Study: Social media don't displace in-person hangouts for teens (
from to on 08 Apr 2024 17:14


threaded - newest on 08 Apr 2024 17:17 next collapse

Nature is healing. on 08 Apr 2024 18:12 collapse

Or, maybe it was never quite so bad as we all believed? There is no doubt that the internet and social media impacted all of our lives and routines drastically, but I think some of the impacts of social media are exaggerated by layfolk just reacting to how they feel about it. There are tons of great studies showing its impact to the mental state of children and we have to work on that, but I don’t think it has entirely uprooted the childhood experience. Just my two cents. on 08 Apr 2024 18:29 collapse

SUVs have done more to displace in person hangouts among kids than phones on 08 Apr 2024 18:36 collapse

My kids live within easy walking distance of most of their friends, but they don't hang out nearly as much as they want to because there's a stroad between them. on 08 Apr 2024 20:25 next collapse

Urbanism isn't just for hippies and LycraBros, it's also for anyone too young to drive a car on 10 Apr 2024 06:11 collapse

Or too poor. on 09 Apr 2024 07:17 collapse

Stroads are the hp printers of the infrastructure world. on 08 Apr 2024 17:23 next collapse

The age of consent in Norway is 16, so idk if you can apply the study to the US on 08 Apr 2024 17:58 next collapse

what…what the fuck does that have to do with anything? Are you saying teens who can legally fuck adults hang out out of the house more? on 08 Apr 2024 18:17 collapse

If a whole nation has lowered the age, then of course people using social media are going to be using it for that reason.

I’m saying you can’t compare cause the reasons a 16yo in Norway uses social media is going to be different than the way they use it in the US on 08 Apr 2024 18:40 collapse

My man they are fuckin no matter what and using social media for that. on 08 Apr 2024 18:20 next collapse

The age of consent varies across the US. I remember in NJ the age of consent was 16 with a 4 year Romeo and Juliet clause. on 08 Apr 2024 18:35 next collapse

There’s a lot to unpack in your comment, but I’ll just leave this here with 100% not creepy intentions:

Not all states are 18. Some are 16. Your comparison is irrelevant. on 08 Apr 2024 18:49 next collapse

You keyboard warriors loooooove reading into things and pulling context out of your ass.

Me: x=y

You people: x=
<img alt="" src=""> on 08 Apr 2024 22:50 next collapse

No, everyone is replying pretty reasonably to your stupid, stupid comment. on 08 Apr 2024 23:45 collapse

Dude just really wanted to talk about 16 year old’s doin the do. on 09 Apr 2024 00:35 collapse

lol. This is… Chad? Am I doing it right? on 08 Apr 2024 19:40 collapse

Not even “some,” it’s like half on 08 Apr 2024 18:42 next collapse

That has nothing to do with it. Most of the world has 16 as the age of consent, as do most US states.

The idea that in the US 18 is the age of consent comes from California-based film and television, the age of consent there is 18. on 08 Apr 2024 19:37 next collapse

Age of consent in the USA:


Not that I understand why it’s relevant to this discussion, but like half of states have it at 16. on 08 Apr 2024 19:44 collapse

If its on Wikipedia, it must be true! on 08 Apr 2024 22:49 next collapse

Yes, 99.9+% of the time stuff on Wikipedia is correct.

This info, for example, is accurate.

Are you claiming it isn’t…? on 09 Apr 2024 11:35 collapse

99.9? Are you that gullible? on 09 Apr 2024 23:48 collapse

Are you that ignorant? on 08 Apr 2024 23:29 collapse

You can look at their sources if you’d like. It’s all true. on 09 Apr 2024 12:48 collapse

<img alt="" src=""> on 08 Apr 2024 19:33 next collapse

Idk how much I can trust anything being posted by Reason tbh - it’s not exactly what I would call a respectable publication. on 08 Apr 2024 19:36 next collapse

Once again, the media taking a study and pushing a narrative with it.

From age 12 to 14 and 14–16 years, the interaction term between social media use and the intercept (i.e., overall level) of social anxiety was negative and significant, indicating that increased social media use forecasted a small decline in social skills among those with higher levels of social anxiety symptoms

So, there’s no overall relationship, except a negative one once you factor in an interaction term.

Theres also nothing here that says people who spend more time on social media are more mentally “healthy.” Just that they have more friends. Or do they use social media more because they have more friends? This isn’t some slam dunk for social media. on 08 Apr 2024 21:15 collapse

Also I didn’t see mentioned what apps. While some apps like WhatsApp and Signal(although no teen is using it) do increase in person meetings they are not the apps that people refer to when they cause social media of causing depression, anxiety, etc. These apps are YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, tik tok redit. Can’t really speak for myself as I’m an introvert and never really used anything other than YouTube but I do regret getting a smartphone . on 08 Apr 2024 21:26 next collapse

Even among the apps you list as higher risk, I’d imagine there are differences on 09 Apr 2024 05:54 collapse

I chose them since they offer user posts on 09 Apr 2024 07:16 collapse

Agreed. I use WhatsApp to coordinate a work / study group and the only notifications I receive are related to events hold in person or by zoom / meet. Nothing much past that. I had to go through loops to get rid of reddit and YouTube. on 09 Apr 2024 07:55 next collapse

I am not giving, those lolitarian pro student loan shitstains a click on 09 Apr 2024 11:22 collapse

Well, there’s a whole string of words I’ve never seen next to each other. on 10 Apr 2024 20:35 collapse

Pictured: Teenagers