Another Hollywood strike? Musicians union ‘prepared to do whatever it needs’ for AI protections and streaming residuals (
from to on 21 Jan 2024 16:00

Another Hollywood strike? Musicians union ‘prepared to do whatever it needs’ for AI protections and streaming residuals::After a year in which both actors and writers hit the picket lines, another Hollywood strike may be on the horizon.


threaded - newest on 21 Jan 2024 16:23 next collapse

Good. They deserve the a retirement plan, and for many that’s residuals. Also, AI music is terrible. on 21 Jan 2024 16:43 next collapse

Record companies prepare to do whatever is needed for AI protection. They would have gone on strike long ago if it was actually for the artists. on 21 Jan 2024 17:03 next collapse

Worked the first time, let’s fucking go on 21 Jan 2024 17:10 collapse

Except the strikes already drained our resources. I’m a camera operator, our union was not on strike but we were equally impacted by the strikes. Our contract is up for negotiation this year. I can’t afford another strike. I’m already looking for work outside the film industry. What we need is to align the renewal of all entertainment union contracts so we all strike together at the same time. on 22 Jan 2024 15:12 collapse

To be fair, music being delayed would delay the release of a movie, but they could still film the movies in the meantime. on 22 Jan 2024 00:03 next collapse

Do all the people that were stolen from to train AI get residuals or credit? If not, that’s theft. We all know this. AI is theft. AI programmers are lazy thieves. Maybe we can start a grassroots campaign to label AI and anyone associated with it as lazy and a thief. on 22 Jan 2024 02:40 collapse

Someone could publish artwork every single day for the next 40 years straight and it would only be 0.000012% of a Dall-E training set. on 22 Jan 2024 11:28 collapse

If I did my math correctly, Dall-E had a training set or 8.2 trillion images? on 23 Jan 2024 15:07 collapse

Yes KY!