Google admits Chrome Incognito mode tracks users — what you need to know (
from to on 23 Jan 2024 06:00

Google admits Chrome Incognito mode tracks users — what you need to know::Google is adding new disclaimers to Chrome after the search giant settled a class-action lawsuit regarding how incognito mode isn’t actually as private as it appears to be.


threaded - newest on 23 Jan 2024 06:18 next collapse

Even though going incognito prevents Chrome from saving cookies, site data and your browsing history, it doesn’t actually prevent websites or your internet service provider (ISP) from tracking you and knowing what you’re up to online. This news comes as a shock to many Chrome users but privacy experts have long warned that the browser’s incognito mode isn’t as private as you might think.

Know where else you’ll find that same warning?

On every new incognito window in Chrome.

It’s been there for years —

Your activity might still be visible to:

  • Websites you visit
  • Your employer or school
  • Your internet service provider on 23 Jan 2024 06:21 next collapse

Yeah I’m surprised this is news to some people. I thought everyone already knew this… on 23 Jan 2024 06:25 next collapse

Well remember they just got rid of the 🔒 icon because too many people thought it meant the site was safe. on 23 Jan 2024 06:46 collapse

All that https effort and they gave up the lock? Dang. Google kills everything. on 23 Jan 2024 07:55 next collapse

Fortunately, they also killed the mindbogglingly stupid idea of forcibly hiding https:// in the address bar. (It may be off by default, but you can turn it on.) on 23 Jan 2024 11:39 collapse

It’s because of that https effort. Everything should be assumed to be https and only http or misconfigured/bad https gets a warning. No need to show a lock when it can be assumed and it was getting misinterpreted. Now they can use that spot to show something indicating controls and someone might actually click on it and see they can set site specific permissions and settings there. on 23 Jan 2024 06:41 collapse

Hating on big tech is the new thing in 2024 I think. I’m not a fan either but this article is just stupid. on 23 Jan 2024 07:20 next collapse

The article isn’t stupid. The court that made the decision is. on 23 Jan 2024 07:26 collapse

Hating on big tech has probably been a thing since the creation of the abacus.

Being honest about products would be a great start. I would probably be totally cool with some of the shit they do if they weren’t deceptive about it, Chrome being a great example.

The article isn’t that bad either. It’s at a novice level, but it’s not horrible. on 23 Jan 2024 06:39 next collapse

Yeah…I feel like the only reason to use incognito has always been “I don’t want my porn to show up in my search history and this is easier than manual deletion.” It’d be nice if it meant privacy, but the world doesn’t run on nice. :( on 23 Jan 2024 07:50 next collapse

Also, TCP/IP requires that the server receive your IP address (or that of a proxy, VPN endpoint, etc.) so that it can send the response back. Opening a new browser window doesn’t change that. on 23 Jan 2024 12:59 collapse

It’s really good for present shopping if you use a shared device. on 23 Jan 2024 13:07 collapse

The computer has the ability to make accounts, so people have their own personal spaces. on 23 Jan 2024 13:44 next collapse

I’m many use cases, yes. on 24 Jan 2024 07:01 collapse

I’ve never seen someone use this in the home (i.e., non-business/school) environment.

Browsers have their own user profiles now, but that’s a much newer feature than Incognito mode. on 23 Jan 2024 06:52 next collapse

Yeah it’s not news at all… on 23 Jan 2024 08:58 next collapse

Yeah I’m no fan of googles sketchy privacy practices, but to call this an admission just makes it sound like click bait. It was never a secret. on 23 Jan 2024 16:03 collapse

Incognito mode could be much better if it also scrambled your browser fingerprint. Then it would be much, much harder to be tracked by Google/Amazon/Meta/etc. But of course they’d never do that, it would cut on their bottom line… on 23 Jan 2024 06:56 next collapse

Woof woof…google dogs on 24 Jan 2024 02:38 collapse

Doggle on 23 Jan 2024 07:46 next collapse

This “article” is a front for the site’s affiliate links to a bunch of VPN services and—believe it or not, in the year 2024—antivirus vendors. on 23 Jan 2024 20:51 collapse

How do I summon the AI article-shortener thingamajig on 23 Jan 2024 08:34 next collapse

We know already… on 23 Jan 2024 15:46 next collapse

I use a loooong stick and rubber hand to type on the typewriter part of the computer from a safe place just outside the door of the room. I then view any naughty content shown on the TV part, with binoculars.

No one will steal the fact that it’s me on the internets.

I don’t know why this easy solution is not better known. I think Googles is holding back on this valuable truth. on 23 Jan 2024 21:51 collapse

Even better, do that but use a one-way mirror instead of standing outside on 24 Jan 2024 00:50 collapse

I thought the general assumption was that incognito mode was designed to stop websites from tracking you, not the browser. on 24 Jan 2024 06:56 collapse

It’s neither. It’s to stop recording in your local history. To stop people who might be using the same computer as you from snooping.

Look at how they marketed it when it first came out. It’s when you want to buy your partner a gift without them knowing.