are and should be abolished.
Still a type of democracy, and still more democratic than anything Russia or China have ever managed.
The United States was founded as a white supremacist settler-colony. This shit is the same as calling Israel a democracy.
How come the US can be “flawed” but China is “red fascist”? The US is white fascist. You want to talk about fascism? The US’s prison population is higher than either the USSR was or China is, and under Trump it’s going to get worse! Where’s the democracy for the millions of undocumented workers that the US relies on to run its economy, that the US is gearing up to round up by the millions into prison camps? Where’s their democracy? Where’s the democracy for the hundreds of thousands of child brides and child laborers all across the US? Half a million children pick almost a quarter of the food currently produced in the United States. They pay taxes, are forced to give birth, but they can’t vote.
Trump didn’t even get 50% of the vote, and now he’s in charge of everything. “Democracy”
We have to accept that the US is not democratic; it’s reformed fascism, and those reforms are in danger right now. If you ever want the US to be a democracy you need to recognize this and protect the democratic reforms we have.
I agree with at least 95% of what you just said.
Uhhh yeah. The Constitution establishes a federal democratic republic form of government. That is, we have an indivisible union of 50 sovereign States. It is a democracy because people govern themselves. It is representative because people choose elected officials by free and secret ballot.
It’s democracy when only white men are allowed to choose representatives? What?
It’s settler-colonialism. Fascism. Where was the democracy for the Natives? Or the slaves? The original system has had many democratic reforms, but denying its roots as fundamentally undemocratic is historical revisionism and blinds you to the US’s flaws. You’ll never fix this country’s problems if you can’t even recognize this.
Bro I’m native, I know! I think it’s a piece of shit also but it could be worse. I’m also trying to rage against the machine.
It can always be worse! How come you can acknowledge that it’s shit, but you can’t acknowledge that it’s fundamentally undemocratic? Where’s the disconnect here? The US was not founded as a democracy, it was founded as a white supremacist settler-colony. Today it’s had many democratic reforms, and that’s good! But we have to acknowledge these root problems.
Has it had enough reforms to be called a democracy? Trump got less than 50% of the vote and he’s been elected twice!
As a Brit, this all seems unhelpful. The only reason anyone cares how the US was “founded” hundreds of years ago is that they were a bit closer to having the right idea at the start than most countries. Doesn’t mean they did of course, but compare to how the UK was “founded”, or Greece, “the birthplace of democracy”, and suddenly it really doesn’t matter.
As for whether it is currently a democracy, a flawed democracy is still a democracy. Trumps a terrible choice but he did get a lot of votes by ordinary people, and whilst their system is skewed by being a shitty fptp setup (just like the UK sadly) and their crazy elector system, it is nonetheless fairly democratic, in the sense that most people can vote, they didn’t pressure or threaten voters much, they didn’t fake lots of votes, and the flaws can only influence and skew the result to some extent, rather than being the deciding factor. But it isn’t the best democracy in the world, we can all agree on that. I hope they manage to replace it in our lifetimes with something that would allow for more than 2 parties (UK too).
He got a lot of votes, but he didn’t actually get the majority. He got a plurality.
Unless all people can vote it isn’t a democracy. It totally reverses the power dynamic of democracy - rather than the People choosing their leaders, the leaders choose who gets to be of the People. It’s completely backwards! As long as the enduring legacy of settler-colonialism can choose who is allowed to vote there will be no democracy.
The way electoral districts are drawn, the way voters get purged or have to go through hoops to get registered, the way people can have their right to vote taken away, the way noncitizens and disenfranchised citizens in federal prisons are counted by the census for the purpose of allotting representatives, the efforts to keep voter participation as low as possible, it’s all rigged to produce undemocratic results.
It’s useful for us to recognize that this isn’t democracy. Not yet.
Strongly disagree. Yes, all the problems you listed weaken a democracy. Some by a lot. But that’s “no true Scotsman” logic, and dangerous. Better to apply fuzzy logic than Boolean logic, countries are not perfect democracies or non democracies. They are on a sliding scale, and there’s not much point making a scale that is so idealistic that no existing country can get on the scale (or where only the best few can).
You can claim the US and UK are weak democracies, that’s justifiable if you define why (and you have, I see your point there). But calling them non democracies is just willfully twisting the meaning of words, in fact they’re unusually good democracies by some measures (both have unusually free and trustworthy elections compared to most in the world, and that has to be taken into account).
Or to put it another way, any scale needs space at the bottom.
Imagine an alternative USA where every single state was gerrymandered to hell by whoever won, where electors were routinely bribed by opposition parties to vote against their states results, where people were bullied at the polls or where minorities were entirely disenfranchised. That would be a worse place than our USA, but by your definition both would be the same. Clearly they are not the same, that one is a worse democracy. By my definition that hypothetical and awful democracy is still a democracy, just a very very bad one.
Okay. Now imagine an alternative USA where only a small selection of royal families are allowed to vote and electors are aristocrats chosen by birth and court intrigue. By your definition this hypothetical is also a democracy, even if it’s an awful very very bad one. You have nuanced away the meaning of the word entirely.
Yes, great example. That would indeed be stretching the definition to breaking point. The fuzzy logic approach would be that you’ve described a 99% monarchy with 1% democracy.
Personally I’d put the US as a 60% democracy with a 40% oligopoly. The UK is similar since on the one hand we have more than 2 parties and are slightly better at avoiding gerrymandering and voter suppression, but on the other hand we have the silly rules for the House of Lords, and weaker freedom of speech (I don’t mind the theory of banning violent extremist speech, but I don’t like the application we’ve got at the moment, it prevents too much speech that isn’t unreasonable, free speech would be better).
Based on what you’ve said, I’m Sure you’d put it lower, but I don’t think you can justify putting 1% when it’s so easy to find worse countries even in the real world, that are still on the democracy spectrum.
Why are you applying this fuzzy logic to democracy when democracy, itself, does not? If one candidate gets 49% of the vote and the other gets 51% of the vote then the candidate with the most votes wins. Nothing fuzzy about it. If we apply liberal democracy’s logic to itself then a country that isn’t at least 50% democratic can not be called a democracy.
Because democracy is not the best way to solve every problem.
The messy job of squeezing entire countries into a handful of words is fraught enough without throwing away up to half of the information.
As a more amusing answer: Dictatorships throw away 99.9% of the opinions, so should we let one arsehole decide which countries are called a dictatorship?
I only said to apply the logic of liberal democracy to itself, not to apply it to all countries.
I think your insistence on using a fuzzy spectrum to define concrete terms results in words not meaning anything at all. The “99% monarchy 1% democracy” gets to call itself a democracy by your fuzzy logic because it has democratic elements. That’s clearly not a good heuristic. There must be a point where the antidemocratic elements in a society disqualify it from being a democracy.
Everyone can always call themselves whatever they want. But fear that people might use a kernel of truth to sell a lie isn’t a good reason to throw away even a tiny part of the truth.
Okay, so you’ll admit that the DPRK is a democracy since it has democratic elements.
No, but I will acknowledge where some democratic elements exist within even the DPRK, though they’re very thin and weak.
There are other forms of government that are a better match for describing the DPRK. One party dictatorship, for example.
If you want to apply the same logic to the US, calling it simply an oligarchy rings hollow, though there’s a stronger argument than DPRK+democracy I’ll admit. It’s a democracy with flaws, but those flaws are smaller than the democratic elements they weaken, so it still gets to be called a democracy.
I’ll continue to call the US a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. It’s not like anyone else is allowed to run the country.
If you want to be technical a true democracy is mathematically impossible. Also Donald won the popular vote this time. Don’t waste 4 years of your life chasing conspiracy theories like the right has and clinging to a fantasy that the loser actually won. I wish things were different but that’s how it went.
He didn’t get a majority of the votes. Less than 50%. That should mean something.
In a race with more than 2 people it shouldn’t be uncommon to have less than 50% of the overall vote and still win. I don’t understand the point you’re trying to make. In this race he got the most votes compared to the other candidates.
Many countries use variations of runoff voting, where if no candidate gets a majority then the top two candidates move on to a second round and the other candidates are eliminated. This is actually the most popular way to run elections worldwide.
I’m aware but even assuming all of the non trump votes would go to Kamala, she still wouldn’t have won in this case.
He got less than 50% of the vote. If you add all the non Trump votes together you get more than 50% of the vote.
Roughly 50.1% but that’s still assuming none of these people would’ve switched to trump and this is how US elections work. Based on how things work Donald won the popular vote with less than 50%. I’m not saying it’s the best way but it’s also not like we suddenly switched up the rules. I assure you that I’m just as mad as you are about the system we have but when I look around no one honestly wants to do anything but complain about the way things are instead of being the change they expect to see. A president isn’t going to fix our problems. If people cared more about taking back the power and less about consuming we might see some real change. The only thing that matters in this country is money and despite all the complaints we just can’t seem to stop giving the ass holes running the show more of our money in one form or another.
That’s not assuming none switched to Trump, merely that most switched to Harris. I think having such a close runoff race would also be likely to change how people voted more broadly. Turnout would be through the roof if everyone felt like their one vote would be the one that swung the election. It’s really hard to say what the results would have been.
And we’ll never know because this shithole country doesn’t do runoff elections.
Yes, and it’s bad. I’m saying the way US elections work is undemocratic. They are designed from the ground-up to favor the ruling class and suppress the will of the People. They are meant to be undemocratic. This was all intentional.
I get all of that. I’m saying a president (in this case Kamala) isn’t going to fix this. No flavor of voting will fix our problems imo.
And I’m saying that, because voting in the US doesn’t actually determine policy, we shouldn’t call it democracy.
Then I think we agree for the most part.
ahh i apologize, i thought all comments came from you
Those are other users’ comments. Not sure how those are relevant to JiveTurkey’s comments.
Those sound like comments on a different topic, specifically the story about Paris’ improvements in air quality lately (because they built bike infrastructure and partially banned cars). I had to remove nearly identical comments in the !fuckcars@lemmy.world thread on it, for the same reason.
Oh gosh, I thought you meant .world World News for a minute there. Yeah the problem is .ml, they’re tankies.
I jive with you, Türkiye!
You weren’t trying to challenge ideas. You were regurgitating US propaganda.
Just asking questions instead of excusing it all under the guise of propaganda. I have no doubt some of it is, but all of it?
When our government has a long history of direct lies it’s safe to assume everything they say is a lie.
I don’t think that’s ever safe to assume and ignore critical thinking
My man, I am really curious where you get your news from.
Instead of regurgitating CCP propaganda?
To be fair, there are plenty of critical content. It’s just that they use coded language to avoid the censorship. (Probably not on XHS / RedNote though? It’s more of a Facebook equivalent.)
Why? Isn’t that as racist as the us banning TikTok in the first place?
I smell a double standard from the red and yellow country again.
This isn’t even real read the article the source is “some guy on reddit speculates” and that’s not even a joke it’s embarrasing
The US banning tiktok has little to do with race.
It’s about American oligarchs wanting the profits of Chinese oligarchs.
People like you are the lowliest of foot-soldiers in this game.
To bad they didn’t hear about Loops. I don’t use this stuff so I have no idea if it’s good or not, but it’s not Chinese or collecting your data so it would be worth a try. Although if 400k users flooded it I have serious doubts they could scale to meet a demand like that.
The scalability is my concern too. It took me like 8 days after I signed up before I got my login to Loops.
Gotta say I really like it, though
I signed for loops for awhile. Still no account.
It was waitlist for a while, not sure if it still is but I got my welcome email like a week later.
I was able to make my account immediately, just this morning. Not on Google Play yet though, had to download the apk manually.
How long did you wait? I submitted for an account a few days ago. Not even a confirmation email saying anything.
No waiting; the email was in my inbox as soon as I applied.
Hm… Let me try again maybe with a different email.
Loops is unfortunately not ready for 70 million new users.
Is it federated?
Not sure why we’re all excited for the next centralized platform. We should be rolling up our sleeves and figuring out ways to implement decentralized protocols so anyone can their platform.
@john89 @HeyJoe Loops is federated - it's being set up by the guy behind Pixelfed.
Kinda like how Chinese citizens can’t use tiktok either. Wonder why…
Tiktok is for westoid plebs... They got different agendas for daddy's property v their own subjects
It amazes me how people apparently can’t live without watching shitty videos all the time… Oh, well.
I feel exactly the same way. It’s like they can’t imagine a world without it. When it’s banned they’ll have to fill their time just staring at the wall.
It would be great if they switched to Zen Buddhism a few hours a day though.
Or, heaven forbid, talk to people in the real world.
It’s an addiction. No other way to describe it. Like your coke dealer ran out so you gotta switch to crack instead.
Man people will do anything not to drink Pepsi!
Except skip soda.
Ironically I stopped drinking soda because Pepsi got rid of the only soda I really liked.
Which one?
RIP Diet Pepsi Vanilla.
It’s not really an ‘addiction.’ It’s a culture.
People don’t value things that take time or effort anymore. All they want is their instant-gratification to forget about their shitty lives a little bit longer. Short-form video and posts provide this for them.
It’s all according to plan to keep people apathetic until the day they die. That way, they never fight back against the people pulling their strings.
Rednote with multiple SIMULTANEOUS video feeds sounds like a whole new level of brain rot
Sorry what, you got a pic of this?
Read it here, hopefully not paywalled reuters.com/…/chinas-rednote-what-you-need-know-a…
I find takes like this unfortunate. I learned SO much on TikTok. Accounts like gatenerd, jerrythink, kellyscleankitchen, softpourn, publicopinion, hankgreen, alexisanddean, thelawsayswhat, kylascan, and countless interior designers, architects, chefs, and all the others I can’t recall.
There is no other platform like TikTok where you can get drawn in not just in minutes watched, but in knowledge gained. Wish you shared my experience.
I can understand your point until you get to the “there is no other platform like TikTok”. You lose me there.
Hopefully this little outage scare helps you to diversify!
Honestly, there isn’t another platform that isn’t a step down. The algorithm that drives the For You Page is leaps and bounds ahead of Instagram and YouTube.
The best analogy I can give is if Linux was banned for personal use in the US. Sure, you could use Windows or macOS; the later is even Unix based! However, it would be a downgrade for Linux users. Even something like FreeBSD wouldn’t be a seemless transition, and the communities that were built would take time to recover.
Making an analogy where Linux is tiktok is wild.
Yeah, sure /s
<img alt="" src="https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/1ae4952f-2a4e-4638-990e-1b2a8a700b37.jpeg">
Edit: I see the influencers are on Lemmy since TT is going away and they are salty.
Eh. Most of these people are already wealthy from their parents and were just using their wealth to make more wealth by showcasing how wealthy they are to those who will never be wealthy.
Living vicariously is a plague. I think less of anyone who does it.
Reading can accomplish the same thing, although it is a skill that has to be developed.
Go for it. I have my doubts that there is really any mass migration of English language users to an all Chinese website to begin with. The whole thing feels like a propaganda campaign.
Idk, I went on there earlier and watched some of the live interactions, there does seem to be a large amount of English speaking people who are messaging the live creators and the creators are responding in their best possible English.
It’s actually quite nice to see two different cultures coming together.
But I’m sure that if they wall off the rest of China to the US users the app will lose its shine and people will move on somewhere else.
What did the FUD surrounding Tiktok (and Huawei) feel like to you?
The irony.
It seems they really don't want our regarded degens spoiling their peasants haha
They’re gonna build a firewall, and the US is gonna pay for it!
“Homage to the fact that they’re going get what’s coming”
You wouldn’t expect anyone named Mao to be political, so that checks out. His brothers Lenin and Stalin are equally apolitical.
A wee quote from the author of the original little red book …:
“the two slogans – let a hundred flowers blossom and let a hundred schools of thought contend – have no class character; the proletariat can turn them to account, and so can the bourgeoisie or others. Different classes, strata and social groups each have their own views on what are fragrant flowers and what are poisonous weeds”.
Seemed a good idea at the time (1957?), remember how that trick evolved thereafter …?
Even international spy networks are worried about American kids.
Lol. Lmao, even.
Every government is scared of these dumb kids lol
The irony in this is fucking delightful. No one wants Americans using this kind of brain rot social media. Maybe that’s a sign…
or maybe they want to maintain control of the oppressed citizens of China?
Maybe this whole blogpost is just commenting on what random people said on reddit.
Oh look, that’s exactly what it is.
Ah, that trustworthy and unbiased group of China experts that are Redditors
Two sentences before this they were explaining quite clearly why chinese users might actually be bothered by the flood of american users and why they might want the ability to filter by IP region, but because some redditors speculated that the SeeSeePee doesn’t want the Americans to spread their freedom-loving germs to their country then that must be why they’d do it, if that rumor were to be proven true
thanks for saving me a click
Yeah, it’s always a waste of time when an article cites random people on reddit or twitter.
Wait - so this is the CCP directly censoring a whole worldview from its citizens.
But I was told on several lemmy threads that the CCP lets their users consume any content, and all the censorship is American propaganda to make the great leader look bad.
This is some redditors speculating being turned into a news article…
Got any evidence for this censorship claim? I’ll even accept dubious screenshots.
Yeah sure it’s right here in the thread you’re in
The source of this article is “Some Reddit users have speculated” which is like the polar opposite of evidence soooooo try again.
Ugh why would you read the article? Did you not understand the assignment? So cringe.
No, this is not the CCP directly censoring a whole worldview from its citizens, this is the CCP directly allowing its citizens to see that worldview while some random author speculates based on nothing but rumors and hearsay that they might change that policy in the future.
But who needs to read past the title if it aligns with your presumptions?
Who is telling you that? I’m not seeing lemmy posts ignoring the great firewall.
Nobody should be surprised by this.
That’s fair. Our own platforms are flooded with government astroturfers. They wouldn’t want those leaking in.
I don’t even like TikTok but I’m so happy with how hard this whole thing is backfiring. Warms my heart
Tom cotton already made threats about banning rednote as well 😂
Most of my lab mates are Chinese and I joined WeChat because it was what they all used. Everything was fine except my account kept getting banned for no reason. I had assumed it might be because I accidentally turned on a VPN, but ultimately I concluded it was because they didn’t want the intermingling of Chinese and American accounts, which was literally the only reason I was there in the first place.
I been told Wechat requires phone number, do they not check VOIP numbers or did they just not block your number for creation? That’s super weird.
They have (or had) a system for reactivation that involved endorsement from another account. IIRC it was QR code based, so one of my friends would scan my reactivation QR code and a few verification texts later I’d have my account back. The last time I was banned, it was after I hearted one of my friend’s posts about his graduation.
Ohh that makes sense.
Lmao “rumors swirl” means “we made it the fuck up.”
in this case reddittors made it up. so, yeah. very reliable
Ashley Belanger May Be Embezzling Money From Ars Technica
Just a few days after writing an article on Ars Technica about the possibility of foreign users on RedNote being walled off from Chinese users, rumors began swirling on Lemmy that she may soon decide to defraud her employer by transferring company money into her personal bank account.
I mean they added a translate button in the last day or two, so I infer that at least the people running the site are OK with encouraging the sudden American popularity.
Obviously take this with a grain of salt but a spokesperson of China already said they approve of this cultural exchange.
Remember Rednote is approved by the CCP so there was already propaganda on the app and they are using this time to piss off Americans about some of our poor policy choices. Obviously there is not much negative stuff of China on the app.
That’s because all politics are banned in the app, including us politics. You can talk about your life but not policies or politicians or the various parties in the CCP.
It’s a cultural exchange, not a soapbox for your shitty propaganda.
So, I cannot inform the Chinese about Mao murdering over 70 million people who disagreed with him and his CCP thugs. What about the Tiananmen Square massacre?
People get apprehensive about that on some instances, but i totally agree with u. Alot of ccp defenders r like “BUBUT US GOVRMENT BAD TOO aarhrhh!!!” Like bro we get it its pretty much confirmed they were doing freay deaky shit with mk utlra and tons of other sus shit but that dont make ur ccp overlords “the good guys”
“don’t be racist!”
CCP apologists/propagandists
Try it and report back, that would actually answer the question.
The United States, being the bastion of free speech it is, has absolutely no censorship of its history.
You’re exactly the type of person that needs to talk to a Chinese person once in your life. Youve been brainwashed, you poor little thing. When you grow up you’ll realize your textbooks went through a propaganda review council.
“May” is doing a lot of heavy lifting in that title.
They recently added new translation features. I don’t think it’s going to happen.
Well at least there’s a social media that still kicks out trolls
Worse part is that Chinese people overseas will no longer be able to connect with friends and family.
Wechat will always be allowed overseas and is the main method of communication, but the account creation process is of course a little more detailed than simply signing up with a phone number.
This is fucking stupid.
Our rulers are literally dictating who we can communicate with.
Which is why decentralised open source platforms are very important.
God that’s a dream. I wish Trump would build a virtual wall to protect americans against foreigners opinions.
It would be so peaceful. Imagine a yankless internet. No more spam.
Basically a virtual Berlin wall around the whole of the US?
This migration of American to RedNote just proves how god damn stupid the Average American really is.
RedNote is really fun, haha
Also fuck me why do they know more about my country than I do???