The SEO world is up in arms after a story said they're 'ruining the internet.' Here's the spicy drama. (
from to on 06 Nov 2023 22:49


threaded - newest on 06 Nov 2023 22:50 next collapse

This is the best summary I could come up with:

The Verge article, written by Amanda Chicago Lewis, is 8,000 words and starts with an anecdote about attending a search-engine optimization industry event that featured a live alligator.

A lot of what we see on the internet on a daily basis (this news site included) is shaped by efforts to appeal to Google’s search algorithms.

But it turns out, they’re nice people — not scammers — and perform a worthwhile service connecting websites to customers within a framework that Google has constructed.

Danny Sullivan, a former journalist and the founder of Search Engine Land — who’s also a current Google employee — was also displeased.

Sullivan points out some minor errors (he had left Search Engine Land before he joined Google; The Verge story makes this more ambiguous).

One thing that’s usually true is that subcultures of people, whether it’s furries, pro-natalists, or Dimes Square reactionaries, don’t like being written about as a group.

The original article contains 854 words, the summary contains 151 words. Saved 82%. I’m a bot and I’m open source! on 06 Nov 2023 23:07 next collapse

Yeah okay businessinsider… You did it. You ruined the internet with seo. on 07 Nov 2023 00:05 next collapse

Business insider is one of the worsts.

Literally anybody who can blog can write on their site. And they’re all “opinions” so you get a lot of wannabe “entrepreneurs” writing with zero qualifications or fact checking on 07 Nov 2023 00:49 collapse

Step one: dominate SEO

Step two: paywall all content.

Step three: criticize the game. on 06 Nov 2023 23:11 next collapse

Neat. So some of them are nice. Doesn’t make the practice of “optimizing” search a noble deed because some of them think themselves on some high tower. In the end you are trying to push your site above others based on your ability to game the system, rather than relevance of your content. When you do this, I don’t think it’s relevant if you’re a nice person with feelings… on 07 Nov 2023 01:21 collapse

I don’t really blame the recipe site that includes how Daniel grew up with their parents searching the river banks of rural New York State for the best wild blueberries, because that’s the only way they show up in a world sorted by shitty algorithms. There’s still a recipe at the bottom of the page, for free.

But I do blame, every single day, the people who make mindless content just to serve ads.

The other day I shit you not I googled how to set a specific Chron schedule, and there was a webpage for it. They had a page for every chron schedule permutation. If you google chron schedule for X hours Y days, Z, you’ll find them. Of course there were ads on the page and it has almost useless, but they exploded their content for views.

But now imagine that Google indexes that, and it becomes costlier for Google to provide a better experience to the user because there’s so much garbage content to index and rank. They also serve ads, so Google actually makes more money showing this trash, thus incentivizing them not to look too closely at the gift horses mouth.

SEO sites can go suck a fuck. on 07 Nov 2023 14:18 collapse

Try googling hardware-id XX for linux. You can bet there’s a page “XX driver for linux” in the first results, with a download button to malware. Title doesn’t make sense, but the search algorithmen can’t know that. on 07 Nov 2023 16:12 collapse

I hate that crap. It’s one reason I’m glad sourceforge is dead.

I also don’t understand the sides which just mirror stackoverflow and get ranked above it. on 08 Nov 2023 09:48 collapse

I’m surprised stackoverflow haven’t sued some of them… they literally steal the content and stick their own name on it. on 06 Nov 2023 23:14 next collapse

On a related note, my favorite recent SEO story:…/google-search-local-seo-thai-food-… on 07 Nov 2023 14:32 collapse

I just saw that on Google maps yesterday. Had a laugh. Didn’t go, though. on 07 Nov 2023 14:36 collapse

Was it really near you though? :) I think I’d be obligated to at least go in and ask “HOW DID YOU KNOW??!?!?” on 07 Nov 2023 00:06 next collapse

The story they're discussing: on 07 Nov 2023 02:16 collapse

Actually a very interesting read, thank you for linking it on 07 Nov 2023 00:58 next collapse

SEO ruined the Internet because it made SEO essential to be seen in relevant search results above other less relevant search results. In other words, less relevant search results can often be seen on the first page along with more relevant search results, or even sometimes instead of relevant search results on the first 2 pages of any reputable search engine.

Also, Internet Reputation companies have proven that SEO and fake content can be used as a weapon to push relevant search results so far down nobody sees them anymore.

Finally, how many times have you searched for something just to come across some random webpage with just a bunch of word salad that happens to somehow be relevant. An easy example of this are phone numbers. You search for a phone number that called you and chances are you won't see much relevant data. Just a mix of "robocaller" reporting websites -- usually with no information and random websites with just a bunch of phone numbers in sequential order with no relevant data whatsoever. Even if it's a business' actual phone number. on 07 Nov 2023 01:30 next collapse

We have VERY different spice thresholds.

[deleted] on 07 Nov 2023 01:34 collapse

. on 07 Nov 2023 01:36 next collapse

Spice level: cream of wheat on 07 Nov 2023 02:26 next collapse

Take that back right now on 07 Nov 2023 17:47 collapse

Only after it sits out for a few days. on 07 Nov 2023 01:48 next collapse

Imagine being in the "SEO industry". Lmao. on 07 Nov 2023 01:50 collapse

Me_irl on 07 Nov 2023 02:34 next collapse

They claim they didn’t ruin the Internet, but yet every single one I’ve worked with very aggressively keyword stuffed the shit out of the sites, even a blog with fake authors and carefully written junk top 10 blog posts to bring as much traffic as possible. I’ve even discovered they exploited Wordpress instances to stuff links to our site on it, when they weren’t just leaving junk comments with a link to the website.

They’re the very reasons so many sites have so many fucking useless tutorials and top 10s and whatnot. They go after search engines, and in that process, you gotta make your site appear to have loads of articles and content about a topic so it gets favored in search engines. on 07 Nov 2023 13:59 next collapse

This is a different version of putting text the same color as your background at the end if your page, with your keywords typed over and over. on 08 Nov 2023 00:32 collapse

Anyone who has searched for a recipe in the last few years knows that they ruined the internet with SEO shit.

[deleted] on 07 Nov 2023 14:14 next collapse

. on 07 Nov 2023 14:21 next collapse

How’d they not know? on 07 Nov 2023 18:29 collapse

They just chose the money over the usable of Google search. Google used Reddit as a crutch but now that is stale or going away (pending reddit getting paid by AI companies for their data). So Google is either going to have to change how search works which will endanger their bottom line from search and totally change how search engine optimization and thousands of websites work which seems unlikely. Or find a way to keep search relevant. on 07 Nov 2023 18:49 next collapse

Does Google still receive a substantial chunk of their income from actual use of their search engine? on 07 Nov 2023 23:27 collapse

Yes 162 billion+ from money they make off search. It would take some more math but you’d have to figure out the indirect income as well of people using Google services because of search.

Search is still an incredibly powerful and prolific part of Google’s business despite what they make focus on from the outside. Which is why it boggles my mind that they just let it go absolutely to shit. But on the other hand they make 162 billion a year from it so there’s the reason there’s 162 billion of them.

So I guess nothing changes even if Reddit goes dark on the search ability front of this Google probably just keeps limping along it’s not like anyone out there is competing. Bing maybe in the future there’s still some innovation that needs to happen there and they need to get the default power somehow. Duck duck go is the way but that’s still using Google search just with out as many tracking features built-in. on 08 Nov 2023 09:28 collapse

Switch off Google, how about that? on 07 Nov 2023 14:47 next collapse

If it were for me to decide, they would be down in hiding. Cause being up in arms would mean legs broken, and also fingers or their hands to prevent further use of computer keyboards and mice.

Also an abbreviation which is expanded into “search engine optimization” by the very fscking name means that they are ruining the Internet, or the Web as its part, more precisely. on 07 Nov 2023 15:41 next collapse

Wait till the HR world figures out their sole purpose is to protect corporations from actual human beings. God forbid they stop trying to pay people the least amount possible. on 07 Nov 2023 16:09 next collapse

The real question is: why do people misunderstand SEO? No matter what technology you are going to use, people are going to want to optimize it. Like a store front will optimize for the street it’s in.

A search engine crawls sites, ranks them based on keywords (and much more), and shows results based on a search quiry. No matter how it works, sites will find out how the system prioritizes A over B.

Then there are the users. Stop asking Google/whatever questions. It’s a search engine, so it’ll show content that asks the same. When did we stop searching for keywords about a certain topic to find out?

Sure, I’m lazy too. And ‘information pollution’ is a problem. But not SEO in and of itself. on 08 Nov 2023 07:27 next collapse

They are! on 08 Nov 2023 09:46 collapse

Well. they don’t like to hear that, Jan! /s on 08 Nov 2023 09:40 collapse

Don’t forget those ads on Twitter, Facebook, instagram, Youtube. They show you the product you viewed before, called re-targeting.